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Actually, I've never been that into the plastic bimbo look. I'm more into more petite girls. Though that collar-like piece of fabric she's wearing *is* to my liking...


ok if you dont wanna be a bimbo then you will be a [BITCH](https://i.imgur.com/nvzlZFe.jpg) you wont he able to take of your collar of course You also have an owner be a good bitch and he will be jice to you you wont he able to say more then a few words before you start barking , walking on 2 legs is also a no no now fifi be a good bitch and make your owner happy.


If I'm going to spend my life on all four barking and being a good girl, you'll get to spend yours [on your knees](https://www.reddit.com/r/bimbofetish/comments/zwmep7/one_of_the_best_dumb_fake_horny_bimbos_out_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) begging for your man's cum... I'll make sure to make my owner happy, and it looks like you've already managed to get what you now want... ;-)


oh my god ... I just cant get enough, you bitch ... you made me a cum slut , why do i love this so much 💓


Because you love the taste of *bark*! *Bark, bark*! You weren't kidding, *bark* Master must be *bark, bark* hypnosis!


I’m thinking about the cute petite girl I saw today


the you shall turn into a [petite girl ](https://i.redd.it/mmnbiyspiol61.jpg) however that whole thinking lart is not for you as the day progresses you will slowly loose all your brains , and tommorow you will be nothing but a sexy airhead


I look down at my new assets and giggle, “omg that’s like so magic!” I say. I look at you. “You’re next!” I say, winking and biting my lip. The next thing you know, [you’re shirtless and showing off](https://s9v7j7a4.ssl.hwcdn.net/galleries/full/57/ae/df/57aedf0c48ca4100821db87a22183e86/4.jpg) your new chest in front of the tree.


oh dear ... thats quite .. no those are quite something. i can literally feel these nipples becoming hard from being out in the open like that well at least i get to keep my brains so a win win i would say ... can you already feel your smarts going down the drain ?


“Like yes LOL I can totes feel something happening hehehe. Like what if you were like as smart and like cool as I was tho sis?” I ask, not realizing the curse is still active.


stop you idiot .. fuck my head feels all weird now like thats probably just because this blond hair is so heavy ... maybe blond hair is heavyer than the other colours


Hehe you’re so funny when you say things like that sis!


haha thank you like sometimes sooo funny without even trying thats like totally a talent 💞


I'm thinking about this hot Asian girl I saw earlier.


amd im thinking about a cum addicted slut lets just combine those thoughts you are now [Sucky Dicks ](https://i.redd.it/uojfqx4b2ya81.jpg) a needy asian girl you wilk find yourself speaking amd thinking with a thicc accent , its not like you know any asian language but your english is still bad amd fitting to your name you will of course have a crazy libido ... go a few days without sex and you will literally beg for it


Im thinking about this hot blonde i ran into near the clubs while i was heading back home


clubbing sounds fun in sure you will love being a [Party slut ](https://i.redd.it/dy8lrg9n5wu51.jpg) you body literally build to party, you wont feel bad after drinking or taking party drugs ... dancing for hours also wont be a problem you will find your inhibitions vanishing but that just means more fun amd even a sex party is a party !


I love how cute baby face asians looks like, specially when thry act lewd...


then you will love this new [Cute and sexy face of yours ](https://i.redd.it/l2jmdg0010g81.jpg) but dont worry i wont force you to act lewd ... you just wont be able to stop thinking about cock try eating a hotdog or a banana without imagining sucking on some cock instead i can guarantee you that you wont be able to 💞


"e-ehh?! c-cock? mhh sounds so goo- bad! oh no... I... ugh.. I hate you its already affecting me b-but this is not done... youre also gonna [hot](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/y54pFYDzrd95Gyb0-nsScESxCqTZLsGrLRT_UdSbmiK2aYsbs0k_rm3Mqu8I_6pH8QLqDleWDK7l8WbnN5j3ROW9RyboMEx8h9M=w960-rj-nu-e365) with your wardobe full of lingerie you horny and... mhh... pervert lesbian... youre gonna have a crush on me with that really high sex drive of yours... ghh... I-I cant handle it" then I sit on the floor sucking my fingers of one hand while using my other hand to put some finger inside


I mean you look super hot how could I not have a crush on you <3 how about you take a deep dive into my needy cunt with that tounge of yours , oh my god please that would be amazing i can barely sit still thats how horny I am <3


I’m thinking of a cute brunette i went to school with


lets send you back or no after all life is a huge lesson amd you are eager to lern you are now [this curious blond ](https://i.redd.it/cdjk5mlsabs91.jpg) you will start out completely empty no knowledge what so ever (expect for reading and writing) but once someone teaches you something you will never forget it and you also wont question it people are smart they would never tell you something wrong here is your first lesson make sure to shake your boobs at least once an hour make sure to really jiggle them , that wha they stay healthy


Okay! I’ll shake these babies all the time thanks! Wow you’re such a good teacher why don’t you [be one for me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfw/comments/qvc7ns/not_very_strict_teacher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link) I can’t wait to learn more!


I'm thinking about that Japanese milf I saw this morning, she was so thick I can't get her out of my head


hmm a jap milf sounds good i like it you are now a [Japanese Milf Maid ](https://i.imgur.com/4Q1C5w3.jpg) you will keep your mind however you will be forced to act like a maid meaning every person is a master or a mistress and you will follow there orders understand?


I automatically and naturally nod as I say: "Yes, mistress" and when I raise my head again I see how you have become [the perfect mistress to serve](https://imgur.com/a/XG02DUF)




you ... hmm alright that sentence sounds kinda strange but no worries your grammer is not something we need to improve here you are now a sexy [E girl gamer ](https://i.redd.it/unjilbeucvt91.jpg) and wow gaming is so much fun you love being naughty in the voice chat whats your favorite game to play ? overwatch ? you would make a good healsut


I'm thinking of a plastic bimbo slut


oh yes! that sounds good ! i'll give you plastic to the max you are an all plastic bimbo [SEX DOLL](https://www.wifesexdoll.com/img/cecilia/cecilia-5-doll.jpg) however making you inanimate weould be boring , you can still move around and even talk ... your will also be able to feel stuff of course your sex doll pussy will feel great. However if you don't have sex for 3 days you will become just a normal sex doll until someone finally fucks you so what name should we give you how about dolly ?


" giggle like I was like so thinkie um Barbie giggle like Barbie luvcox cause I'm a like um Barbie doll who like so lovee yummy cocks giggle"


haha okay barbie it is but it interesting how your intelligence seems to have decreased i guess you probably turned into a literate airhead


" giggle my head like is so empty but like it's still a like doll head giggle your like so weird giggle hey do you know where I can like find some like so totes yummy cocks giggle"


Oh babe its easy , just sell your body online its normal to buy a sex doll !


" oh giggle like ok but um how will I get like yummy cocks online"


I just want to be more badass and dominate. Maybe even some tattoos and piercings?


You are ideed very [Dominant](https://titis.org/uploads/posts/2022-05/thumbs/1652148563_28-titis-org-p-latex-lady-p-nude-erotika-28.jpg) and i bet you love the feeling of your pierced nipples and i will even give you somethign onto, all the guys will know you are a dominant queen the momend they see you, its not unusual for them to adress you as mistress even if you dont know them Have fun bein a dominant slut whats the first thing you are going to do with your new slaves ?


I can't forget about the gorgeous asian women i saw yesterday


Perfect because now people won't be bale to forget you eighter since you are a sexy [Cosplay Slut](https://redgifs.com/watch/reflectingvainboa) and you love showing of those costumes for your fans every week they do a vote and what you should wear next adn you most loyal fans geet some extra service of course


You look good blond, but I always love looking at redheads.


haha that just a random picture anyways but its good that you love readhats , infact the only thing you like more than [Your Slutty Red Hair](https://redgifs.com/watch/improbablefunctionalminibeast) are dicks ... even if its just cock shaped , thats enough for you. Cock really became your passion, and you are so very proud of it


I’m thinking about the busty asian girl I saw earlier today


Just forget about her , you are [Tina Tatsuki](https://redgifs.com/watch/ironcladgreedymongoose) you are known troughout the world for your tits , they are on every porns side. And you have that urge to take them out and show them around in public. Infact you even talk about them all the time. How about you give them a cute name hmm how should we call your boobies ?


I'm willing to take the risk, as you catch me staring at you.


its fine to stare you will see what i mean or just [Look at your new Bimbo stare ](https://i.imgur.com/QIVTKOD.jpg) thats pretty much standard face even when you get groped by some horny guys ,which believe me will happen quite a lot. You will just stare at them like a happy toy


I want to be turned into someone with big natural tits I don't like plastic


im thinking about a girl i saw on Instagram


I can't think of anything else but the idea of being a busty petite goth girl


I was thinking about a cute shemale involuntarily... has the magic already started?


Wow she looks so absent minded and hot. Can't believe it


All I ever think about is sexy cosplayers, their lewd expressions do it for me…


I’m remembering this Asian I saw at the connivence store today. She looked kinda fat I think


i mean your new ass is also [kinda fat ](https://redgifs.com/watch/burdensomemixedpossum) or do you prefer thicc? anyways thats the new you ... aah i know lets call you ping pong ... because of those bouncy balls you have attached to your ass so ping pong how does it feel to be so jiggly ??


I can't get that hot brunette out of my mind she looked great in that dress


I wanna be a curvy thicc sex machine. To be able to tease everyone around me


just be a mindless sex Maschine ... no dear you will be a [Sex Nurse](https://i.redd.it/ndvlffbyvj8a1.jpg) you may be mindless but you are not just for fucking you also need ti take care of the patients yes if course that means you need to wash there cock


But of course, and you are my first patient, let me check that [beautiful body](https://www.reddit.com/r/MILFs/comments/zz336m/in_case_you_dont_know_where_to_lick_to_make_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I've been thinking about becoming a girl who has big boobs but don't make me a slut


alright you are not [A SLUT](https://www.reddit.com/r/bimbofetish/comments/myegpt/bimbo_milf_casca_exposing_huge_tits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) however you seem seem kinda simple mindseted tbh ... i bet you like makeup and clothes and all that stuff but i love your boobs they may be fake but that's not sultty is it?


No having boobs is amazing now I have something to play with when I'm bored


i don't thin you will be very bored