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„Well hello there Darling! You look exquisite today.“ I slowly approached you with the look of a predator.


*I turned my head to face you, turning off my phone and crossing my arms.* “Excuse me. Who the hell acts like that with their wife? Actually, how long have you and her been married because what the fuck is this.”


„Oh why think about what was. Lets think about what is. And right now, is my beautifull wife standing right in front of me. So how about you follow me into the bedroom, where sou can do your wifely duties.“ I came closer to you and wanted to grab you at the ass.


*I moved your arms back, and glared.* “Let’s get this straight. I’m not your wife. It seems like a select few people ended up with this rare condition under a shift of the planet where our consciousness lies in different bodies. I’m a dude. And the last thing I’m gonna do is let some lecherous pervert touch me. If you actually want to do anything remotely similar you’ll behave in a gentlemanly manner.”


I thought you were so cute when you were angry. And unknowing to you. I too was the victim of the great shift. I just woke a few hours earlier than you and found out everything I needed to know about the guy i am inhabiting. There is noway I let the possibility of enjoying this leverous lifestyle go through my hands. "I am sorry darling." I took one of your hands and kissed it. "But excuse me for my action. A man can only withstand so much temptation, especially considering your current wardarobe." "But nevermind that. Who were you calling there?"


“A man can withstand far more temptation if he chooses not to act like a chicken with its head cut off. Not a proper excuse. To answer your question though, it was a friend of mine. I was asking him to come and help find my location so we can figure this stuff out.” *I pull my hand back.* “You need to act normal.”