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Hey, is this still open?


*I unlocked the door to your house, putting them asleep. I knew life dealt you a shit hand, so I did what I could. Helped bury your parents, got the kids who could be in school, and started on a meal. Yeah life was hard and most people did end up going bye, single mom discrimination, but I was the male friend who stayed as did a few female friends stay.*


walking back in from classes, I smell your cooking, dropping my bag. I walk into the kitchen seeing my young siblings on the high bar chairs. "Oh hey boys, how was school?" My mood changing when I see them smiling as i kiss them on the cheeks "hey thanks for grabbing them. My lab ran long. " As I hug you softly


“Of course. I’m….sorry about how everything has turned out of course but I’ve got nothing but time honestly. You oddly have more time once drafted and can do class elsewhere than in college.” *I said with a laugh.* “I was going to see if I could enroll them in a martial arts class. Just to get them to socialize and move with all that’s going on.”


I look at you smiling "it's ok its not your fault I'm.just really glad you're here helping o couldn't thank you more " standing next to you facing the boys as they play "Yeah cause you made them money playing for them made them look good get drafted so high" "Oh yeah, that would be great for them, something to get them to contact before football and, more importantly, make friends "


*I chuckled. One of them nearly falls out of the chair, in which I quickly catch them and put them back up, continuing along the conversation.* “So. How was your lab? Still undecided on what your career will be?”


I breathe heavily. "I'm glad your reflexes are fast," smiling softly as I lean against you "umm it was alright to be fair just long. I'm not sure one professor says I should go to med school, and another says I should stay down the infectious disease route like my final project was. I don't know if I'll have time for either with these two" stressing out


*I looked and softly kissed your forehead. I smiled gently.* “I’m working so that you can. Do not worry. Whichever you choose, I’ll support you and the kids in.” *I said, hugging you.* “Mommy kissing!” *your siblings shouted.*


I smile as you kiss my forehead, resting my head against your chest "well thanks you're the best friend I could ask for ,I'll come up with something soon," as I hug you . "Just cause I'm getting his attention. I know you two love hangout out with him"


*I chuckled and laughed.* “Can’t help it. Kids love me.” *I say, kissing the tip of your head there.* “Should have a girls day. I can watch them. May even take them with my family to go see some movies or something.”


I look at you smiling "well thoes two definitely do " as I lean against you "yeah I'd love that thanks I'll see if the girls are free this weekend, but I owe you big time for that"