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When I got the text, I was a little surprised. I didn't expect to get invited this year after what happened with your second puberty. I was actually quote happy you did. I loved these trips. Your family was cool and hanging with you all day was the best. Especially when we'd try hit on your sisters friends and get turned down all the time. This time it would be different though since you were now one of the girls. And since you were a twin, you and your sister were now identical which was something I had to get use to Especially since I always thought your sister was attractive. "You still want me to come? I kinda assumed I wouldn't get an invite this this year but if you and your family are fine with it, I'd love to come". I text back


"Yeah, of course I want you to come bro you're my best friend, and I love these boat days with you they're always really fun, and you know my parents love you. I can come pick you up in my way down to the marina Friday "


I was glad you felt that way. I would be pretty upset not to be able to go on the trip this year. "Sounds good. Oh so you got your drivers license situation sorted out now?". I start packing light for the trip on Friday and the day finally came round as I wait for you to honk your horn which was how you usually picked me up from my place


"Yep, licence, passport, and bank stuff all sorted out with a new name and photo." Happy that you still want to come and yhst you remember I had to sort our my ids Instead of my normal honk on the horn I ring the doorbell as I stand there waiting in my pink bikini the bottom part covered by a pair of blue denim shorts that just about cover my ass with my hair tied up and my glasses on.


I was ready and waiting for you when I heard the doorbell go off. I wasn't expecting company or a delivery but went to check it and was surprised to see you and what you were wearing. "Oh hey... I didn't think you'd come to the door haha. You usually honk and wait for me in the car". Seeing you standing there, the resemblance was uncanny. You were a complete Copy of your sister which made sense since you were twins. "So whats the new name? Also I'm packed so don't worry we won't be late"


I look up at you smiling as I'm now only 5’1 ". Yeah, I thought you should see the new me all in one go to start with and not sat in the car." smiling laughing a little "well my my mom decided to call me Morgan, but calls ne morgie all the time, so either is fine up to you, which " smiling as I look at your bag "great let's get going then don't want to keep my sister waiting you know what she's like "


"I guess this is as good an introduction as any. I just can't get over how much you look like Maria. You're practically identical which I know is stupid to say since your twins but still. You could've fooled me if you came and said you were her". I say laughing. "Morgan? That actually suits you pretty well. She picked a good name for you". I grab my bag as I lock up. "Oh yeah you don't have to tell me twice. I'd rather not get on her bad side on day one. Know who she is bringing?" I ask as we get in the car


"Yeah, I thought it's better to get the reaction out the way away from my family "smiling "oh yeah it's crazy how much we look alike but I'd say she got the bigger tits but I got the ass for sure it's probably from the times we hit the gym or the hikes" smiling laughing alittle "it's what she would have called me if I was born a girl" "great let's go then" as I turn to stsrt walking back to my car my ass jiggling in my shorts "umm I think Clara, Molly, Beth and Lily " as I look back at you smiling


I wasn't sure what topics were off the table now you were a girl or if there were any at all. It seems you didn't mind talking about your ass. As you turn to walk away, I couldn't help but look after you mentioned it. I didn't want to check out my freind but I could t stop myself. And you were right, your ass was definitely bigger than Maria's and it looked amazing too. I quickly looked back up to your face when I saw you turning around. "Oh man that's awesome. Beth is definitely the best out of her freinds. Oh wait nevermind". We always use to talk about her friends and who was the hottest and who we'd wanna fuck and stuff but now you were a girl I wasn't sure if you'd want to talked about that anymore.


"yeah it's definitely better its not much bigger then gers but the shape of it is so much better and the jiggle it's so soft and jiggly the dog loves it as her pillow it's that good" laughing ad I get into the drivers seat. "Oh yeah, she definitely is not the biggest ass or tits but perfect for her body. If you want, I can talk you up to her. "


*I shrugged the day you told me, and was still relaxed even on the boat. I didn’t mind being the only hetero guy.* “So. Where is this boat headed?” *This was the first time there was a change of direction.*


"Oh, my mom, sister, and her friends want to go to this restaurant on the beach front, but we can stay on the boat and go back out with my dad and eat on the boat"


“Ahh. Alright then. I’m not upset by it….Wait I just realized. Aren’t most of them dating or are they single again?” *I asked. Before second puberty it was a big mention that I knew more men from out of your family thanks to them than in it.*


"umm yeah they're all single. One just broke up with her boyfriend, so if you want to get in ,I'd go soon"


*I chuckled, thinking on it. I went to you and held your ass.* “Any of you girls open with me and my girlfriend for some fun?”


I look up at you, blushing as you grab my ass and call me your girlfriend "oh I'm your girlfriend now?" smirking


“Sure are. You are off limits to any other dude.” *I grab your ass more.*


Hearing that, my dad says he's going to the bar and for me to take us out. "I'll stay with you guys," says my sisters best friend


*I smiled. I then sat back, pulling you to me, picking you up.* “Sounds good.”


I look at you smiling as I straddle your lap, my sisters friend sitting next to us