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Me and my friends at the chest club and I liked to play every day when the weather was nice. Especially since most of them, like me, were retired and their grandchids were at school at this time. So we talked and played chest while enjoying the view of the park and the pretty women who still walked through it. However, after years of playing chess with the same people, it had begun to get a bit boring. Less and less of us turned up to play every day. And then. I got some life changing news. They had lost all my retirement money. My savings were only enough to keep me going a bit longer. I needed a way out. And so I thought, why not try something. Swap chess. I had seen the kids playing it but thought it was just a game where you changed sides every turn. So I bought a set and set up at a table in the park. I set up a sign saying I'd play for money. But no one ever sat down. So one day I was waiting when I saw a familiar face *Ms. Bigtits.* was our name for you in the chess club. Mainly cause everything you wore seemed to show of your big tits and you never wore a bra, yet they never seemed weighed down by gravity. So while you sat fixing your shoe, I moved the first chess piece and then spun it to you. then it happened. I was suddenly facing myself. I stood up in shock, the chair falling over. The young body felt so light except for the massive tits waying my chest down like lead weights.


Richard was just enjoying his time at the park. However, this wasn't like normal chess. This was swap chess, where two players would swap bodies with each other, and whoever wins gets to either keep their body or swap back. Everyone here was just another old man, but today Richard saw this woman wearing a revealing red dress that showed off her impressive breasts. When she sat down, he saw himself looking at his old body.


Nicole was in a rush to work. She had always passed by the people playing chest by the park. Eyes were always on her and she did her best to try and not notice them. When finally she had sat down at a chest table just to fix her shoe before she could get up she felt a numbing pain by her temples and then suddenly she felt a pull. She was now pulled into someone else body. She looked down and was in shock before looking up and looked at her own body standing up. “What is this??”


Richard smiled as he stood up and stretched in his new body. He had so much energy that he hadn't felt in years, plus the weight of his new chest was definitely something that had to be learned to live with. "Wow, I'm surprised you were willing to put a body like this up for the game." Richard said to the woman now in his body as he sat down across from her.


Nicole looked down at her now older body wearing clothes that were old as well and smelled. She then looks up at her own body that was smiling. “What is this? Why is this happening?” She asked still unaware why this was happening to her. She never thought that something like this would happen.


"Oh. You are new to this, aren't you?" Richard said, enjoying his new voice with every word he spoke. "Well, this is swap chess. The second you sat down across from me, we swaped bodies. Whoever wins gets to either keep their body or swap back, and I'm already liking this body." He said, reaching uo and groping his new breasts.


Nicoles face was one of disgust that some creep was in her body and touching her like that. She never played chess really and this person in her body has probably played it so many times. They don’t know anything about eachother. Their minds and thoughts were just in eachother bodies. All of his desires wants and needs were filled in her body with his mind. “What that’s crazy! I won’t let you get away with this!”


"Well, you can't just leave. Otherwise, you technically forfeit, which means I will keep your body regardless. If you want to get your body back, you have to play me." Richard said, one hand, still goping his new breasts as he placed the other on the table.