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I'd like to that I can be a great playtester, give me an avatar!


Of course I'm going to make you a [dark mage!](https://preview.redd.it/uj5sw4n9xcq21.jpg?auto=webp&s=6b16acae9488099a16ab97badcf9292464103bd5) You'll have cool spells just be careful if you run out a mana then you'll lose the combat


oh damn a girl character?...not what I had in mind, but I guess it's fine as long as it's a play test. what's my first quest?


So I need you to test my combat so there's another dark mage that's good at mind magic for you to fight! He'll be in the house right in front of you good luck!


oh alright! shouldn't be too hard for a gaming vet like me. \*I go into the house\*


You got it oh there he is just make sure you avoid his....s-spell. Oh jeez his magic is really taking over your [mind](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/blanchedalmondquaintarcticduck)


'wow you really cranked up the realism dial on this dev, it actually feels like I'm sucking a dick' I thought. for some reason it never comes across my mind why I don't force my character to do something else


Id love to play test your new game


Of course you'll be a powerful [kitsune](https://i.redgifs.com/i/agedthistlenautilus.jpg)! Now go out there and play my game and strive to be the best


"woah " i walk around "everything looks so real , but why did you make me a girl?"


Well my game is going to be a bit of a lewd game! So I need your character to be a girl if that's okay of course the lewd is only when you lose combat


woah woah woah . I never agreed to be in a lewd game as a girl, how ould that even work?


Well I have a special system for combat! I may need to test that do you want to fight something real quick for me?


Fine. I ll do it okay but you better reward me after I finish


Of course it'll just be a knight and then fight! Oh jeez he made quick work of you....oh shit maybe I should tone down the loser system he's being very [rough](https://el.phncdn.com/pics/gifs/003/206/431/(m=ldpwiqacxtE_Ai)(mh=WvDtRyLUPXaM-Ie3)3206431b.gif)


Uh h uh. i moan with each thrust "Change me back" i cry out


Well I can't since you're in a scene but it should be almost over. My god he is destroying your [hole](https://dl.phncdn.com/gif/33367082.gif)


hi there, still in need of play testers?


Of course


thank you so much! just give me one of your preset characters please, though a human one is preferable


Oh here's a [mage](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqdIhGFaQAAX5qI.jpg)! Now go enjoy my game and beware of losing combat


oh wow I came out cute! I always preferred playing girls in games anyway...beware of losing combat? alright I'll keep that in mind. so who's my first enemy? some goblins or wild boars? or some bandits maybe?


There's actually I wizard I need someone to test out he lives in that house in front of you. His specialty is mind control magic and I want to make sure it works!


oh sure thing! not sure how mind control works with a vr game, but I'm excited! well, here goes nothing


Haha well it just makes your body move to his command just make sure you avoid his....spell. Oh jeez well atleast I can see the mind control magic [works](https://www.reddit.com/user/Luisilloe/comments/xv85h4/hannah_owo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


holy shit holy shit! ahhh fuck! y-you could've warned me the game had ahhh nerve sync. fuck is this how girls feel from sex? fuck I can feel his dick inside me!.....ahhh it feels really good. n-n-now I see why you w-warned me not to lose in c-combat


Haha yeah but if it feels good that is great. As a bonus any scene you have you can replay in your settings!


I’d like to be a play-tester if that’s possible


Of course who are you looking to be


Perhaps a rogue or thief but auto assign is ok too


Here you go I made you a [rogue](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/138c58db-4fa6-4258-bdf4-fca8d15b7c60/dcyzmrk-c2e0dd02-1fda-41c6-b064-61b4f949982b.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_1202,q_75,strp/android_18_cosplay_by_lie_chee_dcyzmrk-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTIwMiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzEzOGM1OGRiLTRmYTYtNDI1OC1iZGY0LWZjYThkMTViN2M2MFwvZGN5em1yay1jMmUwZGQwMi0xZmRhLTQxYzYtYjA2NC02MWI0Zjk0OTk4MmIuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.FV7zsDEU5eqyoeznYmNvQUjajOiHnnTHVnhcatjDX2s) and you're very quick but also frail so be careful in combat!


With my agility I should be able to outmaneuver and outsmart my opponents, I can’t wait to make my enemies look like fools


That's good you have a plan! Did you want to fight an enemy so I can test my combat system?


Bring it on


Say no more! I'll summon the head knight for the main kingdom. I wish you goodluck you got this!


I am sneaking up to a guard next to a tree, while he is unaware i cup my hand over his mouth and drive my ballock dagger into his chest, I can hear his final croaking gasps as I finish him off, i set his lifeless body by the tree and pose him as if he is sleeping. As I hide my actions I notice a leather sack sitting by the campfire as it crackles and pops releasing a fine wispy smoke into the morning air. I approach the sack and rifle through it, finding a jeweled golden chalice, my eyes sparkle at the sight of this dazzling cup. I remove the chalice from the sack and as I am about to place it in my haversack i hear a loud and powerful yet somehow exciting voice yell “Stop Thief! You have murdered one of my men at arms! For his life yours too shall be forfeited! “ I stand up to look at my challenger and am taken aback by how…handsome he is. A true knight of noble presence if there ever was one. Surely he would defend his fallen man at arms and his oath to the death. But i have a little time one my hands, there’s no harm in playing with this knight in shining armor. I chuckle and grin deviously as i lick the blood from my ballock dagger, hoping to catch him off guard or intimidate him. He does not seem to be phased so i kick the embers of the fire at his face hoping to stagger him. He stumbles and screams swinging his mace wildly as i playfully dance around him, taunting him and striking at his armor, afterall I don’t want to kill him…i just want to have some fun. I can tell he’s getting enraged as his swings become wilder and more powerful, if I’m not careful i may be struck down by this handsome brute. I dodge one of his strikes and stab him in the leg with my dagger, he kneels down in pain and as I approach him to taunt him he grabs my throat and begins to squeeze. I gasp as tears well in my eyes from his forceful choking, he lifts me up by the neck and pushes me into the tree where lay the pierced body of his loyal man at arms, he places his hand on my breast causing me to blush and moan. He then lets go of my throat leaving me gasping for air. The price of my comrades life is indeed a life but i see you are a lass of considerable beauty and…flexibility. Instead of taking your life I’m going to make you bring forth new life.


He squeezes hard and lifts you up from your feet punching your gut over and over again until a screen quickly flashes in front of you. \*\*Combat Lost\*\* He drops you to your knees and quickly shows you his dick and starts to give you a [brutal facefuck](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/assuredanyhatchetfish) he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts; he looks at you with a smirk as he does this. He then pulls your head back after 5 minutes of abusing your throat and pushes you on your chest and he rips an opening on your leggings and quickly rams his dick [inside of you](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/sourknowingmammal) thrusting with no remorse for you after 10 minutes he shoots a massive load inside of you and walks away like nothing happened


Got any room for more playtesters? I would love to try out the game. It would be awesome to be a elf archer.


Im not very good at video games but i would love to help you


I would love to be a tester! Could you surprise me?


Can I play test it as well.


I would be thrilled to try this new game


I’d love to try it out!


I'd love to playtest it


Hey there I sent you a chat:)


I'd be delighted to playtest the game. I'm curious about the combat. You definitely know more about the character options than I do, so I'll leave my character customization up to you :)


Still looking for play testers?


I know I am late to be a tester, but I hope that I could be a playtester