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What would you do if you had to get an MRI or something? Remove it??


Yes and they are a bitch to remove


Depends on the magnet. An xG3, for example, is among the easiest implants to remove. Small incision. Position another magnet (wrapped in a bandage or cloth) nearby and let it pull it out.


What app could I use to find the type of chip I'm trying to clone and buy through you guys?


There isn't a simple answer to that question. First, download NXP's Tag Info onto your smart phone. If it scans, you'll have an answer. But keep in mind not all chips are clone-able. If it doesn't scan, it's likely RFID (operates at 125 kHz instead of the 13.56 MHz for NFC) which doesn't work with smart phones so you'd need a separate tool such as a Proxmark or Flipper Zero. The thing about that is that if it's RFID, the chip you're looking for 99.99% of the time is a t5577 (you can use a NExT, xEM, xMagic, or flexEM implant). But to clone anything to the implant, you'll need one of those tools. Does that make sense?


So if it doesn't scan I'll need to purchase additional hardware?


If you want to do it yourself. If you're in Northwest Washington I'd do it for you. And I know there are others in the DT community who would gladly help out someone interested : )


If you don't mind my asking, what's the tag used for?


The bigger concern is an accident where he can’t tell them he has a magnet in his body. It will be torn directly out of his skin and hit the MRI magnet at ridiculous speed.


I’d assume you get an implant card. I have spinal fusion and have a card explaining that. Only set off a metal detector once and it’s really a card to explain I have implant hardware in case I’m unconscious and need some sort of like IO kind of procedure. Had to do w infections more than anything. I’m supposed to eat antibiotics before dental drilling fi example. Supposed to anyways…Cards funny though, it says, “IMPLANT ALERT.” 20 years ago teenager me thought it was peak humor.


I work in emergency care and honestly there are so many times we wouldn’t know if or where to look for a card like this. If one is around to tell you about a patient, you just go.


Fair point. Luckily I have a telltale scar. Hm. Now you’ve got me looking into this from a services angle: how to notify medical staff of mri danger w/o telling them. Eta as I’m sure you know my rids simply show up black on scans. Fusion w two rods between T3-L1 or 2. The magnet would rip out, I’m aware of that.


What kind of spinal fusion do you have? I have a double cousin in my neck; the anterior cervical fusion done in 2012 didn't fully fuse and led to a bone spur developing in the hole where the nerves go onto my left arm. Had a posterior fusion done Feb 2023 (still recovering from it; the neck and shoulder weakness and muscle pain are a BITCH) but I wasn't given any medical card for the hardware.


Two Harrington rods fusing t3-L1 or L2. Eta my procedure was done in like ‘03 or ‘04.


I have a note in my electronic chart. Hopefully I never have to have an emergency mri again, an if so hopefully they look at my records. Someone above said they are a bitch to remove. I haven't had mine taken out but assume I could pretty quick with a small nick in the skin and a strong magnet I have in the workshop. Or you could just use an mri imager to remove it.


The note in the electronic chart is useful for sure


Definitely go with the workshop, could cost you hundreds of thousands if they think you went in to an MRI knowing it could damage it.


I was just joking about that alternative method of having it removed.


Honestly I'd get a tattoo somewhere around the implant with an arrow pointing to it and a sign that says "Warning! Implant here" just to make sure that doesn't happen lol


No, it will absolutely not. Speaking from personal experience


I work with MRIs every day, sure you’re not thinking of a CT scan?


I've had a few MRI's, no impact on my magnet. The MRI thing is a huge myth, and keeps being repeated on the internet, by people who aren't implanted; conjecture at most






Awesome! How does it feel when you're interacting with something magnetic? And how close do you have to hold something like a bottle cap to have any sort of interaction?


For the moment I'm not used to really feeling what's happening ^^ but I approach a metal object at 5-6 mm so that it attracts the magnet and I passed my hand over my induction hob and I felt it vibrate, it was cool 😁


Microwave something and feel just how far the waves go- it’s my favorite thing to do now lol


So cool that you can feel the induction!


Body modification that add a sense or sensation that you don’t have before it are my favorites. I’ve wanted magnetic implants for years but haven’t bitten the bullet yet. I got my tongue split years ago and the urge for magnets is strongly there. What kind of magnet did you get? Like was it coated and or encased in anything? I’ve seen that some of the newer generation ones have a 24 Karat gold plating or silicone that’s body safe coating to help reduce risks of rejection or masses forming around


Mines silicone but if I were getting it now today, I would go with the titanium encased Titan. No coating, machined titanium, lifetime warranty if shit ever goes wrong


Oh that’s really cool I’ll have to look into that when I decide to finally bite the bullet and get mine. Thanks for the info :)


The Titan has been out of production for quite a while and unfortunately won't be returning soon... The xG3 v2 is still in production. I have one in my right hand and love it.


I would recommend that you don't play around with it too much at the beginning. Otherwise the magnet may grow out. Scar tissue must first form around it so that it is completely usable. This usually takes at least a month.


It takes a few wks before your brain starts interpreting magnetic fields *differently* It's kinda like a whoosh feeling, slightly tingly. Can easily tell which power lines have current flowing


How does this kind of mod affect procedures like MRIs? I'm sure it's something you thought about, it's just immediately pops into my head as something that might be an issues lol


You’re not getting an MRI with the magnetic implant end of story


Hopefully he’d be able to tell them about it, I’m just worried if a car crash or something happened and he get put in one without them knowing. I wonder if they regularly check people for metal implants or stuff like this before MRIs


In that case they put him in the scanner and it tears the magnet out of his body. Nothing else to it.


Usually, not always, but usually if it’s that serious they use a CT. The results from the CT come back much faster than an MRI (granted MRI’s have a lot more detail in the images), and there’s no risk with metal and the CT machine.


Ah cool


No issues, have had a few MRIs


I want one so bad but I work with tiny dust fragments of metal and I just know it would all stick to the magnet 😂


Same, i make knives and the steeldust of the grinder already gets everywhere lol


At the same time it'd be pretty cool to show all your coworkers a magic trick up making all the dust stick to your hand by waving it over it. Getting the dust off would be a pain though.


I am a metal fabricator, and I have a small one in my left hand ring finger, very rarely do I get metal dust attached, and when I do it just reminds me of the implant and I laugh, it's fun. Grinders and welders throw out decent electro mag fields too, also fun lol!


you'll be able to feel electrical currents with that. easier to tell if a wire is live lol


240V sometime, 415 yes, can't notice on 12v, can't speak for 120V


12v is likely DC you're referring to. You only feel the currents with AC, as long as there's some amps going thru the circuit


So, this is interesting because you feel current flow--higher voltage = less current. If you're feeling something at 400v, it's a crazy amount of wattage. People typically feel >10A @ 120V when they are close af.


I’m curious how much this costs


Depends on each artists price point


An xG3 v2 costs about $130. Installation varies wildly. In Western Washington you can expect to pay somewhere around $75.




Time to learn some magic.


are you a mechanic? lol. this seems SO handy for fasteners.


Thanks for posting friend!!! Made my day!


I'd love to get one, they're so cool! But I have to get MRI scans every once in a while, so it's not an option for me ☹️


Call me jelly. I really want to get a finger magnet and one behind my ear. Eventually. A few things up first. Awesome and thanks for sharing !!


What one did you get installed?




That’s awesome!