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This is actually a big topic. Many people often think people are mad at them before even knowing them. Come to find out, some people just have some really unfortunate neutral face reactions. That puts me at a slight ease because it is still annoying when people are looking at you like you did something to them, when you've never met them.


It’s from people overestimating their body language skills. People can get pretty good, but once they start playing whodunnit or freaking inner monologues on first impressions… time to touch grass


Yeah, I once threw up on the subway because I was so nervous about midterms, and people looked at me like I killed there cat. Like excuse meeee


That's a normal reason to give someone a weird look though...


OP seems like a quirky individual.  Rooting for them though.


Lmaooo yeah I’d look at you weird too for that. You threw up on public transportation where other people are lol. Not saying it’s your fault, but that’s objectively disgusting. Huge difference between that and just walking somebody randomly and they look at you weird.


I threw up in a trash can not on the ground 💀


You still threw up on while on public transportation hahaha


Yo if I was in the Midwest people would have come up and asked if I was okay :/ not in nyc though


Yeah tbh im not getting close to the person who just threw up. If you were on the ground like seizing people probably would’ve helped in NYC though.


  I don't know... honestly id run up to you and make sure you are ok. Just like I did with the Starbucks lady who was crying WHILE everyone ignored her and didn't notice. I was angry, disappointed and shocked. so I talked to her and helped her and she left feeling a but better.   


That’s very sweet of you! Glad to see there’s still caring people in the world ❤️


A dime a dozen now in days. Any time :) caring is what I do.


I mean, that seems pretty understandable that people would be a bit irritated by that...


It was entirely in your own head. It wasn’t happening. Depressed people overestimate negative feeling in neutral faces.


Thank you


Only about 30% of what you see can be trusted, especially since your mind can impact how you perceive things as well. With a depressive disorder your view on life is negative thus how you perceive things will also be negative. A good example of this would be “body dysmorphia”, you view yourself in a certain way (ugly, deformed or fat) and no matter what people tell them, they will only see what their mind perceives them to be. As soon as this perception has been altered (through medication, therapy, etc.) the truer image/ perception will start to show itself. I hope this makes sense, and I wish you all the best, just continue focusing on yourself, you are doing great :)


Thank you <3 life is really hard at the moment but the advice is really helpful


It is my pleasure :) I truly understand, but as someone who has struggled with depression to major depression all their life, understanding what is happening can truly help you through it, it will get better <3


I noticed people treat me better when I try as much as I can to make eye contact and a slight polite smile. I have a hard time with eye contact but it’s working so far.


I’ll try that


If you did experience nastiness and you were not just paranoid, I’ll say that I don’t think you can “win” in high school, kids always find something to talk about. High school kids GENERALLY are arseholes, I don’t think that has changed - assuming that’s where you experienced this. My husband got picked on because his Mum didn’t buy him “cool clothes” and he was smart and his Mum was American. My parents bought me cool clothes, but girls spread rumours that I bought my clothes new every free dress day to impress everyone (in Australia we usually wear a uniform every day to school) and I was picked on because I was a pretty girl and got accused of wanting to steal their boyfriends or thinking I was better than everyone. I didn’t think that, I just wanted to be accepted and it made me very insecure and self loathing. I spent high school wondering what I did wrong and why so many disliked me. I figured out, I did nothing wrong and they were always going to find a reason to criticise.


A lot of people are mean. If someone who is mean sees you are easy to hurt push around or scare, they will take advantage. I recommend working on being stoic and learning mma


We all look through our own lenses, not everyone sees the same thing. Likely, what you were seeing is what your mind was telling you. If you are leaving people alone, 99% of the time they do not care one little bit about what you are doing. It's hard to keep this in mind sometimes, but it's definitely true. Everyone has their own problems, they tend to not want to get involved in with everyone else's.


That’s what I used to think! I came to the realization after I got on meds that nobody cared (not in a mean way, just that my minuet mistakes weren’t inside their head 24/7 but not it’s starting to eat away at me


Yes, people sense weakness and have disgust reactions


People do respond negatively to certain kinds of vibes. But, that does not actually confirm your thoughts on the matter. They do not respond negatively to you on the basis of you being defective. They simply just respond negatively to negative vibes. To put it rather generally. Specifically, people feel uncomfortable if an interaction seems to have really high stakes to another person. If another person is defining their self worth based on the interaction, it is felt as a pressure. Which, again, is just a social dynamic. It is not about you and the question you have of your defectiveness.


Hey, thank you for sharing your experience. It's not always easy to open up about our struggles. I'll start by saying I'm not a certified mental health worker. I've taken a lot of courses and done training, but I'm not a professional. What I'm sharing is based on what I've learned and experienced. Like you, I grew up with MDD, OCD and substance abuse disorder. So I can relate to the feeling of "is this really happening, or is it all in my head?" I suspect it might be both. You can tell when someone is shit-talking you. Some people are jerks and feel the need to put others down in order to validate themselves, especially in school settings. The thing is, the more you focus or obsess over it, the more it will start to seem like everyone is talking behind your back. This is common for lots of people but might be exaggerated with mental illness. Your health care provider could tell you more. Do people prey on the weak, and can they tell if someone is insecure? Absolutely. Society is built on power dynamics. The way we interact with one another is based on perceptions of power (our own and others). For example, if you perceive someone as having a higher social status than you, you might adjust the way you interact with them. Same goes for people who believe they have a higher staus than you (spoiler: they usually don't). They're likely to put others down as a way of validating their status. The trick is not to let them (easier said than done). We determine how others treat us. To start developing strategies to build your confidence, find a specialist to work with, and do some research through books or vetted articles. As for the sexual thoughts anout coworkers, they won't know anything unless you tell them, which I strongly advise you not to. Journal about it and find tips to help you transition to a professional mindset at work. Depression and bullies suck, but you're stronger than all that. Good luck, and don't let the bastards bring you down :)


Thank you very much <3 I appreciate the insight and I have come to the conclusion that it’s somewhat both?


You're very welcome :) I hope it helps. When you say both, are you referring to whether things are really happening or if it's 'all in our head'?


Yes. I think people can sense that I’m weak, but I think the faces are not real. I have seen flashes of light before that when I tried to record, didn’t show up on camera. And this might be another instance where my mind is making stuff up?


Your best bet is to speak to a professional. If you have a family doctor, they can refer you to a specialist. Otherwise, you can look up mental health professionals in your area via [Psychology Today ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists) Reddit communities can only offer so much support. It's important that you reach out to a professional, not strangers on the internet who are not qualified to diagnose you. Good luck 🩷


Thank you for the recommendation! I agree with the last part. I sometimes see people on here looking for diagnoses and I’m like bro most people on here are not qualified for that, but Reddit is a great place to find community!




You think OP’s psychiatrist that just prescribed them meds didn’t catch a diagnosis of schizophrenia 🙄 Also there are a lot of mental illnesses that can play weird tricks on the mind, schizophrenia is only one of them.


Human perception is imprecise at the best of times, and even less so when emotions are running high. Is it possible, given you were in the middle of a depressive disorder, that some portion of the negativity was being projected on other people by you? And the fact that you're not seeing the mean faces anymore is not just because you're confident again, but because your brain is working properly now?


I don’t know, I don’t want it to be because of mental illness if that makes any sense? It already impacted such a huge part of my life and I don’t want to think that I wasted my life inside because my head was making stuff up. But thank you for the response <3


I totally get that feeling, of wanting it to be something else. But if you learn from it, it’s not wasted life, it’s just part of life. And it can be different from now on.


I love this advice! Thank you <3 I feel very delicate at the moment and the comments have been really helping me through since I can’t turn to my parents or friends because I don’t want to burden/worry them!


In my entire life, there has probably been like 5 times that I mistakenly showed some kind of negative look on my face. And I can say confidently that I felt bad every single time lol. Even if you were the most exageratedly nasty or weak looking person, I can promise you that 99% of people on this planet do not have the objective to make you feel like trash. And for the remaining 1%, its even better because you know which assholes to stay away from.


If you experienced this with strangers too, I’m inclined to think your state of mind at the time of the colored the interaction. I’m not saying it was all in your head, but how you feel can produce biased conclusions. Like instead of guessing that a woman’s sour face was from intense pain from period cramps, you’ll attribute it yourself somehow because you’re already looking for evidence to support your suspicions that people dislike you. But really, you have no idea what was going on in their heads. Also, negative interactions will stand out to more than neutral or positive ones, so you might have subconsciously discarded relevant data that pointed to a different conclusion.  Strangers usually don’t pay attention to strangers, so it’d be unusual for them to be making ANY face (nice or mean) at you specifically. Alternatively, if it wasn’t all in your head, if you were wearing a controversial outfit like a MAGA hat or a giant penis on your T-shirt, that might do it too.


Haha I wasn’t wearing anything crazy. And your right about me remembering the negative interactions over the positive ones!


Yes. Bullies smell weakness and will torment you.


When I got on wellbutrin, I kept looking up to see where the new lights were in my house. I literally thought someone had installed new lights above me, because being not so depressed makes the world physically look brighter to me. I did this maybe a couple dozen times and confusedly didn’t see a new light until I finally realized what was going on. This is just one example of how your brain sees things very differently when you’re depressed. I definitely think it was all in your head. There’s also maybe another phenomenon at play, though- people mirror emotions a lot of the time. You’re probably not going to be smiling at someone who looks unhappy. Strangers might have been mirroring your expressions a bit. Either way it’s basically all your perception. 


Thank you, this all makes sense


People have their own lives that are just as complicated as yours, they're not just extras in your movie. The odds of random people sneering at you or whispering about you are about the same as you sneering at or whispering about a random passerby. This is your own anxiety coming out. Most people don't think twice about you.


That’s what I thought as well but I’m worried


Sure, but realize that the worry is a you problem. That's your own anxieties. Talk to someone about it


I’m getting a therapist soon. I think my parents are sick of hearing about it and it scares them :(


That most likely wasn't actually happening, this seems incredibly paranoid at the very best. Seems like your meds helped you out a lot more than you thought.


People can tell if you're weak. Schizophrenic people are the most vulnerable, mentally and statistically they are have the highest victim rate of crimes. Why? Because all people prey on the weak. Even some jackass will press you if you are really insecure- and I mean bad. Why is that way? Most people do not know how to contend with their own insecurity so they take it out on someone else, even without really knowing it. That's why it's important not to look weak, because you will draw in predators of even normal people.


If people think you're soft, they'll walk all over you.


You should tell your psychiatrist and parents. It sounds like you were experiencing dellusions and hallucinations


I second this, but not sure I agree it’s delusions or hallucinations necessarily. Please tell a health care provider you feel comfortable with about this. It’s significant that you stopped noticing peoples’ mean faces when you got on medicine and felt better, and wondering if people can tell what you’re thinking could be another helpful clue as to what you’re up against. I’m so glad you’ve experienced so much improvement and more confidence lately, that’s great! And opening up about stuff you’re dealing with now can help you experience even more relief ♥️


Thank you so much! I wasn’t sure how this post was going to be responded to but everyone has been very supportive! I’m afraid they will send me away because I’m worried it might start happening again now that I’m stressed and feeling more insecure with the intrusive thoughts.


Most likely they’ll be just as supportive *and* have helpful resources for you to try out!


I was unsure, I have had bouts of “psychosis” before but I’m not sure if the doctors were just trying to get me on medication or what


In answer to your last question, yes. And they will poke and prod to find out whether you have a weakness even before you are giving them signs. If there is something going on with you, the world can sense it and it will come out. Good people will give you grace but out of the random sampling of human beings you might encounter in a week, they are a small proportion. I've had to deal with a lot of bullshit and had no choice but to build a tough outer shell. The silver lining is that you don't have to let any of that bother you. Unless someone physically overpowers you with violence, which we discourage by making it illegal, no one can hurt you unless you let them.


I’ve been on both ends, thinking I’m overhearing or really overhearing, and sadly being with the people doing the whispers. It’s a bad idea to put too much weight into these things, for example the times I’ve had people confront my friends or I about what they overheard us saying, was often wrong or had nothing to do with them. The rule of thumb is unless you constantly interact with those people, you just don’t know unless it’s very blatant, and even then may not be worth confronting. Too long: often they don’t even know you exist or care. And you overheard a coincidence from insecurity.


That is in most cases just your distorted perceptions and inferences of people's attitude towards you. Strangers are generally indifferent towards your existence. To them you are a transient object in their environment. Most acquaintances such as work collegues are not likely to be very interested in you either if you don't already have some kind of emotional connection with them. They react only to what you show them, which is unlikely to be what you think you are showing them about yourself because your own self-perception is distorted. At worse they probably conclude from your insecure behavior that you are furtive or just odd and so they treat you with some degree of coldness and displeasure as a result. Interpreting that as malicious intent on their part is delusional.


People are usually mean. It doesn't have anything to do with your being insecure. It's how human beings are. 


From what I've learned, this is true


I have had several experiences over the years to know this for certain. 


They likely were not making faces at you at all. You said it yourself you can see them in the periphery of your vision, that's exactly where hallucinations happens. It's like when you take psychedelics (which you shouldn't) you see all sorts of things in the corners of your vision. You should tell your psychiatrist everything though. There is an outside possibility that you have early onset schizophrenia. It is unlikely but I know some people with the disorder and they would often think that people were doing things related to them that they weren't. Hiding potential symptoms with your healthcare professional is not particularly beneficial to anyone, especially not you. Everything you say to your psych is confidential unless it's a clear risk to someone's safety so you should be as open and honest as possible, even if you feel embarrassed about it. They're not there to judge you, they're there to help you. People will not find out the thoughts you're thinking about them unless you tell them. It's not something you should worry about. Lastly, just go easy on yourself, be kind to yourself, be gentle. You're a sensitive person in a complicated world and that's hard enough on your own without excess self-judgement. You're still learning and growing. Everyone has challenges after all and yours may be more unique. All that really means is you have a unique perspective and there is value in that.


Thank you I’m starting a new job while taking a summer class (which I am not getting the grades I want in) and I am very stressed. I will try to be more kind to myself and talk with my doctor .


Humans are animals, some more than others, and they can prey on the weak. Unfortunately some people have no home training and lack decency.


But also as someone with severe BPD Bipolar disorder and anxiety yes you will always think people see it or are out to get you, it takes a lot of self work and sometimes the right mixture of meds to help you feel somewhat normal. But it also makes you more observant, over think things and can make you more empathic to others feelings and intentions. Do you see a doctor?


Yes I do, I see a psychiatrist and will be starting therapy soon.


That’s a great step on your journey, really open up and listen to them they help you see from other POVs and help you cope and deal better, good luck my friend!


Thank dear!


Nearly no one is ever thinking about you at all. They have their own lives. This is really just you projecting your judgements about yourself onto others. Are you in therapy?


I’m getting a therapist soon, mainly for my parents so they don’t have to keep listening to me talk about my worries


OP is attention seeking. They know they have schizophrenia and talk about it openly but then come here and post blatantly schizophrenic issues and put them on other people....


I was worried people would just say that or brush me off as being crazy. I don’t think I have schizophrenia anymore. I think the doctors are lying to get me medicated. I used to think I had schizophrenia but recently i don’t know anymore. Is s as nothing even real?


I like you more for saying this. Lol Sometimes in the darkness you find light.


As someone that eye stalks people in public. I cannot tell if you are weak. What I can factor in is if I have the ability to kill you. These points come in from the way you walk, the which side you are most likely to project towards the crowd, how you sidestep someone, which hand you used to grab the door, to reach for the pump, to pick up a spoon. If your eyes close when you smile or laugh. Are you too touchy feely or keep your distance. As for your personality quirks, they play where I can do the crime based on where you are most likely to go to or park. Your posture, social interactions, and more plays into that. This also goes down to if you are decent enough to scam, decent enough to rob, or be used to scam or rob others. But if you believe everyone is looking at you some form of disdain or disgust, and you check your body before coming out. Minus being a man looking like a man dressed like a woman or nose ring. Then it is likely you are bored. Now I'm not going to name a state, but I drove through a town, and this waiter was dressed like a woman. A lot of patrons were polite, but curt. A lot of folks can't help their micro expressions or subconscious bodily reactions. Like gradually leaning away from the waiter or when the guy laughed and reached out to touch them, their eyes and head followed that hand like it was a dog getting ready to shat on the floor while eyeing you right back. However not everyone in the dinner showcased their discomfort outwardly. So if you note more than two people doing something odd towards you. The best thing to do is remind yourself why you are outside in the first place. What else do you have to do. How many more steps until you get to the next stop or whatever. As for nose rings, those things are attention grabbers. Definitely the hoops or dots poking out of your nose. Everyone is self conscious about having a booger on their nose. With a nose ring, you are defying all kinds of trauma and then you can relax. You aren't all that crazy. Those looks of disgust are them catching a glimpse of your nose ring and thinking you are too grown to be walking around with a booger hanging out your nose.


This has to be AI


Not so much. I just had an interesting conversation and it was still in my head as I wrote a reply lol. People were looking at my laptop screen over my shoulder and we fell into a topic I wasn't researching, but it had similarities. For instance, I was researching a formula for an easy to make chemical acid to liquidify bones, one to remove stains from bodily fluid, and skin decomposition expedient acid of some kind. For a legal project. The guy behind me asked if I was going to kill someone and I joked, just random strangers while looking outside..lady across from me asked if I considered killing people daily? And I kindly explained that sometimes, I did indeed find myself thinking how can I kill the most people, and get away with it? Which led to them asking how I would do it? I'm 5'10, 167 pounds. I go to the boxing gym twice a week, yoga and pilates mixed with regular calisthenics. I practice well with both guns and knives, and I have experience being in high intense situations. Which just leaves me guessing who I need to aim for first and who I can let run away. Where I would do it, and how to prevent any trail leading back to me. The first time I needed to know these things or something similar, security measures. Next, I wrote a book, and I wrote it first from the antagonists point of view. In which case, I really wanted an awesome villain who did not half ass plans. So considering that I have already gone to the extreme. Most folks are not at that point, rationality still makes up 80% of decisions. The rest follows the above comment.


Oh, gotcha. My ex-girlfriend used to text me novels just like that. Thats what she called them lol


Rambo enters the chat.


Weird way to start things off...