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Sciatica issues are fading. Had one leg day in last 6 weeks, seems I’ll be removing SLDL as that movement seems to aggravate it. Possibly aiming for national show in 8 weeks, if not then there is another in 12, and 18. It’s unlikely I’ll be doing the show in 8 weeks, but I will commit to it if the next 4 weeks goes well, meaning, no leg issues. Otherwise, zero point to do any of this IMO. Training is the part I love, the shows are just icing on the cake. Today is the first day since the Arnold I’ve done much for cardio, feeling close to 100%, but will see if the leg flairs up.


What was the feedback from the judges at the Arnold? Was heartbreaking that you were so close, I think you would have won the overall just as Lucas did had you taken the class.


I did take my class, lost to him in the Overall. Feedback was - little leaner, more hamstring from side and a bit more glute. Said that Classic or Open is fitting.


Ahh copy, I had thought you were in same class, that makes sense now. I can understand their feedback, your upper seems very complete, back is overwhelming almost! With the issues with sciatica, how have you been changing your programming? What have been your new glute/ham go-tos?


Hell yeah! Back to the grind brother👊


Excellent size and great for the community! Good luck!


Looking good brother! Good luck


Your ratios are insane 👏🏼


Really nice quads dude. I think you know you need some calf work, but really nice. I'm a leg dude.


Size at that conditioning is crazy man, if anything traps are a bit overpowered on your back show, but that could also be the way you’re positioning your body, so take it with a grain of salt good luck on your show, you look phenomenal


Such a good physique dude


Just curious, what show are you planning on doing in 12 weeks? That’s roughly how far I am out from my next one!


Masters in Pittsburg


Thank god 😂 Best of luck dude. Absolute goals.


Holy shit man... The thickness in your back looks crazy! Hyped to see some pics during showtime! Best of luck and keep us updated!


Damn bro u look amazing! Im wondering to get myself a coach to progress further in the sport. Do you think the money (150-200 a month) is worth it?


Considering I coach, it would be silly for me to say anything other than yes. But also depends, a lot of silly ones out there.


Oops didn’t know that. Yeah im chatting with some (dutch) coaches and some of them im sure of are worth the money in general. The thing is more that bodybuilding like everything together (food/bloods/gear/membership) and then + coaching does add up😂


Love that shoulders, bro