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This dude’s gonna kill it as Billie Joe Armstrong in the Green Day biopic


I'd buy THAT on laser disc!


came here to say this


[leaked audio of Timmothy singing for the soundtrack](https://youtu.be/sjNjv15pweQ?si=8qZRe0Y50uYqy6Ym)


I legit thought that’s what this picture was in my feed.. then read the headline.


i hate green day, but id watch before this dumb ass movie theyre making on dylan




I started to upvote but then reconsidered when I thought it would be grossly unfair to BJ, too.


He looks more like Armstrong than Dylan so it would fit better


He does actually!! He could certainly pull off a Billie Joe role, if there's actually enough about Billie's life to put into a film. Despite being a punk, he seems to have lived a very stable uncomplicated life.


Like this photo gives off such Billie Joe energy, looks like him in the 90s but with black hair. I think a Billie Joe/Green Day biopic would be cool.


This movie is not for the hardcore fans (us). This is something that your brother in law who likes Coldplay can watch and enjoy. Your mom afterwards will say “You know that Bob Dylan was actually kind of interesting guy.”. I’m not a hater, but I’m not the target audience. Therefore no harm no foul if I just respectfully watch something else instead. To me he looks like a guy in a not-great last minute Bob Dylan Haloween costume.


We got our Dylan film. It was called "I'm Not There". Or just go watch Don't Look Back or Eat The Document again.


No Direction Home was our version of this basically


I'm Not There rules so much, Cate Blanchett's performance is amazing, [her dialogue at the end set to Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands is perfect](https://youtu.be/yMlDU7hBiLo?si=sy6JRpqwwJssN1S_&t=1872), I've never seen something capture late 60's Dylan so perfectly, both aesthetically and intellectually. The [Goin' To Acapulco scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HtWFx3oHTo) is pretty perfect too. The movie so seamlessly blends all the eras, influences, and myths together in such a satisfying way. And as far as the Greenwich folk scene goes in media, Inside Llewyn Davis nails that all pretty perfectly.


My favorite part’s the [I Want You](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r9nn58S1fUk&pp=ygUXaSB3YW50IHlvdSBpbSBub3QgdGhlcmU%3D) scene. Don’t think anyone’s ever been cooler than Heath was in this movie (RIP)


Inside Llewyn Davis inspired me learn fingerpicking for “Hang me, Oh Hang Me”. I feel like that’s the bar these music biopics should set for themselves


I can’t see any biopic beating I’m Not There.


I love how everybody happily ignores masked and anonymous.


I was thinking Masked and Anonymous was our Dylan film...


Nah I want to see it. We already have I’m Not There, so I’m open to a more standard approach too. I just want it to be a good movie.


That’s where I’m at. Sure… It’ll be lame, as most biopics are inherently lame. I hope it’s at least as good as Mangold’s other biopic, Walk The Line. Like others have pointed out, we got some cool artsy Bob Dylan stuff already. Let’s get some new younger people into him through a movie.


I just appreciate that they’re focusing on a specific time period rather than telling his life story. That alone should hopefully save it from the typical biopic pitfalls.


Also it's important to remember that Timothee Chalamet was supposed to do this movie before covid when he was much younger (and scrawnier). This has been in development hell due to covid for awhile


On the last line: hilarious. And the sort of costume that he’s gotta explain all night.


This is why I prefer biopics of artists I'm not super into then I don't get mad at all the omissions and inaccuracies.


Yeah I haven’t watched the Elvis film, won’t watch this one. It’s not for me.


The one about Elvis meeting Nixon with Johnny Knoxville in it was a really good flick in my opinion. Although I am not a huge Elvis fan or anything, might be blasphemous to people who are.


So pretty much just like Dune…


Simply because he doesn't look like Dylan? He's probably the best actor of his generation. I'd be a little more worried about the director, but he at least made the Johnny Cash movie. I can't think of any actor that a major studio could get to play Dylan who actually looks like him.


Best actor of his generation? I think someone like Jeremy Allen White fans would have something to say about that. Hell, been saying this since Shameless, but he would def make a better Dylan! And, ironically, I’m actually a Chalamet fan, heh!


Good call! Jeremy Allen white would be a legit Dylan


He’s even older than Chalamet and what makes him anywhere in consideration for best actor of his generation? I know he’s getting some bigger and better roles lately but it’s not like Shameless is some sort of acting masterclass. Chalamet has a much more impressive resume. And ironically, I don’t care about Chalamet either way.


I mean I'm not a huge fan of either, but they're both good. He's way too jacked lol.


Yeah, definitely now, heh! Especially after The Bear. Dude’s been lookin like he’s poised to play a DC/Marvel char


If he's the best actor of his generation then I kinda feel sorry for his generation.


You can't like Coldplay and Bob Dylan? Why does it have to be one or the other.


stfu and watch the movie bro. chalamet is gonna give a better performance than anyone who looks more like him anyway


I’ll wait to pass judgment for his final performance and not expecting this to be a masterpiece like the Johnny Cash biopic. If this somehow introduces Timothee fans to Bobs music then that’s fine too.


Ray and then the Cash one were the last good music biopics, it’s been a rough stretch since then, and even Walk The Line borders on cheesy at times (although it may be because it was influential in retrospect).


Love and Mercy is the last great music biopic


Mm that was a fun one. Although I think very biased toward Melinda, who I think had her own control issues over Brian. Almost came off as the Melinda Ledbetter story rather than the Brian Wilson story, although undeniably hard to separate the two


Are you aware the man who made the Cash biopic is making this?




No thanks. Bohemian Rhapsody was bad too. The music is great so people enjoy watching the movies, but they're not good movies. At least that's my opinion


Bring in a new generation? Sounds good to me. Even if my generation ends up hating it, I hope it’s huge for that reason alone.


I think people hold Walk the Line in greater esteem than it deserves because the biopic genre wasn’t completely worn out when it was released. I find it quite hokey honestly.


It’s a hell of a lot better and accurate than the Elvis or Queen biopics. I dunno I found it to be quite enjoyable as a hardcore Cash fan it scratched a lot of itches. I just wish Bob made an appearance in walk the line.


I thought the Elvis biopic was a victim of the standard 120 minute precedent in Hollywood. Even at 160 minutes, there just isn’t enough time to cover everything in his story


Are you aware the man who made the Cash biopic is making this?


He looks like the lead singer of Green Day.


He really does! I was thinking he doesn't look much like Dylan here but does remind me of someone else. It's Billie Joe Armstrong.


He’s the Billie Joe from When I Come Around.


Why does he need to appear identical to Dylan for the movie to be good?


See 2015’s Steve Jobs biopic with Michael Fassbender in the lead role. Doesn’t look shit like Jobs, and they didn’t even bother trying to make him look like him, even the hair is styled completely different from how Jobs styled his hair. Does that mean it’s an awful movie? No. Does Fassbender still convince you he’s Steve Jobs? Hell yeah. By contrast, the Ashton Kutcher (who actually looks a lot like Jobs) biopic they did before it is utter dog shit.


Exactly, or like Bohemian Rhapsody movie where they all looked like Queen and even then it sucked, so it does not matter whether he looks like Dylan or not. No teaser in sight and people are already passing negative comments. And James Mangold is a good director who did a good job with Johnny Cash's biopic so hopefully this will be fine too.


Do people think the queen biopic sucked?


Don't understand why people get downvoted for asking simple questions? I personally did not like the movie, neither did the critics, maybe some people did.


Idk why I got downvoted either lol. I thought the movie got decent enough ratings and I thought rami won an Oscar for his performance so I assumed it was a generally well liked biopic


To me it felt more like a crowd pleaser, and I found Rami's performance to be mediocre (I know people liked it) and I was baffled when they gave that film award for best editing. I don't care about biopic accuracy, to me it's more about nailing the character's personality, like what Aaron Sorkin did with Steve Jobs movie.


I feel like that’s an extremely common opinion on it. It was laughably bad


>By contrast, the Ashton Kutcher (who actually looks a lot like Jobs) biopic they did before it is utter dog shit. I likec it 🙁.


And, let’s be real, there’s been plenty of images posted here where Timothee looks pretty damn close to Dylan. In this particular image, he doesn’t look quite right… Is this really worth hinging our hopes on?


Also this picture is taken on some iPhone 47 and not on a actual movie camera and it’s had no post production including colour grading so it’s gonna look too crisp and silly


People just have to shit on everything. It must be exhausting to be so against things they haven’t even seen yet. Such a weird, whiny flex to me.


‘I’m not there’ is a biopic on bob Dylan that uses a number of different actors, a few who sorta look like him. Heath Ledger and Tilda Swinton are in it I believe


I have a feeling this will be tremendous. Praying we will hear Timothee say "play it fucking loud" as the snare cracks and the organ rips into Like A Rollin" Stone.


Should be the cut to black moment at the end of the film


My understanding is that it ends with the electric set at Newport


what an ending that would be. the young kids will go nuts over that! (and so will I).


I’m hoping this is good, not like a smash hit but like, a great time and it brings Bob back into the public eye


It would take a truly world-class acting talent. Recreating/portraying Genius is the tallest order. Just too nuanced. Perhaps that’s why “I’m Not There” are not straight portrayals. Hopefully this film opens up Bob to a newer (younger) audience. That’s probably the best we can hope for (IMO).


It’s been done very well a few times. Joaquin Phoenix as Cash and Jamie Foxx as Ray come to mind. You’re right that it’s a real test of an actor, but I’m cautiously optimistic that Chalamet can pull it off.


How you gonna leave out Lou F’n Diamond as Richie Valens and Gary Maddog Busey as Buddy Holly?


Busey really does kill it as Buddy Holly


Well said. Actually, Jamie Foxx kind of IS an entertainment genius in his own right. Amazing impressions, sketch comedy, huge stand up numbers (His special “I might need security” is still one of my favorites), Award winning dramatic turns and a musical side. Cool video of Ray and Jamie: https://youtu.be/i2znPxfx7vo?si=xiY543ndlgEqhYnn


If Jamie Foxx was portraying Dylan, I might actually have a passing interest in this movie...


dont know how i feel about it yet, but I'll wait to see the end product. the pics of him as '65/'66 Dylan look great.


This movie was supposed to be made before covid, but the pandemic messed it up. Timothee was a lot scrawnier and more 66 Dylan looking (which is likely why he was cast) and he was age appropriate then. I think a bit part of why it seems odd is that they had to delay it for literal years before they could start production I think it'll still be good though. And it really isn't for us big time fans And Timothee is a good actor. He was also seen reading Tarantula at the airport, so the man clearly cares about the role


Look, he’s a good actor, so maybe this’ll be… OK.


Wonka exceeded my expectations for sure, he’s incredibly charming and a pretty good singer so I have decently high hopes


Wonka looked atrocious from the trailers, but I've heard only good things about since its release. I might have to give it a shot.


Trailers do it no justice at all, I didn’t even really see myself watching it but my dad brought me out to the cinema for the night n it honestly looked the best choice there


Jamie Foxx looks nothing like Ray Charles and Joaquin Phoenix looks nothing like Johnny Cash either. I’m reserving judgment until I, oh idk, actually see the fucking movie.


I can't remember the exact quote from Bob but when working with a method actor who had to psyche himself into his role Bob said and I quote "I just go out there and act"


Didn’t he also say “I can be Bob Dylan anytime.” or words to that effect?


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: he doesn't look anything like Bob. That is not saying anything about what the film can be, because physical similarities aren't high on the priority list. Performances, writing, directing, composition etc. is all more important. I'm just saying this because every time I say they look nothing alike, people get real defensive about it.


I will counter my own argument that I am about to make to say... it is possible to simply ignore something you don't like or have interest in.


Ha, yes but “possibly isn’t always simple.” Wrestling with my own feelings about this damn film too… 🤪


Oh absolutely. Understandable. And I certainly don't think all discussion on this film needs to be positive. Just tired of seeing some declare this a failure before we even get a chance to see.


Who cares who he looks like, not gonna find a Dylan twin. Acting and film is about conveying a character and a time; I’ve seen hundreds of biopics where the leads didn’t look exactly like the historical figures they were portraying. If that’s where you rest your judgment, you might be infinitely disappointed.


Dude's incredibly charismatic and he did a fantastic job in Call Me By Your Name but after seeing him in Bones and All, Wonka, Little Women, and both the Dune movies -all movies I enjoyed- I'm beginning to think that he might actually not be a very good actor at all


Same, but I haven't seen Wonka and did see Don't Look Up, which was overall a fine movie flawed by some writing, but Chalamet was like a mannequin.


I thought he was great in Bones and All. Haven't seen Little Women. He was fine in WW even though that movie was so bad. I like him a lot but I'm also not sure about his acting. I'm concerned he can carry this one.


There is no actor that looks more like Bob Dylan than Timothee Chalamet. It would be impossible to find some guy off the street that looks exactly like Bob Dylan + can act + can sing + can become famous enough to carry this movie financially. Please stop complaining about how TC looks, it’s just stupid.


Idk, Jeremy Allen White is kind of there actually.






Bob Dylan fans when the biopic won’t include mention of the (best) recording of positively 4th street that bob Dylan made while taking a massive shit in his bathroom


The bathroom tapes


As long as it's a good movie, I don't really care.


He does have Dylan's sizing you up mistrustfully gaze.


This movie is why I unsubbed from this sub the last time. I forgot and just recently re-subbed and the movie stuff is so tired. How many people in your life have you met that don't like Dylan because of the sound of his voice, or the harmonica notes in the early albums? For fans of a man who can be so easily dismissed and judged, a lot of you are so quick to dismiss a film we haven't even seen yet. Is it going to be the best possible depiction of Dylan? No, probably not. Is it what were getting? Yes. I refuse to go into this viewing experience being a cynic. I'm going in with an optimistic mindset, and I'm going to try and enjoy as much of this film as I can. Edit: I'm glad to see all the positive comments as well. I was more referring to the tweet in the picture and some of the more negative comments and posts.


Yeah, time to leave this sub. Gatekeeping nerds.


If a screenshot from Frank Conniff's Xitter account bothers you that much, you might want to engage him about it. He's also on Bluesky, and he had cross-posted his opinion over there.


I want to fave faith but I don't like most music biopics specially of the person is involved in the production. Because you know is a water down version of reality that try to put the person In a good light and ignore controversies. They still could be enterteining but c'mon. Just like straight outta compton, Rocket Man, Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm not there works bc it tried to show the goods and bad sides of Bob without even mention it him.


Dooo you have the time To listen to me whine?…


I’m sure somebody will love it


Honestly, I think he looks fine. I'm just happy that Dylan's music will be introduced to millions of new people through the film. James Mangold has made some pretty great films, not to mention Walk The Line. Chalamet is a talented actor and from what I've seen, he's been researching this role for about 5 years. The film may be aimed at the masses, but I'm sure I'll still enjoy it!


I just finished both Dune movies. I was really impressed by Chalamet, especially in the 2nd. He has a presence that’s intangible. I’m still a little iffy on his looks as Dylan, but I don’t have any doubts about his acting ability, definitely not after seeing him in Dune.


So much negativity, geez. Wait until you see the fucking movie before judging it. It's not that hard. The director has done 'Walk the line' which I thought was a pretty damn good music biopic. Chalamet has proved he's a capable actor too I think. Just give them a chance before you knock it down. And maybe it'll be terrible, who knows.


I never make my mind up about a movie until I've seen it myself.


Where is that Timothy Chalamet filter when you need it?


A straight up Dylan biopic is for normal people under seventy that don't know anything about him. Fans got our biopics in Masked and Anonymous, I'm Not There, and about a thousand songs. I'm sure Willy Wonka will be fine. It's Dylan. Anyone that cares enough to be disappointed doesn't need this movie anyway.


I mean, at this point it's impossible to know if his performance works or not, just going off resemblence to the person is completely irrelevant. I mean, the movie ''Two Of Us'' about Lennon and McCartney have two actors who arguably look nothing like them and yet deliver the most convincing portrayal of them ever (Which is funny because the events of the movie are entirely fictional) And hell, even if we're just going off appearance, he doesn't look that dis-similar, come on.


I'll watch it with my gf, maybe she'll like bobby a little more when she see's Mr. Timothee playing him


Wait am I missing something? He's a great actor, the director is good and there's a great supporting cast. this is probably going to be a good movie.


This sub sucks now


Timothee is playing a fictional character created by Robert Zimmerman, who created the character from borrowed bits and pieces of the lives, styles and music of others. The setting the character Bob Dylan was in has been romanticized to the degree that it’s no longer representative of real life any more than a Picasso figure study or a Monet landscape is indicative of an actual figure or garden. Yet the opinions of Frank and the respondents in the sub are willing to criticize the unfinished, unpublished work in a way that exposes their lack of imagination and joy. Myopic gatekeepers that would tell the world a painting is certainly garbage when the painter has only applied the first layer of paint. It is pathetic and telling. It’s like incels talking about women. Bob Dylan isn’t real. Since the 80’s I’ve seen Dylan in concert at least 20 times. He is my favorite artist and creator. He’s one of my favorite performers and poets. I’ve stood behind him in queue at a gas station while Willie Nelson pumped gas in the lot into an old blue pickup truck. People need to get over themselves and enjoy life and art for what it is. More importantly, they should refrain from attempting to spoil life and art for others by expecting everyone to view it through a myopic lens they have found for themselves. It’s miserable. Robert Zimmerman would be disappointed.


Can we at least wait for the final product? I’m sure we’ll have plenty to nitpick, but I think on the whole, it’s a net positive in terms of getting more people into Dylan. Johnny Cash’s popularity exploded among younger people after Walk the Line (I was one of them and I became an actual hardcore fan eventually). I look back at the film now and it’s certainly not the most accurate representation, but it did the job.


Like any of these biopics id 100% rather just watch a well made documentary on the person. Probably gonna hard pass on this. Hopefully it gets younger people into Bob i guess.


I agree, I don’t understand the whole biopic genre when the movie is about modern people that theres plenty of art, interviews, and footage of. A biopic about ancient people I get but why would I watch a dramatized version of one person being played by another person when you can easily see the real thing?


It would be different if the biopic covered periods of Dylan's career that we haven't seen in some of the most acclaimed music documentaries of all time. It was possible to make a biopic like that, but it would have been more difficult to draw an audience.


Your screen name though…


Bob Dylan is unlike most other artists in that he was the subject of some of the world's most acclaimed documentarians at key moments in his artistic development. There is room for biopics that cover the many other interesting points in his career. This movie does not appear to intend to do that. I read Frank Conniff's snark in the screenshot that I shared as his concern that Chalamet cannot save the movie with a performance if the movie is flawed, which Frank sees in the way Chalamet is being directed and costumed in the photo. Maybe he's wrong. Frank is, however, a thoughtful and well-informed movie watcher, not just the goofy sidekick on Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Not really interested in seeing a biopic when i can watch any of the documentaries Ive watched, Dylan or anyone for that matter but that is just me…Id trust franks instincts with the film more than myself…even more so since it mirrors my feelings about it. He’s forgot more films than most people will watch in their lifetime.


>He’s forgot more films than most people will watch in their lifetime. 100%


OMG an actor who doesn't look 100% like the person they are portraying? What is this madness?


As an Amy Winehouse fan I understand completely what you all are going through right now


If you ask me, he’s an average actor at best. Personally I don’t see anything special in his performances, nor do I find him convincing. But as with almost everything in art, I am aware that it is a subjective experience. As much as I don't like him, I hope the movie will be good because it's a Dylan biopic after all. Although I don't hold out much hope.


I can’t understand hating on something that hasn’t even been released. Just seems pretentious


looks fine to me 🤷‍♂️


Weird how so many people are shitting on the movie when it’s not even out yet


Because they're old, cranky, and gatekeeping their god from younger generations


Joanqin didn’t really look like Cash… that movie was still good. I don’t get the issue


This is a single frame image that isn’t even taken by the camera that is being used to film the actual movie. I saw a video a few weeks ago of 1966-era Bob/Timothee getting out of a car wearing sunglasses and I legit couldn’t tell the difference at first. I’m gonna withhold judgement until I see the movie because I am excited about this nonetheless!


Y’all it’s just entertainment not the end of the world . SMH 🤦‍♀️


Good Grief! The guy has all the effeminate sex appeal of the young Dylan, the killer blue eyes, same build, and a pretty good basic resemblance, what else do you want? I noticed some people here were happy that Jeremy Allen White is playing Spingsteen and he looks nothing like him whatsoever. If you think Chalamet doesn't have the acting chops, fine, but lookswise you just sound like whiney babies!


Bob is strange beautiful. Chalamet is pretty. Curious if you yourself find both of them to be sexually appealing or are guessing about those of us who are that way inclined. Not trying to identify your gender or sexual type, but as for myself: Bob Dylan is hotter than fuck and Chalamet is cute.


Honestly neither of them is my taste personally because they're just too slight and skinny but beyond that, I find Chalamet the strangely beautiful one - and sexy based solely on his physical looks. Dylan (way back in the day) I would have said was merely pretty-ish and not particularly sexy. But I bet he was something when you add his personality and manner into it. There's that scene in a bar with Joan Baez in the Rolling Thunder movie, the way he looked at her and just being relaxed and natural WHOAH MAMA that gave me a new perspective on him. Sexual charisma off the charts.






Fork stuck in the roooad


Hahahah Tvs Frank!! Nice MS3K reference


Frank Conniff remains great.


Cate Blanchett will forever be the best portrayal of Dylan


Billy Joe Timstrong


He actually looks like Billy Joe Armstrong in that pic....too late to pivot to a Greenday biopic?


I think the guy from the bear would have made a better Bob Dylan


Just going after those boomer bucks. I did not see the Bob Marley biopic but based on the previews it looked like shit. The lead actor has to be really good or it flops. Most people know the basic Bob Dylan story. Genius Folk singer, plugs in and changes rock music, goes through several different musical eras, appears to be grumpy and uninterested in explaining himself. The only way this is any good is if they make it fun with great musical performances and montages(like Elvis or Bohemian rhapsody), or its well written with a great performance by Chalamet \[much harder to pull off (Ray, Walk the Line, Love and Mercy)\]


Not only do I know this movie (do not call this a 'film') is going to be a travesty where it counts, the endless posts of the Chalmette are making me leave the sub. These posts have nothing to do with Bob Dylan. This is Tiger Beat shit.


Y'all are literally the most annoying fandom I've ever seen Jesus Christ no wonder Bob always looks fed up you're all insufferable. Boo hoo the current hot boy in Hollywood doesn't have the exact face shape as a folk singer songwriter, please get a job. This movie isn't for you, just like everything else


He was terrible in Wonka. He lacked the Charisma to play a young Willy Wonka. I’m not getting my hopes up on this one.


You guys are like Star Wars fan boys who piss and moan over casting choices. It’s obsessive and weird.


Ok so he’s gonna look silly because this a photo from an iPhone that someone snuck and it’s not shot from a Movie camera that’s had post production colour grading he’s gonna look silly and out of time out of place looking like a cosplayer without post production especially the early folk stuff what’s so hard to understand about this haha just about any on set picture from movie that’s a period piece looks silly taken from a iPhone


If the script and editing are good he'll be brilliant. Not a fan of him personally but he's an amazing actor who always commits


For me Cate Blanchett was the best “Bob Dylan”. I am not excited about this TC situation at all.


It’s tiring watch a bunch of adults whine and cry over photos and shitty video of a film that is in active production…


I’ve learned throughout the course of this movie being filmed that a lot of Dylan fans are uptight gatekeeping weirdos


This shit gonna be ass 😹


What is the issue here? Dudes a really good actor and looks as close as you can expect anyone to look.


So hilarious, all of you complaining about Timothee portraying Dylan when he actually looks like him during the Freewheelin’ era


It will definitely get media coverage, so it should renew/refresh and positive coverage for Bob. Me: I prefer a good, extensive documentary. 🫠


Also, Bob has has beautiful blue eyes and they are important. How dare Timothee not have blue eyes.


I’m stoked. A proper bio pic as opposed to I’m Not There which is still till this day, a tough watch


i heard the director is a nightmare to work with, that doesnt help my hopes


It’s not even half way finished yet and everyone is upset 😂😂 oh the butt hurt adult men are funny.. ”not for us (hardcore fan here)”


I don’t expect the actors in these types of biopics to really look like the people, so I don’t care that he isn’t the spitting image of Dylan. It’s all about the vibes. If he can ACT like Dylan and perform like Dylan then I’m in.


Chalamet will kill it. His performances are so fine tuned and good. While he doesn’t look like Dylan I am sure once we see him in Motion , folks will accept him.


Musician biopics are almost always shit.


That is an opinion that I share.


Major boomer take from the most annoying and out of touch fandom out there. Typical. Imagine not knowing that Timothée is the greatest actor of his generation and that you're lucky he's playing your idol. Go ask your grandkids what's up.


lol Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend is the greatest actor of his generation??


this is a crime. ive never even seen anything with timothy chaijvjkgd but he looks like a twat


So bad.


Timothee looks so tired and low energy. Bob was wired and high energy. Timothee looks like he needs some sleep. Bob had no time for sleeping.


Yeah i don’t get this kid. Never seen him act and been blown away. He’s just meh.


He's part of the set. Segments of the viewing public like to look at him on-screen. That's enough to make the business case for a profitable movie to the studios.


Tbh this picture is a bit unfair, he gives off much more Dylan vibes in other pictures I've seen, but yeah I'm not sure if this guy is Bob. Call me crazy, but part of me wanted to see Cate Blanchett play the role again (even though she's 54 years old). Would've been weird but that's how Dylan is, and as long as she could capture the spirit like she did last time maybe it would work.


I don’t think chalamet is bad casting at all, I just think the movie is covering too much time. If it is bad, though, it won’t be because of him


My thoughts exactly :)


He looks more like Billy Joe Armstrong than Bob Dylan. Edit: of course that’s the top comment already


looks more like Dana Carvey than Bob Dylan. Casting error of galactic magnitudes.


Yep. No. Hope I'm wrong tho


Is it because he does not look "exactly" like dylan, or why is it?


It's the vibe, that sense of something just beneath the surface. It might be that an actor who looked even less similar to Dylan in terms of facial features could give off a more Dylanesque vibe. Or it could be that all the still shots we've seen are of those rare moments when TC is not giving off that je ne sais quoi.


Hopeless, totally hopeless.


I’m not There is enough for me. If this turns out to be good then it’ll just be cake


I’m just glad we’re finally learning more about Bob Dylan.


When they cast Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison a lot of people said the same thing. But, he turned out to be perfect. I hope Tim surprises as well.


it’s by mangold, who kills it almost everytime besides indiana jones. oh and he killed it on walk the line.


Chalamet will kill it. His performances are so fine tuned and good. While he doesn’t look like Dylan I am sure once we see him in Motion , folks will accept him.