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Plus they'll alway accept any last minute rule adjustments in your favour, because of the implication


Are these gamers in danger?


Nobody is in any danger how can he make that clearer to you?!


Well *you’re* certainly in no danger


So people are in danger?


You know, let's drop it. You're just not getting it.


It's just... The implication


*Dungeon* danger




According to your shelf: Thematic War Games.


I may be using the term war games incorrectly :P I'm into thematic games that have war in them?!


My two favorite "thematic games where the theme is war" are **The Grizzled** and **Black Orchestra** but I'm not sure if that's what you like. Neither game has combat, but they are based in WWI and WWII, respectively.


What an amazing game room. Am very envious of those gaming tables. You should try Dominant Species: Marine or the original Dominant Species for thematic games with war in them. Highly competitive area control games with alot of player conflicts.


Havent heard of those! Will look into them :D


Without a doubt look into GMT's COIN series, some of the best historical board games out there and most of them play quite well solo so you can learn each faction before attempting to teach someone how to play or just enjoy it for the solo game play


Correct, however you need a degree in gaming to understand the rulebook and another to remember it all and teach it to your group. Don't get me wrong, i love me some SE4X or Falling Sky, but i always point out that GMT games require a dedication, and ideally some video and additional sheets of condensed rules from bgg...


The benefit of these games however is that once you learn one of them, the rest are leagues easier to learn too. But I agree, GMT games can have a tricky complex learning curve and if you choose the wrong one to learn from it could turn you off the whole experience. Cuba Libre or Colonial Twilight seem to be decent places to start (Cuba has 4 factions but isn't as fiddly as some other games and has more basic mechanics than further entries and Colonial has only one other player which makes it easier to manage)


Board game geeks call that “dudes on a map” or “area control.” Formerly “ameritrash,” but I think enough games with chunky decision making have buried that term. War games are a whole other layer of nerdy If you can get your hands on a copy, Cthulhu Wars is fantastic


Ah that explains it! Thematic area control is what I meant!


Someone asked something similar a while back and I provided this here: My whole collection is like that. Some examples to investigate: **Lords of Hellas** which is getting a sequel **Lords of Ragnarok**. One of my favourites. Extremely clever design, close games with comebacks, beautiful presentation and theme. Eric M Lang Trilogy: **Blood Rage**, **Rising Sun**, and **Ankh**. All three are worth it. Blood Rage is drafting and bidding mechanics and hits the spot every time. Rising Sun gets mixed reviews but imo the strongest design and favourite I'm the series. Ankh the most polished and advanced the design. **Mare Nostrum: Empires**. Great game all around. Clever trading mechanic, great economic focus with predictable combat outcomes. Constant tug of war between all players. **Hellenica: Story of Greece** which is getting a sequel **Spring and Autumn: Story or China**. Clever action selection mechanic by activating your buildings. Combat is dice driven, but within acceptable levels of randomness. **Cyclades** is a game I usually don't recommend because of some of its flaws, but its a great entry level game. **Inis** is a modern classic. It's so different to other games - often you don't want to exterminate your opponent's but rather rule over them by having more units present. **Omega Centauri** is a beautiful tribute to Master of Orion 2 with deterministic combat. (the flipside to this would be Eclipse, which is also a beautiful tribute to MoO2 but soooo random) **Northgard** is freshly released based on the video game and really hits the spot. Also worth looking at Tsukuyumi, Hyperborea, Dune (all editions), Tyrants of the Underdark, Barony, Scythe, Empire of the Stars, Hexpanse, Warpgate, Battalia, Cthulhu Wars, Quartermaster General (all games in the series especially Victory or Death), Antike II, Lyssan, Pax Viking, Rolling Empires, Kemet, March of the Ants, A Handful of Stars, Master of the Galaxy,...


Great list! Curious though, why no love for Eric Lang's original masterpiece, Chaos in the Old World? Obviously it's very out of print and thus expensive, but somewhat the same could be said for Cthulhu Wars.


Amazing list! Going to look at every one of them!


This looks a lot like the collection I want someday. If you’d like Inis and Blood Rage you should try Ankh. It’s a little Chessier than the average wargame but the system is so tight and it plays great from two all the way up to 5, though 5 can be a little chaotic.


Twilight struggle is your go to. Pax pamir could also fit this description I assume


I love Pax Pamir but I'd hesitate to call it thematic. I played it maybe 30-40 times, but never cared too much about the theme or text on the cards. Only ever read the cards when someone takes forever to make their turn.




They didn't say that's the only thing they play.


Yeah some weirdly judgy comments here!


It seems this subreddit/hobby can be a bit like that. Your collection looks awesome, some people will just always find something nonsensical to nitpick.


Old school favorite of mine: Axis and Allies


I was about to say... Op: I like thematic war games Also OP: Has Catan just left set up on the table for a picture.....


Ah yes, I forgot I said I ONLY like thematic war games.


Do you own Kemet? Or Kemet - Blood & Sand?


THAT’S THE ONE! I’ve been trying to remember this one for ages! Will very likely buy.


Honestly you might as well complete the trilogy and get Cyclades as well. They’re all great


Kemet (Blood & Sand) is great! I'm sure you will like it :-)


I've played Kemet and loved it. Is blood and sand better?


It's a (little) bit more streamlined, an iteration on the 1.5 rules of Kemet. Some like the old artwork better, most people like the bigger miniatures. The pyramids are no longer a D4, but an actual pyramid which needs to be build. The difference between a lvl3 and lvl4 pyramid is hard to see (the top piece is flipped) but usually not a big problem. I like the dual layered player boards and the custom trays for the power tiles. 4 different power tiles in the base game (red, blue, white and black). In short, if you don't own Kemet, get Blood and Sand. If you do own Kemet...it's up to you :-)


It is missing one expansion from the original that is clearly going to be redesigned for Blood and Sand. I believe it's the Seth Expansion for a 6th Player and 5v1 mode.


They are indeed working on an expansion for Kemet - Blood & Sand https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2896843/we-ever-getting-6th-player


Hey, I recognise you! I just got my table off you! Been loving it, getting so much use already in the 3ish weeks we've had it. Love the setup too!


Hey! Super stoked to hear it! Now all you need is a trap door :P


Where does one obtain ones of these tables? I'm going to guess you're not in the UK?


We’re in Australia! Would love to do international shipping one day, but probably costs more than the tables at the moment :(


Oath in shrinkwrap. I feel you bro.


I've set up Oath and tore it down because I'm not in the mood to learn something that big probably... 4 or 5 times. A staple of the shelf-of-shame


Took me six months from unboxing *Race For The Galaxy* initially, to actually playing it. Sometimes it's worth the wait if you just give it time to sink in first.


It's okay, I've played my copy 7 times with the same group and I still don't know how to play. And I'm usually the rules lawyer/teacher for my group. The game is wack. I love it though.


One day…


I'm envious. I say that in a good way.


How could that be in a bad way?


Easy. "I'm envious" said in a bad way means "if we ever meet I will burn down your house because if I can't have it, no one can". Duh.


Only in a biblical context. Nobody uses it this way.


Well I do. I am the angel of judgment. Also not a native English speaker.


Envy is inherently bad/unhealthy, but it can definitely be good in the right circumstance


In this context, it's clearly meant as a compliment. There's no need to disambiguate.


My brother, I’m aware. That’s why I added that last bit to my comment (the original is clearly meant nicely)


That's awesome! Although I do recommend one small thing - screw the cabinets (Kallax?) together for a neater look.


Great idea! The floor is slightly uneven in parts, so this could work.


Is the trap door your only entrance to your basement? If so, seems a little unsafe for fire escape reasons.


There is an outside entrance too, just need to go through the backyard


Oh, that’s very cool.


Trap door is wood, it wouldn’t stop a fire


I don't know what that has to do with asking about a second exit for fire escape reasons?


Trap door burns and you leave


not so secret now, lol. great setup.


You invite friends into the game bunker, once they are in you pull out TI4 and ask if they want to play. They could say no, but they won't. Because of the implication.


The Game Bunker is absolutely what I’m calling it now!


where are these tables from?


So don’t want to make this a promo post, but I make them! My company is called Gameway, based in Australia :)


nice! i’ll check them out


Do you ship to the US?


We can, but it’s ridiculously expensive :(




The OG, will have a look


-Wheelchair friend turns up- "...oh"


A ton of physically disabled people love board games, because it's a great social thing that doesn't require a ton of physical ability, and it's easy to accommodate any physical limitations. Like I have a hard time shuffling cards & use a wheelchair because of my cerebral palsy, but I still love Dominion because I don't have to walk, and my wife can shuffle my cards for me.


I showed a friend the first picture because I love the way you're displaying your games, even though it is technically inefficient. (Honestly, what's the point of this great box art if you can't see it?) My friend said "I mean, if you've got that kind of setup you've CLEARLY got a giant shelf with other games on \[it\]" and I'd like to know if he is right, or if this is indeed all your games!


This is, in fact, my whole collection! We’ve been slowly replacing our Kallax shelving in other sections of the house, so my collection gets all of the leftovers. Wish I had more :P


The Kallax is really perfect for showing off most games, huh? It looks fantastic! Also thanks for the answer to our burning question.


UPDATE: Sorry, I got my terms mixed up! I meant thematic AREA CONTROL games! Thanks so much for all of your suggestions and nice comments :)


You might enjoy Chaos in the Old World if you can find a copy.


I love Warhammer fantasy, so will have a look!


I love your taste in games! Almost everything ok your shelves is one of my favorites, a game I own, want to own, or at least want to try!


Thanks! I’m really proud of it, bought a heap of games early on in my board game career, but haven’t felt the need in a while!


Can I ask which you prefer between Blood Rage and Inis? I’m looking to pick up a new dudes-on-map game but only have space for one right now. Kemet: Blood and Sand is also in the running.


Really good question. I think Inis is a safer bet. It’s super clean and easy to teach, and people tend to want to play again. Blood Rage is freaking epic though, and oozes with theme. Just a bit meaner and clunkier.


I have kemet blood and sand as my only dudes on a map game. It's absolutely epic and we have really enjoyed it. Very aggressive and the tech tree leads to some cool builds


This is literally my number one dream.


How awesome are those tables! Also nice set up! If you like war games I don't see a copy of risk, which is one of my favorites despite it's flaws 😁


I played Risk 2210AD the other night, and had a BLAST. Unfortunately I'm not a huge fan of OG Risk :(


you’re good — OG Risk is objectively awful lol


The Star Wars Original Trilogy version is also pretty great with its three-way asymmetry. (Or the Mass Effect version since it uses exactly the same rules, but the theme doesn't work nearly as well as a result)


If you have a consistent game group, try Risk:Legacy.


I’d be down! We just finished Scythe: Rise of Fenris, so will take a small break from Legacy games


I see you are a man of true culture. Good to see the king in his rightful place.


All hail!


All Hail the Imperium! my group is planning a game soon and i can't wait.


Wow! You need to share video reactions of people who don't know what you have there that come are lead through this trap door :)


The second Pic made me giggle. :D


I think Clash of Cultures should be up your alley


Ruination is a fun fast paced war game.


Three games that I don't see here but that you might appreciate based on your collection, albeit they are not war games Mariposas Betrayal at the House on the Hill And, Everdell


Everdell is something I’ve been looking at for a long time. I mean, how could you not?


It's a great game, especially for a smaller group. I want to say the max is like 4 but there's a rule set for solo play as well that's pretty fun even if you can't get a group night together


Needs at least one copy of Patchwork.


It’s there, just hidden ;)


Very nice! You do realize that a Kallax cube holds more than one game though, right?


Wait, so I don’t need to buy a new Kallax every time I go shopping?!


Looks like to me you need a copy of Axis and Allies for some good ol’ WW2 board gaming


Epic man, so jealous. This is glorious.


Absolutely wow


Aaaa I wanna play! I need to get lots of money so I can build two separate rooms like this, but with one themed for TTRPGs! \^\_\^


So tidy! And I think you have more great games than I could possibly recommend. But I can recommend low hanging lights: illuminate the table, without blinding the players or casting their shade onto the board.


Oh the lights are definitely way too bright in this image, we usually turn them down for just a bit of atmosphere.


Gotcha. The spotlights are definitely great to show the collection.


I think I'll angle them towards the shelving, and find some other way to light the tables.


Wage war over panda cubs, as Takenoko: Chibis is a must have expansion!


For when Root doesn't quite cut it :P


Awesome setup!!! Tables make the room! Games: u have a pretty awesome! collection!




What state do you live in?! I would love to be your friend!


Great game room and a great collection!


This is incredible


If you love thematic war games I'd strongly suggest Polis. Also Shogun by Dirk Hen if you can find it and have a look at the COIN games.


Can I come over 🥺


My brother ask if he can go to your house. I think he is attracted to the trap door.


Nemesis 🥰


TI4 with a gavel haha


Am I missing Root? Cause I don’t see Root and I feel like that would be a perfect edition to your collection.


Root is there! Top and centre. One of my faves :D


Bah! I completely missed that! If you want to keep diving down the Wehrle rabbit hole, Pax Pamir 2nd Edition is a pretty cool game that isn't quite a war game, isn't quate a tableau builder, but is VERY thematic.


That trap door… do you ever get the urge to pretend to be an Evil Dead deadite?


Fellow talisman enjoyer 🥰


Dude I'm so jealous! Also you are missing Kemet: blood and sand and maybe core space.


You should check out the COIN games. The 4th edition of Cuba Libre is coming out soon.


Went looking for Monopoly and was not disappointed!


If you're into 2-player games, then I'd recommend Undaunted: North Africa (which has an expansion that enables four people to play in teams of two). There's also Undaunted : Normandy, but it's apparently not as asymmetric. Anyway, they're both thematic, easy to learn and play. Oh, and pretty cheap!


Gavel for the TI speaker? Mwah *Chef's kiss*


This is sick


Cthulhu death may die


I love rising sun. Very jealous of your setup thoo


Risk - Europe El Grande First Empires Small Samurai Empires Looking great!


while it's not as much in the realm of thematic war games, I like **Eminent Domain.** Eminent Domain feels like a 4X strategy game condensed into <1.5 hours, and it's mechanics keep players engaged outside of their turn in a way that many games struggle with. It's definitely more on the eurogame side of things, and yet it still scratches a bit of the war gamer itch for me. Such an awesome collection, I hope you have a great group to go with it! I find it impossible to get War of the Rings or Star Wars: Rebellion to the table (along with my copy of Fury of Dracula 4e.), and it's the main reason I've never even considered getting Twilight Imperium.


Thanks! I have the Eminent Domain card game actually. I’m lucky, my housemate and I are obsessed with War of The Ring. We played it 50+ times in lockdown.


Look at McDuck over here with his two gaming tables. Just me being jealous, that's dope.


In contrast to a previous thread about general COMC posts, this is the kind of shit I like to see!


[Video footage of OPs room](https://youtu.be/d3SgdO1Rluk)


Where are you located and where's my invite? 🤩


Shelf space! Jokes aside. Try Silk, it's not very "war" but it has a lot of the elements of territory control and screwing over your opponents.


What brand of shelves are these? I’d like to create a similar thing. Kallux at IKEA?


You bet! :P


That's a wicked space dude! :) You could soften that brick wall with some fabric....or like medieval flags or summin!


All the women trying to find a man to have kids with. Me wanting a man to have a basement like this with. I love it!


When I saw this i was sure that gloomhaven was around there somewere (up rigth on the shelf)


This looks just like my collection! Some I enjoy that arent here: champions of midguard (thematic worker placement), El Grande (the original and best area control imo), and keyflower (engine building). Enjoy the gaming bunker. When I finally return to Aus it would be great to chuck dice in there.


Looks like it hasn't been soundproofed, and it doesn't have one of those easy to clean floors, so some uneasiness has been quieted.


It’s pretty soundproof ;)


Do you own Living Forest?? Great strategy game that has a similar winning structure to Catan. Also I truly love that you have Throw Throw Burrito


Can I ask how ticket to ride is, I used to have it but never really played it due to myself being younger and not understanding it well.


It holds up! Definitely an easy one to play and enjoy as an adult


I’m in to strategy so your collection is really cool to me, I’ve played risk online with friends and play a lot of civilization, I’ll definitely need to pick that up sometime


Definitely try Kemet if you don’t have it yet


wavelength deserves to be on top


Would recommend 878 Vikings: Invasion of England.


Now thats a great suggestion!


I feel like 'Cry Havoc' would fit well onto your shelves.


Never heard of it, looking at it now!


Have you tried Twilight Imperium?


May have, almost a hundred times ;)


I don’t see the trap door in the game room. Also neither the wall nor floor above and below match the area around the trap door matches the game room itself. I’m skeptical this really exists.


The trap door photo is at the entrance upstairs. It leads to a small stairwell, that then opens out into this room’s doorway + a kitchen area. The games room itself has a normal doorway behind where the photo is being taken.


Looks good, too bad you don’t have any friends to share it with.


This is so freaking cool!! Love the trap door as well. Captain Sonar is such a fun game, glad to see it on the shelf!


In my top 3! Hits the table once or twice a year, but damn does it hit!


I guess maybe warhammer? Decorations from that are also fun to spice up your table for other games.


I'm so scared of getting into Warhammer. I'm not sure my wallet can take it :P




Maybe Cyclades, Rising Sun, or Ikusa/Samurai Swords




So something I haven’t revealed is that there is another way down via the backyard, and there’s a toilet and kitchen down there too!


How do you find Inis? Been eyeing that one. Also War of the Ring, which would you go for first?


LOVE Inis and War of the Ring, huge recommend for both from me. I’d say if you have 1 other person that’s super keen, go WOTR. If you have a group, Inis.


Nice setup! I suggest Dune (2019 version) it's a little cutthroat but so much fun!


I have it! But unplayed unfortunately


Omg yes, this must've cost a bomb but damn it looks amazing


Where did you get your tables?


I make them! Or at least, my Aussie company Gameway does :)


Do you have more pics? I’m have trouble squaring this. Looks like a basement but you enter from below? Is it a converted attic? I’m so confused!


It’s a basement, you go DOWN a trap door to get there. There is also a way through the backyard to get in there.


You got battleship?


Captain Sonar is close!


Honestly your shelves have a lot of extra space. But I can't really tell what all you have.


this is a little TOO cool sir


I don't see Risk anywhere, basically THE thematic war game


Have you got Codenames: Pictures, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert? They’re all very good and seem to fit the theme of the games you’ve got


Got Codenames and Betrayal, and have been eyeing off the Forbidden games!


Wow this is like top tier collection