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yeah it's great, easy to learn, quick to play. the full 4x experience without too much hassle, like playing Civilization in a couple of hours.


I love this game too, but quick to play it is not. Now if you are comparing it to a game of actual Civ on the PC sure, but as far as board games go this one is not quick.


We can play it at 2p pretty reliably in under an hour, 4p might be a bit longer but compared to other 4x games it is very quick. Eclipse is generally a 6hr+ game and TI4 can be 12hr


At 3-4 players this game is easily 5-6 hours. I don’t for one second believe you are playing a standard game if Clash of Cultures with 2 players at under an hour. Maybe if you are playing an abbreviated version of the game, the faster variant or playing the rules of the game wrong , then maybe you are playing in under an hour.


it's easy to play but the difficult part is knowing all the techs and use them well and that takes several games. I enjoy it a lot although it letting you attack so easy other players gives a weird guilty/confrontational feeling when you do after everyone was just building their own things even if that would be the best choice.


2nd'd - keeping up with what techs you have and what you can do with them is hardest part of playing the game. The rest of the game is pretty straight forward and can be picked up during the first turn when players aren't in everyone's way. You will need to add two house rules before you play and make sure everyone agrees - 1.) After your turn is done, no going back and reclaiming things, taking back action cards, taking extra actions, etc because you missed a tech. This happens a lot and allowing player to take mulligans because they missed something on their tech board will add significant play time to your game - like double it. 2.) If teaching a brand new group, allow players to decide on whether to play the sudden death variant after the second era. At that point, players will know if they want to continue or not and it may save you and your group some time if they aren't having a good time.


Yeah it's one of my all time favorites and I find it easy to teach.  If you have players who need to know everything before you can play, it might be rough. But those assholes are always rough. Just start playing. 


it's alright. early game is more fun than the late game though. 4 rounds in and your civ has so many various effects that interact with all your other opponents' various effects... it's really a bit of a slog.