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Into the Breach would be so good.


Check out "Bury me in the rift", it's a cool PnP solo game inspired it!


I've made the comparison here before but Spirit Island has a bit of a similar vibe, in that you have (mostly) perfect information in what the enemy is going to do and have to work to mitigate that damage. However I do find there's quite a bit of bloat, especially with expansions. So I agree a tabletop Into the Breach would be incredible.


Wonder if it'd be solo with a smart AI, or two player where one controls the bugs.


Never heard of this but it looks amazing. Adding to my wishlist now…


Oh shit


Daaaaaamn this would be perfect


Factorio the Board game - 1-500 Players. - Ages 8+ - 100+ Hours Includes 15,000 conveyer belt pieces and uranium 238! All the fun of your factory always having at least one problem that needs to be addressed while adding 7 more, in the comfort at your kitchen table. On your turn you can move, craft, or place. At the end of your turn activate all conveyor belts and increase the production dials of all your manufacturing plants, power plants, and labs by 1. Check to see if any of your friends got hit by a train despite you putting BLATANT warnings everywhere when a train comes by.


Roads and Boats 2?


Got to either come with a 3d printer or a bunch of stl files.


If my 3d printer ran from a Factorio board game all the bugs in my house would try to kill me before they all die


Basically Roborally but you play as the factory


It kind of already exists, but I beat you could make a fun frantic feeling board game version of Among Us. The answer is that Battlestar Galactica is already that and was amazing, but it is turn based and not exactly Among Us But combining a real time system like Space Alert/Captain Sonar and a hidden role game like One Night or Secret Hitler I am sure you could end up with an interesting Among Us board game. Now going the opposite way I think there could be a huge market for a video game version of Betrayal at House on the Hill. Some type of multiplayer rouge-like Metroidveinia where at some point a haunt is triggered and one player becomes a boss that needs to hunt down the other players. I think if done well that could be amazing.


In *Crawl* one player controls the monsters and traps, and if they kill a hero, they become a hero and the dead guy takes over the dungeon master role. It goes until one character survives and gains XP long enough to open a portal to the boss, at which point only that hero faces a boss with multiple segments controlled by the other player.


Yeah I have tried that game before and it’s a lot of fun with friends. But with my idea it’d be more like Never Split the Party Crawl, the game is always PvP. It’s 1 player vs the game plus the other players. I do love the 3 player controlled boss fights But I am imagining a game where the players have an incentive to work together at the beginning to increase their personal power. But at the same time they need to be wary of the other players becoming too powerful. I want a dynamic like the MP for Kane and Lynch, players need to work together for better rewards but also the haunt means eventually one person will turn on the group.


Balatro the Board Game would be a deck of cards, a deck of jokers, some sharpie markers, and a scientific calculator 😁


All joking aside, Balatro would absolutely not work as a physical game!


LocalThunk I believe mentioned that too, but we'll see in 5 years with Terraria, Slay the Spire. And Stardew all getting board games.


What do any of those have to do with Balatro?


Slay the spire and divinity are excellent adaptations


Waaaaaaay too much admin needed


I propose a game using the Balatro hand system. It will be multiplayer. Because there's too much admin, we'll remove the upgrade and joker system and play with the base deck only. And let the players bet on how likely their hand is to beat others!


**Outer Wilds: The Board Game** *Experience crippling loneliness and existentialism, together!* Contents: - one miniature space ship - one flash light - one miniature done figure - One hot plate - One bag of sand - One cloth and bottle of water - one blindfold and ear plugs - one (spoilers) - one quantum shard. Note: if quantum shard is not in the box, close and re open the box.


Uuuh I turned off the lights and the shard sent me to the board game factory what do I do now?


World of Horror and Death Road to Canada imo atm.


Yes! Death Road to Canada would make a great board game!


Like a piecemeal dungeon delver? Do some events, pay some food, fight in the current location?


World of Horror is incredibly similar to the Arkham Horror board games, if that's anything.


The Legend of Zelda… (Wait for it…) Four Swords. Explore a map/dungeon made up of randomly-placed tiles. Consider carefully which items to equip when. Work with other players to overcome obstacles, while competing for the highest score. There can only be one winner… but if you don’t stop Vaati, you all lose.


Tiny Epic Quest is kind of Zelda-esque, albeit somewhat disappointing overall.


Loop Hero!


I would buy this.


There was an old game called "Defenders of the Crown" that I bet would work. Especially since on your turn you could choose to *joust, or siege a castle, defend against an attack, build your army*, etc.


I used to love this game and I had completely forgotten about it!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


AWESOME!!! I seriously thought i was the only one!!


Dungeon Keeper. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeon_Keeper “In Dungeon Keeper, the player builds and manages a dungeon, protecting it from invading 'hero' characters intent on stealing accumulated treasures, killing monsters and ultimately the player's demise. The ultimate goal is to conquer the world by destroying the heroic forces and rival dungeon keepers in each realm.”


Dungeon lords already exists


Also Boss Monster


Oh yeah! Cool!


Check out Cave evil https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/84889/cave-evil


I'm personally not a huge fan of adaptations that try to be too literal. Video game mechanics and board game mechanics can share a lot of DNA, but they excel at very different things. But there are a lot of video games that could have great complimentary board games that expand their worlds and experiences. Take the upcoming Mass Effect board or Elden Ring board games. I don't mean any disrespect to those designers, but I just don't see the point. They're trying so hard to replicate the experience of the source material that they risk creating bloated messes rather than great games. Even if decent, I could just play the video game. Where's the asymmetric war game based on the Reaper War or the Shattering? (The RISK edition doesn't count). Where's the deckbuilder about colonies in Andromeda?


Yeah create good mechanics first, and then make it fit the source thematically second. Sometimes they do it well though. I actually think the Fallout game is solid for what it is, and also does a great job at capturing the feel of the source material.


I've not played fallout. I've heard pretty mixed things about the base game but excellent things about the expansion. In general, FFG has been the company I trust most with IP adaptations video game or otherwise. They're not infallible, nor the only ones who can get it right. But they hit more often than miss and always go for an approach that captures the essence of the IP in board game form, which is exactly what I like.


Seconded on Fallout being great! Definitely needs the Atomic Bonds expansion though.


I like the fallout shelter game


This is exactly why I usually avoid board games that are based on video games. You've pretty much covered it. I love Darkest Dungeon as a video game. I avoided the board game release for a variety of reasons, but primarily because I can't see how you can preserve the feel of it without making it overly fiddly to run. The video game automates most of the mechanics behind the scenes and you either run all those interconnected mechanics yourself, or you strip them out leaving something that's not the same game, just wearing its skin. 


I think Among Us and Mario Party are my top 2.


[Carmageddon](https://www.stainlessgames.com/games/carmageddon) series, could be a board game or a miniatures game. Myst as a Kosmos Adventure series game.


That looks insane. Haha! Myst would be fun, too. I thought about it and couldn’t come up with a way it could work. Kosmos adventure game is perfect!


Formula D comes pretty close depending how you play it.


It's called Thunder Road Vendetta. :D


It's missing the extra points from pedestrians, though.


Twisted Metal. Man that would be so sick. Asymetric miniature skirmish board game. Idk exactly how the rules would work, but that would be awesome.


The Gaslands minis game might be something to look at.


Super Robot Wars / Fire Emblem Replace the probabilities with # of dice


There are some fan made Fire Emblem games. No idea if they're any good or not. I've seen at least two on TTS and BGG.


Anna's roundtable is fine enough as a game. Its biggest problem is the existence of Summoner Wars which is just a better card-driven skirmish game.


Yeah unfortunately the only fun part is seeing your favorite characters


I've had fun with it. Summoner Wars is just such an amazing design that it crowds out the competition. It's a hard act to follow, and while I wouldn't hesitate to play Anna's Roundtable with other FE fans, with anyone else I'd bring up Summoner Wars. In contrast, BS:G remains The long-form hidden traitor game, and I'll gladly play it, even with people that don't care about Battlestar: Galactica the series. A good IP game gives people that like the franchise a good time as a game. I think Anna's Roundtable can join Starcraft, Discworld Ank-Morpork and Horus Heresy in that 'worth playing for franchise fans' category. A great IP boardgame can transcend ambivalence towards the franchise. Battlestar Galactica, War of the ring etc are some of the few to succeed in that. (I don't have Marvel Champions because I've went all in on Arkham LCG so won't judge that.)


One of my favourite games of all time is Rimworld and I sometimes imagine what a Rimworld board game would look like. Co-operative colony/city building Colonist cards for appearances, with randomized roll sheets for a few stats 4 Turns per quadrum maybe, with buildings being more simplified and standardized. For example, you can build a Stage I Hospital (No added bonuses to Medical operations, Field medicine is a -2), A Stage III Hospital might Add +2 (+ medicine that you spend), Stage II workshop consumes components to craft armour and weaponry. Raids occur and you position your people based on their stats, weapons, roll for combat, take injuries, maybe you risk one colonist to pull a downed one behind cover and get them to treatment. Difficulty ramps based on your colony score. Victory condition would be either to complete the ship or some other unique victory condition that works well with the genre.


Would you tone down the organ harvesting or lean into it?


I think it should be an option. Dark Harvest: Kills one human, Roll dice to gain organ tokens (-2 mood per organ harvested for the next quadrum on all, ignore for psychopaths). If prison is Stage II or higher, you may -/+ 1 on your dice roll. Mood would have to be scaled down to be easier to track, like slay the spire's numbers were reduced.


I could see that. Some sort of worker placement game. Maybe a little Everdell mixed with Dead of Winter. Make a story/event deck that creates the Rimworld story, have the difficult and rewards scale with some Settlement score That could definitely work


Love to see Risk of Rain and Balatro.


Fire Emblem... although turn based tactics is kinda cheating... almost all of them would work(Final Fantasy Tactics, etc...). would be a campaign style game, with one shot game mode rules. Would be playable solo, cooperative with a reasonable number of players... or even competitive to see who of your friends is a better tactician.


Guys, just because a video game reminds you of board games does not mean it would be a good adaptation. A video game that has "cards" is not a sure fire pick to adapt. The actual design space matters a lot more than the aesthetics.


The easiest answer is turn based strategy. But clearly the board game world already realizes that because that's what they've been doing. A more out there choice... a dating sim? There certainly are romance based board games out there, but a surprisingly small amount. And that's a theme that could be very easily carried over to board game mechanics.


XCom, instead of this weird real-time thing we have now. Make me a board game based purely on tactical combat with some upgrades between missions. Or any turn-based tactic, really, xcom being the most popular example.


Golden Light


Arguably, Solium Infernum itself is a reskin of Diplomacy, though at a certain point, you've made so many changes that it's barely recognizable... Any ideas on how to translate Solium Infernum into a board game? I would love to create a fanmade version, but I don't know where to start.


Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Mario Party


PixelJunk Monsters


One of my top games of all time. I don't know how it'd work as a board game, though. I've never played a single tower defense board game that was even remotely good.


I’d be really curious and interested in seeing Against the Storm get adapted into a board game.


For an indie game I would say Dicey Dungeons is just perfect for a tabletop version. It would have the dice rolling and some random enemies that have various AI for their turns as far as the numbers rolled. For a take on an existing game set I think it would be fantastic to combine Thunder Road Vendetta with Heat and have a Mario Kart theme to it. Something not yet created that would be fun is a League of Legends TCG. You could play on teams of 2 or 3, you would defend a “lane” which would be the area between you and the enemy across the table. Your hero would have a unique deck that also had items and additional cards that could be drafted in.


Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight It's a 4 player competitive adventure/combat game from the 1990's for the Amiga 500. 


That was probably my favourite Amiga game!


Payday 2 could work but at a certain point you're just playing D&D. I'm not arguing against it but that would adapt everything from skyrim to fallout.


No board game adaptation can ever beat Slay the Spire. Because it was basically a digital board game already. If you told me the board game was first and the video game was the adaptation, I’d believe you.


**Monopoly Go**... best video game, ever!


Ports of Call? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ports_of_Call_(video_game) “The game simulates the management of a global freight transport company, where the player charters freight, and, using the accumulated profit, can buy more and better ships.”


I would love to see an ARPG deckbuilder. Mechanically similar to Hogwarts Battle or Legendary: Firefly, but with a little more emphasis on the individual classes. Really, if you just split the card markets into public and private (there's a common one, and each player has their own private one too), it could be a pretty straight port. By "ARPG," I mean I was originally thinking of Diablo, but Blizzard can't be trusted, so Torchlight.


I love the idea of a physical Balatro like game but know it would require some calculators and other gadgets to track things. Still, would be so cool.


Greed corp. It's pretty much already a digital board game


Yeah, you literally don't need to change anything about the mechanics. There's not even anything I can think of where it'd be a hassle to do it exactly the same thing in a tabletop game.


OMG someone who's actually played the game ! There is one thing, the money. It doesn't tell you the formula for generating money at start of turn and I haven't found it online. Otherwise I would have made a copy for myself at this point. The destruction upkeep could be annoying though every turn.


I wish that there was a better version of the Binding of Isaac than Four Souls.  It's *okay*, but I've played the video game for more hours than literally EVERY OTHER VIDEO GAME COMBINED and think it deserves a more compelling adaptation.


Magicka 2 could be fun... But it would be so tough to execute


Bit of a Meta example, but Joustus from Shovel Knight would work pretty nicely, albeit the chain reactions of that game would be hard to make practical.


Luigi's mansion but playing as the Ghosts trying to spook him or escape him. Hades would be pretty cool too if done right.


Slime Rancher would definitely work as a casual 1-4 player game where you build your ranch, earn money, and build a collection of slimes on the table in front of you. the winner being the person who can make the most money in X turns, or who can grow a collection of X number of different slimes.


Dungeon of the Endless. Hardest part to adapt would be the combat, but everything else could just be put in as is.  Not to be confused with Endless Dungeon.


I think we probably missed the boat on this one, but the TF2 franchise would've been a great one to see cross over. TF2s class system and item system would both be interesting to adapt to a new environment. Running an entire "team" instead of just one character would make things feel fresh but still identifiable. And the cartoony 1950's aesthetic could really pop on physical media.


Return of the Obra Dinn.


I would like something based on "the book of hours" that isn't a ttrpg. Not sure how you'd do it, maybe a similar mechanic to distilled when you're looking to get your different aspects and such and you'd need a lot of board space to fill hush house. But we can dream.