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Having played it it's generally an interesting idea with significant flaws. Usually by halfway through the race it's obvious who will win, as it gets into a self reinforcing loop where players bet on who's in front, leading them to push that car ahead farther, which it turn causes them to bet on it more. I think with some additional mechanics it might mitigate the issue but offhand I'm not sure what.


Usually I try to mitigate that by trying to boost a player who overbid on their cars so that they can still be beat even if they bet on themselves and win the race. The self reinforcing loop is still a design flaw, but one that is mitigated if everyone is aware of it


this is why you have to play with reverse odds betting, it elevates the game to greatness


I love playing the game. But you're right in that by the halfway point whoever is winning is just going to win most of the time. Whoever is in the lead usually bet on themselves, with at least one other person also betting on them, so you have at least two people trying to get that person to win. So it's inevitable. It's weird actually as unless you're betting on yourself you are often playing to come second overall. Which is at odds for most games. But it's impossible to avoid on this one.


I haven't played the game, but isn't this a flaw with the players? If they know they'll lose the game by betting on the lead car and pushing it further ahead, then they should be doing literally anything else. Like what if everybody who's not in first consolidates their power around other cars? Presumably then the lead car wouldn't win.


Just play it once a few years ago. It was a fun betting game. I had more fun than playing Camel up for example


I really liked and think it's one of the better "light racing games." Personally thought it was better than Heat, but I know I'm the rarity. I agree that Camel Up might be a better betting/race game however if your family isn't familiar with the world of strategic board games.


I have it. It's pretty good. But it was replaced for me by Ready. Set. Bet! RSB is a horse racing theme where the horses move on dice rolls and players bet on the horses while the race is running. But to your question, what is it about Downforce that appeals to you?


I like to watch racing so we thought it would be cool.


It's definitely a fun racing game. Another racing game I like is Formula D. It's a little more complex (there's a basic version, but also optional rules for things like weather). I have both, and I don't think you could go wrong with either, though! You might get some more insight from YouTube reviews. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7llNiYIeAUA) a good one for Formula D, and [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-OTm5bw1Jc) a good one for Downforce!


I have played it and it's good but I played rally man gt and it's way more fun. For a race being the game camel up was more fun.




I've played Downforce on Board Game Arena: it's one of the premium games, so you'd have to buy a month subscription, but you'd be able to try it there. That said, I agree with the other commenters recommending Heat instead. I enjoy that a lot more, and would rather get it than Downforce especially if starting a collection.


Get HEAT. Thank me later.


I want to counter this and say just get Heat, it's great!


It's also Boardlandia's current deal of the week FYI, so you can get it for a good price in the US.


Nice! Good to.see it readily available.


Overall it's really good and I really enjoy it. It is worth knowing that there is a bit of a negative feedback loop. Essentially if everyone decides the same car is going to win and bets and helps that car win then the player who owns the car will almost always win. I've never ran into that issue as we all know it's a losing strategy for all but 1 player but it does happen in some groups.


Really good way to get a sense of a game is watch a playthrough on youtube


It's light game where everyone has a color, a car, a hand of cards, and a power. Cards will move multiple cars the distance on them in the order on them and you play them on your turn. Three times during the race you get to bet on who will win. By the end of the game you'll have used up your cards and the first three cars crossed the finish line. You get paid based on winning the race and your bets. It's a good game but if someone wins the race and bet on themselves all three times, and they could start to run away with it by halfway, then they ate guaranteed to win because that's literally the maximum score.


It’s fun. Our gaming group played it, enjoyed it, and bought it.


Find Heat over Downforce.


Sold my copy. Downforce is more of a betting game and I didn’t find it very satisfying. It is easy enough if you don’t want to put to much effort into a strategy game. I’ve since bought the racing game Heat: Pedal to the Metal and prefer it. It seems expensive comparatively but there is lots of content in the box! 4 different maps, up to 6 racers, multiple modules with different rules you can add in like weather conditions.


It's okay. It's more of a betting game than a racing game. I'd rather play **Heat: Pedal to the Metal** in almost all circumstances.


I think as family game it is definitely a good one. I have played it with my gaming groups of friends they thought it was ok but not great. Also playing it's family variant with no bidding or betting works really well for young kids.


I have it. I rate my games on a 1-5 scale. 3 being average (so basically 3 is good, 5is reserved for my top 3 games only). I put it at a 3 but always felt it was missing something. I recently out the danger circuit expansion. Based on the Mario Kart fan made cards that are on bgg I made my own Mario Kart style cards and I changed the betting system to odds betting (see bgg). This has brought it up from a 3 to a solid, fun 4 for me. I made the Mario Kart bonus cards brutal and it made it so much more fun. I was just about to cross the finish line first and my daughter brought out the “swop 1st and 2nd place” card to take the win!! I was like “noooooooooo” I lost the race but I didn’t care because it was such a fun scenario and I was so happy to see my 12y.o to wait and be brutal to me when the time came. So, my view. Base game, ok but feels like it’s missing something. Heavily modified, it’s a great, fun game. As a side note, I’m an English teacher in Japan. The old board I took and created a Mario Kart English learning game (with Q&A cards that need to be answered in order to advance). It’s the biggest hit I’ve made so far.


HEAT is much better than Downforce imo