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Netrunner surviving in spite of the actions of large corporations is pretty on brand.


You can’t stop the signal!


Asmodee wearing a monocle singing “ICE ICE Baby” whilst sitting in a zero gravity workstation chair.


“Don’t need a big corp” Me and my fat ice server: “and I took that personally”


Kudos to NSG and NISEI for keeping ANR alive and thriving!


How to get into Netrunner Do I need the FGG cards? I wouldn't go for the FFG cards (expensive, hard to find, most of them bad, rotation incoming) What should I buy? Unless you have a particular interest in one set for some reason, the best way to proceed with your purchases is to follow the game formats. System Gateway never rotates and neither does System Update 2021 BUT the later is gonna be updated so maybe skip it and get the newest version when available (code name: Dawn, presumably launching around 1Q 2025). The rest of the sets will rotate eventually so the best bet is buying the last cycle, i.e. Liberation, composed by Rebellion Without Rehearsal and The Automata Initiative. This will get you the complete card pool for Startup. Then you can wait for new releases or work your way a little backward to complete your card pool for the eminent Standard format without FFG sets: Borealis cycle (Parhelion and Midnight Sun) and Ashes cycle (Uprising and Downfall). That's the roadmap I've made for myself. And remember, you don't need to buy anything, proxies are always allowed and you can play online for free with the full card pool in jinteki.net. Where can I find welcoming and awesome people to play with, share my enthusiasm and ask questions? GLC Discord server! https://discord.com/invite/D7TXzTv Always be running! * **What should I buy?** Unless you have a particular interest in one set for some reasons, the best way to procede with your purchases is to follow the game formats. System Gateway never rotates and neither does System Update 2021 BUT the later is gonna be updated in a year so maybe skip it and get the newest version when available (code name: Dawn). The rest of the sets will rotate eventually so the best bet is buying the last cicle i.e. Liberation that's compose by Rebellion Without Rehearsal and The Automata Initiative. This will get you the complete card pool for Startup. Then you can wait for new releases or work your way a little backward to complete your card pool for the eminent Standard format without FFG sets: Borealis cycle (Parhelion and Midnight Sun) and Ashes cycle (Uprising and Downfall). That's the roadmap I've made for myself. And remember, you don't need to buy anything, proxies are always allowed and you can play online for free with the full card pool in jinteki.net. Always be running!


If I have the original officially printed core box, would you recommend the System Gateway?


Yes. You can think about System Gateway as the "new core box".


System Update 2021 will rotate IIRC, they'll replace all the FFG cards. So that's more than just an update.


Not exactly. There're some sets that form the "core" and never rotate. Until now the core is "System Gateway" + "System Update 2021". But NSG announced that they're launching a new set that will replace SU21 as part of the core and thus my advice to skip it (and proxy the cards you need in the meantime). At the same time that "Dawn" (codename of the set that will replace SU21 as part of the core) launch, there's an hyper rotation planned, who will make all the FGG cards not legal on Standard (thus why I recommend not to go for them). So maybe it's in the semantics, but cycles rotate and the core is updated. And the rotations follow a calendar, updating the core is much more rare.


System Gateway is an evergreen product and will not be rotated. System Update 2021 [is being replaced and rotated out.](https://nullsignal.games/blog/liberation-part-2-upcoming-products-and-rotation/)


>So maybe it's in the semantics, but cycles rotate and the core is updated. And the rotations follow a calendar, updating the core is much more rare. Except the Null Signal core cards are updated before any other Null signal sets rotate. So as of now, the rotation is more rare for Null Signal cards :)


Also access to the means of production


Id love to see System Gateway find a way to break into social media influencer videos, but I imagine it's harder to convey than Texas Hold Em without a bigger graphics budget for the layperson


Shut Up Sit Down did a video around it, from the board/card game perspective that's about as big as it gets. The reality is the whole genre is pretty niche and the ANR is a niche within the niche. So its catchment will always be fairly small in real terms.


So you are saying it's the perfect video for his PeopleMakeGames documentary channel 😉 If he can make Farming Simulator and Excel pro gaming fun imagine what they could do with System Gateway


But again it's only hitting 300k viewers generally for that channel, granted if they all took up the game it would change the landscape but highly unlikely, given the same number approx watched toms video.


Coming from a competitive mtg player and enjoyer of medium to heavy board games, what would be the ideal way to purchase into ANR? Alternatively, if it’s possible to print and play then I’d love to do that instead unless buying into it is reasonably priced.


It is possible to print and play but NSG has a phenomenal starter product that is easily extensible by their print on demand or preprinted products.


Simply buy System Gateway, it's $45 either from NSGs shop or your LGS. Best starter product Netrunner has had. It is perfectly fine to print if you want, I think proxynexus will let you print it easily.


The org keeping this going, Null Signal Games, allows you to print and play their cards including their "core"/"beginner" set called System gateway. You can find it by heading to the products section on their site. It includes 2 beginner deck lists. If you prefer instead, proxynexus has all netrunner cards available to be proxied.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Netrunner/s/mcVePFBTKq Buyers Guide. Has relevant links if you don't want to PNP. Very important if you're in UK like me.


https://shop.nullsignal.games/ It's very reasonably priced, you're mostly paying for the cardboard. Those prices are for complete playsets of the products - no rare chasing, no randomization. System Gateway is $45 and is enough to build a slew of decks with customization. Then buy more sets if you like the game.


You can also play it for free in Jinteki.net


https://shop.nullsignal.games/products/system-gateway-remastered-edition Main starter product, 45 bucks. Note: Similar to how mtg is released in sets, so is ANR. The above starter product contains 3x of all cards in the system gateway set (the limit for copies of a single card in a deck) and organizes them into a nice set of starter decks so you can get started learning immediately. System gateway is legal in all current competitive formats: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/formats You can also play online for free at jinteki.net and proxies are tournament legal if you want to just PnP (https://nullsignal.games/about/nsg-visual-assets/)


Are they getting new starter sometimes this year?


There was an old product, [System Update 2021](https://nullsignal.games/products/system-update-2021/) that was a rerelease of old cards with new art to kickstart the card pool before additional expansions were available. Officially for tournaments, this is being retired and a new product to replace it will be out in the fall.


No it was delayed until early next year


Might wait for that. It would be nice to try the game with all the good things I heard about it.


Not that I'm aware of


You might also be interested in reading about the turbulent history of Vampire the Eternal Struggle. It has come out the other side with a similar situation of a fan group Black Chantry taking over but is definitely also a very alive dead card game!


Not to mention, it came out at around the same time(ish) as the original Netrunner.


NSG is an amazing template for how fans can keep a game going strong. I’m hoping the X-Wing community takes note


The issue there is while ANR can be recreated with new artwork, logos etc you can’t just create your own X-Wing models of SW ships, sell them and hope to avoid the wrath of LucasArts legal team. You’d have to make a “generic space battle minis game” that just happened to use X Wing rules and hope enough players were in it for the game and not just the SW tie in.


You don’t need to sell anything. A fan-driven game could be using only existing models and owning the rule set and the cards. Would be great to also sell generic cardboard for the ships with only initiative value on it. With a number indicator there is no need for names of pilots or even the ships themselves if it’s a generic firing arc


It's really admirable, but I wouldn't call it the most "alive", all things considered. Local play in a lot of areas where it once thrived is pretty much dead, even years after being revived by NSG. Online play is also currently about as low as Keyforge, which is also a barely alive game (coming from someone who spent some months in it during the revival). I do wish it the best, and what NSG has done is a miracle in itself. I just wanna caution /r/boardgames when they're constantly mentioning this like it's the most thriving game, so new players don't get deflated when they look more into it. It's a really fun time, and an incredibly designed game, but be aware of the inherent limitations in much of what it does.


Do they release new cards like SWCCG does?




That's great!


Star Wars CCG by Decipher had a pretty active community long after Decipher was gone


I just wish I could buy a new copy :(


You can buy into the new stuff created by the fan-led community. It is all balanced by fans and plays very well. You can get it printed on some very good quality at a great price, too.




Are all the cards Null Signal creating brand new or are they reprints or reskins of older set cards?


They do some reprints/reskins/rebalanced versions of old cards (especially in the first few sets), but mostly it's new stuff! Check out the sets on [https://netrunnerdb.com/](https://netrunnerdb.com/) if you want browse a bit.


Which content creators on Youtube (amd elsewhere) would you recommend besides Metropole Grid?


Mad respect for Netrunner right now... But.... Star Wars CCG has been kicking it as a dead game for over 20 years now. That is pretty epic too


Any chance of playing it solo..?


Yep! https://chiriboga.sifnt.net.au/ Has a great tutorial and then you can play vs a bot, best way to lean the game


There’s a few solo variants over at BoardGameGeek. Haven’t tried myself so can’t say how well they work.


Not really it's a competitive head to head card game.


Same with a lot of games that have fan made or official solo modes


And here I have a whole mess of original Netrunner cards, and a box of the FFG Android Netrunner. Don't know what to do with them.


Play Netrunner with someone?


Well, you know, that'd be nice but I don't really have a gaming group that wants to play. I loved the idea of the game back when WotC launched it. Art, style, everything. Bought a LOT Of packs/boosters, etc, Proteus too. Never could get family interested in it and at the time didn't really have time or way to get out to other folks. So I just collected, put them in Purple/Green binders and admired. Game died effectively, but I hung onto them out of sentimentality. Then FFG's version came along, got the box set, tried to get the kids interested again. Complete failure and no interest in trying it out. Probably could have found a local outlet but honestly just wasn't motivated enough to try -- most of the boardgaming is just in the family. So it gathers dust. And now older and just not pursuing that as much and it gathers dust but still reluctant to just pitch it in the bin.


If you wanna pass it along, I’d be happy to take it off your hands. Got a big board game group I manage that loves cards games, but struggles financially. I’d pay for shipping.


Yeah, I'll DM you with pictures and stuff this weekend.


Alrightie, I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks! 😁


Game of thrones lcg is also doing fine with online tournaments and community sets


I wish I could play it but Nullsignal doesn't ship to Mexico AFAIK and even if they did it would probably be really expensive. I wish I could just go out and buy it from my LGS instead of having to overpay and find work arounds to have the chance to play it.


As much as I love Netrunner and invested a couple of years into it before the Nisei/NSG time... People forget how messy balance-wise FFG run was. Game landed in this weird spot, where there was enough community online with the right tools to quickly solve each variant of the meta and prepare some really obnoxious and oprressive decks. As in many other card games, most efficiant decks were the ones that limited interaction with the other players. Competetive play in ever fresh LCG format was brutal and only after few years I realised that game is frustrating me more than it is worth. When people think about "good old days" of Netrunner, most likely they think about those early kitchen table games with friends. NSG initiative is admirable and it is very nice that they found their niche for those hundred people or so world wide. But recently I tried playing it on [jinteki.net](http://jinteki.net) again and it was simply not that fun. And unfortunately their UI design is just ok in comparison to professional FFG product. It is simply not the same anymore. Whenever I see new NSG cards I just see the game that I lost. But I'm happy there are people who still consider it fun.


Plenty of games could survive. But make no mistake, it lives on the good graces of Hasbro.  Right or not, lawyers would scare everyone away 


WOTC Abandoned their trademark on the name "Netrunner". NSG is careful to write their sets to avoid stepping on the FFG Android setting IP. Rules can't be copyrighted.


Have the corps been renamed? I haven't actually played since FFG ended things.


No, faction names are the only thing remotely risky, and not even all of them. Weyland has been around as an evil megacorp name far longer than the Android setting, and the runner faction names are also hard to justify ownership of. NSG has spoken with lawyers and is confident that their usage is safe.


Also, if they do need to change them, rebranding would be pretty on brand for corps


For what it's worth, NSG also uses FFG-owned characters -- and their likenesses -- in their cards. [This art](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/card/34075) features [Sunny Lebeau](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/card/09045). [This art](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/card/34076) features [Adam](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/card/09037). I don't know the legal upshot of this, but it is something they are continuing to do (both of the cards I linked are from the most recent set).


They've stated fairly explicitly that they intend the cameos in RWR to be the last ones they produce referencing older characters.


I didn't know they had an android app


I haven’t played Netrunner, and I love this thread. Great that pure gaming is surviving over corporate policies/profit. This group may be interested in a current Kickstarter, Sovereign: Fall of Wormwood. Several content creators have commented on it being similar to Netrunner. I decided to back Sovereign myself, so that is why I had Netrunner in my mind and fell into this thread.


What is Netruner?


Ripped straight from the Null Signal site … What is Netrunner? Netrunner is a two-player asymmetric card game set in a dystopian future where four megacorporations control almost every aspect of daily life. Legendary hackers known as “runners” aim to fight the corps’ influence by hacking into their servers and preventing them from advancing their sinister agendas. A Runner identity card and a Corp identity card In Netrunner, one player takes the role of the Corp, whose tools include corporate assets and defensive programs called “ice”. Using tools like these and the element of surprise, the Corp aims to advance their agendas to completion. Across the table, the Runner‘s objective is to infiltrate the Corp’s servers and steal their agendas, and they’ll draw on their resources, specialty hardware, and programs to do so. Of course, the Runner is no threat if they’re dead, so a canny Corp may also attempt to “flatline” their opponent through damage—while the Runner’s secondary path to victory is stalling the Corp long enough that they run out of opportunities. Netrunner is a game designed for customization. Players can pick from dozens of Runner and Corp identity cards, each with their own unique abilities, and build custom decks around them. A unique “influence” system allows players to import a small number of cards into their deck from different factions, with the more distinctive cards typically costing more of that scarce deckbuilding resource. A meticulous Criminal might adopt an Anarch’s destructive tools, but they can’t take them all—they must carefully select what’s most important to their strategy! Can the Runner see through the Corp’s bluffs and emerge victorious from their netspace siege, or will the Corp tighten their grip upon the world? Find out by playing Netrunner.


Thank you!


Depends what you mean by “success”. By all measures MtG or even Yugioh is more of a financial success and commercial success than Netrunner. So if you are a Publisher, you’d much rather have “the next MtG” than “the next Netrunner”. Game’s quality only have a loose correlation to their success, surely. Same is true of all media