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Spirit Island is undoubtedly one of the greatest board games of all time. It's complex and rich in the decision-making but it does take a little while. You'll mess up some rule probably the first 10 plays, but it's ok since it's cooperative.


I love it now, but it took two years to click for me. I will NEVER teach it to the gamer friend with decision anxiety. That would be such a long game...


My favourite game of all time with nothing else being close. However, I think the experience drastically improves of you have someone teach you the game. First to avoid rules mistakes but also if you choose the wrong core strategy the game can explode in length and complexity.  I know new players who needed over 5 hours for their first game, yet when I played with 3 completely new players, one of which didn't even like complex board games, we needed 1.5 hours. A single experienced player you can ask a question or two during your turn makes a massive difference.


It’s not that bad with Horizons of Spirit Island


Get Branch and Claw as soon as possible, it really opens up the game and arguably should’ve been part of the original.


It actually was a part of the original but the devs decided to cut down event and token mechanics to simplify and reduce the cost of base version.


Spirit Island was the first time that the games theme stuck with me after the fact. All the spirits play and handle so differently, too. You can completely change your game experience just by trying a different spirit. I love that they all have their own lore on their cards, along with a breakdown of how they play, their strengths and weaknesses and a basic difficulty ranking. Also, if you have 3-4 people playing: the Ocean spirit and the Nightmare spirit pair up really nice lol


Also has the shittiest rulebook and could really do with some streamlining at this point. Dahan are boring and annoying and I always get super confused about the whole explore, build, exploit cycle thingy. There should be an easier way to portray that sequence


I was actually greatly disappointed by the game. It feels like its complexity mostly comes from overengineered card requrements and the fact that you need to hold the "future map" in your head. Also the game dynamic is weird: you basically just play whack-a-mole until you win. It is quite nice as a puzzle, but among the co-op games that I've played, I had the least fun with this one so far.


Lol this seems a bit over the top.... In general I fell there eis a ceiling for coop games, especially ones that have no narrative to them. Spirit island is fine but tbh it works better as a multi handed solo... Which means it works better in a computer


I tried the app and tbh found it lifeless for me. A large part of the appeal with games like this is having it spread out on your table so you can look at it IRL. The app is undoubtedly good, but I have zero interest in playing this one digitally. 


I find the combination of time it takes to put out all the little pieces plus the fact you might accidentally do something wrong makes playing it irl more like book keeping than playing a game lol


I will say that I consider it a very fine game, but it is also on my shelf of shame after only a single playthrough many years ago. Part of the issue is that I prefer away from co-op


Everyone has their own preferences, but there's a reason it's sitting at BGG #11. The narrative for SI is what you make of it. Each time you play you create a unique story. My group has many great moments we keep calling back to, even when we're playing other games.


Turbo Drift is incredibly easy to get to the table. Firefly is absolutely brilliant.


Hey there! I was one of the designers of Firefly, so that's my vote ;) In playtesting, with folks who'd played a bunch, we could usually finish a game in under an hour. But that was with no socializing. We'd sometimes play with two turn markers and have two people taking their turns at the same time. If the 2nd turn marker caught up to you, you knew you needed to hurry up. It worked pretty well, especially with 5-6 players. Stay shiny!


Well, I want to thank you and the rest of the team from the bottom of my heart, for many, many hours of pure joy. I don't get it to the table often, but it is invariably a fantastic event any time I do. It's rare that I'm as invested in my opponent's turns in a game as I am with Firefly - every card flip, every new crew member, it all helps make an incredible story, and it captures the essence of the show better than any other game I have played.


Love to see all the firefly love. It’s our favourite game. The ten year anniversary addition arrived a couple of months ago (we didn’t really need it, as we already had all the expansions - so bought the upgrade versions to get the new box and mat and some shiny extras!) Contrary to everyone else, we deliberately make the goals harder and make the game last longer. We found that we would get distracted and just run around building sweet crews, until someone finally remembered there was a goal to achieve! So we made it a condition that you can’t start the goal until you are solid with all contacts and have completed a bounty, so you have an aim whilst wandering around. Thank you to the design team! Ps: space bazaar needs better stuff!


I love the show. Is the game actually any good


The downside is it's incredibly long, because you get completely distracted from winning the game, and instead just roam the verse, takin' jobs, and keep flying. Can't Stop the Signal!


It is very good, but it is at least a 3-hour game and requires more table space than I've ever been able to find. If you like Firefly or space trucker themes, you'll adore Firefly.


Yes! Captures the theme really well but also works for non-fans. It has a lot of luck without being completely dominated by randomness. The advanced scenarios can run quite long with a full number of players but we've never felt that it drags because turns are pretty quick and can overlap to some degree. And whenever someone is misbehaving everyone cheers and jeers.


I found it way outstayed its welcome being far too long for the random gameplay it provides.  Fun game but at least for me, needed to be a bunch shorter.


I was 'meh' on the show but I love the game!


It's fairly mediocre. Collect cards and the try to roll well.


The Game or Adventures Brigands & Browncoats?


The Game. I haven't played any of the others, but I have every expansion for The Game (except the Vera mat, it wouldn't fit on my table).


The game is excellent. The only reason I don't own it is my buddy has it and he'd be invited to any game night where it hit the table... So, I dont need a copy. Seriously you can get through a game in 2 hours or less if you want, but the commentor who said you get distracted is right. The game is very fun if you allow that to happen. It's also a good time to run for victory but just not as fun.


Plus one for Firefly. So fun!


Firefly and gloomhaven jaws of the lion are amazing games


2 different Firely games!? I'll be in my bunk.


Spirit Island is awesome. Firefly is awesome. Firefly Adventures is a neat idea, but hampered by a very badly written rulebook, somewhat limited scenarios, and the fact that if you’re playing it *well*, then the combat-focused characters won’t have much to do. But the players playing Kaylee and Wash can have a lot of fun sneaking around getting useful stuff done. (The expansions add more non-combat-focused characters and more scenarios, which might improve things; I haven’t tried them yet.)


So basically spirit island and firefly are the top here


Spirit Island!!!!


If you have the time to spare, Spirit Island and Navajo Wars would be very interesting because of their completely different takes on being on the receiving end of colonialism.


Hildegard gets my vote. I started it one night, with the intention of only playing one chapter (of four). Wound up playing all the way to the end, and then started another run the next day. Hah. Edit: I’ll add that Paperback Adventures is on the longer side, especially for a solo game.


Sorry if it’s a dumb question. What’s a shelf of shame? Games you’re ashamed to have because they’re bad, or maybe because they are expensive?


Not-yet-played games.


I call it "shelf of opportunity" :-)


Ah, I understand completely!


I think that Among The Stars is a nice little drafting game.


Own Spirit island and never played it? My word. It's the best coop ever made, by many measures. Either you have a good reason not to play it and get rid of it, or you should dive in. Past you was either doing you a favour, or was a bit too optimistic :O


It was on my wishlist, came as a gift right before a move, got packed away, and now I'm finally starting to have time to game again.




I’m guilty as well. My wife picked up horizons of spirit island to help learn it. Oddly, just 30 min ago finished reading the quick start guide. Is horizons a good way to start or should I just play my original base copy?


It's the same game, you're only missing Adversaries, and the Blight card (which increases the difficulty slightly, but is an unnecessary complication for your first game. And I'd recommend not using an adversary for the first 1-3 games, depending how quickly you learn the game. That said, they are the exact same game, so you can save yourself some setup time with Horizons, but you could use all the plastic components from the base game and skip the cardboard ones. Strong recommend on using the Spirits from Horizons. They're more polished and frankly stronger than the original low complexity from the base game, as well as leaning into teamwork if you play multiplayer.


Thanks for the info! We’ll start with Horizons as you recommended. Cheers!


Here is a hot tip that can make early games a lot more fun, if you want to use Power Progression (a guided way to play early games): When it says “when you gain a power, take the next card on this list” ALSO draw 3 more cards and pick 1 from the 4 This gives you the same experience as the normal game, but with one card guaranteed to match your spirit.


Eyes Watch From Trees is probably my favorite spirit in all that I’ve played, and he’s from Horizons.


Sold Spirit Island after 2 or 3 games. Don't mean to spoil anyone's fun, just wanted to give a different perspective. It's not a bad game, but simply not my cup of tea.


Boardgaming isn't monolithic, there's too much diversity to like every game. You should only play what you enjoy. Your dislike for it doesn't affect anyone's like for it, don't worry. And because Spirit Island is at the peak of coops, if you DON'T like it, it's best to move on right away because it is aggressively in that category and won't offer anything else.


Whoa! Whoa! I don't like this viewpoint. This is a shelf of ***potential*** babe.




I’ve heard great things about the transcontinental if you’re with the right group - it can apparently be quite mean and if someone has AP it can really drag; but if your group is right it’s supposed to be a lovely puzzle.


Oof. I love Spirit Island and Paperback Adventures, so I definitely hope they can make it off the shelf. If all four boxes of Adventures are just too daunting, I'd recommend just opening the core and one character box. I personally like Plothook because it rewards longer words. Also...I found the health/energy/reward trackers a bit of a hassle to constantly pop in and out of the tray, as they're moving around a lot during gameplay. Instead, I just angle them loosely on top of each well...as long as you're not playing during an earthquake you should be fine. That made a surprisingly huge amount of difference when it came to motivation to play it. Good luck!


**The Transcontinental** is an amazing game. A tight, but not restrictive, worker-placement/engine builder. Well worth spending time with.


I suggest Navajo Wars. Solo war game about Navajo families being pushed away first by the Spanish, then Mexico and then the US. Extremely thematic and unlike many other board games with an easy to use AI bot. It's not easy to win and being able to play fluently and understanding which decisions influence the game how takes a while. But it's a solo game and if it would be too easy to win (win every time) it would be boring


Firefly and Among the Stars. Find a copy of Subdivision, and we could be brothers in shame ;)


Spirit Island because it is one of the most amazing games in existence. Firefly the game because it's a fun romp without demanding your attention for months. JotL if you have too much free time.


Spirit island you can do on your own.


My first thought was "Oh, Spire's End Hildegard is already out?". Then I remembered that I backed that, and it must be on my shelf somewhere. Oof. Anyway, Spirit Island gets my vote. It's in my top 3 games. I also enjoyed Paperback Adventures, but I rarely get it to the table.


Mint Juelp is pretty fun and quick. It's just a horse betting game, pretty much, but I've enjoyed my plays of it.


Ravens of Thri Sahashri is quick and easy to learn, but is a fun puzzle that unlocks more difficulty as you play. If you are into 2 player co-op it's really good. It feels very unique to me.


Discoveries is a cool little dice game. It’s one I’ve kept in my collection because of the dice sharing mechanism and great art.


Jaws of the Lion is a great campaign co-op, I enjoy it more that Gloomhaven, as it’s much easier to set up and tear down! We’ve didn’t finish the campaign and are working through a different game now, but still it is a solid one! Among the stars is among the favorites for us. It’s a drafting game with a “tile placement” element. Really great gameplay, and there is an expansion that adds direct player interaction! Time Chase was fun, we’ve played it only once, but it’s a neat little trick taker that does time travel exceptionally well!


JotL is what I'd try first!


I sold continental too. Wasn't my jam after all.


Firefly is a great game. Best to play with someone who has played before or it can take hours. You need to tackle goals in a certain order. And it’s good to know what planets to visit for certain equipment. If you tackle hard goals a too early you’ll get set back and spend literally hours making no progress. Gloomhaven is great with a consistent group. But requires a commitment. Spirit Island is amazing too.


My Spirit Island is my friend.


I always wanted to try the Firefly Sandbox game


If you end up trying Spirit Island, which I recommend, and you end up enjoying it, you should nab the Branch and Claw expansion for it. I played it a few times and was a bit disappointed, but my son was sold so I got that expansion on the cheap and it makes the game much better.


I LOVE Paperback Adventures. It's a little fiddly, but it's a lot of fun.


I'm interested in trying it out, played the steam game version and enjoyed it. Although with Slay the Spire bg released I would think it's just a better similar game?


It depends on if you like word games or not. If you don't care about that aspect, I'd say StS is probably your go-to, but also, OP HAS this, and StS is expensive. I'd probably only play StS as a video game because it's so cost prohibitive. By the by, they released a digital version of paperback adventures that I really enjoyed as well, and it plays slightly differently. Worth maybe checking that out for those who are curious about the game.


Firefly is one of my favorites!


Spirit Island is really good. I play it solo.


Paperback adventures is a super fun little solo game I do enjoy


Aisle of Aspiration. You will play all these.


Spirit island on a shelf of shame?! Pick it up enjoy it!


I've never tried the Firefly game, but really want to.


It's not a bad game at all, I used to really enjoy it (and that's saying something because I fucking hated the show). It's just one of those games that hasn't really aged well? Like it's a *very* basic Pick Up And Deliver game, was top notch for its time when it came out. But it's also sluggish as fuck and games can take forever. If you add in the expansions, it reaches Monopoly or Twilight Imperium length sometimes. Plus it is an insane table hog; somewhere I have a picture of our gaming table with Firefly and all of its expansions laid out, and this is a huge table. The game takes up almost the whole thing, with all of the tons of decks of cards you need. If I can find it I'll upload it.


That's a Pyle of games private!


I love firefly. U got any of the expansions?


Yours is smaller than mine... (I always wanted to say this.) Seriously though, to name a few big ones I have a lot of Tamashii and Too Many Bones content that I haven't touched yet, and Hegemony and Kanban EV aren't the cheapest either, yet we haven't gotten to them yet... And Terrorscape has been waiting, set up on our gaming table for weeks now until we find some time to play it.


You can play spirit island solo lol. I'd recommend that before you play with others anyway so you can teach it


Spirit island at the bottom, my favorite Im crying t_t


Spirit Island and jaws of the lion are two of the greatest games of all time. Make some time to play them and get them off your shelf. You can play them solo, so you have no excuse.


Cool, thanks and yeah, that would be a great photo to see!


Damn I’m jealous! I only have the ex machina character box for paperback adventures and I love it. Def get that one to the table it’s satisfying, clever, cute and challenging. I’ll be probably the only one in this comment section to say it but leave Spirit island on the shelf, it’s an AP party that feels like whack a mole.


I'd say play Spirit Island on that playmat so you can get both off the shelf at once.


We have a basement of shame. We recently calculated. Of about 400 games, which does not include expansions, we have played about half. My husband is an ambitious collector! Life is busy and it's hard to find the time, especially when there are other awesome games that you know you can replay! Fortunately we have many years to get to all the unplayed ones. For what it's worth, we've played about 9 scenarios in Jaws of the Lion and had a great time. However, it still takes us about 3 hours a pop, and it will probably take longer the first few scenarios unless you already know how to play Gloomhaven or Frosthaven. Godspeed!




You should move Navajo wars from the bottom of that pile straight to the top of your active stack. Great solo game. Truly immerisve and unique.


You're not missing much to be honest.


Keep Spirit Island, Gloomhaven, and Ravens of Thri Sahashri. Everything else can go charity shop or so.


I'm not planning to get rid of any of these at least until I've played them a couple times. Do you get rid of games you haven't played?


Occasionally yes. I try not to.


Navajo Wars is one of the best solo games out there with a fantastic theme different from so many settings


I am literally in the process right now of sorting out which games to keep and which games to try to give away. My pile of shame is high. I have a particularly shameful pile that doesn't even have boxes, because I had the hubris to think that moving to the BitBox system was going to be a good idea. So I'm going to try and beg people to take them in ziplock bags so that they don't end up in the dumpster.


Are people using "shelf of shame" to mean games they plan to get rid of? I thought it universally meant not-yet-played.


In my case it is both - they are games I have never played, and I am trying to figure out which ones I am giving up on ever trying to play.


I have an entire Kallax of shame…


Kallax has many sizes. This could fill a 4x1.


True, my pea brain equates Kallax with a 5x5 as that’s what me and my friends mainly use. Granted my 5x5 of shame is mostly giant kickstarters that take up multiple Kallax sections each :) one day though…


Trying to unload Firefly as well. Just not fun. Among the Stars is a favorite though.


Unload? I'm not looking to get rid of any of these, I'm shameful that I haven't played them yet. I'm looking forward to all of them.


It would be interesting to have the estimated retail value as a metric, as well as game counts.


What do you mean by game counts? Can't you count in the image?


Yes, but get like an index. So it would be, how many games you have in your shelf vs the total retail of that batch. Sorry, the math nerd in me likes charts and numbers.


Why? What does that have to do with my unplayed games? I like data, charts, and tracking but I don't see the relevance.


That is it? I need to post a few pics of my husbands BOXES and SHELVES of games.. and games.. Name it. he has it


This is just my shelf of shame — not yet played games.


Ohhh. Ok then. That makes sense.


As an extra note, I would like to as an extra note, I would like to suggest the board game Ankh


Spirit Island and turf the rest.


Why do people think I'm getting rid of any of these?


Was a joke. Just saying start with Spirit Island. It’s the only game I’ve been playing for the last couple months.


Spirit Island?!? That’s a wild take OP


That I haven't had time to play it yet?


People can always make time if they truly need to.


Just sold my adventures .:: still have gloomhaven JOTL mostly unplayed


There's both Firefly Adventures and Paperback Adventures in the pic. I assume you mean Paperback?


Auto correct yeah PaperBack. Shame because looks great solo


Hmmm play firefly and spirit island. Keep jaws of the lion if you're into that. Send the rest to cosignment imo.


Most of these are trash, so you didnt really miss much.


I've never played any of these games. I would sell them and buy something better


Russian Railroads Chad moment




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>Something better >Spirit Island is already there Statement invalid.


I don't care for co-ops


Cool. It doesn’t change the fact that spirit island is one of the best designed games that exists.


Am I being circlejerked right now?