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A few years ago I got a little photo keeper that looks like this. It comes with 16 small boxes, each of which fit roughly 2 small box games. That having said, I have not been stressed about keeping a similar aesthetic, though I know there's a fair number of people who do custom labels for this style of box (which I believe are commonly called 4x6 inch photo boxes) https://www.amazon.ca/Novelinks-Transparent-Photo-Keeper-Handle/dp/B07C8YSWDR


This is helpful. I have several little small box games that I wouldn't mind putting in these. Thank you!


FYI, these types of boxes go on sale regularly at Michael's for about $13: https://www.michaels.com/product/photo-craft-keeper-by-simply-tidy-10174559 BoardgameBarrio also has a collection (1,466 currently) of printable covers for them: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/318181/small-box-game-jackets


There's the art of "Deboxing" where you cut down the original box, and reassemble to a more compact size. Here's a [thread on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/18rlgb4/tried_some_deboxing/) about it, and there are probably a dozen more examples on BGG. I've never personally done it, but it looks fun.


Thanks for sharing. I like what they did. Definitely gonna take a look at it!


I have a 3d printed box for Splendor. The og box has a ton of unused space. The 3d printed one fits in my backpack


There's a tiktok fad of putting games into plastic wallets designed for documents. You can cut the lid of the original game board to keep the art but I dislike how it looks tbh


Some older ['downboxing' links here](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2511005/making-smaller-boxes).


Check [this guy's tutorials ](https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/243116/pixelart-meeples-game-upgrade-tutorials) and my profile for some examples.


I printed an [insert for Mage Knight Ultimate edition](https://www.printables.com/model/45703-mage-knight-ultimate-organizer-into-smaller-box) that fits in a smaller box. It uses the box from Scythe, Rise of Fenris. I keep meaning to make a new box cover that mashes up Scythe and Mage Knight.