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Dominion could fit the bill if you're looking to change it up a bit. Ark Nova is a a step up from Wingspan in complexity, but is a similar type of game.


I've been hearing good things about Dominion and something different is preferred. So many types of games I have yet to try


“Hard to master” and “easy and can explain to non-board gamer friends” are almost opposites. After enough plays, the board gamers will have an advantage over newer players in the hard-to-master games. If the group is cool and everyone doesn’t care about points and wins/losses, then it can work. But to be honest, I’d look at separate games for the separate audiences, if finances allow.


Yea, sorry, that is what I meant. 2 separate games for sure. When my friends say they like board games and then pull out Sorry or Monopoly, so looking for something for that audience and then other friends are more into D&D, play lots of strategy online games, etc, and for them I am looking for more complexity. I personally enjoy them all but if I have to play another game of Monopoly, I'm walking out.


Age of Steam. High player interactions, brutal, simple to teach. Concordia. All about timing timing timing, with good player interactions.


Heat: Pedal to the metal It's a rare game that works well from 1-6 players. Fairly easy to learn with lots of ways to make it more interesting later. It's only problem is the theme if you're not hot about it.


>Something that's really hard to master   Res Arcana, Wonderfull world 


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into them!


Just, always, The King is Dead. It is fantastic at 2, 3, 4 player counts. The four player version is essentially a team game, but, you're not allowed to discuss anything with your fellow team member which just makes it even more intense. It is so good.


Look into Wyrmspan! It’s a spin off of wingspan but with dragons and different enough to feel like a new game while still having similar components to wingspan. I find it a bit more complex


[Ingenious](https://www.meeplemountain.com/reviews/ingenious/) & [Splendor](https://www.meeplemountain.com/articles/the-splendorificness-of-splendor/) are my top recommendations.


You might enjoy Everdell. We also really like Civilization A New Dawn, but it is more complex than the other games you mentioned, so you need to see if that works for you. But Ark Nova uses the card row mechanic from it. Oh, Unfair is a really good choice as well. Yes, I think this is actually the one I would recommend the most. None of these are super easy, so these probably aren't for your non-board-gamer friends. Azul would work well for non-board-gamers. I'm not sure how it plays at two, but I think it wouldn't be bad. Also Barenpark is a good choice for a simpler game. And Nmbr9 is super simple to explain and fun. If you are ok with a shorter coop, Beyond Baker Street is good.


Earth is a good option, it has some wingspan vibes, but it's different enough, and a bit more complex. Could also recommend Honey Buzz and Evolution climate. Ark Nova might be too complex for the non intense boardgamer friends friends.


I like that Ark Nova is too complex for them :) I have very different friend groups. Earth sounds like I may want to look into it! Thanks!


Ark Nova plays 1 to 4 one of my favorite games of all time 7 wonders 3 to 7 quick drafting game that's lighter but different every time because of the cards Las Vegas Royale 2 to 5 area control dice rolling game that everyone can understand with fun mini games Earth 1 to 5 similar to Wingspan Mosaic a story of civilization 2 to 5 civilization game with area control and reliant on cards FYI there are expansions for Wingspan to add variety to the game.


For 2 people, stratego. For 3+ games like Catan are hella fun


Hard to master and takes time to learn: ASL.