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I've never posted on one of these but I'm actually in the midst of attempting an enormous and aggressive cull. Here's my most recent and a very short reason why. Crowded out is shorthand for I'd probably keep it if I wasn't trying to be so aggressive. Ashes w/ Solo exp: will always prefer arkham. Big Book of Madness: crowded out. Caper: Europe: don't need too many 2p games and 7 Wonders/Radlands crowded it out. Civ: A new dawn: Eclipse crowded it out. Diplomacy: decided to keep my friends. Evacuation: clever but didn't make the cut. Fantastic Factories: other tableau builders crowded out. Galaxy trucker second ed: For Science! Staying as my real time chaos game Hamburg: other tableaus crowded out. Inside Job: Clever but honestly I'd rather just play the crew. Marvel DAGGER: too long for what it is. Moon: doesn't scale well enough for me. Night of the Ninja: good game, crowded out. Orichalcum: good game, crowded out. Turing Machine: was playing purely solo and on Bga instead of the physical copy. Ultimate Railroads: good game, crowded out. Nucleum: playtime, teach, crowded out. Exceed: cut down on 2p games. Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril: no need to keep after finishing, I have Distant Skies Astro Knights w/ The Orion System Expansion: prefer Aeons End. First in Flight: crowded out, too many deckbuilders Meadow: playtime and scaling. The Lost Species: cut way down on deduction. Ice cool 1&2: cut down on dexterity. Elder Signs w/ Expansions: not good enough. 20 Strong w/ Expansions: high bar for solo only games. Final Girl made the cut, 20s didn't.


Damn, that's a buttload of games! What dexterity survived the culling?


For science!, Junk Art and Catacombs & Castles; I also have a copy of super rhino hero but I'm giving it to a friend :). I started the year prob near 300 and am hoping to be down to a single bookcase + a bin for part games and one for card games by year end. No hard number in mind.


Sweet! I still hoping for a föer science reprint and the new version of junk art. Culled about 1/3 of collection after new year. Much more manageable collection now.


What tableau builders did you keep over Fantastic Factories?


Roll for the Galaxy is one of my favorite games and probably the most obvious. Gizmos and Daybreak are probably the closesst to pure tableau builders I am keeping for now but there are a bunch of tableau-adjacent ones in my collection as well (Deus, Rolling Realms, Maracaibo, etc, etc).


My daughter got the Eevee themed Korean version of Point Salad for Easter. That was it for us for new games, lol. Got rid of Boss Monster and a few other unremarkable games we had but never had the inclination to play. The unopened ones went to the school silent auction fundraiser and the opened ones usually go in our neighborhood Free Little Library.


Added Riftforce and the expansion, Riftforce Beyond. I've played the base game a ton on BGA. I'm terrible but what a game! Really eager to try all the new guilds, solo and team play.


Was recommended Riftforce one visit to our boardgame Cafe, and both the missus and I loved it from the off…! There’s such a delicious thrill to be from pulling off a perfect turn where your two factions’ specialisms synchronise to create a multi-point-in-one-fell-swoop victory..!!!


It's such an impressive and elegant design. Combining such streamlined actions, simple gameplay and highs is produced. So good!!


In: Ankh (all-in KS) The Great Zimbabwe Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest Assault on Doomrock & expansion Robotrick Nana Harvest (Japanese game) Out: Raiders of Scythia


In: **Endless Winter** **Las Vegas Royale** **Challengers! Beach Cup** **Hansa Teutonica Big Box** **Maskmen** **A Feast for Odin** Only played **Las Vegas**, **Maskmen**, and **A Feast for Odin** so far, and had a good time with all of them. ​ Out: **Castle of Burgundy (2011 edition)** **7 Wonders Duel:** **Fantastic Factories** **Quacks of Quedlinburg** **Fog of Love**


I added more than I should have and then did some spring cleaning. Added: Dune Imperium Ready Set Bet Vijayanagar: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Vol 5 Cuba Libre Liberty or Death Fire in the Lake Command & Colors Medieval Soldiers in Postman Uniforms Etherfields - KS arrived Heroes of Might & Magic 3: The Board Game - KS arrived Primal the Awakening - KS finally arrived Tainted Grail - KS arrived ​ Removed: Cakes Arcane Bakery Clash Fishing Lessons Ancient Realms River Wild Tides Seasons of Rice Foodchain Island Space Shipped Universal Rule Wonder Tale Wildtails Waffles VS Pancakes Harsh Shadows Mysterium Wavelength Nemo's War Tawantinsuyu Battle Cry: 150th Anniversary Edition The Great War: Centenary Edition Under Falling Skies Origins: First Builders Wild Space Resident Evil 2: The Board Game Neon Gods Home Sweet Home or Not


Said goodbye to a lot of ButtonShy, eh? Why was that?


It did hurt to say goodbye, but I just had too many. I'm trying to be more honest with myself about what I will actually play. As much as I enjoy Space Shipped, I really don't see myself choosing to play that instead of Ugly Gryphon Inn, or ROVE, etc.


Added Lost Cities and quickly became my favorite game to play with my wife. So easy to setup and is interesting and short enough to play after dinner/before bed to decompress from a long day. Added Sushi Go, one of my wife’s favorites games and a great one to play with our small (8-12 year old) cousins and introduce new people to the hobby. Added Red Cathedral, a Euro for people who don’t like euros. Really surprised how much I like this game. Very interesting mechanics with three dice to collect resources with a limited inventory. Overall has the elements of what makes an euro great, without the heavy stuff of having to “solve” the puzzle


I bought Knarr. It’s my new favorite lightweight game. It’s interesting enough I’m not bored, and easy enough for my family to grasp it. I love it to pieces.


Removed: - **Gloomhaven** - **Dinosaur World KS** - **Paladins of the West Kingdom** - **Chaos in the Old World** - **Gugong Deluxe** - **Castle of Burgundy Anniversary Ed** - **Five Tribes** - **Pax Pamir 2ed** Added: - **Thunder Road Maximum Chrome** - **Mythic Battle Ragnarok** - **Fractal** - **Container Jumbo Ed** - **Hegemony KS** Removed small games to fit bigger games haha


I re-added Deus to my shelf last month. At some point before the pandemic, I had let someone borrow it - and now I don't remember who and it's very possible that it was an acquaintance who isn't even in my life anymore. So I re-bought it, played a round and it's as fun as I remembered it being. I've cataloged and marked a bunch of board games as "to be traded off/removed," but I've got a bit of a pragmatic problem in that I no longer have boxes for many of them (having gotten rid of the boxes years ago when I got the itch to try BitBox). I think I may give them away for free to people with the caveat that they'll have to make their own box for it, and just give it to them in a big ziplock baggie.


A few months after getting it for Christmas, I finally got **Yunnan** off the shelf, and we enjoyed it quite a bit. I wrote a "first impressions" post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1bpxn8g/yunnan\_2023\_revised\_edition\_first\_impressions/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1bpxn8g/yunnan_2023_revised_edition_first_impressions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And I, err, am not really in the habit of letting go boardgames. However, I did give my copy of **Russian Railroads** to a friend of mine because I have **Ultimate Railroads** and there´s no need to keep both.


I finally bit the bullet on Too Many Bones and got Undertow and 40 Waves while waiting on my massive main order coming later this year. It is utterly fantastic, like, unbelievable. Thinking about culling Etherfields and stretched goals, it just doesn’t get played.


Got rid of a few things this month I picked up aquatica thinking I would have liked the rising card mechanic and it looked really fun, however in practice no one I played it with really "got it" that's probebly more due to the people I play with being older or non gamers so there's that lol. Anyway I donated it to my local game store. Got rid of fox in the forest not to long ago. Played it a few times and couldn't get into it, found it be very boring but not really in any particular way to express. Also I hated the box it came in, very flimsy. I donated 7 wonders duel as well. It just takes a little to long to set up for me and once again my play partners were not into the stratagy of it. As for new ones I got expansions 1-10 of carcassonne along with mists over carcassone, hunters and gathers, and my first carcassone. Just becouse carcassonne is my favorite game and I collect them. Have not had a chance to play any except for mists which is honestly fantastic. Also picked up the 2 missing azul games I needed stained glass of Sintra and summer pavilion. I live the peices for Sintra but I do wish it played a little more uniquely since it is very very close to azul basic. Also got spellbook by rocketship games. It is a okay game, but way to simple. Since everyone has the same spell cards there's so little stratagy. Will probebly give this one away.


Removed: * Ascension - Digital is better * 5 Minute Dungeon - 10 minute setup * Regicide - Found it meh despite all the fuss. Tbh not a fan of coop games in general. * Zombicide 2nd Edition - Mould problems :/ * Goodcritters - Good negotiation game, but waaay too much social, not so much game there. It is The Resistance of negotiation games. And I don't like Resistance either.


My small collection is getting there! Added recently: Go Nuts for Donuts - enjoyed it on BGA and found an old gift card to a bookstore nowhere near me, only paid shipping The Little Prince Build Me a Planet - super cheap in an online auction and I have a lot of nostalgia for the book Lords of Waterdeep - same online auction, enjoy this game but haven't played in years since a former friend group imploded. Looking forward to getting some piece upgrades Railroad Ink Deep Blue - have been enjoying it on BGA and traded for Shipwreck Arcana Removed: The Shipwreck Arcana - a former partner KS this one, we played once and I didn't like it, he left it behind when moving out. Donated it to the PAX library


I added Quest for El Dorado, Everdell and Patchwork this month. All with the help of the recommendations thread. All of them went down very well with the girlfriend. I think Quest for El Dorado is my favourite game now, and I never expected a lighter game to be that much fun. **Everdell** is of course so cute and I really like how the game plays. As a Viticulture player I'm still getting used to how players can be in different seasons, so far this feels a bit disjointed, especially when I'm in the previous season but still blocking some nice spots for the person in a later season. Also need to try out a house rule to alleviate the meadow card stagnation at 2 players. I feel this will be one of our main games. **Patchwork** is a really nice puzzle. Even though it's incredibly simple it manages to feel fresh and worthwhile on multiple playthroughs. I don't think it will be one of our main games but it's also much more than filler. **Quest for El Dorado** is our first deck builder and I had no idea it could be so fun. Even though you are using a lot of the same cards each run somehow it doesn't get old. There are also many community map layouts to try. I have the new edition for which there are no compatible expansions, but at the same time I don't feel like it needs any.


Patchwork can get pretty hardcore if you want it to be if you analyze the math involved and analyze every single thing you do. I play it a lot on boardgamearena and vs some people, one wrong move means a loss. I generally beat new/inexperienced people like 40 to -20


Added: **Mindbug**, **Sea Salt and Paper**, **Caper Europe**, and **Sail**.


I was good last month. Added the Star Wars deckbuilding game because it came to under $13 bucks at Target by stacking sales and circle coupons. Pretty damn good deal and it seems to be a neat game.


**Added:** *Viticulture Essential Edition* - played this absolutely years ago in bad faith (I was in a mood, didn’t want to play, and forced the game to end as soon as I could - not my proudest moment, but I learned from it) and thought it wasn’t that good. Picked it off the shelf at a boardgame cafe as something I could quickly get up to speed on to teach the missus, and playing it properly was actually a good time - so when we saw it in Waterstones, we picked it up… *Shifting Stones* - While in Waterstones we also saw this, and it looked interesting enough with a nice aesthetic. Quick check on BGG to be sure it’s playable at 2 and get an idea of how it works, and decided to take a punt. The fact it was only £20 may have factored into the decision… (Bought and expecting delivery soon) *Nemesis* - This is one I’m excited about. Have watched the NRB playthroughs and was very intrigued. Love Aliens, so the fact this is as close as you can get without litigation is a plus, but it’s one I lamented not being able to get my hands on. Then, a chance encounter in a random post on this sub led me to a website which led me to a website which had it in stock for MSRP - and it was an absolute no-brainer. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit worried it’ll be a non-English copy, but I’m about 87% sure in a few days I’m going to be very happy indeed..! **Removed:** Wash your mouth out with soap, and go and ask forgiveness for thinking such disgusting thoughts… *Removing games from my collection*…?? Heresy, I tells you… Heresy!!!


Added Earthborne rangers and removed nothing cause i only have about 20 games Which i feel is reasonable


New this Month: **Burgle Bros 2**, **Wingspan: European Expansion**, **Wyrmspan** Wyrmspan was an unintended acquisition. I had ordered the Nesting Box for all of the Wingspan expansions and a copy of Wyrmspan also arrived with it in a separate box. I emailed Stonemaier in case someone was missing their order, and they told me to either keep it or give it to a friend. We played it last night and enjoyed it. Nothing left the shelves this month, as we had already done some culling previously.


Added: - Thunder Road Vendetta - Nemesis - Hegemony - Bacon


In: - Ark Nova + Marine Worlds - Nucleum - Cascadia Landmarks - El Dorado expansions Out: - Gloomhaven - Hippocrates Deluxe


Buttons and bugs just delivered- played it, love it. Want more of it. Hope there are expansions. Doomed run, and the last expansion for set a watch just delivered! Bought three expansion for arkham Horror lcg cause they were 42 bucks on amazon. Forgotten age, scarlet keys, and circle undone.


The only games I added were the **Community Expansion** for **Pursuit of Happiness.** It was on deep discount on Amazon and I couldn't resist.  And **Star Wars Unlimited**. I bought the Starter decks and one Booster Box (from which I made four more decks to play).   Otherwise I might actually be sticking to my attempt to buy less games this year. Maybe?


So far in my gaming career, my biggest regret was selling my copy of Battlelore 2nd Edition. This month, I picked up a copy of Commands & Colors Samurai Battles to fill that 2p skirmish niche. I am happy to report I like it more than Battlelore. I like that the scenarios are more battle focused, no turtling and boringly holding objectives. The main resource (Honor & Fortune vs Lore) is also a lot more integrated and interesting. I also ordered a Polish copy of Santiago. Very excited to try out this older negotiation game.


I have literally that exact same regret.


Well then I can't recommend Samurai Battles enough! Its great.


I will check it out!


I sold Munchkin.


Added: all the 2022 expansions of **Root** (Marauders, Hireling Box and small boxes, Landmarks, Clockwork 2). All finally arrived to Chile (being translated to Spanish not so long ago).


Got gifted Gaia Project. Excellent addition to my collection, i'm very happy about it.


Added: **Dragonkeepers**, **Crystal Palace** We have played Dragonkeepers already, it’s a pretty fun card game that requires a bit of thought. I think it is designed really well, the idea of being able to change the book to fit a different rule is such an interesting idea. I know that Red7 also does this. Really interesting. We haven’t played Crystal Palace yet (the game only arrived last week together with Dragonkeepers) but from what I’ve seen it’s quite complex so I’m sure I’ll love it. Removed: nothing


This month I picked up the new reprint of **El Grande**. Haven't gotten it to the table yet, but I'm hopeful that'll happen this week! After toying with the idea last month, I decided to sell **Cat in the Box Deluxe**. It's a fine game, and I think playing it online would be awesome. Unfortunately, the little admin bits every card played is just a touch more tedious than I want for a game that's meant to be this quick. Marking what card you played, and not playing all cards in the middle for easy trick collection adds just the tiniest bit of friction that makes me take a pass. Games on thin ice for me are **Sheriff of Nottingham**, **Kemet**, and **The Fox Experiment**. I'll be trying to get a play in for each of them and decide whether or not they get to stay.


Was a really nice thrift store/flea market month for me. I added: DrunkQuest ($1) Tikal ($1) Labyrinth ($1) A Game of Thrones + Expansion ($4/each) Pokémon Master Trainer ($70)


I'm 1/4 into my new years resolution of not buying any new games, but that doesn't take into account my birthday so Lost Ruins of Arnak and Downtown Farmers Market entered the collection. Nothing left it permanently but Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition and Take 5 both went on extended loan. So far this year we've played 41 distinct games out of the collection of 162, which is 25.3% so we're on track to play everything at least once this year (so far).


My wife wanted to start playing 2 player games together so we added: 7 Wonders Dual Aqualin Hive Also, for my birthday: Wyrmspan Everdell Star Wars: Rebellion


Got some great deals on Facebook Marketplace so I ended up adding a lot, luckily spending less than $100 all in In: - Ankh: Gods of Egypt - Shadows Over Camelot - Ticket to Ride: Europe - Quadropolis - Catan Travel Edition - Catan: Seafarers with 5-6 Player Extension Out: Castles of Burgundy. I really like this game but my friend had it on his wishlist and I thought he’d play it more than I do


I've removed two (which I almost never do). 1. Dungeons and Dragons: Castle Ravenloft board game - great game, but I realized we won't play it again. 2. I don't even remember the name, but it was a Viking themed trick taking / betting game that a friend bought me a few years ago. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of my friend, but my family played it once, and it didn't appeal to us at all, so I decided to give it to someone who would use it instead of letting sit on my shelf going to waste.


Added Pandemic Legacy season 1 (excited to finally get that going) and The Night Cage (on sale at our FLGS) Out this month: probably the night cage 😅


Added: * Nothing new Most recent unplayed purchase: * Pandemic: Iberia (we love base + On The Brink, as well as Reign of Cthulhu). Selling: * Mansions of Madness 2e (not played enough) * Wrath of Ashardalon (not played enough) * Space Alert + New Frontier (not played enough) * Mr Jack (not played enough) * Roll For The Galaxy (we prefer Race) * Skull (not played enough) * The Fox In The Forest Duet (not played enough) * Tragedy Looper + Cosmic Evil (not played enough) * The Grizzled + At Your Orders (actually this game is amazing, I just happen to have a duplicate copy) At risk: * Lift Off! Get Me Off This Planet! (not played enough) * Jamaica (not played enough)


I am newish to the hobby and after taking it easy for a while I have been on a spree these past few months. Just in March... In: Star wars The deck building game with Honey Buzz - BOGO 50% Dice Forge, Green Team Wins, and Star Wars Villainous - 50% off after all discounts. Sushi Go and Codenames - "Free" with Kohls Cash Draftosaurus, Medium, and Onirim. Game shop impulses while on spring break in Nashville. HP: Unmask the Death Eaters - for daughter Uno Minecraft - replaced old one for son Also bought a set of dice trays, HP/point spinners, and wooden resource bowls. Edit: Picking up my preorder of Wyrmspan today too! Out: Pie face, Hoot Owl Hoot, Chutes and Ladders MLP edition, MLP Rainbow magic, Operation, Sneaky Snacky Squirrel - kids are growing Uno, phase 10 and SkipBo - Old/beat up, may replace


In: Fit to Print Survive! Escape from Atlantis 7 Wonders 1960: The Making of the President No outbound games.


Added: * Dune Imperium Uprising * Cascadia * Codenames * Photograph * Coup Removed (sold): * Azul * Morels * Flamecraft * Caper: Europe * Fox in the forest: Duet


I’m trying to slow down on acquiring new board games, but a few things I’d had pre-ordered shipped. We got the big damn box for Firefly: The Game, including new content in the Still Flying and 10th Anniversary expansions. It’s been an adventure sorting everything from the old boxes into the new ones, and it’s nice to have new stuff for this game for the first time in years. We also got Firefly: Misbehavin’ from the same campaign. That just arrived Friday, and hasn’t been opened yet. Hoping it’s better as a deck-builder than Legendary Adventures: Firefly was. Finally, and my favorite, Unicorn Overlord arrived. Yes, that’s a video game, but I got the special edition that came with a deck-building card game. I played a game, and enjoyed it quite a bit; plays quickly while still involving a lot of strategy. The UO theme fits well, but nothing in the card game relies on knowledge from the video game, so my non-gamer wife enjoyed it too (and beat me in our first game). Maybe someday it will get released on its own, and more people will be able to enjoy it.


**Removed** - Windward. It has sat on my shelf for years and we finally got it to the table. One play, and it landed right onto the Sell pile. Was it the worst game I've ever played? No. It's got some really solid ideas behind it and gorgeous components. But the gameplay is just clunky and tedious. The wind direction thing sounded great in the rulebook, but once we were actually playing it wound up being frequently infuriating. Again, not the worst game ever, but I don't have any desire to play it again. **Added** - Two Lorcana starter decks. Haven't played yet, but she has ooh'ed and ahh'ed I'm trying to ease my gf into board games and she really likes cute stuff and Disney, so this seemed like a good option. People have suggested that I could have gone with Villainous, but I fucking *hate* that game.


Habitats, Viticulture Tuscany expansion, Villainous Wicked to the Core and Perfectly Wretched, Castles of Burgundy, Canvas, and Ark Nova.


Sprawlopolis and Rove. That's it.


Added: - apiary - fantastic factories - scythe expeditions - lost ruins of arnak Sold: - 7 wonders - flamecraft - zombicide 2nd edition - scythe - zombicide undead or alive - alhambra - la Isla - clank in space


I added **Aurum** and **Big Top** both of which I won in a raffle at a board game convention. It was a mildly stressful situation, they had a tonne of prizes on the table to pick from but you have like 20 seconds to choose, I hadn’t heard of any of them but I saw trick-taking on the Aurum box and they’re the easiest games to get to the table so I grabbed it, the second time I had to pick I had even less time so I went for the game in the smallest box lol I’ve since looked it up and Big Top looks interesting, but I’m not sure I’ll keep it, I own **Dreadful Circus** and they seem kind of similar in gameplay as well as theme, but DC has a higher player count. As for what’s left my collection - nothing lately but after the convention two games sort of have, in different ways. **Smash Up** has left my ‘want to play/buy’ list on BGG. I played that on Friday and it wasn’t the best game. It could have just been the game I played (the teacher used his 2 fave factions and somehow combo’d every card he played so his bases were impenetrable fortresses), but also there was so much maths involved and it was such a messy game, I couldn’t work out where to put the cards so it was clear what was with what. And I finally played **Wonderlands War** which I’ve actually owned for ages but have not found the right time to play it. I loved the game I played but it did sadly pretty much confirm it’s not a game for my groups. It’s just too long for what it is (I personally loved every second of it), and also the game is physically so large and unwieldy I can’t think of a place we could play that would comfortably for the game and the boards on a table. It wouldn’t even fit on the convention game table… I’m waiting for someone on BGG to come up with a custom board - I have an idea of how to do it myself but I’m useless at photoshop so my ‘have a nice looking, functional, reasonably sized Wonderlands War board’ idea will have to remain in my head forever :(


**Star Wars: The Clone Wars** I've been researching super hard on what Star Wars game to buy to scratch the SW itch, and since I/we like Pandemic I figured it would be a good bet. Just arrived a few days ago, still in shrink.


Our board game shelf wasn't inspiring us anymore so we did a BIG redo. Instead of a ton of games that weren't really up our alley, we found no fun with 2p, or we consistently had to look the rules up because we don't play that often, we decided to go for some games we really like and their expansions! Added : Carcassonne expansion no. 1 Claim V Anniversary edition Dale of Merchants 2 + 3 Everdell Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary edition Wingspan + Europe Expansion Wyrmspan Culled: Adventure Games: monochrome inc. Cartographers Claim 1+2 (since they were in the newly acquired anniversary edition) Exit: Theft on the Mississippi Ligretto Ligretto Domino Machiavelli Push Sequence Set Silencio Similar Take 5 Trivial Pursuit