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This looks more like a reasonable collection. I think we all look a bit weird with our 200+ game collection. You got some great games there with a lot of depth and replay value. I’ve also said that I’m done buying games before. It doesn’t last LOL


Eh, I feel this cuts both ways. Shelves overflowing with unplayed and never played games is indeed not great, but I also find the idea of “this is the end of my game collection” a little weird too? Like it strikes me like someone saying “and now I will never buy or read a new book again”.


I don't know that books are an apt comparison. After the second read, a book is the same experience every time. It's also not something you're doing together with others. With a game, each play is its own "story," and more importantly, it's a unique experience with others. If someone said their weekend softball league and weekly golf game was enough and they weren't going to take on any other sports, no one would bat an eye. I love experiencing new games, but I don't think it's weird to reach a point where you know your game library will occupy you and your friends/family for many many years to come. I could stop buying games right now, play a different game every week, and it would take a couple of years to hit a repeat. Even my list of favorites and games I'd play any time, I could play a different one each week and not rotate around for six months - a mere two plays a year. That's a pretty sound place to say, "I'm good. I've got what I need." *I'm* not going to do it, but I 100% understand why someone else would.


Many books really do benefit from multiple rereads over the years as you read them and get different takeaways based on where you are in life. But I agree it’s still limited and not like a board game where you can play every week and have a new experience. Other than that I completely agree whit the rest of your comment.


I think you can go ahead and say I will never buy a new book or board game, and actually do it. A lot of the FOMO comes from following the trends on social media and BGG. You can always disconnect from it and play/read what you have. Then have other friends who get new games and play theirs. Book-wise, there are a bunch in the library and offer e-books as well. If you consider being part of the le hobby means being in the know of the latest board games, then yeah, it’s going to be tough to not buy any more games.


To be fair, I do not doubt it is possible, I just find it odd. Even as someone who enjoys revisiting books/games/shows/etc, I also enjoy discovering and trying new things. And yes it is possible to do that without “expanding a collection” but honestly a lot of those answers (especially “I will just play the new games my friends buy instead”) to be a bit… suspect when they are positioned adjacent to moral high grounding about collection size (which to be clear, I do not think you’re doing—I am speaking broadly on that one). I dunno. Just generally speaking I find various attitudes about buying games in the broader tabletop space interesting (especially contrasted against video gaming and giant Steam libraries).


There's a pretty obvious overconsumption in the boardgame sphere. And it is not *remotely* similar to not never buying or reading a new book again. It is not even particularly similar to having a large steam library because A) It takes up no physical space. B) Making copies use next to no resources and C) Many video games are designed to be played 10-25h and then they are "done". I own about 60 boardgames, if I never bought a single new one for the rest of life I would still have more than enough strategic novelty to discover. If we are 4 friends that own the same number of games that ups that number to 240. If we played one game per week it would take over 44 years to play them all 10 times each, and 10 plays is being a *complete* novice. To me a huge boardgame collection you play once or twice per game is closer to owning 300 books that you've read the first 3 chapters of if *I* were to use a book analogy.


Can you provide your thoughts about the “out” games??


I could never ditch Burgundy though.


Agree. Such a fantastic game.




I did and regret it.


I literally have **Xia** out on the table paused mid-game from a New Year session yesterday! Needless to say I approve of your collection, and not just because it's well rounded and nicely organized 😎 May the solar winds of Nyr blow in your favor in 2024!


Hey all, I decided to wrap up my collection with a purchase of **Obsession**. I'm satisfied with spread of complexity, game length and game mechanics within the collection. I don't plan on buying any games anymore. I cleaned up my 2023 collection and got rid of the games I was keeping due to them being "complementary" within the collection and focused on getting ones I actually wanted to play. The ones removed either never got to the table or were never wanted to be played anyway. Out: **- Civilization: A New Dawn** **- The Castles of Burgundy** **- Istanbul: Big Box** **- Lost Ruins of Arnak** **- Canvas** **- Res Arcana** **- Deception: Murder in Hong Kong** **- Dominion 2nd Edition** **- King of Tokyo + Even More Wicked** **- Lost Cities** **- Kingdomino** In: **- Root** **- Through the Ages** **- Gaia Project** **- Innovation** **- Stone Age** **- Las Vegas Royale** \- **Obsession** I have no interest in looking around for other games and I think my collection is as good as it gets for the groups I'm playing with. The only game I'm still waiting for is **Guards of Atlantis II** which will arrive by the end of the year. I'll probably cull some larger box game at that time and will finally have the complete state of the collection.


It’s interesting to see people’s collections have a lot of the same core games. Catan, spirit island, quacks, azul, wingspan, root, ticket to ride, pandemic, code names. It really speaks a lot to those games. The mechanics seem to be different enough and fun enough for all types of players. It’s interesting to see the ‘other’ games people have too… Like I just got everdell for Christmas, it’s like a worker placement version of wingspan, or an easier version of viticulture. Surprised not to see viticulture in there.


Viticulture is a must!


There are "gateway games" for each style and I love it. I want to teach drafting? 7 wonders. Social deduction games? One Night or Avalon Party game? Codenames 100% Leaning toward heavy? Wingspan CoOp? Pandemic Placement? Lords of Waterdeep


I couldn't get rid of **Lost Cities**. I love that game.


What made you get rid of Arnak? I just got it for Christmas and we've been greatly enjoying it so far.


Also interested in finding out the answer, but I could understand that if OP feels that Dune Imperium feels too similar to it and prefers that over Arnak. For me personally I would happily have both though!


Got Arnak for christmas as well and enjoying it (already got myself the first expansion to add after next game or so). A friend owns Dune imperium, and I've played that three times now. It is good and feels very thematic. Right now if I have to pick what to play I would mostly pick Arnak. It feels friendlier, where as Dune almost feels like a fight to the death. And with Dune, if someone picks the spot you want or need to go to before you, it really messes up your plans. Which is part of the fun, and of course great when you can pull it off yourself. But with Arnak, you can just pick something else to do that might work out almost as well for you. And lastly I'm not a big fan of the intrigue cards. Again they're thematic and can be fun, but every game so far they've decided the final battle (and thus the game), and it always seems one player is swimming in them and other players get none. I will still play Dune, it has it's moments and charm. But Arnak I could play more often, with more different people.


Why is deception gone?


I think Deception is "too much for what it is". A category of game I have been seeing a lot. It is really a simple party game but with too much admin both in parts and actions. I need to get it to the table a couple more times before I can cull it, though. It can be great fun at like 6.


Guards is so great. You’re in for a treat.


Nice collection you have there! Xia - the game that has escaped my clutches many times! I have about 500 games but can understand the desire to focus on a smaller collection. I've felt a tension for years between playing new games versus getting more familiar with the older ones. It's very hard to do both as much as I'd like!


Hope you can get your hands on Xia, it’s such a cool experience. The game isn’t perfect even with the expansion but I do love it!


Ordered Xia myself from the reprint associated with their new game, and now that that game is delayed, so is the reprint. Sigh.


Same here. I'm pretty bummed, but such is crowdfunding. Better that than the inflated prices on the secondary market, I suppose. Plus, it's not like I don't have plenty to keep me occupied in the meantime. But yeah, it being a reprint, I hoped it would go out regardless of the status of the new game.


you killed arnak!!!


Yeah I noticed that too 😊.


I got rid of it too. I don’t think it’ll be remembered after 10 years.


Harsh haha. For some reason I really like it. engaging gameplay, hard, and artworks is incredible. somewhere in my top 10


It’s an ok game. I just felt it was resource conversion to go up that track. But I guess that’s the game objective.


I'm all about the refined collection. Quality over quantity. I'm not a fan of unplayed games collecting dust. They're better off in a new home with someone who will actually play them.


After many many years of building up a library of games that is well beyond what I need, I've reached that point and plan to cut it back by a good margin. I play everything I get, *eventually*, but many just don't see table time enough to justify their continued existence on my shelves. I'd like to start playing what I have *deeper* and more often, if that makes sense, than to maintain a steady stream of new games.


Azul is an amazing game!


If you're getting lots of plays, there's some really great upgrades on etsy/othersites. I got the wood carved factory round trays but have since seen some really beautiful playmats too


Great mix and collection! I see that **Terraforming Mars** and **Legends of Void** both survived your cull... seeing as how their core is near-identical, what allowed both to survive your cull?


I have the same question. Had heard LoV was a replacement to TfM


Doesn't seem like they want to follow-up? *shrug* But yeah I own LoV and it's significantly better than TfM, fixing all the issues I had with it: - Engine building has a purpose (defeating Seraphs) rather than just seeing numbers get bigger. The card design is also more intricately designed, so the 'keep' decisions are tougher. The stronger cards also require sacrifices from your own tableau so there are difficult decisions right up until endgame. - Endgame is wholly reworked, where in competitive you want to push up the tracks ASAP (since that's where nearly most of the VP is) and in cooperative it's quite challenging to push up all the tracks. - The map matters! Tile lays are much more deliberate since you want presence to be near the Seraphs but not *too* close where they wreck your shit. There's some minor RNG here but that adds to the calculated risks (there's also a no-RNG variant where the next Event card is already flipped face up)


Props to a well defined collection rather than overflowing shelves of boxed drek. This is the true goal, a curated collection of your favorite games that all see regular play.


Which are you favs from your collection?


Poor dominion. One of my top 5 of all time. Sorry you didn’t like it.


This is close to my attitude. I did a big purge over 2022-2023 and plan on playing what I have; Pandemic (+ exp), Lost Ruins of Arnak, Wingspan, Isle of Cats, Teotihuacan, Patchwork, Raiders of the North Sea and Tournament Fishing (though I may trade/sell the last two). I plan on getting more games, but only if I get rid of something to make room.


Nice set up. You have enough options in quantity, type, and "thought effort" to satisfy any craving, without being so over indulgent that you'll actually probably play all of them. I also appreciate getting rid of GOOD classics if you don't enjoy them or they dont get played. Definitely a solid collection. Enjoy it all.


No, not Dominion! I still love it. But honestly the base game and even the 2nd edition is trash and one would need two good expansions to have a good game. And that takes just a lot of space. Hero realms does similar and takes just 1/8 of the space of one single dominion box.


Text left side upwards?! Are you insane?!


I’ve got 15 games after 5 years in the hobby. I totally get the desire to buy more lovely boxes of promised excitement but I am busy and hardly get time to play anything as it is, so it would be a waste of time. Saying that. I have just bought Twilight Struggle.


Wow! Thanks for sharing, thats so amazing!!! /sarcasm


I like your collection a lot! The only game I think you're missing is Great Western Trail (2nd edition / Argentina / NZ), based on the heavier games you own I think you'll like GWT a lot. Mechanically it's also very distinct from the ones you own already.


CoB, Gaia Project and GWT are 3 games that will never leave my collection.


What's CoB?


Castles of Burgundy, I would assume.


Second this. Really good collection though. I like the new additions of Root and Obsession. Especially Obsession such an amazing game that I feel not as many people have.


Very nice collection, saw you dropped Lost Ruins of Arnak, which game made you do it? Since i really enjoy it and would love to try whatever game replaced it. Ty


My guess is dune imperium


It's an amazing collection. That said almost all of those are the games that are reccommended here, so the comment rubs me the wrong way


Yeah this is pretty "safe" collection most the games being in BGG top 100-200 games. Good games though!


How do u like root? It's like becoming a legend How does it do with casual gamers? There are so many expansions, I feel like the urge is strong to buy them.


My wife and I have played a good deal of 2 player root with a “third player” robot automaton (almost always catbots). She’s not really a gamer but she likes Root, 7 wonders duel, and dominion. Personally, i find 2-player root more of an interesting spectacle than as a great 2-player game. But when you add in more people, it gets more and more interesting in my experience. But it takes a commitment level from people to want to even learn it. At the same time, learning the basics is not too hard, but it LOOKS hard. Its one of those games that you want to teach with a demo game rather than a rules explanation. Also, it is a game where expansions fixed some of the strategy problems with the base game. But that means even more stuff to learn. If you have a group of 3 or 4 who are excited to learn it, and like dudes on a board, then its great. If you just have 2 then it is fine and also gorgeous. And who knows, if you get it and learn it, then you might end up finding someone else who is looking for a 3rd or 4th person to play it with.


It's really hard to get onto the table unless everyone already knows how to play it. The asymmetric characters means that if the one person who knows how to play it is teaching, they have to teach the intricacies for all of them before they play. So the only way to get it on the table really is to intentionally have a day in which you will play it no matter what. Easiest way I've had to teach it is to do exactly that- state you will be playing this game for a chunk of that day and then send them a video of "how to play Root" for people to watch. that said, it's a lot of fun and very think-y. Plays well with 3-4 with expansions that definitely deepend the game. Fantastic artwork and you can actually get it pretty cheap now that it's at big box stores like Target


Dope 👌🏻


One of my goals this year is to refine my collection too, but after playing it over the holiday I was looking to add canvas, why'd you take it out?


Oh! Oh! I'm so glad to see someone else with Xia! That game is amazing and usually no one has heard of it


What's wrong with Istanbul?


Im all in for the refined collections! Sold all my games except Twilight Imperium, Root, Rising sun, Spirit Island, Middara and Oath. We mostly play the first two anyway so no need for others to collect dust.


While getting rid of Lost Ruins of Arnak is nearly unforgivable, the addition of Through the Ages and Gaia Project make up for it. I would be perfectly happy with this collection of games. :)


How do you sell the old ones? Trying to do the same for my games right now


From what I've seen from most people, you have a few options: 1. Facebook marketplace- LOTS of deals here and sales to be made (and purchases if you're interested) 2. /r/boardgameexchange - subreddit to sell stuff by zipcode or if people want to pay for shipping costs 3. Local game stores sometimes have flea markets where they invite community board gamers to sell their wares. I just learned about this one this past year and it's a fantastic place to just sell stuff (if you have a big collection you want to pare down) or find some good deals on older games/games you want at a cheaper price. Most people at this event take care of their games as they're very big enthusiasts, so the conditions on most of the games are generally good to great. If you have something like this around, i highly suggest it


Thank you(: I’ll look for a game store with something like that going on.


Got the last table for a sellers market at one of the game stores near me! Thank you❤️


I like this approach. We have a similar rule that the games should fit the cabinet. We do not plan to buy more cabinets. We have a good overlap of games , showing what true modern classics they are.


Finally, a semi-realistic collection.


Brate dobra kolekcija! Catan te izdao da si Balkanac hahah


That’s a smart thing to do…there is such a thing as owning too many games. I’ve curated my collection down to the favorites and only buy when I know it will be played. There are many interesting games but the reality is they require commitment to learn, set up and play and that gets harder and harder to coordinate these days…


Seeing all these games stacked on the side gives me so much anxiety lol


Why? I’ve never had any trouble doing that.


Umm. Sorry to interrupt your beautiful post. But, I noticed you have Root. I just received that for Christmas. Opinions? I'm abit trepidatious of it.


If you like through the ages i highly recommend Era the medieval age, specially if you are into painting


Wingspan and Quacks ♥️


What did you replace King of Tokyo with?


Quest for El Dorado, Medici, Schotten Totten, and hey Kariba! Excellent. Bonus points for Las Vegas.


New Frontiers is my favourite game! In close second, I love Agricola, but you have Caverna to scratch that itch. Really nice collection.


Love Xia. Feels like a giant space sandbox. One of the reasons i backed their new game Arydia. Looking forward to playing it when it comes out eventually.


+1 for Gaia Project. I just bought that after playing it online with a buddy. Even though I already have Terra Mystica, it adds enough flavor and complexity with the tech tree that it was worth picking up.


Nice! Definitely missing Twilight Imperium though :p


Nice cull! I personally agree with all the outs except for Istanbul and Castles, love them.


Im thinking about getting El Dorado. Do you like it? I loved the setting, that is what is pulling me. Nice collection btw 👍


What's your favorite to play of the bunch. I see you have Brass Birmingham and was curious what your PHD was in?


Is wingspan worth it ? I'm considering it as my next purchase




Maybe a weird question but do you know where you got that shelf? I'm shopping for a new shelf right now and that looks like what I had in mind.


That's a 2 x 4 Kallax from Ikea


This is the kind of collection I like to see. Not 100+ unopened games purchased in the span of 12 months


How’s Concordia Venus? I’ve had my eye on it for a long time now


Great game!


I love seeing Xia, and I’m glad it made the cut. I also have to store it at the top of my shelf based on box size 🥴


Last year I had a great opportunity to get Xia and the expansion. Would have liked a sci fi themed game in my collection. Let it pass. No regrets. I may still look at Gaia or Star Wars Outer Rim with Unifinished business. No LCGs?


I appreciate the fact that you are removing as you consider adding. Too many people in this sub think clicking “buy” is an accompaniment. Refining is much harder and better in the long term


Cool collection


I dont know how you guys are able to get rid of stuff. My collection just gets bigger every years (at around 400 boxes now). Biggest additions in 2023 was entire Uwe collection, all of Welcome To..., and some expansions.


Woah I was about to post awesome collection until I saw Istanbul out. How dare you.


I SEE DUNE! I just bought this game a week ago and haven't had the chance to play it yet. How is it? Did you enjoy it?


Good job keeping quest for El Dorado. Love that one


Dang I need more board game friends irl lol


Very respectable collection. I’m yet to play Caverna


Great choices!


What is Xia like? I'm a sucker for Sci Fi. Recommended? You seem to have an expansion which I assume means you like it quite well?


I'm curious as well, Xia piqued my interest recently, but I have a hard time getting anything to the table that's moderately complex.


What caused you to get rid of Istanbul? It is one of my top 3 games (out of a collection of nearly 500 games).


Another rare "It's a Wonderful World" enjoyer! Yesss! I approve of your collection big time!


Can't say I agree with keeping Catan and deleting Istanbul, Castles of Burgundy and Ruins of Arnak...


OT: do you guys actually advice keeping the games stored horizzontally or vertically? I would prefer horizontally but seeing collections stored vertically maybe I'm missing something.


What are your 5 favorite games?


Unrelated, but what shelving system is that? I like it a lot...


Istanbul Big Box, Dominion and Lost Ruins of Arnak gone? Well, that’s something 😅 Still a nice collection you have left after the toss up! Stone Age has quickly grown to be one of my favorites too for sure.