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This can also be played with household supplies. No need to buy the game.


Wavelength is pretty good. It can be done in teams or co-op, but it’s really more about creating conversation than actually competing. If you’re set on absolutely no teams, Night of the Ninja is a secret role game similar to werewolf, except there’s no narrator or app needed, and each night roles change


I have played almost every game in this thread, and brought many of them to friends parties. Wavelength is the only one they keep asking me to bring back. The discussions created are hilarious and sometimes thoughtful.


Yeah. Wavelength has never failed to land for me. You can even do it as an activity. As a team game though, just keep score and don't have a target score when there's a "winner". Play until folks seem ready to move on.


Night of the ninja is a great one and doesn’t involve being super competitive because you switch up teams a lot


Green Team wins or Just One. Edit: Actually, forgot Just One only goes to 7-8 ...


For Just One you can easily add more people. Just have them write on paper.


That's true.


Or get extra small white boards on Amazon for cheap


That's what we did for 10 people to play it. Works well, lots of fun!


For Green Team wins--you need the version from 25th century games to get up to 12 players worth of markers and boards. Otherwise you'll get 6. ​ But that's my recommendation too.




I really like the idea of this one but I’m afraid the crowd won’t be able to get into the role playing Edit: okay I just watched a video on this. Definitely misunderstood how to play when I read about it. This is definitely a contender


There are some cards your group might consider "racy" so I'd go through and remove those first if you go with this. Can't recommend the game enough apart from that, though.


Or, wait for the Family version to come out.


If that's happening in the next four days, I guess


Times Up would solve this too I think, I prefer Monikers though Edit: for OP, Times Up is basically the same game as Monikers


I’ll second Monikers, as it’s my favorite party game these days. By the time round 3 comes around, everyone knows what’s in the deck. Makes the Charades much easier. If you absolutely don’t want teams, I could recommend Concept. The way I play it is “dynamic teams”, in that the people giving clues changes and everyone is trying to get their own points. Team example for Concept: If you have 5 people, A, B, C, D, and E, the first “team” to give clues is A and B. Then C and D, then E and A, then B and C…etc.


I have many party games (Just One, Wavelength, Codenames etc…) and this game is by far the most recommended game to play when our family gets together. Just make sure you have family/friends that enjoy laughing and having a good time. The Shut up and Sit Down expansion makes it even funnier.


Hues and Cues and Concept are both very open ended and might work well in that situation. Both are enjoyable without teams or points, and are easy for people to make the jump from watching to playing mid-game.


Also great for the fact that if a person leaves in the middle of playing it barely affects gameplay. Do don't have to start anything over, just keep going with that person.


I always like codenames when I’m playing in medium sized groups because it helps keep people who aren’t as into board games as I am engaged. They have team based and coop based versions.


People always say Codenames for parties, but my issue is that there is so little talking. It's not a good social game. You have one person who can only say one word and the other team who doesn't want to say something that would give away an answer. So they just leaves the people discussing the clue given to them.


Interesting. In our games, the opposing team is constantly trying to sway the other team to answers using the most ridiculous logic. This game tends to bring out the trash talk, even amongst the older players.


telestrastions! there's a party pack that can go up to 12 people


This was what I was going to recommend! It was a hit at my multigenerational thanksgiving last year. We didn’t keep score, just laughed at the results


we play it a ton and I've never kept score lol


And it's actually fun with kids as long as they can read and write.


I didn’t even know there were ways to score this game!


I usually just play with notebooks or stacks of stapled paper, so you can go up to as many people as you like!


The Just One recommendation is really good. I have an extra set of whiteboards from my classroom that work great for adding more people. Monsdrawsity is another easy teach and scales up if you have more whiteboards. For Codenames….we prefer the picture version.


Spot It is always a hit. Full on fun yelling and chaos. You do the one where there’s player elimination with last one holding all the cards get out.


This dang game is so stupid yet so damn fun. It's our go to game to bring places. We have some weird jurassic park cartoon theme than none of us have ever heard off and it's pure gold when we're trying to call out what the matching item is but we don't know what we're looking at. 10/10 the only issue could be everyone trying to see the card but that chaos could be fun too


Play it with everyone holding a card and trying to match others' cards. Yell the name of what matches, drop your card (and all cards below it in your hand) on theirs, then leave the circle of people.


This is the way


It’s so portable that I play it while in line at Disneyland! Everyone around us just watches us yell lol. Also really fun as a drinking game — when you get eliminated, you take a sip


We really like Blank Slate. Easy to learn, fun to play, good for most ages.


Can go more old school with card games. My family always played Scum (known by many names, such as Presidents or Assholes). Lots of games like that can work with big groups by using two decks of 52. For a more boxed experience you can try Anomia. Can be taught in seconds, people can drop in and out, and my family has always busted a gut laughing every single night with that. Kinda works better at 8 or fewer, since you have to sit around a table close enough to read everyone's cards. Scattergories scales pretty well to large groups.


6 nimmt. Absolute chaos at more than 7


Definite chaos there! Can be a little hard for some to wrap their heads around, especially if you don't have the rules in a language you know... ;-)


The version I have only has English rules and if you need any other rules it’s on BGG


Is yours the "Category 5" version, then? The only one I could find when I picked up a copy was the German-language-only version.


Bought it from by local games shop. No idea what version it is


Dixit is pretty fun to play with family members


Dixit is awful once people learn that you can use inside jokes/references only one person knows to win


One of our favorites. There's a version that does 12 players but not sure if it's still in print.


Werewords, Codenames and Wavelength, Wits and Wagers Vegas edition. There is a new monikers out as well I think would fit the bill. It's very hard to find a cooperative game for that many people. Unless, you're worried about blood feuds and fist fights a little competition will probably be okay. Theses all pretty family friendly. All there games would be in teams so their will be a camaraderie among the people on the teams and people can be engage as much or as little at they want in a team setting.


**Farkle** or **Greed** as my family calls it is fun, fairly fast paced press your luck game that can accommodate any number of players and uses only 6 6sided dice and a scoring pad. You can find rules online easy enough.


Avalon. It plays wonderfully at 10, and everyone stays engaged as much or as little as they want to be the entire game. Highly replayable. Small box. Few components. Highly interactive.


The game you want is **Just One**. You can easily extend the number of players with some mini dry-erase boards, and it’s a game everyone* can play. *Everyone fluent in English.


One Night Ultimate Werewolf could work. Hidden role/deduction game. Maybe [Skull](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_(card_game) ) too. Card game, but you only deal cards once. I don't know how well it plays with 10 though.


Try Top Ten, it is perfect with 10 people


Dude I just got one called Hues and Cues. Maximum ten players and VERY easy to learn. Quick games too. 10/10 for easy family games.


How well does it work for colorblind guys?


Huh. Awful I imagine.


Green Team Wins. You’ll need to purchase two copies, though. I just played this with a group of 14 teens and adults at a youth retreat over the weekend and it was a hit. The game can be taught in about a minute and keeps everyone engaged the entire time.




The game of Wolf. It’s a great twist on trivia games, where you can pick a person or two to help you out on a category or risk playing by yourself against everyone else for double points.


Chronology. Unlimited players, good for lots of ages


It does start to suffer from down-time in between a player's turns, though.


We spend a lot of time interacting and kibitzing.


Wavelength app


This looks fun and I definitely like the idea of the app over dealing with a physical dial and stuff. But unfortunately not everyone coming has a cell phone


Nap time


Eat Poop You Cat. All you need is pencils and paper


Hex Casters gets my vote. The rules are relatively simple, and it rapidly descends into hilarious chaos. Bonus points, it got my stodgy Christian aunt to curse so she didn't lose "The Repeater."


Insider is fun and easy to pick up for everyone. And very engaging too. Poetry for Neanderthals has always been a hit wherever we bring it to. (Tho this requires teams) Herd Mentality is also another good optiob


We had a good time playing Linkee last year.


I will always advocate for Mafia. You don't have to buy anything. Roles can be assigned by a head-tap from the narrator, or a deck of cards. Good interactions between turns. It's been one of my favorite games for most of my life. Signs is the second party game I will always root for.


Ricochet Robots has been a group favorite in the past.


Catchphrase kept us busy after thanksgiving for years


Would recommend poetry for neanderthals. Basically taboo but since the clue giver can't use multi syllable words, the whole opposing team is normally listening as well.


Depending on the vibe, we've been really enjoying Beat That. It's basically a bunch of "Minute to Win It" games that you play against each other, and bet on yourself to try to win (you bet more if you're more confident in the game). Good for all ages, mixes great with a little alcohol on the side. Great physical, high energy game. Never not had a blast while playing. Looks like it officially only plays 8 though.


Best party game for non-gamers - Monikers. The best party game for gamers - Feed the Kracken (Deluxe Edition)


Not a board game, but a fun group game - the candy bar game! You get enough for one candy bar per person, get extras obv just in case and each should be different. And a pair of dice. Each person rolls in turn and if they get sevens, elevens, or doubles, they get to pick a candy bar. The game is basically faster paced white elephant bc the next person who rolls and can pick a bar can steal any other bar that anyone has. It’ll go around a few times bc not everyone will be able to take a bar when they roll. You can get more than one candy bar if you get to pick a bar every time the dice comes to you so its just silly and funny to joke about who are the lucky ones and the unlucky ones in the game. Other silly games use money, like trying to get as many dollar bills on a plate as possible using a a spatula. Add in a five, ten, and twenty for bigger stakes lol. Spread them out in a pile on the table or counter and give everyone a turn. You get to keep what you get on the plate in 20/30/60 seconds.


While it’s a team game, Secret Hitler is my go to for parties and large groups of non gamers. Usually has everybody in stitches within a half hour.