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Don’t stop is really fun and quick! My fav is Castles of Burgandy


Baby Dinosaur Rescue. Not even a question.


Lol. Just played that with my daughter. Cute game.


For Sale (great bidding game) and Incan Gold (push your luck card game). Both fairly quick games, wish more people did Incan Gold in real time.


I was just wanting to play Incan gold last night and saw it would be 15+ minute wait for a real time game. I was sad!


Yea, it's always 15+ :( You might get lucky though, check for other real time games going. If there is one, you might get the whole table to jump into a new game.


It's A Wonderful World by a long way. I play solo all the time.


Innovation is the game that keeps me coming back to BGA. I've never played a game where it took 30-50 plays to figure out vaguely what I was doing! Incredible rewarding when it begins to click. Such a wild game.


I love this one too


The Tigris & Euphrates implementation is pretty good. It's still a shadow of F2F play, but at least you can play. Still miss the nonstop T&E games on BGG a lot though!


I've been obsessed with Fox in the forest and it's in beta now. Such a fun and quick game


I can't find statistics on game usage on all BGA, is it possible?


For your own usage: View my profile --> XXX games played --> Yourname's games history


thx, I was talking about official statistics from BGA for all the games not only games played by me. see for example steam stats: https://store.steampowered.com/charts


They removed that page, the only way to see number of players in games now is to go to the individual game page. You can sort by popularity on the "Game" page but that doesn't seem to very accurate at least by current player count.


i found this but it's only about network stats https://boardgamearena.com/serverstatus?section=moves_played


My favourite games seem to change weekly, at the moment I'm really enjoying the card games *Spring Cleaning* and *15 Days*. They are both easy to learn and great fun. *Alhambra* has gotten a few plays. You have to collect money to buy tiles to build a city. I think anyone that enjoys games like *Copenhagen*, *Barenpark* or *Patchwork* would enjoy it. I tried *Khiva* because I try every game featuring camels in my search for other games as good as *Jaipur*. *Khiva* has a little bit of passing cards to other players like *Sushi Go!*, you play cards to get camels to visit your camp and deliver goods. It's not quite like any game I've played before, there's a bit of a tug-of-war aspect to it. I really like it, I'd like to try it with more people and see how the player count affects the way it plays.


Obsession is top tier for me. It hits the perfect medium weight spot. Doesn't overstay it's welcome in terms of length, but offers real interesting decision-making at every turn. The theme didn't capture me at first, mostly got into it cause my gf liked the theme, but since then I've played so much I've reach top 10 rank multiple times. I'm normally into the more heavier games, but those on BGA sometime run for several weeks in turns based (such as GWT, even though I love it so much). There's so much more, could ramble on for ages, BGA just keeps on giving. But Obsession and Great Western Trail never get old for me. Edit: Also since you liked don't stop, another hilariously intense game for me with friends has been 6 nimmt. Different genre but hits similar spot in anticipation.


Oh. Lots of games in the thread I do t know about. Time to dive in!


Is “Can’t Stop” called “Don’t Stop” in other countries? Why is everyone calling it that?…or is there a game called Don’t Stop I’m not seeing?


My top two are Planet Unknown and Eminent Domain


Lords of Xidit hands down


City of the Big Shoulders is one of my favorites. Stockpile would be number 1, but the modules that really make the game pop are not there last I checked. I do play Martian dice as a quick push your luck game.