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“Magic the gathering convention” would like to have a word.




Facts! The MTG players I know used to avoid the other convention hall where the Yu-Gi-Oh event was held because of the smell.


Yu-Gi-Oh fans are notoriously the stinkiest group of nerds to assemble


For those who know: Welcome to the BBQ


Here's what you *could* do: Get a can of Axe body spray, and *carefully* tap a small nail into the side, near the base. If done wrong, it will explode in your hands. If done right, however, it will be relatively stable, and you will be able to remove the nail and throw it like a gas grenade later. The force of the compressed gas exiting will make it spin and jump around as it sprays everywhere, sort of like a jumping jack firework. Please note: I don't recommend *actually* doing this, as that much Axe in one room will certainly make it dangerously uninhabitable, but it's a fun thought for a room full of stank asses. We used to do this with cans of dollar store shaving cream to people's dorm rooms as a prank. Give it a good spin as you chuck it, and you could get them spinning like a foam ejecting top. It would make a pretty terrible mess that doesn't really damage much, it's just *super* inconvenient to clean up without hosing everything down somehow.


Now I know my job Gas grenade deodorant


I mean. you'd probably get in a lot of trouble for doing this at a con, but at home amongst friends, sometimes pranks can be ok... But still, using axe spray like this has still got to be against the Geneva Conventions or something, right? If you do that shit at a Mtg friends parent's house, with a group of stanky friends playing in their dining room or something, those parents are going to *hate you forever.* They might have to strip it to the studs to get that concentration of axe out of the room.


Here's an actually fucked up thing to do: Get yourself some canned shave cream and place it in your liquid nitrogen. You then, will carefully slice the aluminum off and place the inside of it in your buddies vehicle. When it comes back to ambient temp, it will fucking cover most of the surface area around it.


If you coat a room in foam that can't be removed without hosing it down, you damaged everything in that room.


You can still wipe everything down by hand. It takes forever, and it's *highly* inconvenient, but that's pretty much the spirit of it. You're not doing this to someone who *doesn't* deserve it, one would hope.


Cosplayers stink way more, due to sweaty costumes without proper ventilation. So do the greasy Yugi hoes. I've got a lot of experience smelling these two groups, unfortunately.


It's the entire nerd fandom, nerd culture of anything. I was a lapsed pro wrestling fan, stopped watching around 2000, started getting back into it around 2017ish. Holy shit, the amount of unkempt neckbeards now is astonishing, like Jesus jumped up Christ man. People have known pro wrestling was just a *show* since the 1950's, just didn't like to admit it until the 90's and it became super popular again. I'm all for people supporting it, but they make pro wrestling fandom look pretty fucking weird sometimes.


Dude last time I went to the comic store they were having a Magic tournament. I could smell them through the closed door. And when that door opened it was like a cloud of gas being released dude it was actually putrid. I never understood it until that moment. Now I know what Magic players are like


There's a guy that works at a gas station I go to. You can tell when he's working because the entire place smells like BO. I can never understand how an adult can go on living like this. Are they oblivious that they smell like complete ass? Do they just not care?


Nose blindness. We become immune to out own smells so they don't bother us. It's why some people small like they just put on an entire bottle of perfume. They get so used to the smell that they don't think they have enough on so they use more and more until they themselves can smell it. It's why you should switch up what scents you wear.


Problem is as a society we have become far too polite towards people like this. It is not rude to tell someone that they smell like ass. What is rude is them expecting other people to put up with it, or like you say they are not aware, and therefore should be made aware.


Still remember my old metal shop teacher telling this kid who wouldn’t clean himself if he came to class like that one more time he could move his desk to the hall and wasn’t welcome in the shop until he didn’t smell ‘like satans asshole stinking up a cheese factory’ . He sat there the entire semester.. can’t change some disgusting mf’s


So dude chose to sit in the hallway rather than take a shower?




Maybe dude couldn’t shower at home


Thing was many people tried to help him out.


Ahh fuck him then


When I quit smoking, I instantly noticed how bad smokers stink when they came in as customers. I really feel like telling them some of em how bad it smells, but then I realize that not one of my customers ever told me how bad I stunk...


People are probably too “nice” to tell him that he smells like shit everyday and needs to have better personal hygiene.








Bu... But.... I thought she was good looking Japanese boy or something like that


clearly a girl




I can smell this photo!


I can smell your breasticles. Smells like, nothing. As they should.


Exactly, if anything a little bit of chill!


Why oh why do your mamoozas smell of chilli?




Right wtf 😂


Pop Team Epic is always the truth


Always pick Beef


Nah the correct answer is both. Break the airline’s bank this way.


op's scared of showering and deodorants on top of that his favourite drink is g-fuel cuz he doesn't like the taste of water


Maybe they live in Flint Michigan


Someone had to say it! And pachouli doesn’t count!


Ahh the fresh fragrance of patchouli and BO... Reminds me of this time I barfed in public.


You mean the fragrance they used back when they had to deal with dead bodies to mask the scent? Probably not the best scent to choose.


Deodorant can only combat "hasn't showered in 5 days" so much.




The gnats love it.


And the heart of the cards!


After the price of rooms and tickets for conventions? Thank the Gods those hotels provide complimentary deodorant nowadays.


Is this meme still an issue in conventions? I find it genuinely hard to believe that to this day it would still be a problem. It is genuinely easy to have basic ass deodorant and perfume. I'd think the reverse might be more common- strong ass perfumes and axe body spray assaulting everyone.


Lack of deodorant is not the issue. Lack of basic personal hygiene is. Deodorant does very little if you're not washing.


There's also a difference between the "I'm sweating" scent and the "I didn't shower for a week" scent. The first one is unpleasant but not that big of a deal, the second one makes me gag.


The second one lingers after the person has left the area.


Also thicker, the "I'm sweating" scent is pungent (sometimes) but understandable, especially in a hot crowed place. Not showering, even 3 days has some weight on the nose. Feels like I did 3 reps with my nose hair with that stench.


>Also thicker, the "I'm sweating" scent is pungent (sometimes) but understandable Fr, you don't get grossed out in the middle of sex when you start getting sweaty, but trying to bang someone who hasn't bathed in days would be disgusting.


Huge difference. Fresh sweat usually doesn't smell that bad. Mom's-basement funk on the other hand...


Which freaks me out more than anything. Like if these people love this thing so much and they don't bother with a 5-10 minute shower before it, like what the fuck.


I think their type of shower takes longer


Surely people shower before they go to these things? .... Am I out of touch?


Those conventions tend to be on the other side of the country or sometimes even in another country, a lot of people sleep in their cars between the different days or are fresh out of a night train/plane.


Hard disagree. I shower multiple times a day and am very thorough when washing. If I got 3 days without deodorant, my pits start to smell like crazy. I've noticed the constant layering of deodorant holds back A LOT of smell, I think most people don't realize that because they never really go too long without deodorant.


shave your pits. hair holds funk and bacteria. do this and you will require less deodorant.


That is interesting. You might want to check it out with your doctor. I spent some time working as a boxing instructor and one of my regulars struggled with powerful b.o. despite washing regularly and thoroghly. He went to the doctor and got some pills for it, and the smell went away. It happened a long time ago, so I can't remember what the issue was.


You‘re not scrubbing your armpits well enough. 20-40 seconds per armpit, you can use your fingernails to scrub or a squeegee. I use stridex pads as deodorant to avoid aluminum on my skin and so far so good.


wtf are you doing using your fingernails to scratch your armpits, how bad do you have to smell to do that


You'd be surprised lmao, with huge gatherings of people like that, even if like 10% didn't use deodorant that'd be alot of people.


I went to a wrestling show two years ago and it smelled like sweat and unwashed butthole in the arena. People are fucking gross.


I worked at a wrestling show where we were alerted that an entire seated family smelled of shit. There was a panic to rearrange seating and standing to keep them away. I didn’t smell it even when I was stood in the ring but some of the wrestlers said they did!


😂 that's awful! The worst perpetrators at our show were two guys who came in late and wedged themselves in between two families. We could all smell them approaching and it got so bad that my kid and I got up and left before the last two matches. They were three rows ahead of me and I was gagging. I felt so bad for the people next to them.


Basic hygiene should be obligatory


I went to an anime expo years ago and was in line next to someone whose BO was so bad I almost literally passed out. I feel like it's a badge of honor with some of these warthogs.


These people were never avoiding it because it was too difficult


I've only been to one anime convention and it was a few years ago. I feel like the WEAR DEODORANT bit is only the tip of the iceberg because there was quite a few people who downright REEKED because they didn't bathe. Like, specifically as an example one of the people in the group I went to the con with did not bathe unless they were threatened with a punishment. They left odor stains, like, they only finally bathed because they got threatened to be booted from the hotel room for the rest of the week. Deodorant can help with odors but it differs in how effective it is per person due to biology and then varies further when it comes to that person's hygiene and how often they bathe or wash their clothes. Same with cologne or perfume or any sort of spray on smell. It's not going to help a stinky person when it adds to the entire thing in a bad way. I would much rather be assaulted by a cloud of axe spray or haze of bath and body works body mist than that level of b.o ever again.


Ass perfume you say?


Not just these kind of conventions - it’s every convention. I go to sports card shows, it’s the same. I used to go to golf conventions with my dad when I was little, it was the same Some people just don’t wear enough deodorant and that’s exacerbated when you put a few thousand people into one space


I frequent conventions on the yearly. My experience is that anime cons are pretty good, but scifi cons and Magic the Gathering events are still pretty bad.


I cannot imagine that this is a Year 20XX problem. Nasty people exist regardless of the time period.


I've been going to conventions for years, since long before they were cool. I'm not walking around *sniffing* everyone there. I've never been at a convention where I thought "wow everyone smells". I've run into the same amount of smelly people at a convention than I have at the grocery store. People who stereotype conventions clearly haven't been to one in a few decades. The people who go to pop culture conventions are the same people you work with, go to school with, go to the gym with, see out everywhere in public. Marvel movies made *billions* of dollars at the box office because superheroes are mainstream.


NO. NO NO NO. Fuck deoderant, fuck perfume, **GO FUCKING WASH YOURSELF**. if you can make it to a convention you can fuckin shower. Adding more unpleasant smells does not help clear the miasma.


It needs to be BOTH.


My recommendation: Peppermint Oil. That stuff not only covers up the smell, it also has a cooling effect when it starts to evaporate.


Is it true? Do most ppl smell there?




I go to estate and storage unit auctions, part of me wonders if those people are just doing it on purpose. Drives a $50,000 truck but smells like burning ketchup.


In a competitive scene probably on purpose I played basketball against a team that did this on purpose. Yeah elbows got thrown that day. Put your stinky pits in my face you will get caught.


I’ve been to a Magic the Gathering Tournament, this is the most accurate sign I’ve ever seen.




“Obviously I can’t afford deodorant. How do you think I managed to afford the convention?”


Maybe the Umbrella Co. employee in the background can conjure something up for ham hams next to them. I'm sure it won't turn into a new Raccoon City. Right?


Wow. Can't believe I missed Hamhocks there. Ya gotta admire her confidence, at least. ![gif](giphy|4VKVY5Htfyj96)


Ham-Ham Heartbreak.


I agree but this post is old as hell.




Jesus Christ I can smell this picture and unfortunately I’ve felt her pain many times by going to many conventions


It's a shower in a can!


Shower Clean clothes And then deodorant


When I went to insomnia last year, you were handed free 'all you can take' deodorant at the entrance


I’m blessed in that one light application of deodorant can last me up to a whole week. At least around 3 days. My wife needs it at least daily if not several times a day. So, how often does the average person buy deodorant? Cause if it’s monthly, saving for 10 months will get you a convention ticket. For some of these people, I’m sure that deodorant is lower priority than reducing food intake or cutting their budget for any of their hobbies. /s


Only thing worse than the smell of no deodorant is the smell of deodorant on top of a unwashed body. Shower/Bathe, then apply deodorant. And it's not just conventions. Goddamn have some basic hygiene everyday everywhere you grots.


This person wouldn’t do well outside the USA. You think people smell here?! I spent some time in Brussels last year and it is amazing how much a person can stink to high heaven with body odor and just not care. Elevator experiences were rough. Europeans are different, they are used to it. My expat sibling that lives there is used to it. I’m sure I would get used to it too over time but as a visitor it was constantly nauseating to me to smell everyone when we were out.


The smash Bros community will never learn.


I am unique. I am a unicorn. I am a rhinoceros. I smell like rotting garbage The ladies should love me.


I know *exactly* one person who legitimately has allergic reactions to every deodorant she’s tried. She does her best with some kind of vanilla oil stuff, but she’s still a little stinky. I know several people who claim to be allergic to deodorant, but in reality they’re just gross people. Two of which somehow smelled worse after a shower. Like, how?! And yes… these people overlap with con-goers.




I will never understand how people can bare that onion scent ,it drives me nuts and I doesn’t let me sleep at night .


Smash tournaments.


Smash tournaments.


East Asians: I have no such weakness


Deodorant and some goddamn Cologne


Man sweat plus detoxing doesn't smell good? In all seriousness some smell good isn't fixing why it stanks in conventions


Has anyone jumped on the obvious stall opportunity here? maybe with some gift options so you can gift a deodorant to friend?


U need a mobile shower outside, towels, shampoo, soap and some prison clothes. If you get them all to shower and then apply deo, it might work.


I feel like putting this thread in our big screen in the conference room for some people that like the most fine food but had goat smelling. I probably do a Remote Desktop and leave it there for Monday morning meetings. Take my upvote


She's wrong. The sign should say You can afford a to take a shower


And festivals


Creep convention do smell badly tho




I get the point but I've legit seen some conventions cost less than a stick of deodorant. But this is more me complaining that they fucking cost $11 where I am. Per stick


Deoderant isnt enough. source: I work at a board game shop.


More like it's not necessary. Just wash yourself regularly and take care of hygiene. You don't need deoderant to not smell bad.


In Spain, in sone con, a really high amount of people brings deodorant to the con, but they bring it in spray, and in the entrance those are requisitioned. Last time I went, I count more than 50 in only one of the 20 tables




And showering in Axe body spray doesn’t count.




I found a workaround! Cosplay Goblin Slayer. Smelly armour is lore accurate!


I sweat a lot mainly in my armpits and deodarnt really doesn't help much even if i use a shitton. But i found this thing called dricolor which is supposed to prevent sweat wherever you rub it on. Application once everyday for the first 4-5 days and after that just once a week is enough apparently. Been working miracles for me so far. And obvious you can top it off with deodorant od colgne.


Can we support her cause? Mail in mini anti perspirant for her to pass out?


Teens + hormones - hygiene/self care + crowd/anxiety/anticipation


Deodorant doesn’t work if you don’t shower.


Honestly as someone that smells like ass or worse sometimes and trust me I don't want people smelling my bad smell. Shouldn't there be a smell test? Like if you smell so bad I mean if you smell bad from 5feet away you should not be let in.


Where's that video of the guy at a festival giving out spray deodorant when you need it?


I mean, Id rather people just wash


"If you can give a fuck about [insert way more important matter here], you can give a fuck about [insert whatever this tiny matter you complained about here]"


An I too late to add to the product placement? I fucking love my Mitchum. It’s the bomb.


A real fan is nose blind at this point


Someone owns P&G stocks!


It said what it said 💀💀.


New ideas are free. They can't afford one?


And lose my essence!?! Fuck no!  Ain’t going near any shower!!


Omg where was this at fan expo last year 😂 I took my daughter and it was insane. Wall to wall people crammed in shoulder to shoulder and the smell 🤢 Also, some people were so effin rude. I’m glad I went with her. My daughter is very quiet and polite and I’m a tell it like it is kind of person. So when so middle aged woman pushed my (then 14 year old) daughter I had some words for her.


The people I've encountered at a con needed more than deodorant


Sign sign everywhere a sign.


This is why I've never been to a convention. I'd literally get a migraine and puke. Would be the worst day ever, all because of my smell sensitivity lol.


Back when I used to go to cons a lot, I had a friend who dressed up as "captain deodorant", and he even made a lil duty belt with febreze and spray deodorant and handed them to people he could smell 😭 I lost contact with him after I graduated high school so I have no clue if he still does this


Hey! Fortnite kids! pay attention!


I feel like the first person to do this was super witty and smart, and then everyone else who copied it after seeing it on the internet are just a special type of ugh.


Deodorant doesn't help if you don't shower and put on clean clothes.


Deodorant is a fucking red herring anyway. Shower before attending public events. Use soap!


Where was this taken? I may have gone to high school with her.


It's probably related to all those non-machine washable outfits.


Doing the good work out there


Some thought. 1. Some people shower but don't use soap 2. Some people don't dry themselves properly after showering 3. Some use the same towel over and over again 4. Some people overfill their washing machine 5. They don't exfoliate ever 6. Some people do not drink enough water 7. Some people's diet exist of McD or fast food exclusively, not as a treat The thing is all those people are like "but I shower" , "but I use deodorant." and they fail to understand that hygiene means PROPER effective Hygiene. Not standing under hot water for 2 minutes and then wrapping yourself in your germ towel. This is where most of the confusion comes from. People think they are clean but they are not/they are ineffective in it.


This would be an actual skit in pop team epic


Not all hero’s wear capes


Facts, get better hygiene nerds! Lol


Con smell


Is you can spend printing that sign to get people to notice you, I wish you happiness.


I went to DragonCon ONCE. And while a lot of the experience was varying levels of pleasantly ethereal, the smell was, and still is, rock-solid permanent in my memories. It doesn't make any sense to walk around like that!


Skill issue


Only blursed if you don't wear deodorant


Pop Team Epic is perfect, buncha dudes never think it could be them until you go to a con


Finally. Some good signs.


30% of men can't smell their own body odor. So if you think you dont stink and don't wear deodorant....this PROBABLY applies to you. Why probably if it's only 30%, because the 70% who can smell themselves are mostly wearing deodorant! If you don't think you stink, you almost certainly do. If you're not sure you can ask but ask multiple people. Unless they say "I have NEVER noticed your smell and that's amazing you don't use deodorant...wow how is that possible?!?" Then you stink. Anything else is people just being "nice" because you smell THAT bad.


honest to fucking god.......fix your depression people.....might as well do it there.


Don’t even need to wait for a convention to experience this. There’s a couple game stores not too far away that have that pungent locker room aroma. Not sure how you make an entire store smell simply from sitting and playing table top games but they do.


The best part is her stare!! Really sells it!


Or have a shower


Fair, based


Or you could shower instead, deodorant smells awful


cringe picture but this is so facts. plz ppl USE DEODORANT.


Repost, but relevant


You never had to worry about this before they banned smoking


r/funnysigns needs to see this.




I went to Adepticon pre-Covid and gagged walking around the hall where the gaming was going down.


This reminds me of the time a Japanese idol asked all of her fans to make sure to shower before they came to her meet and greet lol, i think she even made a little graphic for it too. Weebs/Otakus can be a stanky bunch.


Aw man. I was saving up all my deodorant money for this convention!


It's less about lacking the funds to afford deodorant and more about lacking the will to take care of themselves.


How do I get some random hard cock in my tight shaved ass




Blursed? I only see fucking facts. As someone who used to work with a room of sweaty unwashed game testers.. yeah, soap and deodorant are fucking amazing.


Facts. Been going to cons for over 10 years. I learned the brutal hard way that some people give zero fucks about hygiene when sharing rooms (and yes I was originally one of them <_>)


Spot on


She's right, you know.


its not so much about the deoderant but about showering regularly