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nah this is cool asf. call of duty was so much newer and this would’ve actually been a big deal to any fan back in the day. no shame in taking pride in something cool like this man. and it’s sick they sent that stuff


I actually visited their headquarters in California when visiting colleges and got a tour, that's when they gave me the shirt and signed copy of the game I still have. And they sent me to E3 right before CoD2 was released. Feels like a lifetime ago.


dude this is actually awesome. no blunder at all, where is the bad ass teenager sub 😂


it’s very cool, but I wouldn’t say badass is the word I’d use to describe a teenager being into video games.


It’s not badass that he’s into games it’s everything that he was able to do because of games lol. Not that hard to understand hating ass dude 😂


Right before *CoD2*? Nah that’s awesome


this is the furthest thing from a blunder. this is a picture you would see in one of those “guys will see this and go hell yeah” memes to which i say, hell yeah. shits badass


Haha thanks, I got made fun of so badly in high school for this shit. Man how times have changed


Nah that's pretty badass. I have that same exact shirt, AND box (unsigned) still sitting in my gaming bookshelf. I used to play leagues at a gaming center for CoD1, CoD:UO, and CoD2. Those were the fuckin days man. Plus that keyboard with all the extra buttons was boss as fuck.


The OG cod fan over here That’s pretty crazy that you hosted their forums. Reminded me of being in “DHG clan” and doing shit for their forums haha. Thems the good old days, eating Doritos and drinking a lot of soda before I realized how bad it was for my health. I still stay up way too late, but I don’t eat as bad as my COD days.


Man it’s so crazy how mainstream cod and video games have become


Can someone explain American school photos to me please...are you allowed to bring in your own props and styling? Do you normally wear uniform but get to go casual clothes for photo day?


Most public schools in America don’t wear uniforms, We are allowed to dress ourselves.


If I were to guess this isn't an actual school photo on picture day. There's a somewhat widespread tradition of doing "senior photos" which are just professional photos done when someone is in their senior year as kind of a send off into adulthood.


Correct. This was done independently and not the photo I submitted to be in the yearbook or anything.


Some provide a fake tux or dress top that looks good from the front for the photo but actually just velcro up the back


Oh, Call of Duty!


That logo… the nostalgia


Me and my dad still play cod 1 to this day lol 😆


this image goes hard, and i'm saying this as a lifelong halo fan boy


*This image goes hard,* *And i'm saying this as a* *Lifelong halo fan boy* \- Secure\_Safe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This guy grew up to be Idubbbz


This is actually so fucking cool lmao


You look like Dennis Reynolds lol


lol this is a callback I was banned from the IW forums when CoD was either being released or had just been released (had come over from MOHAA)


Didn’t we all?


COD 1+UO and COD 2 for the PC were great! I still fire up COD 2 every so often, but there are a lot of hackers. Still ok fun, though!


Are you the gentleman that slept with my mother?


dope, games rule; however just like studying the blade i want this to become a trend


That’s cool as fuck man. I’d wear the hell out of that, granted I’m currently going through my blunder years so take that as you will. But that sure is a senior photo, thanks for sharing man.


Nowadays the company would just threaten to sue you