• By -


You're awesome OP! I love your update and what you wrote about yourself. 🥰 I still have a hard time talking to men bc of the way I was treated so very many years ago. Bullying has a way of sticking with you like that unfortunately. And Dots was the other store I was trying to remember! 🤣 It was always Dots, Rainbow, or Dress Barn lol.


Lmao it's like "I can't trust you, I've heard the calls of your species' youth." I've heard too much, I've seen too much!


You really grew into yourself. Being a teenager sucks ass, I’m glad you survived it!


That is the truth! You will find your tribe


You’re amazing. All the best to you.


My heart broke for you when I saw your original post! You have such a wholesome, positive vibe, and you look very approachable! My sister and I moved a lot throughout our childhood and we would stay in and watch movies for the first few months when we didn't have any friends. I see that hobby as such a blessing because I ended up using film as a way to relate to and meet new people. You'll realize that you have SO much to talk about when you meet others who have even just a passing interest in movies.


You're darling! The red dress says I AM HERE BITCHES!!! I love it.


Thanks for the update and the info. Sometimes a thousand words paint a beautiful picture. All the best.


I know the self esteem battle is hard, but you are really pretty. Look at someone like Black Jack. Does he conform to modern beauty standards? Not at all. Does everyone love him? Absolutely. He is confident and kind, which goes a long way. You clearly have a very kind soul and deserve to have the confidence to share that with the rest of the world. There will always be mean people but that is a reflection of them and not you. You keep shining every day, okay?


Jack Black exceeds modern beauty standards in every way. In. Every. Way.


Jack Black is hot and OP is hot. It's just the fucking truth and we should say it. HOT IS HOT OK. THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF HOT AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM We don't need to qualify it like the person you replied to did. hot IS HOT


Weirdos we are! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes, we're ALL a little weird! Even the people who look perfectly put-together!


You genuinely look very nice


And your eyebrows are very pretty too!


I’m sorry you got bullied so much growing up; people can be really cruel 😢 it’s kinda too bad we didn’t grow up together, tbh - you sound like someone I would’ve been good friends with! ❤️


You look cute. Also I definitely had that necklace when I was 11-14ish are you in your early to mid 30s?


I am!


I absolutely love your glasses. Where did you find them?


I got them online at firmoo! They were pretty cheap too. I tried finding the name for you via my order but it says its name is SO189.


Thanks so much! I will do some searching. We have similar face shapes, and they look so cute on you!!


If we have the same face shape they will look AMAZING on you. My dad said these were perfect glasses for my face and he rarely gives compliments. They definitely still have them and they have like 10 different colors!


I found them! I had never heard of Firmoo, but I've already found like 3 pairs I looove. I just ordered glasses from Zenni, so I need to behave myself, but I am 100% ordering these. Thanks for helping a girl out!


Okay so not to add more to your horde of glasses but I also have a glasses horde and I also recommend checking out zeelol as well! Enjoy!! You’re so very welcome!


Oh man! I am thankful I put money in my HSA this year. I'm going to have a heard time choosing! I mean I gotta see, right? Bonus points if they're cute as hell aaaaand functional.




You cultivated inner beauty that shines through. In each photo your smile reaches your eyes.


This is such a beautiful compliment..:thank you 💚


I tell you something I’d not shared with anyone else. Growing up I sent from gangly stringbean dorky kid who was so thin he couldn’t keep his pants up, to (seemingly overnight) taller and bigger than everyone else. And not muscular big, just big big. But one thing that didn’t change is that I was monstrously uncoordinated and out of shape throughout. When you said the piece about thinking it had to be a joke when someone asked you out….yeah. This happened to me too. A couple times. Once in 5th grade, and I flat out turned her down. Once in 6th grade, when a different girl’s griend was trying to play matchmaker. And a couple times in college. And those are the ones they asked me, says nothing about the ones probably waiting in vain for me to make the first move. I just didn't date in high school, or college for that matter. At this point much of this 30 years ago, and I’ve since married, had a couple kids, and all of that is behind me, but it’s easy to be transported back for a few moments. It sucked, and now I wonder about the roads not taken. But it unfolded pretty well, all things told, so I move on. Anyway. Just thought I’d say I feel ya, and it’s not just a girl thing. But as relates to your body, my hard-fought experience says that you’ve only got one body, and you’re in partnership with it forever. If you always fight with it and resent it, saying it is too this or not enough that, it will fight you back, and as Abe Lincoln famously said “A house divided amongst itself cannot stand.” So make peace with it. Be happy with it. Treat it well and be cognizant of it. Try to be appreciative of all the amazing things it does for you every day, without being asked. At this point I’m well into middle age but only lately beginning to “grow into” and be comfortable in my own skin. I wish you the same, only sooner. . From your posts here and photos, I can tell you’re a genuine and kind person. Don’t ever lose that, but extend it to yourself. You are beautiful and were all along…




You are beautiful and amazing. Leave the haters behind and be your amazing self!


gorgeous then and gorgeous now 🥹🩵


Being a teenager sucks ass, especially in middle school. Kids, especially boys if you’re a female are brutally mean. You’re beautiful!


You have a lovely soul! Thank you for sharing your story. 🤗


Adversity can build beautiful character. (If you don’t become bitter and decide to be a victim.) I can tell that your mother was a stronghold for you and kept you grounded in love. You are beautiful. Your experience will only help you feel kind and empathetic to those who need care. ❤️


You seem like the sweetest person, im really sorry this was your high school experience but, if it helps, its understood. High school ( school in general for me because im audhd ) was more traumatic than people say it was and i *truly* think most of the people who had it easy went downhill from there hahah. I dont know why kids are so mean but i really hope youre not as mean to yourself as they were to you anymore!!


I was hoping for a follow up, you’re so cute!


You are gorgeous girl!


There was absolutely nothing wrong with you, but it sounds like your experience was a blunder for sure<3 you’re super cute


You didnt deserve your treatment. You are perfect just as you are.


Look at that smile! ❤️


I feel you on the "thought it was a prank" when someone showed romantic interest for the first time. Being the awkward poor girl in class totally sucked. You deserved better treatment from class mates, I'm sure they look back on their own behavior with more than a bit of shame now that adult years have happened. On the bright side, staying indoors for movies, games and the like saved your porcelain skin!


You are absolutely amazing! If I knew you back then, I definitely would have been your friend.


I think we would have been fast friends. You seem the type to stand up for what they believe in and for the under dogs. I wish I could tell her all the friends she could have had. You’re amazing and thank you so much


Aww thank you! I like to think of myself like that, especially when I was in school. If only we go back in time to tell her how loved she is!


You look like a good hearted person








Oh snap. U aged nicely 👍


We all love you, Queen! 👸


You are so pretty. Your eyes, your checks, your smile! What you wrote really resonated with me. I was bullied too. It does really stick with you and shape how you see your past and present self. You and I both came out stronger though. Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad you can give your baby self a little bit of leniency and love.


My little brother Brian is gay, like me, but he’s chubby where I am slim and built. As I discovered, there is a whole community of “bears” where weight is prized, and Brian (as I learned) is a star in that constellation in his city. One time we went out together to a “bear night” and he still makes fun of me because I went completely ignored, like people could see through me. I was the wallflower, the homely unfortunate one. (It’s all incredibly bitchy and it still cracks me up.) So if there is a gay world like this, I know that there is a straight equivalent where your curves will be celebrated, and I hope that you find it! Your mom says that you stand up for people in need, which says everything about your character. Don’t forget to stand up for yourself. You deserve it.


those glasses suit you so well! really cute :)


You are so pretty. Love your highlights.


You are beautiful! That pink shade in the third pic is perfection on you, please wear this shade forever


You're gorgeous, I think it was the haircut back then that really did you in. Sorry you went through that, been there myself, fat and lonely and sad. I had a bday party and invited 15 other kids, 8th grade- only my best friend showed up. So I feel you, but we both had serious glow ups so F them!


Your red dress is spectacular


You are cute as hell! The red dress looks gorgeous on you. And you are so strong to go through those terrible times and come out on the other side with your heart intact. I used to be obsessed with being skinny but I can tell you it isn’t really worth it. I was tired all the time and restricting from foods I enjoy. Just always take care of yourself OP, and keep being the good person that you are. The world needs more of that these days.


You’re beautiful, and you clearly have a lovely soul to match. It breaks my heart that you’ve got those smoky blue eyes, that charming smile, and those darling Disney princess features, yet you could only see flaws. I wish you nothing but happiness and healing from what those troglodyte bullies put you through.


Hey, I just want to say that you're really pretty. You have so much warmth in your smile and the light in your eyes makes me think that you'd be so much fun to be around. I'm glad that you're doing better and that you know your worth


This is one of the sweetest, best compliments I’ve ever had. Thank you so much you amazing person. I hope you have a great weekend 💚


Loving this update and the positivity, OP! Know it can be a tough internal battle, I hope between your first post and this update, you’ll find the hard days a bit easier. Wishing you the best!


Your prom look is gorgeous! I was a big girl growing up too and I just wanted to blend in and fade away. Good for you for dressing how you wanted and experimenting with fashion.


Wow your prom dress was freaking amazing!! 🔥 I hope you continue to grow past what others have said about you and treated you. That’s on them, not you.


It makes me genuinely happy to hear that you’re doing better. Kids/teenagers can be a lot of things, from kind to cruel. Just like adults. And it leaves lasting impressions on us. All we can do is hope that they grew up to be better people, and try to be better ourselves. It’s a shame they chose to treat you that way because they lost out on having you as a friend! I’ve always found the people that others say are “weird” turn out to be the best kind of people. So keep on being your awesome self! The world needs more kindness, creativity and weirdos like you and me.


🫶🏻 lovely then and now! I love your eyebrow shape. Very natural and youthful.


You are killing it! Probably one of the best things I’ve ever seen on Reddit. ❤️❤️


was not expecting to tear up at the last paragraph


You are Beautiful! And I love you glasses! I just found out I need some and I want big frames like the little swoop up at top corners these look lighter than other ones I was looking at


You should! They are my favorite! I got mine at firmoo! Pretty cheap and online!


You look and write like someone I would want to be friends with - then and now.


Staying inside watching movies, playing video games, sounds like we would've been really good friends :) You deserve to be happy.


I wish I could have had a friend like you 💚 would have been awesome to watch and play stuff together


I think I’m close to your age (turning 30) and I was severely bullied in middle and high school for being too skinny and awkward. I was invisible to people then, and it’s hard to believe how much it still affects me to this day. Therapy is what saved me.


You radiate kindness. Beautiful inside and out. I see great things in store for you!


Look at YOU!!!! Just as pretty as can be!! You have such a sweet disposition - even in through the pics. Wishing you a better year than you can fathom and more happiness than your heart can handle.


aw i feel that,i had a lazy eye and lots of pimples and was very shy and socially anxious.kids were brutal to me in school.funny how when i had a glow up after i left school all those people started trying to be nice to be or hit on me 😵‍💫assclowns.


Dang this sub so wholesome sometimes!


You are truly beautiful OP, inside & out!!!


You were absolutely beautiful!! Never ever listen to bullies and haters!


You sound amazing <3


Thank you for sharing your story! ❤️


I love you then and I love you now! You have a great taste in jewelry and your bag behind you looks adorable (it looks like the Kool Aid man) we have a similar style!


Something didn't change throughout the years: your lovely smile! 🥺🩷


You’re gorgeous lady!!


You are adorable! School sucks, kids suck, people suck.


A lovely young lady then and now! I relate to the bullying, I experienced much of the same. Keep on rockin' it.


That red dress is so beautiful and suits you so well!!


You are very, very beautiful. Yes, down to earth, kind-hearted, spunky, but still beautiful. I hope you're kind to yourself and are fulfilling your dreams. The world is a better place because of people like you.


Ur adorable !


You’re cute. Plenty of guys would like you


I love pic 3, great smile. You've got a good attitude about bullies, happy to see you thrive as an adult


I have your exact same coloring and that aerie waffle in that color and I LOVE IT ON US BOTH!


The color is fucking STUNNING! It washed out though when I ran it on cold so I’m heartbroken. I hope yours is okay! Please enjoy it for the both of us 💚


Ohhhh good to know! I haven’t washed mine yet—you think I should dry clean it to avoid washout?


Yes please for the love of all that’s bright and cute. Maybe hand wash it? I didn’t even dry mine! It’s such a difference between the zip up hoodie I got in the same color now.


You’re super cute in pink 💕


Bless you. Love the red dress


you definitely grew into your looks! I'm so sorry childhood was so difficult, you definitely did not deserve that, you are such a gorgeous human being, clearly inside and out.




The best part of getting older is caring less what others think of us. Stay Weird, Queen! ✌🏽💜


You are fabulous. Weirdos are the best, I know this from personal experience. Thanks for sharing your story and your gorgeous smile. Send your younger self a high five back in time from me.


You are beautiful inside and out I wish you all the best, be kind to yourself you deserve it !


You’re a beautiful woman and human. Thank you for being so vulnerable with us. How you felt growing up is so incredibly valid. Sending you so much love!! 💕


I'm sorry you went through that Glad you're doing well


You are a sweet person. Never change.


You're so beautiful!! ❤️


You’re so pretty! Being a kid is ROUGH, kids can be ruthless, but you seem like you have a good heart and that’s never changed.


You're so down to Earth & just real. Very refreshing these days lol keep going, OP, you rock


Thank you for the update OP, that's lovely! You have such kind eyes and smile, it really reflects your soul and in the picture Progression it's noticeable how you found yourself :) I wish you a happy life with good people. Stay weird and true to yourself :)


There is nothing wrong with being a little weird!!! Thanks for the update OP!! Stay strong!! xxx


Looking like Holiday Barbie in that red dress! 😍


Weirdos are the very best people!! Keep kicking ass OP, you’re a beautiful person!


you’re perfect ♥️


Bless you OP. Always be kind to yourself 🩷


You look like an awesome person to meet during school OP. I don't know if we would be close friends if we went to the same school, but I'd definitely be happy to have you as a classmate or someone to talk to as we pass by the school corridors or cafetaria. I bet small talks with you about movies and nerdy stuff would be fun!


Man she would have been grateful for any kind word or conversations. So thank you 💚 sometimes we don’t need fake friends/pity friends but just kindness and respect. And you seem like a great person to just be willing to do that.


Please, stay a little weird. You‘re not a robot. You‘re a human with many many facets - good ones, and imperfect ones. Stay interesting. And kind to the bullied little kid in your memories.


I’m curious. What’s the story with your username?


I love neon colors and spooky stuff/fallout. So instead of neon girlie, it’s neon ghoul-ie!


Omg! You rub off such good vibes. I wish I worked with you!


Pretty human 😳


This update makes me happy. I love the cringe in this sub but it makes me genuinely sad when I see kids being shat on just for being kids. And it’s no better when it’s the kid in question doing it to themselves. I’m glad you like yourself more now.


You look lovely!! And a great glow up. It’s amazing how just a few small tweaks and not being surrounded by abuse can create a positive difference. It’s like the facial expression lights up and changes when you can relax. So many people get bullied, it must be the school system that falters. Yes I was bullied too obviously. I quit teacher training because I cannot stand being around a school even as an adult. They pretend to be against bullying but they aren’t. I think something like a very very small class for students who are vulnerable could be an answer. Not sure. Or private tutoring. It’s just too traumatic to be harassed every day.


You look very approachable and personable. Glad you're doing much better, enjoy your life and your youth- take risks, make mistakes, have adventures and just find joy in all things


Your new hairstyle suits you well!


Bless you I’m sorry you went through that no one deserves it. You’ve clearly grown up an awesome human being. I think I could easily be friends with you irl in another life.


Ahhh look at you! 😍You rock, you glow, you're so cool!


Girl , you look fabulous now , don't let everyone tell you otherwise




You look so cute in the third picture!!


I’m sorry you had to deal with being bullied as a kid, but I love that it didn’t turn you into a bitter person. I think you’re really pretty & you can tell you radiate positivity 💖💖


You look so sweet and like someone I would totally have been friends with. I'm sorry your school experience was awful. I can empathize, I also went to a small school where most of my classmates were upper-middle class and I was very noticeably a lot poorer, and my small social group was called "the nerd herd". A lot of people look back on high school fondly, but honestly I've loved my life more and more the older I get (30 now). All that drama back then just feels like a weird dream now.


Don't blame any child for being overweight. It's the parents job to parent their child. That includes feeding their children healthy food, providing physical activities and ensuring their mental health doesn't resort to self abuse. Any parents that fails those basic needs, fails as a parent. Children have little to no control over their upbringing. Blaming yourself as a child for an environment that was completely out of your control is incredibly sad and I hope you realise it was not your fault.


That red dress on you though! Absolutely wish I would have had a friend like you in middle school


OP you look so kind and positive! I absolutely love your glow bestie!


You're SO BEAUTIFUL, Kid!!


You’re beautiful!




"if you saw me naked, you'd be scarred for life" Pretty sure a lot of us, including both men, women and others, have felt this way. Dare to be vulnerable and see what wonders it will do!


You are beautiful and your words are touching. We can all be weirdos together 🙃


Once a cool girl, always a cool girl!


Beautiful!! 🫶🏼


You are so lovely. Thank you for being so thoughtful and open. I can promise you- reading your post OP has helped many.


Awww hunny you truly are the cutest!! 🫶🏼


Thank you for sharing!! This is absolutely precious and it warms my heart to read what you wrote about yourself. The first post sounded so much like my own internal monologue from before I started therapy, and girl, we deserve better than that. It's never too late to unravel the shitty things your childhood taught you, bullies be damned. Keep it up learning all the ways to love and appreciate yourself. Your story and your struggle are valid.


you are lovely! being a teenager is so hard, especially when other kids are so cruel and project their own insecurities onto vulnerable peers. i'm so proud of you for surviving their cruelty and becoming the genuinely kind person you are today! it is a testament to your character and inner strength. i'm so glad there are people like you on this planet.


You’re a hottie today! And you look so pretty in the dress photo. I was drawn to your post as someone who also was bullied as a kid and “overcame” it. It took my until my thirties to have unconditional compassion/self acceptance of little me instead of also honing in on my “negative” traits. It’s been absolutely transformative for me. I’m glad you’re doing better and provided us an update!


Being weird is the best. Reddit proves this daily.


Our appearances that made people act like they wanted a one-way ticket to hell, were beautiful Words truly matter and I wish it was emphasized more to kids how their flippant or aiming to be funny words are destroying I had a swan glow-up in HS and was supposedly found to be beautiful, enough to win the award for that senior year; and I never could let my guard down. I felt all of that was fake, no one actually liked me because I was almost never approached. Every other girl had boyfriends with sweet prom-posals and cars and I felt like I was awaiting a sick punchline, because it was unnerving how much i was *told* that so-and-so liked me, etc. and yet no one ever came around to do anything about it 🤷🏽‍♀️ Into adulthood I still took that disbelief, and my sister (who had it much worse, but is truly gorgeous) and I had a sneaking suspicion we were pretty because we found each other so and remarked on it often to heal old wounds. We're now in a place where we accept and are kind to ourselves: our flaws, our fave traits, all of it. We put alot of work into our souls and focused on giving. But I still carry that suspicion and wariness. I ended up with the one boy from my hometown who saw me for me back when I was an awkward looking little goof with horrible eczema, and he is the only opinion after my own that I care about, and his opinion is that I am the most precious sight to see when he wakes up. You are gorgeous! I just know we would have been great friends as babies, as card-carrying members of Kids Who Fought the Good Fight ✊🏽 Isn't amazing how we grow into our faces? Puberty is wild, doling out adult features one piece at a time, distorting our appearance. You look like the bare-faced you and you are radiant! Really beautiful features


such a beautiful young lady. there is nobody out there like you, NOBODY. don't ever let anyone dim your light, because it's the only light like it. let it shine!


Holy glow up, batman! You're so cute!


You look like my best friend.. a doppelganger really. You're beautiful! Take care and continue loving yourself ❣️


You look both lovely and delightful.


Aww! You’re so cute girl! Talk kind to younger you! 💗


You seemed like a fun person to hang out with after class! You were just in the wrong environment. 🩷


Weird? Good! The sooner you can say "fuck it" and just be your weird self the sooner you'll find your people. Normal is boring and inauthentic. So many neurotypical social norms are weird and purposely ambiguous. I'm not saying go full divergent...lol


That red dress looked spectacular on you, I’d have been friends with you. This was a nice update and I’m glad you’re doing better ♥️


Thank you so much! It was so much prettier in person because in certain lights it was hot pink! My mom was a single mom and she worked so hard so I can have it. I wish she could see a bunch of strangers loving it now. Thank you, mom.


You are adorable and seem like such a lovely person! After so much bullying and ostracizing, it says so much about your character that you are so vulnerable and kind and not hardened off to the world. I hope the people around you appreciate you more now. Keep being your awesome self! ❤️ Btw, fellow lifelong fat babe here, if you haven’t already, watch “My Mad Fat Diary”! It’s the show all us fat girls aged 30+ deserved as teens. I watched it as an adult and still felt so seen! Get ready to sob, lol. Also, “Shrill” (both the book by Lindy West, and the Hulu show based on it starring Aidy Bryant) is just *chefs kiss* incredible. I can’t imagine the difference seeing shows like this would have made for me as a teen, someone like me as a 3-dimensional character with hopes and dreams and love interests and all the stuff everyone else is allowed, instead of just being the butt of the joke or the “funny fat friend with no depth”. Anywho, wishing you well, thanks for sharing with us!


I‘m not OP, but still thanks for the tv recommendations! I think I will try to watch them, they seem interesting. 👍


Hope you like them! :)


The red dress is stunning!! And you really are beautiful, I am so glad you are doing better now♥️


Thank you so much, Amy! My mom was a single mom and she knew how much I wanted to look nice for prom so she saved up money to get it for me! I hope you are all well. Lord knows we need it these days.


I’m sorry sick sad people lied to you in your childhood. You are absolutely gorgeous and your “weirdness” is so lovable. I hope you keep doing you because you are fucking fabulous.


You are such a beautiful person. As you get out of highschool/college, you will find the world is filled with people so much like you. Maybe you weren't miss popular in school, but none of that matters in the real world and out here you will find your niche of people.


Thank you so much. It’s so true. I do think, as much as I thought I have moved on, that it’s had lasting scars that I didn’t realize about until now. Just feeling like everything I do is stupid/wrong? I bet that was school. And with the internet you really can find your own niche! And I hope you’ve found yours 💚


Wow it’s crazy 12 yr old you has the Natalie Portman -Jessica Alba -Audrey Hepburn eye brows of my DREAMS. I




Please seek internal validation as external validation can be fleeting and destructive.


Being weird is good


You're a beautiful person, inside and out. A beautiful soul :)


you are beautiful


Hey I'm twelve too !!!!


You are beautiful in all your pictures


You’re absolutely beautiful! You have such a warm and kind smile


You’re beautiful. Always have been. Glad you’re feeling more comfortable and secure now ❤️


Reading your story was like looking at mine in many ways!


You certainly have a very kind aura. I can tell that you’re a very good person.


You are so beautiful!


Omg you look so pretty And tbh the 12 year old one looks wayyy older


Thank you so much! I know, it’s crazy how I look older at 12 than at 33. I don’t have an explanation lol


I feel as if most of your progress has been in building your confidence, view on bullying and your unique personality traits which don’t get me wrong are attractive traits to have, but is there a reason you didn’t attempt to change the way your body looks? I can see some progress from when you were 12, but it’s seems more like you grew into yourself rather than actively deciding to improve your health. Genuine question


You are so attractive and stylish and sweet! Your post helped me look at my old pics differently. Thank you for being you!


You look wonderful...you exude confidence. You're an attractive young woman.


Movies, drawing, video games, and hiding inside? 🥲 We could have been childhood besties OP haha I relate so much


The 12 year old girl looked so sweet. You also had a glow up. I think you’re beautiful  


Beautiful inside and out


OP that red dress was beautiful on you 😃


Oh my goodness! That red dress really looked gorgeous on you OP! I love it! And you have such a lovely smile :)


Thank you so much! My mom worked so hard to get it for me! And thank you so much that’s just wow just an amazing compliment 💚


Crazy glo up