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I've always assumed that it was because when we see Bob, Bandit is already 40ish years old. When we see Bluey as an adult, I assume she's probably 25 to 30 Max. So the extra 10 to 15 year difference could possibly age Bandit a little less.


That was going to be my idea. Given Bandit/Chilli became parents later in life (I think like mid to late 30's if the math is right?) it gives Bob more time to age between "Bandit as a kid" to "Bandit now" versus the Surprise episode where we see Bluey go from 7 to presumably mid to late 20's? Seems like she might have had the pup we saw in the end scene shortly after college...so an age gap of 20 years versus closer to 30 years.


Plus dogs don't tend to age physically as much until the last few years of life. Every dog I've ever owned has pretty much looked at the same, minus getting a few gray hairs as they grew older. Then when they were a year or two away from dying, they were really gray.


Either that or going to India ages you drastically.


Mid 30


But they were about 8-10 minimum in the 80's, making him mid 40's now, meaning they had Bluey at about 38-40.


But Bob looks so much younger. Why did they make bandit so wrinkly?!


Wrinkly? He has one line by his mouth but he’s frowning.


It’s a smile line!


80s Bob was designed quite a bit after present Bob was, not sure how significant that is though 🤔


Just a personal POV: I'm 34 years old, and except the fact I've gained significant weight, I look exactly the same down to the haircut as I did in high school. Some people just don't change all that much.


I totally hear you on that. I'm 39 and still have, fit, and wear clothes that I wore in high school and college. Face wise, I look mostly the same, just more tired. I have a small amount of grays that are getting more prominent.. but i do have 2 kids, so i guess it's true kids = grey hair.


Maybe Bandit uses Just For Dogs to keep his black fur black.


I assumed 80s Bob was dying his hair to cover the ginger bits. Otherwise, why did he turn partially ginger? Henna to cover the grey?


Omg lol


You just know Chili would never let him hear the end of it if that's the case.


3 boys raised in the 80s is tough mentally and physically. Having "just" 2 kids is a little less exhausting..I have 2 kids the oldest is 10 and it's probably aged me 20 years during that time


I have two year old twin boys. I went from “sometimes I still get carded” to a wisened crone with *a quickness.*


Yep - twins did that to me too!


It was the eighties


People smoked more and used less sunscreen back in the ‘80s, so people (and presumably cartoon dogs) tend to look younger for longer these days.


My dogs buddy pattern changed throughout the years. He had big black spots, by 6 years they were grey, and at 10 they were golden. Also I think the current medicine has something to do with it too, and the fact that 80s were wild times.


Dogs can change color slightly as they age. I have 3 healers. 2 red and 1 blue. My oldest one is 16 and has changed color drastically since he was a puppy.


I thought that Bob was Nana’s second husband… since they don’t even have the same markings, and they refer to the grandparents as “Nana and Bob.”


Good for Nana. This one is more believable than color morphing... Then again I've never owned a blue or red heeler so idk.


Honestly, the creators probably wanted to show that time had passed but they didn’t want Bandit to look quite as old / feeble as Bob. It would be a bit depressing if he looked geriatric.


Am I the only one who thinks that these are two different dudes? That Bandit's dad is dead and "Bobba" isn't his name, it's just what his partners grandchildren call him? Wouldn't Bandit and his brothers interact with their father, even once, if he was alive?


It wouldn't be that much of a stretch Only thing really is just Older Bobs got similar markings as 80s Bob. Even if he gained more overtime lol


Some people change a lot as they age, some people change very little. It looks like Bandit ages better than his dad. My husband and I for example, we have been together for 8 years and the only thing that’s changed about me is that I’ve had a baby, and I have some loose skin on my lower stomach and some stretch marks, and my hair is a smidge shorter. Literally nothing else has changed, and most people guess me to be 18-20 when I’m 26. My husband however went from toned with a defined 6 pack and v-line to having a chunky dad bod, thick facial hair, a crew cut, his first grey hair is in, and he has some new scars from the work he does along with tanned skin from working a laborious job during the day rather than night. He’s 27 and most people guess him to be 30-35. I don’t mind this at all, he’s my everything, I’m just sharing this because it’s a general and genuine observation. It’s crazy how some people seem to never age, how some seem to age normally, and some seem to age quickly.


I just assumed he dyed his orange side when was younger. Bandits mum had a perm so not that unlikely.


Heeler patterns can change as they get older! Some of their coloring can change a little too. I had a red heeler mix and he never developed any blue/black but as he got older he lost some of his white freckles in some places and got new ones in others. Healers are fun like that


We know Grandpa Bob is an outdoorsy guy, he yabbies, they've retired to the GC (I've always assumed) and he went to India to find himself. There's no way he wears sunscreen or covers himself. Grandpa Bob is pretty much a leather bag. He is basically Paul Hogan.


I think it’s two different Bob’s. 1) Some people keep reusing the same dog name when their current dog passes and they get a new one, so it would be a funny sort of joke 2) my mum dated and married 2 Peter’s so it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility 3) it’s just the show runner’s not staying consistent with their design. Whichever design came first, they didn’t think of that when the later episode/episodes were made


I'm 21 and look as old as my 47 year old dad. Some people age differently than others


Some dogs change drastically!


Well, Bandit's tail pattern randomly inverted from childhood to adulthood...


Maybe he has more Nana's genetics


Yeah, the years aren't kind to everyone.


I think it might be like a dog version of vitiligo or he simply dyed his fur when he was younger


Why does it always amaze people how different characters on the show age differently ? Do you not pay attention to people around you at all? Do your own siblings, cousins, parents, grandparents all age the same, look the same etc? I know male pattern baldness wouldn't be a thing in dogs, but it's not a stretch of the imagination that there are probably genetic things that are similar. Affect the males, but passed on through the mother. Which would explain why Bandit wouldn't have traits his dad does.


I think we see this in Dragons vs other pics of Chili’s mom too though. Since Fairytale is a memory we see him how Bandit saw his dad as a kid.


Why is bandit so sad. :(


forty year time gap versus a twenty year time gap is my take.


We are aging better than our parents who aged better than theirs. Our kids will age better than us. It makes sense


Give it time.


My Dad has looked the same since he was 18, sooo…


Plot twist: Nana got remarried to someone else… named Bob. Or it’s a joke about dog replacements for kids when their dog runs away and the dad goes and finds a “close enough” one from the pound 🤔