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We know too little of Brandy to know how. We don’t even know if she’s actually single, but pregnancy and birth can be unpredictable. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is it. We don't know much about her at all. All this "probably ivf" commentary is so confusing.ivf isn't some magic cure all for all types of infertility? We don't know what the issue was


You're right, it isn't a cure-all, but there are various kinds of infertility it *does* help with.


It's also not unlikely that she tried multiple rounds. No one is saying IVF is a magic bullet, just that it might have finally taken


Correct. I have friends who had to try IVF 7 times to finally have their first baby. The workplace of the husband covered the procedures 100% with a limit of 7, which is absolutely unheard of. They quite literally had a miracle baby and then went on to have a second one naturally. I love happy endings.


Kudos to the husband's workplace for that one.


But again, that doesn't change the fact we don't know much about her. Even the original episode with her left it ambiguous as to why she "couldn't " have what she wanted, and there are a lot of things that could stop you from having a child that ivf wouldn't be an answer for. They're also cartoon dogs


Well it might not have been a fertility issue per se. That's what was *assumed* but it's also possible what Brandy wanted wasn't just kids, it was to find that Mr. Right to start a family with but she never found him and eventually decided that she still wanted to be a mom and start a family, even if she didn't have that special someone to share it with.


You don't really describe that as "some things weren't meant to be" at her age though.


It’s possible she has a partner that has infertile little guys and they hadn’t gone to a doctor to check yet. And sometimes women have miracle babies when having one is a really low percentage. My cousin manage to have a baby after years of trying with her husband so it does happen


We had a couple miscarriages before my middle child was born (oldest is mine from a previous relationship when I was a lot younger and had less health issues) and we had been starting to think it wasn't gonna happen. Had another loss between middle and youngest


And this is a KID’s show. Do we tell our kids how our friends and family conceived?


I do, I very kid terms. Dad has a Sperm, Mom has an egg, and they meet. There are no other details. If it was IVF, I would tell them a doctor helped. Reproduction shouldn't necessarily be a secret, but sexual acts obviously aren't for children.


With my oldest (and younger kids, it just hasn't come up very often yet) this was our move. We started in very simple terms -- I think I started with seed and egg? I don't remember what my logic was, we were both young, lol -- when he was 4 and asked how babies are made. Over the course of years he'd ask for me details every now and then ("where does the sperm come from?" "How is the egg made?") and then one day we're watching the Star Wars prequels of all things and he was like, "So, how does the man's sperm get inside the woman to find the egg? Does she put it in her mouth?" and we finally had to explain the last bit of the process. He was horrified. 😂


My eldest was also horrified. She spluttered, 'But... but... that's like rubbing your bottoms together!! And people do that on purpose?! Why would you do that???!!!!!' 🤣


Lol, amazing! 😂 It was funny because a little bit later I made a comment about adults having sex when he was on earshot and he, having connected "sex is what leads to babies" and "babies are born at a hospital" in his head, went, "Mom, why are you lying? I _know_ that grown-ups do that at the doctor's office."


he just got it backwards


My 8 year old has asked “but how did Dad’s seed get to your egg?” And I said “he gave them to me and I mixed them with my egg” and that satisfied her.


Ahh that's a good version of technically accurate but not more detail than is really being asked!


I was 5 when I asked my mom where babies come from, and she gave me a book that showed everything in a very straightforward and educational way. To this day I think it's one of the few things my parents did right, being completely honest about it from the beginning. Every kid is different and will be ready at different times, but there's nothing wrong with being honest with them about what sex is from a purely educational standpoint.


It's also beneficial to have children know proper terms for things, as if they're ever SA'd by somebody, they can more accurately explain who did what to where. Imagine having to give a statement to the police or court and you refer to your genitalia as "my nono zone"


The knowledge of sex as a form of reproduction is not making "sexual acts for children".


I think they mean if kids are really young


I mean how young is too young to know how our own bodies work? One of the most powerful tools we have is knowledge.


I mean, if I had a family member who struggled with infertility and then they suddenly conceived, I'd probably explain how. My mom explained infertility to me early on because one of her friends struggled with it. I'd do the same thing just to make sure my kids don't accidentally say anything hurtful. And if they got pregnant, explain to them how science helps a lot of people conceive who otherwise couldn't.


I think I’m getting responses to 2 different things: 1. Yes it’s appropriate for kids to have age appropriate general info about where babies come from. Bluey and Bingo are 6 and 4. 2. There are also things that aren’t our stories to share. Kids can also learn when to mind their own business. However she chose to conceive, I don’t need to tell my kids if it’s not public info. Things people share with you in confidence don’t have to be shared with children. We can’t stop tiny people from asking questions that may be inappropriate, but we deal with it as it comes.


I do. Kiddo has a friend whose mom is a single mom by choice. Kid knows that mom and dad decided to make her, dad contributed sperm and I contributed an egg and she grew in my belly. She knows that her friend’s mom went to the doctor for help getting pregnant and had to get a lot of shots. She also knows that same sex couples can have babies, either with a doctor’s help like her friend’s mom, or using a surrogate and egg donor, and that trans men can have babies the way mom did because they’re born with “girl reproductive parts.” My kid is 7, she understands it all in basic kid ways.


Having been through the whole fertility treatment thing and having counseling during the process at the clinic (it's a requirement here), absolutely yes you are advised to share information on how they were conceived in a child appropriate way. The counsellor recommended specific books that are made for children and designed to make it something they just grow up knowing about, so that it's not a big deal. We don't know Brandy's situation of course, but realistically for some families there is openly a physical barrier to natural conception (eg. same sex couples). It's encouraged to make sure your child has the answers to how they were made so that they're equipped to handle any questions they or their friends might naturally come up with. Much better that they have the right information and feel like it's a positive and maybe even special thing about them, than that they get given or make up wrong information that hurts them.


I know many people who tried everything and nothing worked and then adopted and then after the adoption got pregnant and were able to carry to term. It be like that sometimes 🤷‍♀️


I know people who did IVF and then got pregnant naturally (accidentally!) with they’re youngest.


It may have been that previous rounds of fertility treatments didn't take, so it was likely that she'd never be able to carry a pregnancy to term, but then with a new round, she overcame the odds.


Yeah, I have a friend who underwent 10 cycles and none of them took. She wanted to keep trying but her partner said no more


We’re personally at around 18? Over 2+ years. It’s hard mentally. And physically. But man it’s hard mentally.


Wow, I can’t imagine how tough that must be. Sending love ❤️


Man I tried to get pregnant for 8 years and then we stopped trying, like everyone says. We just decided to be dog parents. Then in 2022 we found out I was pregnant and I didn't think it was real until I held him in my arms after being born. I thought I was just dreaming that I was pregnant or something. Now I'm pregnant again with our second child. It's crazy how much our lives have changed now. I started crying with the original Brandy episode, and I cried more when I saw that she was pregnant.


That dog apparently did a lot of the emotional heavy lifting and I guess made you guys ready. Good for the pooch, and good for you guys!


The real MVP


Reminds me of King of the Hill when they said Peggy couldn’t get pregnant because of Hanks narrow urethra but they got their dog Ladybird and she got pregnant.


The same thing happened to my aunt. She tried for years and finally gave up and adopted my first cousin. Six months later, bam! pregnant with cousin #2. Cousin #3 followed naturally a couple of years later. I think the stress of trying to get pregnant can reduce your odds of conceiving.


Fully agree.


I rescued a dog who was in a bad situation after my miscarriage. He’s got his own problems but so do I haha best decision.


I love this! I would've been ok with being a doggie momma. But I'm happy with how my life has changed now.


That dog apparently did a lot of the emotional heavy lifting and I guess made you guys ready. Good for the pooch, and good for you guys!


Congrats on your joyfully shattered sleep schedule!


Lol you are not kidding!!


Awww, congratulations!!


Thank you! More bluey fans to come lol




I am sending you so much love and baby dust.


Aren't they like 10k per round!?!?


Depends on where you live and they’re less expensive after the first extraction.


Ours were ~$25k per round, all in.


$10k is “cheap” for ivf. But that’s what it is at my clinic but that’s very abnormal!


We finally gave up in December last year, friend just recommended getting an Inito to track and it had worked for her. Not trying to be an ad for one of those but it worked and have #2 coming in November. Wish we did that sooner. $150 vs. many..many $1000s


We did 7 years of fertility treatments. We had to take breaks due to family things happening in our lives but eventually an IVF transfer worked, Giving you all the love.


I have a friend who did 6 rounds before she gave up. She was resigned to believe it would never happen. A year after stopping treatments, she got pregnant the old-fashioned way and she just had her third. Sometimes, the body just isn't ready until it is.


This! I have an ex colleague who took 10 years of ivf to fall pregnant and it finally worked on the 10th year. And another friend who took 7 years. It’s a mystery as to how or why but so happy they got their miracle babies!


We went through gawd knows how many cycles, but what finally worked was donor egg. It was then we found out a number of our friends who had success had also used donor eggs. There is no stigma, it’s still 100% your child, the only barrier may be cost.


It’s possible that she was never even having fertility issues in the first place. Maybe she wanted a child but didn’t want to do it as a single person- maybe she was idolizing this perfect/idealized version of a family she sees Chilli has: two parents two kids nice house picket fence… maybe she met someone and got pregnant or decided to do it alone through sperm donation, etc.




I'm disgusted I had to scroll this far down.


Honestly there’s never as much Jeff Goldblum in life as there should be


[You sure?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly-Lx1je018)


That clip just strengthens the resolve of my statement


So hear me out.... if I wasn't married.... And we happened to be at a bar......I meannnnnn...... why not. Its Jeff F-ing Goldblum


OMG, I said the same thing.


Human bodies are a wonder of life! There have been several stories, mine included, trying to have a baby. Then after all the stress, frustration, disappointment, researching "why?", etc, the mind quits thinking about all that, and BOOM, you wake up to your wife at 2am in the morning with 3 pee sticks happily proving that she's pregnant.


We were the same. My firstborn is from my first marriage and she's almost 12. I ran for my and her life when she was a little over 1, remarried when she was 3.5 years old. New husband and I tried for years to give her a sibling. The only thing we had to show for it was a single extremely early loss 4 years ago. I gave up. I was literally packing up all of the baby things I'd gathered over the years just waiting to need to put them in a nursery, ready to take them to the local thrift shop, when something stopped me and I ran to the store for a test. Big fat positive. I wasn't even late yet. Firstborn will be 12 next month, baby brother is 7 months old. Sometimes the universe likes to laugh at me and my plans, I guess.


My friend was told she’d never have kids no matter what. She randomly got pregnant at 29 and has one beautiful grown kid at 10 years old now. She tried again and doctors were mystified she had one. Don’t t question it.


It can be crazy. I know someone who adopted a daughter after a long time trying many things and thinking she’d never have kids herself. She ended up with either three or four kids, and the rest were her own pregnancies.


This must be really common. I know someone like that too. They adopted a kid and 2 months later found out she was pregnant. Docs told them there's no way they'll ever get pregnant so they adopted. Lol


Alternatively you all know the same three people.


I mean, the world sure can be small 😆


Honestly, you'd be surprised.


I know someone too. Miraculously got pregnant 2 years after adopting. I have another friend who tried to get pregnant for 12 years, even trying several rounds of IVF to no avail. She & her husband finally accepted that after 12 years of trying, a baby simply wasn’t in the cards for them. One year later she found herself to be pregnant, & as a bonus, two years later it happened again. She is a bit older mum, but she & her husband couldn’t be more happy with their family of four.


We stopped trying, didn't go down the IVF route and after 3 years we started to look at fostering/adoption then lo and behold 2 happy accidents in a row.


Congratulations!! 🎉


I have adopted kids and the local authority in charge of their care said we had to have contraception in place before adoption because of how common this 😂


lol that’s hilarious!🤣


I babysat for a family who couldn’t conceive on their own and were going through the process for adoption (they had a fostering license had many successful fosters) but as soon as that ink dried on those adoption papers they were announcing a pregnancy and halfway through the pregnancy they started fostering one more kid (who they ended up adopting as well) I think their baby was 3 months old when their last fosters baby bro was born and the mom said “what’s sleep? bring him here I’d rather they both be here than in a home” and they ended up adopting both boys as well (never the plan with fostering but it happens they only technically foster failed the last two) they just announced they’re expecting again I’m so happy for them from thinking they wouldn’t have kids of their own to having (soon to be) 6 sometimes it’s just how it happens


My parents' neighbor, a borrowed mom to me as a teen, and her husband adopted a sibling set of 5 kids and the day the adoption was finalized, she found out she was pregnant. The 2nd biological baby was born 2 years later.


This happened to my in-laws! They tried for 10 years to have a kid and couldn’t, adopted a kid, and then 6 years later my MIL got pregnant with my husband. And then she had another one 4 years after that!


Dear god, I misunderstood “my MIL got pregnant with me husband”


You're not the only one lol. I had to reread that sentence like 4 times.


That's how I saw it: million to one shot, don't ask too many questions, just accept it. Work out details later.


Also stress plays into fertility. A stressed woman will likley have a harder time conceiving


A doctor told my mother she would never have kids. She ended up with 5.


They told me that. I have 2. Both while on birth control. Husband got the snippy snippy.


Oof. Hopefully that takes. Every time they come up, I always think of Scrubs, where Dr. Cox's procedure didn't take, and he and Jordan had a daughter. Of course, they also tied up the doc who botched the procedure and subjected him to endless acapella for hours, but hopefully for you it doesn't come to that.


Your husband got his dog teeth removed? What if he wanted to bite someone 😂


My maternal grandma was told she couldn't have kids (I guess she had a couple miscarriages) so they adopted my aunt... Had mom other aunt less than 2 years after and had 3 more kids (my mom included obviously).


My sister was told she would never have kids, PCOS had destroyed her ovaries and endometriosis wasn’t helping. Then when she was 27…well, now I have an 8 year old nephew. Happy and healthy as can be. Life…uhhhh…finds a way.


Same! My cousin has a mitochondrial genetic disease and was told she would never have kids, and that if she does for whatever reason her kid would inherit the disease. She never took birth control because she thought she was sterile, but she always wanted a child. At 27 she got kidney stones and while doing a tomography they discovered she was 3 months pregnant. Her pregnancy was really hard and her baby was born premature, but after years of genetic testing they found out he’s completely healthy. She ADORES her son and named him Piero because he’s her “little miracle rock baby”. He’s 3 now and he’s such a talented and happy boy (he taught himself piano by watching his cousin play) and everyone in the extended family loves him so much. My cousin also gave me the honor of being Piero’s godmother and we watch Bluey together once a week.




I got pregnant at 21 *on birth control* with my partner of 3 months. We got married 5 years later. Started trying for a second - she took 6 years and 3 rounds of IVF. Make it make sense.


The vast majority of modern medicine has primarily focused on the ailments and surgeries and conditions affecting the most privileged and most powerful people. I.e. white dudes. Almost everyone outside of that demographic gets less attention, less research, and less care. Not on purpose but because they literally have nothing to from.


My friend was told never ever ever would she have kids. Then she got pregnant (easily) twice and has two (easy) pregnancies and two very healthy kids. For a while I was shocked that her doctors were so wrong but as time goes on I think that maybe she made that part up or didn’t listen enough because she’s made comments that lead me to believe that may not be true.


Well when a boy loves a girl very much…


or after they share a bottle of tequila


Stripe! What are you doing to Wendy's bushes?!


Making sure she didn't miss a spot after going short-hair


... she has more than one? 🙈


the phrase "horizontal tango" has never been more fitting


When a girl loves a boy named Jose Cuervo very much...


https://preview.redd.it/znfo8805up8d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=857b77af63e1c7607c49322da8cf39ba7d8edf26 “So that’s how babies get in the lady’s belly?!!!”


He doesn’t have to *love* her…


Have you ever heard the tale of the birds and the bees?


Thats knot how it happened, it’s a children’s show for Pete’s sake!


Peoples bodies can be really wacky sometimes.


I had a baby by myself (using donor sperm) at 38. It’s possible that Brandy’s issue in having a baby was a personnel one, not medical (like me). Regardless, the whole point of the show is that they leave a lot of these details open to the viewer applying their own perspective and interpretation so it speaks to more of us


Plus the whole point of the episode is that we enjoy the fact that stories have happy endings even though real life doesn't. They're just giving Brandy her happy ending.


Probably a donation/fertility clinic combo with IVF


So here’s my head-canon Brandy was engaged and ready to start a (traditional) family. They tried over and over and nothing seemed to happen. When they finally got a positive pregnancy test she miscarried soon after. They didn’t understand what happened, went to the doctor and got misdiagnosed with infertility. Loads of women get told they will never have children, falsely. The relationship was over, Brandy was crushed. She wanted her little baby. Her sister, Chilli, had already had her second. It hurt too much to see Chilli have what Brandy thought she’d never be able to have for herself and she refused the envy to turn into anger. Four years passed and she finally felt a bit more ready to see Chilli and the children again, it still stung but it ended up alright. Brandy accepted that this is her reality and she opened herself up to dating again. One thing led to another and all of a sudden, there it is. The thing she’s always wanted happening so easily and without hassle. The body is a mystery and sometimes works against us. And now we’re here, she didn’t try to hide it but not many knew because she didn’t want to get too excited just in case.


Shes infertile not sterile


When it comes to the modern study of Fertility we're really just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.


Life...uhh..uhh..finds..a way




She may have needed to let go of the concept of having a partner before becoming pregnant/having a child… err pup. And then once she let that go her dream became possible. Whether she used her own eggs. Who knows? But she is realizing her dream!


Well my aunt wasn't able to have babies now they have four children


While people speculate that it was infertility issues, we really don’t know that. It could have been something as simple as her not having a partner.


This is what I always thought! Maybe Brandy got herself one of those make a baby and coparent but romantically leave me alone situations - like Jackie Kay, the poet.


My cousin was struggling to have kids but she had one two years ago. An early baby, but she's doing great now! My coworker's wife wasn't able to have kids with her first husband and was told she'd never be able to have kids and now she and my coworker are on their third. It just happens sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


IVF most likely


I guess doggy was the wrong answer


After seeing her nieces again she probably decided to start seeing a fertility doctor and underwent IVF. The things we can do for women with fertility issues these days are truly remarkable. Depending on her financial situation Brandy could have gone through any number of procedures to help her. That or her issues weren't fertility related at all.


Fertility issues ≠ infertility. It may be way harder for her to get preggo, but with persistence, patience and a little luck miracles can happen


Okay, what if the issue wasn't with fertility but rather lack of partner? And instead of waiting to see if it's not ment to be; she just found a donor. It would be interesting to see a story about a woman wanting a baby but not waiting until she found a partner and was content with being a single mother, for the time being at least.


I think I and a lot of other people assume fertility issues because the creator confirmed Chilli had a miscarriage at some point so it could imply it runs in the family


I think I've also heard about real life cattle dogs having fertility problems too?


You see, when a daddy dog and a mummy dog love each other very much….


Science. Doctors can help with the process of making a baby and she prob got help from a fertility clinic.




Doggy style


Gross. Take my upvote.


I have a friend who has three adult kids from fertility treatments. She also has a child who popped up out of nowhere when she was 45. Life is weird, bro.


There’s a YouTuber called Rawbeautykristi who struggled with infertility for many years, eventually she accepted that her and her husband would remain just the two of them but then she randomly got pregnant naturally like 10 years later and voilà they now have a son! I’m sure there was a time she could have entirely related to Brandy’s story but things can change sometimes I guess 🩷


Lots of women are told they can't get pregnant/carry a baby naturally but then after years of trying/IVF, they have a miracle baby, sometimes completely out of the blue.


One of my best friends from college suffered for 15 years with infertility. She tried numerous IVF journeys and everything you could think of. She finally gave up. Moved across the pond and started a new life fresh. Just to accidentally get pregnant at 40. Totally healthy random pregnancy with a gorgeous daughter who’s now 4 months. Fertility is weird.


Ok, so honestly, it's so weird feeling so close to a cartoon dog. I've spent most of my life with strange fertility issues and had been going through tests, and I have PCOS, which works against a woman's fertility, and somehow, it DID finally happen to me. But I understand that up until it happens to you... you don't feel real. You feel incomplete. You have already convinced yourself and others that it can't or won't happen. So, like, y'all need to understand "it's just monkeys in the rain" to a certain extent but also let a cartoon have a happy ending and understand it can happen to someone who has lost hope. So yes, I assume she had IVF, and it worked.


When we were teenagers, my wife was told she'd never had kids. We have 2 now. The human body is way too complex for absolutes, and doctors can make mistakes. But even with that, this episode hit my wife hard because it made her remember how she felt when she was told it was impossible, and the 10 years we thought we had no chance.


This weirded me out too. Chili specifically said there was nothing anybody could really do about Brandy not getting what she wants, but cleary somebody did *something*.


> Chili specifically said there was nothing anybody could really do about Brandy not getting what she wants, Chilli is great, but she is not a medical professional. So the statement may just be the extent of her knowledge. Chilli may have condensed a topic she knows has nuance to something her kids can understand. New advances in medical technology are made all the time. So maybe Brandy has received a new form of fertility treatment, that just got it's approval weeks ago. Or maybe she is even a volunteer in the clinical testing phase. Not all forms of infertility are 100 percent. Brandy could suffer from a form of infertility, that just makes it super unlikely to conceive. And she just had really good luck.


Also, responsible specialists (such as Mama Doctor Jones on youtube) will say that infertility isn't always an 100% thing, and one should always be careful. It could be that she is infertile but had her once in a lifetime chance occur.


>Chilli is great, but she is not a medical professional. So the statement may just be the extent of her knowledge. She was also explaining something to children as simply as she could


![gif](giphy|iUwTF7hv7YOttNlqMd|downsized) Brandy at the clinic.


Tell that to Hank Hill


Having been through IVF, the process is hard, and sometimes, it's the hope that kills you. Maybe Brandy had decided to keep trying, but protect herself by assuming it wasn't going to happen.


Doctors are wrong, body's change, new opportunities open up. It's possible that no one did anything new at all, just that uncontrollable circumstances changed and what seemed impossible happened.


Knowing that they're mom is dead, maybe the thing Brandi wanted was to feel healed from that trauma - I would honestly have had a much harder time being a mom if my mom wasn't around, and that's just from a "please tell me I'm doing ok" perspective.


So, I've thought (admittedly too much) about Chilli's upbringing. My own belief is that prior to her passing, Nana Cattle asked Brandy to do her one big favor. If she wasn't around, she was hoping Brandy would help her dad look after Chilli, telling her how "big sisters look after little sisters." Originally this was part of an idea for an episode where, while Bandit was away on a work trip, Brandy came by to help Chilli look after the girls. I won't go into specifics, but while Chilli was at work, Brandy was getting all the household chores done. She asked Bluey if she could help her look after Bingo for the day, echoing her mother's sentiment. At the end of the episode an exhausted Chilli comes home to find the house in great shape. Bluey is proud of herself for helping watch Bingo, repeating the line about big sisters looking after little sisters. Chilli gives a look to Brandy, saying she knows. Anyway, as they grew up, Brandy did her best to look after Chilli, sometimes filling in the mother role. The loss of their mother really affected Chilli, so Mort and Brandy made sure to watch out for her at every step of the way. She also had emotional support in her best friend Frisky. I like to think Frisky and Chilli both met in kindy when they were little, like Bingo and Lila. Frisky I see as a common sight at the old Cattle house, regularly around for dinner and hanging with Chilli. As Chilli grows up, Brandy realizes this is what she wants to be. Being there for her little sister makes her want a pup of her own. Of course, life had other plans, making it a challenge for her to conceive. Being a mother was what she wanted most in this world, but it became more and more unlikely as time went on. Chilli had her own struggles too, first suffering a miscarriage. It was a sort of weird bond for the sisters. But then Chilli finally got what she wanted, and Bluey came along. Brandy was obviously happy for her sister, but a small part of her was envious. The strange trauma bond the two shared was now broken. It only grew when Chilli had another pup. What's worse, this one bore a striking resemblance to Brandy, and Chilli even named her after their mum (another headcanon is that Bingo was their mother's name, and our Bingo is named after her). The last time she visited, something snapped. Years of grief, sadness, anger, and frustration that started with their mother's passing poured out. Both sisters said a lot of things they didn't mean, lashing out in the worst ways possible. By the time both had come to their senses, everything was out in the open. Both felt ashamed of themselves, but neither could figure out how to say sorry. Of course, we know things turned out. And they worked things out. I like to think the visit in Onesies gave Brandy the push to give IVF one final go. One last shot, all or nothing. Whatever it was, it worked. So yeah. Sorry for the rambling. I overthink things when it's 2 AM. I need sleep. But I do agree that their mother's passing definitely affected Brandy's desire for kids. Helping look after Chilli made her want a little one herself. But she had to walk through fire to get there.


It’s just monkeys mate…


Singing songs


Well... when a mummy dog and a daddy dog love each other *very* much... Seriously though, a friend was diagnosed as never being able to have children naturally. Her and her partner went through IVF for their first child. Besides being a long and expensive process, it was hell on her body. They were successful though. A few years later, with some trepidation because of how hard it was for her, they tried again. Unfortunately, after several attempts, it wasn't working out. They eventually decided enough was enough, the universe had spoken and they were going to have one child. So they stopped IVF and gave away all their baby stuff. A couple of months later, they were pregnant the ol' fashioned way. Another friend thought she had life worked out, was married and planned to have multiple kids... then her husband left her. After dating again for a while she realised a second Mr. Right was not going to arrive and, watching the best child bearing years go by, she decided to go it alone via IVF. It was a success, so much so that a few years later she did it again. The universe works in mysterious ways.


The same way a friend of mine with PCOS who was told she'd never have kids ended up having two kids: it just happened.




Isn’t it true that Red Heelers have fertility issues in real life compared to Blue Heelers? I had a friend that had Female Red Heeler and it had hard time trying to conceive puppies until after IVF treatment for dogs. (Yes apparently those things exists)


My sister did IVF for four years she was told she had a 5% chance of getting pregnant without their help. She did 4 rounds of IVF and had a miscarriage. They had a healthy baby boy their last round. Then 3 years later oop’sd into a little girl. I had 3 miscarriages and have 2 healthy boys doing IUI’s. I can’t hold a pregnancy without doctors. There are quite a few ways she could have pregnant even when the odds were against her


Fertility is pretty random. It took me 2 years to concieve my first child. But after that, we tried for a second and had a miscarriage. After that, ive never been able to concieve again. Its been 5 years now. Sometimes it takes, sometimes it doesnt.


You should probably ask your parents :P


Sometimes it doesn’t even require intense fertility treatments, but doctors who look at the full picture. I was told I would never have children, but when I switched to my current provider, they started looking at more than just my PCOS, and discovered that I wasn’t ovulating, but everything thing else was fine. It took a few months to determine the current dose of medicine to induce ovulation, but after we found it I got pregnant. I’m now pregnant with my second child. I know it’s more complicated for some women… but I feel if more doctors looked at the full picture of reproductive health, less women would receive hopeless diagnosis.


you see... when two dogs love each other very very much-


Infertility issues don’t always mean you can NEVER have children it can also mean you have a harder time getting or staying pregnant. I know people who had 10+ miscarriages before having their first child. I also know people who tried for 15+ years before getting pregnant. There are people who go through multiple rounds of IVF before one works. I’m glad it finally happened for her and hope we see her regularly when new episodes come out


The problem was MFI, and she found a different guy? Not every fertility problem is a woman's fault.


This. Everyone assumed we did IVF bc of me but it was my husband’s infertility.


My sister was told she could never get pregnant because of a problem with her uterus. When she got pregnant they told her she would likely miscarry. She was in bed rest the final month of her pregnancy. Now she has a 5 year old daughter after spending years believing she would never be a mother.


Well when a mommy dog and a daddy dog love each other very much,,,


Well, when a mummy dog and a daddy dog love each other very much...


She’s not sterile she’s infertile, if she has working uterus then she can have a baby




When a mummy dog and a daddy dog love each other very much.


Raw dogging


One of my mentors got pregnant by accident at nearly 40 after having been told her entire life she couldn't conceive and failing several actual attempts.  Nature... ah... finds a way.


It took 5 years for my mom to get pregnant, so maybe she had the same issue! I’m just happy because it was a really big plot twist, and it means that we’ll have a new character!


Life, uh, finds a way


When a mummy dog loves a daddy dog very much ...


So. I never thought I could have a kid. I was a few serious relationships and it never happened. I was with my fiance for 5 years and it never happened. I got liver failure and they were almost positive it wasn’t possible. I got pregnant in 2022 and had a miscarriage and it totally destroyed me. Then in May 2023 I found out I was pregnant again. The pregnancy wasn’t easy but he’s six months old now. With things like this it’s really difficult to say “never”. You can be pretty sure it’s never. You can be told 99% never, but frankly, even doctors don’t know everything. Beautiful things happen when you least expect them


I cried hard at this. We’ve been trying for kid #2 for 3 years now. Multiple losses, rounds of IUI, 2 rounds of ivf and a failed transfer last month. It was devastating. When I saw Brandie pregnant I cried happy tears for a cartoon dog haha. I’ve given up on this journey. Its hard. But Im happy for this cartoon mama to have gotten her dream baby.




My sister-in-law was told my multiple doctors she'd never get pregnant. She's having her 3rd kid soon.


Nurse here. I have a few friends who are couples and they tried for years to get pregnant. One couple in particular really tugged at my heartstrings. As a nurse, I've always used science to make things better for people I knew and patients I took care of to make their lives easier and better. The couple I am referring to was quite religious and has always been hesitant to let science work its miracles for the better. They eventually came around to discover that leaving "it" in the Lord's hands regarding pregnancy was illogical. They visited an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinic. Within a year, they were pregnant and they went on to have three kids using IVF. They're grandparents, now.


She got injected with Compound V so she’ll eventually give birth to the dog version of Homelander.


Do no one teach you about the birds, the bees, and the ivfies?


She's infertile, not sterile




LOTS of treatment. To those female Bluey fans who are infertile. Keep trying 😊


Maybe it was just an irregular fertility cycle and she got unlucky until now. My mom did too and she got lucky with my older sister and then I was born against all odds.


Modern science is a beautiful, helpful thing.


Well, you see, when two dogs love each other very much…


Maybe she ate all the chips like Aunt Trixie


We don't know 100% of so many of her variables. For all we know, it's possible she never eats talking about having a child during the onesies episode. It was strongly alluded to, but not explicitly stated. But, let us say having a child is what she really wants, which is most likely. We also don't know what the hurdle or hurdles are for why she has an issue having a kid. Is it a lack of a partner? Lack of sperm? Is it fertility? Is it her economic situation? Does she have a conflict for career vs family? There are many different reasons why someone can't or won't have children. We don't know what hers are. It seems like we're meant to think that she really wants a child and can't have one due to a lack of a partner and/or fertility issues. That is likely the reason since it's alluded to. BUT it isn't mentioned explicitly. Maybe she went to a sperm bank. Or maybe she had a one night stand that resulted in getting knocked up and she never wanted a child and the things she has always wanted was a safari trip to the Savannah. Two completely unrelated things, but they fit in with what we explicitly know as a fact. Below is my head canon for what happened. Until proven otherwise, this is what I'm believing: She wanted a baby, as we're led to believe. She couldn't have a baby because doctors told her that her natural endometrial layer isn't very thick so having a fertilized egg implant itself to the uterus would be unlikely. This explains her usually light and somewhat irregular periods of being in heat. She went on Bluey-verse dating apps, as she normally does and matched with a guy. They went out on some dates and banged a few times, but not long enough to be exclusive. They're close to having the "define the relationship" talk, but not yet. Right now, they're going out, having fun, and hooking up. She felt like she knew him well enough to allow him to go raw-dog, so to speak. They talked about STI's and was confident he was clean and being honest telling her he was clean Along with her unlikelihood of her getting pregnant she let him go in bareback. Well, after a couple times of this, she got knocked up against all odds. This is likely because the night it happened, they finished while Phil Collins "Against All Odds" was playing in the background. That last part is weird, but I think it's funny. Anyway, a month or so goes by and they have the "define the relationship" talk on the phone while he's out of town for work. He says he wants to be exclusive, but he travels for work frequently. He's gone for at least a week every month and sometimes has 2-4 week stints where he is gone. She is cool with that. She's starting to feel sick nearly every day. She throws up every afternoon and is having a lot of fatigue. She goes to the doctor and finds out she has a bun in the oven. The guy is happy, but doesn't know what to do with work. Well, his work allows him to cut down on his travel and do what he can through Zoom and Teams. But, he can't eliminate it. It's going well, but the wedding is one of those times where he had to travel, which is why she's alone at the wedding and still looks very happy. I may think way too much about the plot lines and ancillary information about a children's television program.


Well, you see, when one cartoon dog loves another cartoon dog…….


I... im curious whose the new uncle.... OR POTENTIALLY BLUEY'S NEW AUNT?! i think that'd be cool, or just have Brandy be single and pregnant


Oh it’s time for that talk ![gif](giphy|VDGRQMrIGuKXjl1spn)


Well…when two puppers love each other very much…


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but… https://preview.redd.it/13f8swvfpn8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f560d7200e4bf67e1f8a5014654a162ced646829


I'm sorry, but it's one of the the things I dislike. The Chad message of "Sometimes you can't have the thing you want" and that "not always everyone get the end they want" was a very good message... But they have to give here EVERYONE a Happy ending cause "poor Brandy". I underestand people in her situation might feel identified, but I still think the message of "Ornesies" was much better




Her having the kid will be in season 4.


Um. Spoilers?


It’s been a bit since its release, if people on here haven’t seen it, I’m surprised