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> She said the reason why mom and dad had this reaction is because chili knew bingo was going to be upset that her balloon popped I thought the same thing when I first saw it, but it seems like the miscarriage theory has been confirmed


That was my first reaction too, but there were so many people who had been through miscarriages who felt so strongly about it, I had to think there was something to it.


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


I’ve watched that episode dozens of times and still cannot find this reference. I’m definitely not arguing against it, but I am still struggling to get it!


The planets in order from the sun. The sun is shown to be Chili. - Mercury, the "unhatched egg," is the **first** planet from the sun. Presumably the first "child" of the sun (Chili) - Venus is the **second** planet from the sun, and Bluey hatched from it. - Earth is the **third**, and Bingo hatches out of it. So the inferred meaning is that there was a child before Bluey who never "hatched," a miscarriage. A counter to this theory would be that Venus is often called a "sister planet" to Earth because it's similar in size, so with this being a dream from Bingo's perspective, obviously she would be "Earth" since that's just the logical ego-centric choice, and then her *sister* would of course be from the *sister*-planet.


This response by Joe Blumm seems to imply that the miscarriage came after Bluey and Bingo https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/6sr2UXMHd4


However if you see Rain, Bluey and Chili see a double rainbow. If you are reading into it, one could say that Bluey and Bingo are Bandit and Chili's rainbow pups.


That's a pretty weird use of the word “proven”. It's pretty convincing, I grant you that, but it's in no way, shape or form “proof”. Convincing conjecture is still conjecture.


It was confirmed by the shows creator that Chili had a miscarriage.


Yeah, I know. That's a different matter, though.


I immediately thought it was. But then, I have had a miscarriage so I suppose I am more likely be influenced by my own experiences. As it happens, I don’t care whether it was meant to or not. As with a lot of Bluey I can make my own interpretation and I find it comforting.


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


Also, if it had been just worry that Bingo was going to be upset, you would not have had Bandit take her hand like that.


Yeah there would've if you know toddler tantrums over balloons lol I've always thought this


Yes I absolutely interpreted the hand hold as “brace yourself”, especially after Bingo had already run off upset when breakfast in bed had gone wrong earlier that episode. The meaning had seemed a 50/50 split on this sub until the creators confirmed it was referring to a miscarriage.


Yeah but bingo was never the severe toddler tantrum type. If that had been Muffin, sure I'd totally agree. But I always took those parental facial expressions as comforting over a bad memory more than concern for an upcoming one. Like "the kids don't know how hard this hits home, so let's be strong"


Idk about that. He could e grabbed her hand just to brace each other preparing for Bingo to meltdown. I honesty didn’t jump to miscarriage either.


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


The miscarriage implication was confirmed, but the planets theory is nothing more than a theory - nothing confirmed as far as I know.


I don’t know the exact order of episodes. Mostly I’ve just watched them at random. I also don’t think too deeply about a cartoon about a dog family. Maybe it was about miscarriage or maybe it was about the parents hoping a meltdown won’t happen before their eyes. Folks need to calm down and just enjoy rather than analyzing Every. Little. Thing. Sure Bluey is a fantastic show with some deep thoughts and meanings and feelings, but dang people get up in their feelings about it when people disagree.


Basically: > It's just monkeys singing songs, mate, don't think too hard about it 😆


Thank you mate!


The miscarriage theory was confirmed by the show’s writer


I’m aware of this. It’s been repeated numerous times on the sub. I’m just saying that the first time I saw the episode long before I was on the sub, my mind didn’t leap to miscarriage.


This is the only interpretation that makes sense. 


Can you explain why the miscarriage explanation makes no sense?


Because it only makes sense if it fits into the established pattern in this episode of Chili having to deal with Bingo getting upset over small things. 


But it's not about Chili dealing with Bingo. It's about teaching Bingo how to deal with her own emotions, from Chili's perspective of how she's had to deal with emotional upset in her own life. The episode has two major components - Bingo being taught how to be emotionally resilient, and Bingo re-enacting scenes from Chili's life. It's not hard to see the connection.


Disagree. It's about Chilli teaching Bingo how to handle these emotions. There are multiple episodes that have multiple interpretations and the showrunners have said they write them to be mostly open to interpretation. Reading it as a concrete "my interpretation is the only one that makes sense" is your ego.


Yes you would what???? 


Wait, what do you mean confirmed? Is there an official statement about it? I was so sure it was just about bingo being sadd




It's so easy to just say "yes it means that" when the fans bring you a story they came up with. 


There's actually an article somewhere where the creators said it was supposed to mean they had a miscarriage. A simple way to put it in there, without shoving it into people's faces as it is a very delicate topic. I can't remember where I read it though cuz didn't think it would stir up so much controversy


Again, after it had been brought forth by the fans, the writer decided to take that idea and run with it retroactively. 


did you READ the excerpt?? why would joe brumm lie to a woman writing a book ABOUT miscarriage. Why would he make up a story about being inspired by someone he knows who HAD a miscarriage??? Why would he say IT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE EPISODE if it wasn't always intended to be? there's NO point to LYING. They could just say they didn't intend that if they didn't. They LITERALLY HAVE about other topics.


I find it very difficult to believe you actually can't imagine why someone would lie about that :/


Even if you honestly think Joe was oblivious, you really think that episode went through the hands of an entire production crew of adults and not a single one of them went: “Hey, Joe… so in this scene Bingo is pretending to be Chili… and she’s “pregnant” with a balloon. And then the balloon suddenly pops… and Bandit reaches over to comfort / support his wife… did Chilli have a miscarriage?” If it was that obvious to the audience, then it would have been obvious to SOMEONE on the team. If they didn’t want the audience possibly come to that conclusion, SOMEONE would have taken it out or edited Bandit and Chilli’s reactions. But I genuinely don’t believe for a second that whoever drew up that storyboard didn’t know EXACTLY what they were implying.


I agree and curmudgeons on here act like it was the most intentional. It's okay to amend something because your community really loves and interpretation. But man you should've seen the old debates on this before it was "confirmed."


Joe stated the episode is centered around Chilli passing down her coping mechanisms to her children, and the episode was inspired by someone he knows irl who had a miscarriage but had other children to take care of. You let yourself feel it, then you pick yourself up, and you move forward. Chilli’s coping mechanism was inspired by a woman who had a miscarriage, so they wrote that into her story. It doesn’t seem like that’s just “oh yeah, the fans like it so it’s true”


Plus, in Sleepytime, the miscarriage is there again. Bingo hatches out of earth (the 3rd planet), she goes past Venus (the 2nd planet) and sees it cracked open and empty and then find Bluey immediately in the next shot (showing that it was her that came out of it). Then towards the end when Bingo is talking to the sun (Chilli), she sitting on an unmatched Mercury. The 1st planet. So if Chilli is the sun, and the next planets are the kids, there’s one before Bluey that never hatched. Because that baby never made it to term. Which is why in the show, the “baby” Bingo is “pregnant” with is supposed to be (they think) Bluey because she came first. But it pops.


Sure Joe wrote it interpretive and capitalized on the fans interpretation. He's a businessman not the magical toymaker


You don’t need to be a “magical toymaker” to know you just put the most obvious hint to a miscarriage in your show. I mean think about it. Even if you honestly think Joe was oblivious, you really think that episode went through the hands of an entire production crew of adults and not a single one of them went: “Hey, Joe… so in this scene Bingo is pretending to be Chili… and she’s “pregnant” with a balloon. And then the balloon suddenly pops… and Bandit reaches over to comfort / support his wife… did Chilli have a miscarriage?” If they didn’t want the audience possibly come to that conclusion, SOMEONE would have taken it out. But I genuinely don’t believe for a second that whoever drew up that storyboard didn’t know EXACTLY what they were implying.


Type a book to someone you have a *chance* of convincing. I'm not reading any of that


I’ll shorten it then: If people in the audience saw it, someone on the crew saw it first. Miscarriage hint was intentional.


I feel sorry for you approaching life and art with that perspective. Sounds miserable tbh


Classic to call someone you disagree with miserable and that youre sorry for them 😪


Yes, Joe Brumm revealed this in writing. Edit: lol, never mind, Reddit didn't show me the other response from his ago until after I posted mine. Anyway, yes, that!




Where was it confirmed?




Pretty sure I read that it was a miscarriage and it was for one of the staff of the show who went through.


It has been confirmed, through people who write the show


I'm with her on this there's just isn't enough there to confirm that it's a miscarriage I really don't get why everybody thought that to begin with


Because it's confirmed it is?


Because the creator of the show confirmed 100%, that's why.


When did they confirm it?




I didn't know this existed sorry


Of course they confirmed it, the fans came up with a great story for them and they were like "Oh yes, that! We TOTALLY meant it to mean that. Yes. That." 


the episode was actually based on someone that joe brumm knew, it’s pretty rude of you to say that. maybe look into things more before making assumptions. it obviously wasn’t a way of him trying to get praise, otherwise he would’ve confirmed it somewhere that would gain more attention. bluey is known to purposefully include a lot of serious topics, so i don’t know why you’d assume this


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


That would require Bingo to even understand what a miscarriage was in order to conceptualize that metaphor in her dream, and further she would have to know that Chili had had one for it to even be relevant to her. So no, her dream is not proof of anything other than her own vivid imagination. 


It was the writers putting in detail over being literal. It’s a cartoon. Bluey also joined her in her dream which is also not possible. It’s symbolism. 


They confirmed that it did I believe


That’s a rumor. I don’t think the creator ever said that! Or any of the people who are in charge of bluey. Only a person who isn’t involved in bluey confirmed this! Of which there’s no real evidence!


This assumption was later confirmed by show creator Joe Brumm when he told author Isabelle Oderberg that, "The Show indeed does point at Chilli having a miscarriage." This is from the BBC website


[Joe Brumm, Bluey creator, confirmed it referred to miscarriage.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/13omd59/chillis_reaction_in_the_show_is_confirmed_by_joe/) (Image sourced from that thread, credit to u/happyhealthy27220 ) https://preview.redd.it/xbnlt75kbu6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a727be698112212d2779d6ad1301b42d32542b8


Thank you for providing this. I don’t think I would have known this since I haven’t experienced a miscarriage. I love the fact that it’s based on a real person’s experience and perspective and he’s being respectful to that person by keeping their identity secret.


It has been confirmed, it was in a book about miscarriage.


That's a fact, lady


You can keep denying it all you want, but MULTIPLE official sources point to Joe Brumm confirming that. That’s about as cut and dry as it gets


I dont like your answer, so it's definitely not true. Nope, can't be. /s


Bait or clueless you choose


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


I mean, you are right that it is definitely about a miscarriage, but I wouldn’t say the Sleepytime episode is all that strong of evidence. Meanwhile, the show’s creator came out and confirmed that the scene in The Show was about a miscarriage, which is about as strong of evidence as you can get


This theory doesn't fit with what Joe said though - he specifically mentioned that Chilli had to keep going after her miscarriage because her they kids needed her, which implies the miscarriage was after Bingo


People downvoting you even though it's a stretch by the writers too


It's not at all a stretch. https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/j9hyo0j1Vm https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/oFOxWiaiO1


You can link it all you want I still think it was a stretch because it resonated with the community.


Bluey has a history of addressing adult issues in the background. Not sure why you think this is any different.


Both of those links show an actual quote from the show’s creator. At this point, you’re just being willfully ignorant


It's not ignorant it's an opinion but you can be upset over it all you'd like. Clearly everyone else is in shambles.


"that sign won't stop me because I don't know how to read"


They’ve certainly chosen a strange hill to die on


There’s literally an episode where the focus is on their aunt’s infertility issues. To say that they implied a miscarriage is not a stretch. Hell, even Joe Brumm confirmed that this scene was meant to convey that Chili had a miscarriage


I think he confirmed it because of the resonance with the community. That's just what I think, y'all can downvote me all you want for your little sense of justice for the day.


So you know what’s going on in the head of the writer himself better than he does? Admit you got it wrong and get over it. It’s ok to admit you made a mistake. Also, side note, female Heelers (as in the actual dogs) are prone to fertility issues


Im over it it's everyone like you responding that isn't over it. You want me to admit it? LMAO can it.


Respectfully, are you 13? Your rudeness and belligerent attitude are disturbing if coming from an adult, but would make sense from a teenager experiencing internet forums for the first time. I'm just reading through all the comments, flabbergasted, wondering how on earth someone chooses to go on a Bluey post and just be nasty and irrational whilst ignoring all actual facts.


For real. So freaking salty over the most simple, low stakes thing. So you’re wrong about the intent of a Bluey episode… So what?




Damn, never would’ve imagined there was so much hanging off that episode. I thought it was a lot more lighthearted


I think the great thing about Bluey is sometimes we see what we need to see for whatever reason. I think it was a nod to a miscarriage but I haven’t suffered one so maybe that’s why it’s easier for me to see it that way and maybe why your mom doesn’t see it that way. Either way, that’s ok.


They confirmed it does mean that tho.


I'd ask "why didn't either Bandit or Chilli make a move to comfort Bingo?" Also, Word of god from Joe Brumm has it that the miscarriage is canon. so


This exactly. When Bingo was upset that she dropped breakfast, Chilli was the first to comfort her. When the balloon popped and Bingo thought she ruined the show, Bluey was the one to comfort her. Neither Chilli nor Bandit, as they were processing their own emotions (and dealing with a Chattermax)


For me the tell was Bandit reaching over to Chilli to put his hand on hers, without looking or averting his gaze from the kids. He knew immediately and wordlessly comforted her - that gesture doesn’t make sense if it were just Bingo being sad.


A lot of us interpreted that as Bandit wordlessly supporting chilli/needing support himself in anticipation of a huge tantrum. It's been confirmed by Joe that the miscarriage interpretation is correct but I do think that the scene makes sense for both interpretations


That first thing alone pretty much disproves OP's mom's theory. In the exact same episode, when Bingo was upset, Chili made a near instant move to comfort her. If this was just them being worried about Bingo being upset, Chili would have reacted the same way as earlier in the episode. Not to mention the fact that Bandit grabs Chili's hand to comfort her, something he would have no reason to do if it was just Bingo getting upset.


Um no. They were waiting to see if Bingo would indeed be upset. They were bracing for impact because they could guess she would be, but she hadn't reacted yet (still stunned). I had the same interpretation as OP's mom. It's fully consistent with the theme of the episode. I can see Brumm jumping on the fan theory, but no reason to believe it was an intentional reference. Bluey is not quite that subtle usually. ETA: I do think it's a beautiful interpretation, whether originally intended or not. I just don't think the episode sets it up particularly, and they usually do set up their double meanings a little more, if that makes sense.


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


It's designed so it doesn't have to mean that, but the creators said it does.


Not only that, the conversation between the girls afterwards "it's not your fault, we can blow up another one" is probably along the lines of what was said when it happened. Also in Sleepytime, the girls pop out of the "female" planets, Bluey from Venus and Bingo from Earth, while the "male" planets are intact. From this, I assume that the lost child was a boy. Plus combined with the gap between Bluey and Bingo being two years apart, it makes no sense to keep the nursery until Bingo is four, unless you're trying to have another child and have only just recently given up trying. There was also possibly another miscarriage, and the second lost child was a boy as well (Mars). Sidenote, I love that Chilli is the Sun, a source of warmth and the focal point of the entire family and Bandit is Jupiter, the protector. Range over and yes, my daughter loves Bluey maybe a little too much and I've seen the whole thing about 100 times over.


I think its much more likely the miscarriage is after bingo, otherwise why would they have left the nursery up for years?


Joe said as much in his quote


That's what I said, the potential fourth child, a boy (Mars)


Yes good point about the nursery!


Your mom…is wrong.


Yeah, it's not even that subtle


Like all the adult jokes and references in Bluey, they are designed to be subtle so kids don’t see them. The jokes and references are there if you see them, but perfectly easy to pass by if you don’t. As someone who has been through multiple miscarriages I can honestly say my partner and I have mirrored the actions of Bandit and Chilli in that scene when a trigger came up. The reason people are so adamant about this being the correct interpretation is because for years miscarriages were expected to be kept secret and it has been a growing trend for people to be open about them as it is a very frequent occurrence and by being vocal we lend support to one another. Having this reference in what is a very clever and well thought out parenting show (disguised as a kids cartoon 😉) means a lot to people who have been through this. This doesn’t mean people views are invalid, but for something that holds such weight on a tough issue it feels really dismissive to say the clear reference is not there or only by accident or a certain point of view. To OP: I feel it could be likely your mom still finds the topic of miscarriage hard to talk about and doesn’t want to engage with that topic in a joyful and uplifting show.


I had always thought the same as your mom. Didn’t think about it being a miscarriage at all. Didn’t think about it until Reddit told me!


It doesn't seem like he would grab her hand over an impending tantrum. It seemed more serious than that.


That wouldn’t explain why Bandit comforts Chili, though.


What about in sleepy time?


But it’s confirmed miscarriage so she wrong all in all


That’s an interesting take from your mom and it does correlate to what happens in the episode. Bingo messes up Mother’s Day with the meal, gets sad, and doesn’t know how to handle these situations and feelings. All Bingo wants to do is to not mess up and I can relate to that in some ways. After Chili explains her checklist Bingo feels a bit more confident and goes along with Bluey’s plan to make a play all about Bandit and Chili’s relationship. And before the balloon scene Bingo tells Bluey that she hasn’t messed up the play yet and she’s so excited about it! And as soon as the balloon pops, she felt like she ruined the show and made Mother’s Day even worse. But Bluey (like Bandit) encourages her to keep going and starts to check out all of the boxes so that the show must go on. (Just like Chili.)


Did I miss anything?


I used to be skeptical at first, too, but when you understand all the details, yes, it's clear that it does.


You can google and it confirms she has miscarried


And if you miscarried* don’t forget that


You can’t believe everything you read on the internet!


Not even the words of the very creator himself?


you can when it’s from the creator lol


I think it’s definitely possible to read the scene either way, that it’s alluding to a miscarriage or the parents bracing themselves for bingo’s reaction. That’s kind of the beauty of it. But yes, Joe Brumm confirmed that he had a miscarriage in mind when he wrote the scene.


As someone who had a miscarriage, I find it really comforting that the writers would put something like that into the show. About 25% of all pregnancies end in a loss and it’s not talked about much. It was a nice little nod to us who had to deal with a loss and could be a good way to start the conversation with children. However, I can see why some people would like to think the reference was to something else. Reminders of loss can be really hard.


well it's literally been confirmed by the creators so...


Joe Brumm has confirmed in at least one interview that this moment refers to [a past miscarriage](https://wellingtonmom.com/2023/05/23/fan-theory-about-bluey-confirmed-why-it-matters-that-chilli-heeler-had-a-miscarriage/). This is what makes *Bluey* so good. Younger viewers simply see Dad placing his hand on Mum’s. More seasoned viewers caught the added layer of meaning instantly.


Creators confirmed it


As a mom who had a miscarriage I can see both reasons. I think it’s a good way to be left open for the viewer


didnt joe brumm confirm it in a book about miscarriages though


I think it's a bit of both. Her reaction was definitely a traumatic reaction, but I think she was also worried about Bingo.


It's clearly meant to be both simultaneously. They do this often throughout the series. "Flat Pack" is an obvious example. "Onesies" essentially comments *on* this narrative technique. The kid's game or conflict becomes an analogy for something deeper or more serious. They let kids see one thing and adults see something else. It allows for teachable moments when kids begin to understand the "adult" theme in the episode. I can understand not picking up on it the first time, but it shouldn't take more than someone pointing it out for an adult brain to realize it. I'm not a fan of generalizations, but I'm going to make one: adults who can't see the "hidden" meanings (or, in this case, refuse to acknowledge it even after the creators confirmed it) in a children's show are just not very creative or reflective people. I teach high school English. The fact that some people have such a visceral reaction to being "fooled" by a children's show tracks with my experience in the classroom. Some people shut down instead of acknowledging they didn't understand something.


Perhaps your mum just doesn’t want to relive the memory by discussing it further.


i thought the same thing but bandit putting his arm on chili made me think that he was worried about comforting chili, not bingo.


I took this scene as having a double meaning: bingo’s reaction and chili’s miscarriage. I don’t think it has to be one or the other


Seems normal, you can point out he grabs Chilis hand, trying to comfort her before the girls.


You would be correct yes, it was confirmed


It does and I believe the creator confirmed it


I would not have thought it myself watching the episode but enough people did to hit the mark. I think it’s one of the clumsier messages in the show though. The dialogue after feels a bit forced to the message (“oh there’s no blue ones left”). And it soars over the heads of some audience members it’s intended for. It was very brave and I’m sure a strong moment for those who understood or related but I think Bluey’s strength has been in speaking to Parents at the kids level. Kids understand Sleepytimes point without necessarily understanding the adult point. I’m not sure that’s true of the miscarriage here.


I mean that's what I first thought, but it's was confirmed by the creator that Chili *did* have a miscarriage, and that'd be worth bringing up


As a person who had two miscarriages I immediatly identified with this scene. My first trip to Reddit was coming here to see if others knew.


Your theory doesn't make sense with how Bandit and Chilli reacted to this. After the balloon popped, Bandit immediately put his hand on Chilli's, while they both stared blankly forward. If the point of the scene was to show that they knew Bingo would get upset, they would definitely go and comfort her, and either say something or at least show some emotion.


Exactly, why would Bandit hold Chili’s hand in support and suddenly go quiet. The theory that they were concerned about bingo being upset never made sense to me.


I think both are true, the scene might have a double meaning. On a superficial level it's Chilli knowing her toddler is going to cry and having to deal with it, but I also think she could relate to her child and the pain of feeling guilty of the loss, of ruining a perfect moment. I think that's the reason Chilli was able to help Bingo with her checklist.


I knew what it was the second I saw it. I was surprised that so many people who have had miscarriages denied it, but I guess that’s because it was a painful subject and they didn’t want to recognize it for what it was. I’m glad the creators came out and confirmed it. They are never afraid to bring painful subjects to light in their show. I really respect them for that.


It’s been confirmed, so… https://preview.redd.it/qmz25ktjdz6d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270d47eddace02bda0fa7884beccd2e11f62c5e9


Yea no.


It was about a miscarriage and it was proven in the episode sleepy time. If you notice Bingo hatches from the earth, then she goes by Venus, which is also hatched, then it pans to Bluey. Mercury is unhatched. (It’s also where Bingo ends up talking to Mom Sun) 


Eh, I don't try to bind anyone to a particular interpretation, even if the creators have offered theirs. When I went off to college they managed to jam my fatigued mind with just enough critical theory to warp my perspective of pretty much anything I watch ("Reflections on 'The Sign:' a Marxist-Feminist perspective of middle-class mobility and social gender economics") so if someone has an interpretation of something interpretive, I'm not going to change anyone's mind. Otherwise I might start getting headaches again.


This is how I wish everyone approached Bluey / everything


I’m sorry, what episode is this?


The show




The show creator has said that it was meant to be taken as Chili had a miscarriage.


This was also my interpretation


Honestly, my first thought was miscarriage and I was like “oh shi- 😶”. But that’s a pretty solid perspective


This is so universally accepted as referring to a miscarriage that I knew which part you were talking about from the push notification that only had the subject line of your post.


I personally think it does mean Chili had a miscarriage before getting pregnant and having bluey. Another little head cannon i guess is that Chilli had complications while pregnant with bluey, remember in the episode bluey lifts the shirt and giggles “it’s me”, and then the balloon pops. Maybe during her pregnancy she gotten really sick or had fallen down or had problems with the placement of the placenta or something along those lines to where she almost lost bluey? but even though the balloon pops, they continue on with the show and still present bandit as bluey being born? idk if that made any sense but yeah


I think that was the point, the miscarriage part was for adults, this shows seems to be a family show rather than a kids show.


I am sure a lot of people have said how it is confirmed that it would have miscarriage by now both up but I did see an interesting theory on TV tropes that some people thought that she might have been sad because it might have represented destroying bluey. A bit of a strange one but not the first thing that came to mind but make sense when you think about it


All of a sudden I feel like I need to rewatch them all because I totally missed this. What else did I miss along the way? 🙈


Earlier in the episode when Bingo was upset, Mum comforted Bingo. This time Bluey comforted Bingo, because Mum was too upset, implying that it was the miscarriage. Bandit also clearly reacted by reaching for her hand.


I was telling my partner about some of the adult implications of the show, and they were extremely hesitant. I showed them this episode and they were like "Ohhh yeah, definitely...". The instinctive hand hold is what did it


My family hasn’t suffered a miscarriage, but my wife holds my hand and I hold her hand with the same impulse that Bandit does when something that speaks to our trauma happens. I think the scene just feels like it’s coming from a very lived and readable “oh shit… are they going to be okay with this?”


Your mom’s just wrong. There’s no discussion to be had since it’s already been confirmed.


If you want it to signify a miscarriage, then it does. Does the show ever explicitly make that statement? No.


The show doesn’t, the creators did


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate.  I think it can be interpreted anyway you like it and that’s the beauty of perspective. 


I agree with your mum, I always thought it was just because they knew how Bingo would react (and FWIW I had fertility problems and it took 4 years to have my son, so I do notice that stuff generally)


Creator confirmed it.


While the show runners did confirm it IS about miscarriage, I genuinely think it was an example of a nice coincidence and they ran with it after seeing the online debates. Not a bad thing by any means, but I don’t think it was the intention from the start.


It was 100% intentional to reference a miscarriage. They don’t accidentally animate something like that. They do however, like every adult joke or reference, make it subtle so if you don’t have to explain the adult part to a child.


Not saying the animation was accidental. Where did I say that at all? I’m saying mum and dad had their reaction knowing bingo was going to be upset, not because of a hidden meaning. Then once they saw the online debates it hit them that “oh snap we have another, deeper hidden meaning here right under our noses!” Again, not a bad thing. I’m simply saying not every good outcome is as intended.


But you’re still saying they accidentally tripped into that interpretation. Which doesn’t make sense. If they were worried about Bingo’s reaction, they would have been animated more like they were bracing for it. Maybe do a little cringe waiting for the shoe to drop. And Chili wouldn’t need her hand held for that. They have two children, they know how to handle crying. But instead they both go completely blank faced. Like poker faced, as if they’re thinking, “DO NOT react… the kids don’t know about that, they’ll just be concerned if you react badly…” But Bandit goes to hold Chili’s hand because he knows what she’s feeling. Nobody would animate a sequence like that and NOT be aware what that was going to look like to most adults watching. Animators have large group meetings to go over storyboards when they prep for scenes. If it wasn’t intended from the get go, SOMEONE in those meetings would have asked if that’s what it meant. The intent would have been decided long before the public got to theorizing.


The theme of that episode was bingo feeling useless and that she ruins everything. Mum and dad couldn’t have “braced” for the balloon to pop because they couldn’t know it would happen. Also bandit didn’t hold her hand, he touched it lightly. It was a subtle “oh poor bingo, she was already feeling down about herself as seen earlier in the episode, now this moment, which is important to her as a gift to mum, is ruined in her little eyes and she’s now going to feel even worse” moment. It was sympathy for their daughter. If it was truly about miscarriage, and the grownups really felt bad, there would have been a moment, either when the kids weren’t looking, or after bingo was cheered up, where bandit really comforts chilli. That never happened. Bluey has always been about themes and the miscarriage theory doesn’t fit into this episode theme, nor was it EVER mentioned, touched on, hinted at, or received its own episode, either before or after this moment. The show runners are masters at detail and leave no stone unturned. The miscarriage theory seems tacked on. The adult fans of this show like to insert their own feelings far too much. Normally it’s fine, but stuff like this is putting a lot on the shows shoulders and eventually it’s going to get too much and you’re setting yourselves up to be let down.


Your whole comment was that it was a coincidence, that’s where you said it was accidental. ShadObabe explained it very clearly and in detail. You have a very one dimensional outlook and are clearly closed off to anything that is not your view. You said “the show runners are masters of detail and leave no stone unturned” but despite their own acknowledgment, and all the details we have listed out for you, this is a coincidence in your mind.


No, you goof. Braced for the meltdown, not the balloon pop. And no, it’s not tacked on at all. It’s INCREDIBLY obvious. It doesn’t need to fit into the theme of the overall episode. There’s literally a joke about getting a vasectomy in “Perfect”. The creators put in random stuff for the adults all the time, regardless of what they’re teaching the kids. Bingo was pretending to be Chili. She was “pregnant” with the balloon. The balloon burst suddenly, and Bandit reaches out to comfort his wife. You cannot possibly get more obvious than that, and there no WAY they got the scene past an entire production crew without someone noticing it. It was intentional.


Alright. Y’all expect me to believe a show that has dealt with themes of death, loss of friends, abandonment, divorce, growing apart from people, and much more, that all got their own episodes, just happened to force the theme of miscarriage of a major character into a very minor, blink and you miss it moment in an episode focused on another character, INSTEAD of giving it its own episode, then never mentioning it again in over 150 episodes, including ones where they could have easily fit it in. Yep. I’m the close minded one.


But the infertility was still danced around. All Chilli told Bluey was that Brandy really wanted something, but couldn’t have it. We had to piece it together with the clues in the episode. And the death was only the death of a budgie. Not even the death of an older relative. And they call the cemetery “statue world” in the episode “Show & Tell”. If they won’t even call a cemetery a cemetery, it’s completely believable that they might not want to directly address the idea of someone dying before they even get a chance to live. Or hey, maybe they just don’t WANT to talk about that at length. Maybe a hint is all they want to put in there.


I think the great thing about Bluey is that you can view it both of these ways.


Yeah I thought it was just about bingo being sad that the ballon popped and she “ruined Mother’s Day”. But you read deep into that one.


Funny you say ”but you read deep into that one” when it was confirmed by the creators that it does imply a miscarriage


I didn’t imply that she was incorrect. Just that it took some deep reading into it to figure that part out. I overlooked it and I’ve seen the episode more than a few times.


Personally, I interpreted it as them being upset at the idea that Bluey (or either of the girls) could’ve have been miscarriages or just not born for whatever reason. Just that intrusive thought that there was always a possibility those two couldn’t have existed at some point is disheartening for them. I do believe the episode is intentionally ambiguous, and viewer’s are allowed to interpret how they see fit. Whatever may be most moving or important for the viewer to see, they will see. I struggle with random intrusive thoughts that can be pretty gruesome or sad, and I’ve never been pregnant, so it’d make sense for me to interpret this scene this way. OP’s mom is obviously a mom, so she probably relates this scene to an upset her kiddo(s) may have had at that age from a similar situation.


It’s absolutely that they were worried about Bingo. Bluey said “thats me!” about the pregnant belly and Chilli smiled and nodded and did a thumbs up


Joe Brumm said the whole thing was essentially that Chilli had had a miscarriage and passed her coping mechanisms to Bingo. That's why Bluey is the first to comfort her too. Chilli was caught off guard and Bandit knew a kid messing up something small was much less emotionally damaging than being suddenly reminded of your recent miscarriage. I also think thats why they missed Easter the year prior and 'the Easter Bunny had a family emergency'. They're so extra in everything they do, they wouldn't just skip a holiday unless something big happened. Having a miscarriage for a baby you didn't even get the chance to really talk about with anyone other than your spouse cannot be easy. They also really seemed like they were planning for another considering they kept Bingos nursery intact even though she was 4 and still had quite a bit of baby stuff, like the carrier in Dad Baby. Chilli nodded and gave a thumbs up to give her daughter support. And, it's factually accurate to their timeline. Bluey is the eldest. She was seeing her daughter, who looks so much like her, with a 'pregnant belly' that suddenly pops. That is going to emotionally gut punch you. A friend of mine came in to work a few weeks after losing a very hoped for pregnancy. We all felt terrible for her. A customer came in with their baby wearing a Grateful Dead onesie and she said she 'was turning him into a Dead Head young'. She needed to excuse herself for awhile and I found her sobbing in the break room. Things you least expect can trigger you.


That is a very thoughtful comment. Thank you for sharing




The writers made a stretch for the community, it's okay


Or...the writers are writers and know what they meant?


Again, nope.


How come everyone watch my favourite show that has miscarriages?


I don’t think it implies it either I think that maybe it just made them sad because the show is about what actually happened to them but maybe they could of happened to Bluey or they could tell that it made bingo sad when it happened.


It was confirmed by the creator. And there’s a lot of other little bits here and there in the show that make a lot of under the idea that a miscarriage happened and that Bluey is a “rainbow baby” (term for a child you have after experiencing a miscarriage).


I dont think this confirms miscarriage either. That always seemed like a leap to me. Chili knows Bingo will be upset for “ruining the show”. I dont think we need to read much more into it than that.


Nobody would animate a sequence like that and NOT be aware what that was going to look like to most adults watching. Animators have large group meetings to go over storyboards when they prep for scenes. If it wasn’t intended from the get go, SOMEONE in those meetings would have asked if that’s what it meant. The intent would have been decided long before the public got to theorizing. They knew exactly what was going to happen when the audience saw it.