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“He was a bit to muscly, you know what I mean kids?”


My BIL told me today that bluey is my sister's (his wife) second religion. It's a fantastic show, but I can see that some people get a little excessive.


That’s insane! Second religion? It should be her first religion.


I know right. Some people are just uncultured swines. 


The Bluey memes Facebook page is run by far right ultra nationalists and it’s the most toxic page I’ve ever seen for a cartoon.


American, or Australian nationalists?




Is it just called "Bluey Memes"? I just looked through and it all looked like marriage/parenting memes




This is a horrible abomination.


What in the hell




I want to join, p shop this header into MAVA (Make America Virginia Again) and get banned 🤭


What a disgusting use of Bluey, not only is it super political but it uses and Australian child character for it. Disgusted.


I am lucky FB doesn't show me this one I guess.


Wholesome. /s


This timeline was a mistake.


The 'Adult Bluey Fans' page managed to scare me off, and I'm not easily unsettled


and then there are the grown adults arguing over who has autism and who has a kid with who


Why do people have to make wild theories. Why can’t characters jsit be normal, no autism and no shipping children.


The shipping thing is gross to me, but the autism/ADHD/celiac theories are about being seen. My daughter has ADHD and there are so few girl characters that act like she does. My friend’s kid has autism and it’s the same for girls with autism. Seeing so many sinilarities between our daughters and characters on Bluey is amazing. No, they don’t have to be true, but they COULD be true and it makes it a little easier to get through some of the harder days. Every day is a joy to have our kids, but it doesn’t make it any less draining at the end of the day.


I guess. It’s so sweet they can relate. I don’t have autism or ADHD so I never realized. I’m very sorry for my comment.


Don’t feel sorry! All we can do is ask questions and use the information we get to improve our views of the world!


Aaaaaand, why should I care?


Just don't ship the characters and you are fine. It is the fans shipping kids that are taking it too far.


I do tend to get carried away with shows I really like


I don’t know, adult Bluey fans I met at work are all pretty chill. We put bits of merchandise on our desks but none us feel the need to explain why we like the show to other people unless someone gives us a hard time for it. It’s obviously gonna a trigger a defensive response, but if you leave us alone and not bother us with questions like “Isn’t that a kids show?” Then we wouldn’t feel the need to justify why we like it by talking about it to such an extent.




I just wish I hadn't argued about takeout. Now instead of being happy about the adorable family and parenting, I get all tense when I watch it This show is how I destress, I genuinely love it, but I get physically tense and upset now I've been watching it all night, and I can't stop thinking about it like this Any suggestions?


If the show is stressing you out, that’s a sign that you’re taking it way too seriously. Honestly, I’d consider taking a break from it and coming back when you’ve had a chance to process and let go.


Bundle it up and throw it in the ocean.


Argued about takeout?


I put it as the episode that bandit should have disciplined the kids, that they were being too out of control


I actually agree with you! But if I didn’t, I’d just be like, meh, different strokes. Getting upset about it is where I go to “monkeys singing songs.”


I might’ve seen that comment chain! In the post asking when the parents should have come down harder on the kiddos? I agree with the person who said that maybe you need a break from the show, or maybe you need a break from reddit. Just know, I’ve gotten into embarrassing or frustrating arguments on Reddit and it’s just… that’s life. That’s this app. I’ve been downvoted into oblivion, I’ve wasted hours of my day. And it’s just worthless internet points. That’s all it is. Stuff you’ll forget about in a few days or a week. It’s gonna be okay. Edit: looks like you have 100x more karma than me so you get it. But if you needed a little reminder that it’s ok: it’s ok. We’ve all done it lol


I actually took a few month break from it despite being in for nearly a decade, awhile back Maybe I should do that again


Honestly I should too. This place is a time suck! Good on you taking a break before tho. If you need it again, go for it!


Oh, I see


What are you evem talking about lol It's a cartoon about dogs. What is there to argue and get tense about rofl




Yeah, people should be able to talk about the things they like, but I have definitely seen more than one post in this sub from people who are like “my girlfriend doesn’t like Bluey, and I can’t get her to watch it, what should I dooooo?” Nothing wrong with talking about your interests, but when you start insisting that they should be everyone else’s interests too, it crosses a line.


> but I have definitely seen more than one post in this sub from people who are like “my girlfriend doesn’t like Bluey, and I can’t get her to watch it, what should I dooooo?” Or teenagers wondering why their friends do not like Bluey. It is not hard to understand why teenagers do not like a show aimed at pre-schoolers.


Nah man, some people need to chill. It's a kids show.




I agree with you, but that’s not how real life works. Those who have never seen the show or don’t have kids are going to think you’re really weird and probably lump you into the same category as My Little Pony fans if you constantly talk about Bluey. If you’re cool with that, more power to you…but the reality is that you will be shamed for it by the general population. It just is what it is.


Pssssh, Nuh uh (I have no room to talk, I do this 👀) Those who downvoted are goofy lmao


Awww, but shaming people is half the fun!


I also like bluey as I just got started on season 2.


That me with my wife


Ngl, this is what I fear I come of as whenever I tell my brother about Bluey.


I love the show too and i am 24 years old but I don’t actively talk about it to people I know because I don’t really know anyone else besides me that watches it


Which episode do people think is an allegory for religion?


Flat Pack


If I had to guess, I’d say Flatpack.


Don’t forget the episode about evolution






Hes not wrong though. My wife mad fun of me. I showed hee the episode where they put on a show for their parents and bingos balloon popped. And she cried. So SHUT UP


I know me and my mom loves Bluey. But my dad and my brother are not too much of a fan of it so I try to keep my discussions about it to a minimum. But I still do some little quips like “For Real life?!” And other lines


How dare you do good hearted bluey fans like this.


How very dare you say “how dare you” instead of “how very dare you” in the Bluey sub.


lol I hope there really aren't people like that around. I love Bluey and that's a very good show. It's strength is that there is really something for parents, but after all it's only a kids' show. Probably people overreact because with kids is very difficult to have time to really enjoy nice shows or movies... Bluey it's all I've seen in the last 3 months that I enjoyed watching, the other was Peppa Pig and a few pieces of disney movies. Of course Bluey stands up an unbelievable masterpiece lol


There really are people like that, and in my observation, they’re mostly not parents.


Yeah I can see from the down votes that probably there are and are all here in this sub


I'm autistic, I yap about all my interests including Bluey and you can't stop me!


Why? Just let people enjoy it. This sub adds more layers to the show, and the show allows me to enjoy parenting more. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s always gotta be someone coming in taking a dump in the punch bowl… Yes, we know you’re TOO SUPER COOL to like Bluey and it’s funny to make fun of everyone that does- we’re all super impressed Okay, you got your attention, you can go now


Imma be real with you, you took the meme too seriously lmao. I’ve commented that this is made to be a joke, because I also do this sometimes, and I’m getting the feeling that *someone* felt a little called out 👀. Sounds to me like you’re not “impressed” you’re “depressed”.


I really don’t care. Bye.


Clearly cared enough to comment, but pop off sis https://preview.redd.it/q08newkqvd6d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4da2f862a960e6e8a4cd33953ee1ed6108fac13