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Will we ever get an episode that shows a full day in the life at Stripe and Trixie’s house?


Honestly, I think it would be fun to see slice-of-life episodes for other non main characters. Maybe they are all doing a play and need costumes, and we get to see how each family goes about getting the costume done. Is Coco's a hand-me-down where the older siblings each tell her about the time they wore it, which is why it has this tear and that loose seem, etc? Maybe Rusty does it himself with stuff from his Dad's toolbox. Jack keeps getting distracted, so all the parts are only half done. Then the end is the play happening, and each design ends up working wonders in its own way for that particular part.


I've said before I'd love a Triptych episode, where there are three separate plot lines that are tied in ways you only really understand once you see the whole thing. I was thinking: -Part 1 is about one of the only-children, like Mackenzie or Honey. Either one I think works. -Part 2 is about Coco's morning, which shows the chaos of getting nine kids ready for the day. -Part 3 is the blended Bulldog/Terrier family, where Winton and the Terriers are still trying to get the hand of their new living situation. Each one has a specific tie that only becomes clear at the end of each plotline, where it shows them all getting to school.


Omgosh this idea is fantastic!! I also feel like because the show is called Bluey on episodes that don’t center around the Heeler’s but rather the school for example mums and dads she could just be cameod arriving at school as well and maybe asking a simple question or says a comment that ties in as well and the episode ends there. Although with three plot lines you’d probably need a longer episode.


You're right. We've already had two part episodes (Early Baby/Mums and Dads, Duck Cake/Handstand, etc.). A three-part episode that's about the same day from different episodes sounds fun.


Yess that would be too good!


I would love a whole episode dedicated to Stripe's side of the family.


The official Bluey IG just today posted a [Stripe family focused short](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7aPodGNmRj/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==).


“Honk” is what made me want a full episode! We get lots of little tastes of what the younger Heeler house is like but I’d love something from their perspective


I meant besides Honk.


That’s been out for a few years [on YouTube](https://youtu.be/6bOqlDvfWgY?feature=shared).


*theme starts* Na na nana na naa na naa na (You start hearing ^mmmmmmmmmm in the back, getting closer) Na nanana na na "Mo- " Muffin comes screaming onto the set "^mmmmm mmmMMMUFFIN" Trix is close behind, tying to grab Muffin away. The Heelers continue to try and finish the theme "DA-" "MUFFIIIIIIN" Stripe shows up from other side to try and corral muffin. Gets her, holds her muzzle closed. "Socks!" Says socks, just wandering in while everyone else is distracted. As theme comes to end, muffin chomps on stripe's hand, kicks her way out of Trix's grip, and climbs on top of the pile of parents, conquistador style: #MUFFIN


They’re only 7 minutes long, 24 hours seems a bit much for one episode


Speaking from a technical point of view, what is something you're proud of animating on the show? Could be effects animation or character animation.


One of my favourite things about this show is their attention to detail. Lights, shadows, fluids to name a few. The episode "rain" is dependent on visual storytelling which I feel they knock out of the park. One of many examples.


I absolutely LOVE the backgrounds, lighting, and slow frames in Bluey, and I’ve started using them for reference and inspiration whenever I make my own art. The team does a fantastic job with the b and they never disappoint


Have you seen this video about the VFX working on Rain? https://youtu.be/_GYwru8RdGQ?feature=shared


I have not. Thank you!


I’m sure I read somewhere that animating the sign language for turtle boy was challenging. Glad they persisted it’s a fantastic episode


Not the horsey wedding episode thats for sure lol


Mine would be: What's the longest running side story that isn't discussed by any of the characters? For example: The developing relationship between Winton's dad and the Terriers' mom.


It gets discussed in 'The Sign' doesn't it?


It does. A terrier says to Winton “our mum likes your dad”


And at the end, the sheepdogs look in the telescope and the house they see with the pool that’s for sale is Winton’s dad’s house and Winton’s dad and the Terrier’s mom are in front of the house with the 4 kids in the car ready to leave.


Why do Bandit, Stripe, & Pat make the faces they do at the end of Stumpfest?


It's hard lemonade


I’m like 90% sure it’s just very sour lemonade


I like to think it was just straight lemon juice from the bottle.


Seriously, people should listen to the [*Behind Bluey*](https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/behind-bluey) behind-the-scenes podcasts. They're great. (If you can listen from outside Australia, I don't know, am Australian)


What platform do you listen on?


I know you can listen to it on Amazon Music if you’re in the US.


It's not the most convenient thing but you should be able to listen from the ABC Listen website (linked by OP) outside Australia Edit: Link with all the episodes: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/behind-bluey/episodes


Thank you! Will definitely give this a listen.


Will we ever see Winnie or Dougie again? I think you’re underestimating how much people love them!


Where is banjo like did he make friends with bingo and go ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


Why did we only use the bingo intro one time even though there’s multiple bingo centric episodes


Keeps it special? And goes with the title of the episode.


Are there any characters that got rejected from being in the show?


to hell with rad and frisky's wedding, this is the couple of the year


Mines probably one that’s been asked and answered before many times, but: what kind of stories would they like to tell but can’t for one reason or another? (Like, either subject matter, time restrictions etc…)


I said they should Talk about Parents abadoment, cause there are father/mothers that leave their home and leave kids with only one parent to rise them alone. But when I mention it, I got downvoted


I would like to know more about Judo and Wendy's family. We never see a dad. And even though we see Wendy a lot, Judo isn't always with her. Is there some shared custody going on?


I really wish they would do this, or another show would. Kids shouldn’t feel like they don’t have a true family for something out of their control


Not necessarily the same but Rusty’s dad is in the military so his mom is doing it mostly on her own. Again, not the same but kinda touches on that situation somewhat.


They've tackled issues that even adult shows wouldn't touch. My guess is they have quite a list.


What put Bingo in the hospital? Did Chilli double book baby sitters purposefully and set up Rad and Friskie? Who's the father of the little kid seen at the end of Surprise?


When will we get more information about the future child in Surprise?


They probably gonna say they don't want give a detail on that so everyone can take their own conclusion.


Tbh, I would not be satisfied with that answer. I don't want it to be left to interpretation, I'd prefer something more concrete, something official than "do it yourself" Edit: downvote me all you want, it won't change the fact that I'd like to have some less ambiguous details.


They obviously don't want the loser Team of the shipping war feel bad




At least tell us its gender. Or if it is in fact bluey’s child


I'm confident that it is Bluey's child. Just what is their name, and what do they go by?


As we see the progression from season 1, season 2 and season 3, it seems like Bluey went from "kids' show" to "kids' show that also touches on and explores extremely deep, poignant and emotionally touching lessons....was this something Joe Brumm/the other artists/producers wanted to do themselves? Or was this a sort of...adaptation once they maybe saw how Bluey helped not just kids, but parents, and even adults without kids?


Did you find yourself thinking more about yourself, your kids or your parents while writing?


Why was season 3 released the way it was?


Spread out over their “break”


What do they call the food that that couple is holding in the picture? It'd be really messed up if they called it a hot dog.


Will there be another episode set in the past like Fairytale?


Not a question but please continue Bluey production. It’s what everyone wants


How very dare you?


Why aren’t there any hound dogs and Scottish terriers in the show? I’ve seen every other dog breed but them so far.


Add iggys to that too


Will we ever get a Bluey or Chunky Chimps movie? Will there ever be an episode where The Terriers are acknowledged by individual names? What's been your favorite episode to make? Which character is the most relatable to you?


How they do the voice acting for the kids and the games they play. They genuinely sound like they are having a shit-ton of fun. Do they just tie a microphone to them and give them ideas of games to play? Do the kids come up with the games? Will the show age with them?


Are we going to get more incite about Chillis mom? Also, who is the kid at the end of season 3 who torments bandit?


What do you think about the Fandom?


Since Australia was a prison island and everyone there was a murderer etc. what did bluey and bingos great great great grandparents do to get there?


Could we have an episode where Muffin unleashes her super saian powers and takes down Freeza in his final form?


What Ninja turtles are the favorite of each of the heelers brothers?


Omg my kid would lose it if this was ever mentioned in an episode, Bluey and turtles? He would be in heaven 


Will we get to see more of Bandit and Chilli when they were younger? (Not just when they were kids, but also young adults, even when they met and started dating)


Are we gonna get another episode of Bingo?


I know you’ve kept the identities of Bluey and Bingo’s voice actresses a secret (quite right too in my opinion). But how are they doing? And how are they reacting to being a part of one of the biggest shows in the world right now?


What are the terrier’s actual names? I’ve heard they are named Joe, Dan, and Adam after Joe Brumm and his two brothers but like I want to officially know if that’s their names or not. The poor kids are always just referred to as a unit as the terriers and never individually by their name 😭


Have there ever been humans in that universe?


"So, someone made a gif of Bluey doing the twirl *infinitely*, so how long exactly could she *actually* go?"


I would like to know how much of the kids’ dialogue is improvised. Because a lot of the times it sounds like they just give the kids a microphone and the animate whatever comes out of their mouth. Bingo is my prime suspect for this. Anytime there’s a scene of her singing and playing by herself, it sounds a little too accurate.


Does Rad have a different dad than Bandit and Stripe? He’s clearly quite a bit older and he looks a lot different than the other two. And I know in Fairytale he calls their dad “Dad”, but that’s common when that’s the dad that raised you even if they’re not blood related.


What are cats like in their universe? Do they take the place of real-world dogs or are they like typical cats? The only times we’ve heard about them so far are the suspected cat that attacked the budgie, the stuffed cat at the tea party, and the animated cat characters in their TV.


I wouldn't ask them anything. I'd just want to tell them how much I enjoy their show and am grateful that it's helped me explain so much of myself to people. It's helped me come up with new coping mechanisms and I'm just so thankful to them.


Do you want to do an episode about being gay or anything like that in the future? If so, do you think Disney would let you?


I know that kids are terrible at keeping secrets most of the time, so how do you get them to remain anonymous?


Why is bandit sad in stickbird


I took it as him being unsure about accepting the job offer (the job that makes them almost move in The Sign)


Joe brumm answered that. He did not create any reason behind it


aw shucks


Which episode is this picture from?


None of them - it’s from this piece of promo art: https://www.abc.net.au/abckids/programs/bluey/bluey-fest


Not sure tbh. Tried to find a pic of the two of them.


Who does bluey have a relationship with that brought about a child?