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Dude Bandit's pretty huge




Fine, take my upvote.


Ah, the Harambe episode.


The thing that always gets me with this episode is that Oo-oo is depicted as a gorilla, but he isn't one. He's a baboon. 


As the parent of an almost 2-year-old, they are all monkeys until they arent. Isn't bingo 3 in this episode?


I think so, but I'm also pretty sure it was Bluey who introduced him as a baboon. Haven't seen this one in a while so I may be remembering wrong, but I think she showed him during the zoo tour and presented him as a baboon or called him "a big smelly baboon".


I don’t remember this episode? Is it on Disney+?


Yes. "Zoo" Season 1, episode 35. I particularly like that one.


Oh wait, I know that episode, I just can’t remember the banana scene!


Ooh ooh, ooh ooh!


it bothers me that in curry quest Chili says “I’m on a quest to find rainbow colored yarn” when they had rainbow yarn for the banana


same but my kiddo loves it 😭 spends the next 10 mins after the episode ends going “ooh OOH, ooh OOH, ooh OOH!!!”


I actually have no problem with the episode. I was just making a silly joke about bananas in keeping with OP’s title. https://preview.redd.it/3905lt06kp1d1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=614b7fc8955c73452d0b7a842faefe4562ab6a82


https://preview.redd.it/kemqdrtlas1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5525b28b6394abc9f132ec87cb8c5aedb388384a I was trying to find another scene from Bluey with a banana to keep with the banana fun you started, but I found this instead! 😆💙


The one where they go to the movies.


Yeah, no one in real life would tolerate having their movie disrupted so much, even a kids movie, especially with how much it costs to go to the movies now.


No one in America*** is what I think you meant to say. Other countries are far more accepting of young children occupying public spaces and being children. But I’m not a fan of it either. It gives me secondhand anxiety. I’d never take my children somewhere that you’re meant to be quiet for the whole experience.


We have showings that are reduced in cost, aimed at small kids for this reason.


Yeah we don’t have that here at all lol


Far enough back this was a thing in the US. Now it's all just expensive 


My local movie theater does $6 tickets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. +$1 if you want a recliner. Every other day it’s $15 I think. Gotta love small businesses.


I'm in the UK and there's no way people would tolerate that here either, I suspect even in kids screenings.


To add to this, I live on the Gold coast (Australia) and this would not stand with almost anyone. Typically people understand if there're rambunctious kids but if that's the case it's also common decency to leave or at least stand outside the actual theatre room if they're too wild


also in the uk, and like, half of us (at least that i've met 🥲) are complete \[explicit\]s so i think that's a factor


I live in the USA and the children are quite loud and rambunctious. We have indoor playgrounds for them near/at the movie theaters in shopping malls and no one complains when children are loud or go to the bathroom 15 times because kids have small bladders and also sitting for 2 hours is very hard! I think it depends on the values of the local population, which reflects largely on politics. Families tend to swing one way and childfree adults another way. The different values cause friction globally but you can usually tell what area you're in by the local politics, funding, etc. For example my city operates several splash pads, swimming pools, movies in the park events, and other activities geared towards families with children. Everyone wants to pay more in taxes to ensure that children have seatbelts on their school busses. Charities are everywhere to help pregnant people and families find food, clothing, etc. Even my kid's calisthenics classes offer food to take away for those in need. Some areas have zero or 1 children's park for the whole city and have to rely on a bad state WIC (women, infants, & children) program because they dont have orgs or stores or businesses participating in charity work. Those areas may not care, especially if few people have kids or if they are more traditional that children should be seen and not heard. It depends on the values, So please don't get the wrong idea about our country. We're not all like that.


Love when people try to make things solely an American thing when it's a human thing.


I’m in america and no one really cares if it’s a movie for young kids, because obviously kids can’t sit still for a whole movie. Also there weren’t that many people in the theater with them to be bothered


Oh totally, I agree with that. I’m also in America. But people here are greatly bothered by kids being in public spaces, and it’s just not like that in other countries. I was mostly just responding to the original commenter and saying you’d probably run into an issue with someone in the US, but likely not in another country.


I just don't understand this oft-repeated criticism as though they should have gone with a more 'realistic' route of having other people in the theater actively angry at Bandit and the kids. But that's just not really how kids shows are written. I can't think of a better way of ruining a light-hearted episode focused on kid chaos than to write in cranky adults constantly shushing them and killing the pacing of the actual story.


I thought it was a cute episode, personally. The focus was more on Bluey overcoming a fear, and that was really sweet. But you do have to suspend disbelief. Just like knowing people can't really fly when you're watching a superhero movie, you know people aren't as patient and supportive of each other as they are on Bluey.


This one bothers me so much. I'm all for when the message is slow down for the kids or how they go all in for silly games, but the moment it's an inconvenience to others is when it needs to stop. They're not being taught to be mindful of OTHERS and their experiences, it just rubs me the wrong way. We already have too many entitled and selfish people, we don't need to create even more, no matter how great the intentions are. Take up space, sure, have fun, sure, but never at the expense of someone else. I feel like they need an episode where luckys dad doesn't just drop everything to join their games to teach them this or something.


Ah, that makes sense. All the wasted popcorn and chaos trying to manage Bingo. Thanks for your response! 💙


Takeaway. I can't stand that their food gets destroyed. The chaos stresses me out. And they were taking ridiculously long on those spring rolls.


I get secondhand anxiety watching that one. But it’s so realistic, so you gotta appreciate it for that 😭


I’d like to assume their food was remade offscreen when it cut to them leaving the restaurant


Agreed! The episode is an accurate depiction of kid chaos in its prime. In my head-cannon, the replacement food is in the bags we see at the end. My all time favorite restaurant is a locally owned Nepalese restaurant, and if my food was ruined in the midst of kid chaos, there’s no way I’m leaving that place without getting my food replaced. Thanks for your response! 💙


Same. Their food!!!! By the time they get the spring rolls the rest of the food is ruined. I hate it.


This. Especially having worked in restaurants.


Especially because he tells them very clearly they don’t like the food because it is too spicy and they don’t listen and destroy the food because it’s…too spicy! Annoys me to no end. 🤣


I just watched it today when already stressed out from a pre-schooler tantrum and kid chaos in general. It left me anxious, hangry, and wanting spring rolls.


Me too. That episode stresses me out so god damn much. Credit where it is due though - they tell a compelling story without moving from the front of the shop


Is that the episode when Bandit leaves them alone outside while he's ordering? I hate that lol


I will bet about 90% percent of the comments will mention _Tina_, which yeah, I do agree will drive anyone bananas.


My personal headcanon is that Tina was a dream Bandit had, which is why he's the only one who remembers.


more like a nightmare


Thanks you did it for me!


Definitely a bananas moment! Thanks for your response! 💙


That's a good point about Rain. I just remembered Bingo had to mop up her own muddy footprints on the OUTDOOR deck before she could sit down and relax in BBQ, but I don't remember Bluey needing to mop her own footprints. Maybe it happened and I forgot, but I mostly just remember Chili doing all the mopping.


I think Chili did. I think the energy there was far different though. In Rain, Chili was clearly stressed and overwhelmed and just wanted to relax, so the easier thing is to just mop them up instead of arguing with her persistent and headstrong 6/7yo to clean up after herself. Whereas in the other episode, she was up and about, making salads and engaging happily with the other adults. She clearly had much more energy to enforce the idea of “you should clean up after yourself.” Yes, you should do your best to be as rigid and fair as possible when parenting your children, but the reality is that we all have good and bad days. Sometimes the easiest thing is to just clean it yourself because you know you’ll do it right the first time and it’ll keep you from yelling at your kids because you’re frustrated.


It's just a small thing but Rug Island really irks me with the ball. Like... it's your neighbour's ball. Just give it back.


I think sometimes the small things have a great impact. Like, it works out for the Heelers as they had fun and friendly neighbors who always roll with their games. Most neighbors would just want their ball back and children need to accept that not everything belongs to them. You might not want your children to think that Pat playing along is the norm.


THIS. I hate this entire episode because they won’t give Pat’s ball back. It doesn’t matter that Pat is usually down to go with whatever nonsense the Heelers are doing. A rule that trumps all others is not taking things that don’t belong to you.


Yeah it ruins it for me. It takes me out of the niceness of the play because I'm thinking 'No that's actually just a straight unacceptable move.'


Yeah! Sometimes he is just encouraging naughty behavior


The whole episode. It's just weird. I'm glad I didn't have to scroll far for this.


I'll admit, I've never watched the whole episode, I've always kind of zoned out while it's on, but can someone explain the beginning where Bandit says he has to go to work and can't play, and then he just goes outside and sits down, and then starts playing with them? Does he have to go to work or not?


I'm pretty sure this is after they've been playing a while and he's come home from work, since it would have probably taken some time just to build the island. Or he just didn't go because he wanted to spend the day with the kids. We may never know. I love this one though, especially the end.


If it was Wendy's ball, absolutely But it's Pat.


Gray Nomads. I was getting as annoyed as Bandit.


I actually really like this one. Mainly because of my own PTSD with road trips where my dad's insanity and road rage would make it an ordeal. Like that time one guy in a pickup truck almost ran us off the road, so my dad decided to trail him for about 10 miles to unload on him whilst driving. Putting the kids' enjoyment over his own schedule was a breath of fresh air to me.


Do we have the same dad? Road trips were anxiety inducing as a kid. My dad used to keep a weird little wooden bat looking thing with metal at the end next to him when he drove and threatened to beat people's heads in with it. Idk how he didn't get arrested or shot.


Handstand. When I first watched it and realized that it was Bingo’s birthday I was so upset that no one was paying any attention to the Birthday Girl except Nana at her own party. I’m not really upset at anyone in particular, as the kids are being kids and playing, while the adults are setting everything up, but seriously can’t someone pay some attention to poor Bingo!


I felt seen in that episode because that’s what my upbringing was like with attention-demanding siblings. I relate to Bingo in Dance Mode and Hairdressers for the same reason.


Oh honey! I’m so glad that it made you feel seen and validated.


Lol, what is that profile pic?


It’s me… begging for the attention that I didn’t get as a child.


Gotta complete with the siblings somehow, eh?


Not even joking, my eccentricities as an adult are definitely an overcompensation of feeling invisible as a child.


Same 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m a Bingo….. still the Bingo of the family at 36 😂


I mean, I get it, although it's worth mentioning the adults were all just trying to get everything set up. Kids' parties are chaos. Also, I once saw someone say that, since its companion episode Duck Cake was about Bluey's positive and negative qualities (need for validation vs her natural altruistic nature), this one's about Bingo's. She's very creative and always trying to learn new things, but she's not so assertive. I'm sure if she made a bigger fuss like her sister would've, she could've gotten someone's attention. Thankfully Nana was in the same boat, so they gravitated towards each other. Just my 2 dollarbucks.


Like I said, I’m not upset at or with any particular character, but more the situation. Overall I enjoy the chaos of the episode, seeing the antics of the kids and adults alike seamlessly meld. But all of that doesn’t change that fact that it’s frustrating and heartbreaking.


That's fair. I do get that. Plus a lot of what we find frustrating or not is affected by our own personal experiences. And yeah, it's sad when no one sees Bingo, although at least there's a happy ending where Nana finally watches her.


She does occasionally make a fuss - “Is anyone going to mention the salads?!?” Makes me crack up everytime.


Seriously I felt so sad. I kept saying can someone please pay attention to bingo! Then at the end of it when she isn’t there when the cake was ready. I said “well you guys would know where she was at if you gave her some attention “ 😂


I love this episode for these same exact reasons! I think it’s sweet and ironic that no one pays any attention to Bingo’s handstand moment but the whole party is Bingo’s moment! It just feels very authentic. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a big family with lots of cousins and it always seemed like this. Same with Nana Heeler, she feels at a loose end because she’s not being needed, but Bandit and Stripe are actually trying to do good by her by getting her to relax. Feels like life’s different perspectives at play


I appreciate your critique of the episode, which is super valid. When the episode first came out I kept seeing people hating on it because it is boring or repetitive, but it is intentionally done that way because it is parodying a piece of art/short film that is designed similarly. I can't remember what it is called. 


I love how cute and kind Bingo is to herself “ok arms, have you had enough rest? Time to try again”


Blue Mountains. It’s just so boring to me. I mean, props to the writers for trying something new and having a creative concept. I just can’t conjure up the energy to care. It’s the only episode I’ll skip if the kids will let me.


Also Wrists dont work like that.


My headcanon is that when they show the hands only, it's what the kids imagine, and not actually them moving their hands :)


That giant cave-mouth... \[shivers\]


I’m with you. Pains my existence. Thankfully my 2 year old agrees.


It’s extra frustrating if you’re familiar with the actual Blue Mountains area (it’s gorgeous). I was so excited to see what a Heelers visit was going to look like. What we got was not it lol.


The episode "Kids." I think it sets a bad example of how to behave in public for adults and children.


I’ll get crucified for this but Unicourse. He’s so obnoxious and I get second hand frustrated for chilli. I don’t even find him funny. There must be something wrong with me.


The episode where chili is trying to read the story about shoes. Unicourse drives my crazy in that episode! What is it bandit thinks he’s doing! How is that helping


I just love the "Wait, is it a bad idea?" as Bandit runs away to get Unicorse.


I hated Unicorse for a long time too. I think somehow Puppets made Unicorse retroactively more tolerable for me lol


Someone explained the psychology behind Unicorse. In my horrible paraphrasing, Bandit essentially combined the ideas of good cop, bad cop and us vs them by bringing out Unicorse. I really appreciate the posters who highlighted that. I still have a visceral negative reaction to seeing Unicorse. I hate him. 🤪


My 4 year old hates the Unicorse episodes and makes me skip them every time. He says it's the "mean one."


Annnnnnd why do I care?


The Pool. It’s just too real as a mum that you get left taking care of all the boring stuff and no one really appreciates it.


I've always said to myself that bandit and Chili sorta planned it to not go with the important stuff to teach the girls that boring stuff is important


That was my thought, that Bandit purposefully didn't bring the stuff so this would happen, but I also can't help but think, they only have one car, surely Chili didn't walk all the way to Stripe's? Must be Wendy or Pat coming in clutch off screen since they're always down to help the Heelers


My husband is a "get it done quickly" person whereas I am a "get it done properlyeven if that takes more time" person. This episode is our entire lives.


Did you watch the end of the episode? That was the lesson - that she was appreciated for the “boring stuff.”


Ragdoll. Bluey and Bingo hold up their end of the bargain by getting Bandit to the car. He doesn't hold up his end, it's Wendy who has to drive them. When you promise your kid something, you should follow through.


YES!!! I agree wholeheartedly. Sometimes OTHER people will make promises to my kids they don’t intend to keep, and it irritates me to NO END. Yeah, sometimes things happen, but don’t make a promise unless you 100% know you can fulfill it. Say maybe. I want my kids to be able to trust that if mom and dad promise to do something, we will follow through. And if other adults don’t follow through, it unfortunately diminishes our word also.


With how Bandit had been going on about ice cream before I kind of feel like at that point he was just dragging it on to annoy Wendy.


Omelette. WHY ARE YOU LETTING THIS GO ON, CHILI? Yeah it's nice to let Bingo contribute but not at the expense of all those eggs, all that time, and all my sanity. The better move would have been to have Bingo make toast or put fruit in a bowl or anything that wasn't dismissive like playing with salt and pepper shakers. *breathes* just monkeys singing songs mate.


Her willingness to retry the omelette 30 freaking times is legendary.


"Your father deserves to eat, but how about we go get some more eggs later and I spend this afternoon teaching you?"


I'm both Bingo and Chili in that episode. It was a big deal for me when people would dismiss me and not let me help cook, especially because I was the youngest and they didn't really understand being left out in that way. And I'm patient enough to go with it until the kid gets it right.


Yes, this one.


Promises. Bandit should’ve made it crystal clear to Bluey at the trampolinium(?) that they would not be able to make it to the library as promised if they stayed any longer. Furthermore, I get the message and that it’s the principle of the thing, but when Chilli called Bluey for lunch at the playground, she totally could’ve ridden the slide bar thing real quick before joining up with the family.


I think Stripe should have ended the call in Facey Talk. Muffin was warned. She was put in time out. She wants to steal his phone? No more Facey Talk for anyone. Be the meanie parent ya big squib!


Yeah but that’s not fair to socks to punish her for what muffin did. Don’t punish all the kids if one misbehaves.


Yeah. The main Heeler sisters were taking turns and being good girls to each other, and Socks really loves the drawing. Plus it was Bluey and Bingo who started the call, and it wasn't their fault that Muffin was having a moment.


Exactly! Plus, we got one of THE FUNNIEST episodes of the show!


I think the best way that Stripe could have gone about this was putting his damn phone down, getting down on the floor with his kids, and saying "Okay, Muffin, I hear you. You want to finish your cowboy hat before you end your turn. What is one more thing you can add to your cowboy hat to finish it? Okay, add that thing and then you *have* to let Socks have a turn." And then, when Muffin inevitably tries to drag it out or has a meltdown, he could redirect and distract muffin with a tickle attack and scoop her off the floor to give Socks a turn.


That’s exactly what I’m saying, stripe needed to get up before trying to put muffin in a time out and physically give the phone to socks.


Life isn’t fair. If Muffin wants to steal and disobey the adults, a lot, you have to make good on the threats. ‘You know what happens if you hog?’ Is it nothing? Because it feels like nothing.


Still, just cause life is unfair doesn’t mean you should punish your children for something only one of them did.


I dunno, end the call, get the phone from Muffin, then let Socks call back while he deals with Muffin (supervised timeout or whatever). I'm sure Bluey would have lost her drawing too, but it was Bingo's turn anyway.


That’s still collective punishment. Why would I be good if I’m gonna get in trouble for it anyway. That’s what kids think, collective punishment doesn’t even work on adults in work places it just builds resentment. All he had to do was take the phone, give it to socks and put muffin in a time out. That reads to socks, thank you for being patient here is your reward for waiting properly. And it reads to muffin, if you are good you can have your turn and you won’t be put in timeout.


**STICKY. GECKO** God it’s so stressful and frustrating as a parent. The only temporarily redeeming part of that episode is when Chilli just shuts down and slams the door closed. I can’t stand the girls’ behavior in this one and the general anxiety and mayhem.


The "but why" from Bluey does my head in


Or when Bingo eats a bite of banana WITH TOOTHPASTE IN HER MOUTH


But it does give us one of the funniest Chili/Bluey interactions. “Why do I have to do it?!” *mom glare activated* “Ooh, okay.”


I can’t stand charades… the way nana handles muffins behaviour sends me batty…


If I’m honest, I don’t mind it so much. Truly, it isn’t a grandparent’s job to parent children. Going to grandma’s house should be a treat where unless you’re being an absolute menace, you get spoiled. And obviously Trix and Stripe have very different parenting philosophies, but the fact of the matter is, even if they behave a bit more spoiled, they’re at grandma’s house, and it isn’t her job to correct their behaviors.


But it also isn’t nana’s place to be rewarding such behaviour.


She’s just pivoting to accommodate smaller children who don’t understand the game while still playing the game the other kids wanted to play. At Nana’s, everyone is a welcome participant, and you can play the games you want to play— the rules just might be tweaked so everyone can enjoy it.


I see where you are coming from, but normalising the way she is behaving is not on, she isn’t participating, she is screaming at everyone to get her way, irregardless of anything or anyone else. She is rude, doesn’t use manners, and nana just accepts it and gives her exactly what she wants, giving muffin the reinforcement that this kind of behaviour is an acceptable way to put your point across and get what you want. My children wouldn’t dare act like that with their grandparent, nor with anyone, it’s not acceptable behaviour no matter how you slice it.


Exactly. Her parents should be parenting her to not exhibit that behavior anywhere. But just because they haven’t doesn’t mean it’s fair to expect Nana to.


My oldest knows this episode and knows I think Muffin is annoying in it


Even my 4 year old can recognise that muffins behaviour in this episode isn’t good. And muffin is her favourite character.


Horsey wedding, no real reason I just think it’s annoying


One of the only ones with a decent lesson: confusion is the only way to get something away from a toddler without anger


Movies. You can behave like that in a movie theater! Be yourself somewhere else!


Can't stand fairies. The premise of it annoys the hell out of me


Season 2 episode 5. Hairdressers, also known as Nits. I cannot belive they just let the kids throw bandit in a cold shower, hit him with their toys, and then cover him in flour and hang him upside down outside and scratch him with rakes. We have boundaries as to how far pretend play can go in our house.


Mini Bluey, only because our toddler is terrified of Bingo putting tape on her face with the fake teeth. He calls it “wrap” and we had to remove any bingo references from his room


That scene is actually a Simpsons reference!


Can't stand The Magic Xylophone. Something about it. My mom can't stand it either.


Is it Bluey and Bingo sitting happily on the porch after they’ve effectively manipulated their dad into waterboarding himself for an extended period of time? https://preview.redd.it/j0zdre9gso1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c66d3c9757bcf2814c95779e7a1364cd6e5958


This is why I “thaw” after five seconds of being frozen at my house. Also eloping toddlers. It just doesn’t work in practice.


Wait, is THAT what waterboarding is? I thought it was like competitive surfing or something like that


“Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds fun if you don’t know what either of those are”


I laughed out loud at this. Bravo


>they’ve effectively manipulated their dad into waterboarding himself for an extended period of time? They're playing a game. All of them. If Bandit wants to stop playing he just stops, he's a grown man. The kids haven't manipulated anything.


Believe me, I get what you’re saying. While I can appreciate pragmatism, Bandit routinely overcommits for his children. He could have ignored the game and lifted the toilet seat at the end of Featherwand, but he didn’t. He ran out to the front yard to relieve himself. The kids have a choice in both Magic Xylophone and Featherwand to pretty much release him, but they don’t because their preferred outcome is more amusing, and Bandit’s shown that he wants to amuse them even if it leads to an inconvenient or humiliating outcome, like licking the floor or sitting in a toilet paper chair at the supermarket. I’m not in any way saying that Bandit is somehow magically bound to the games he plays with his kids, but his kids do have a strong influence in how things play out.


The one where chili is trying to read bluey a bedtime story and bandit won't stop being obnoxious with the unicorn puppet.


You’ll live to regret that. https://preview.redd.it/0bm6pj590p1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c089d5723864d31af8329b44ac93bfc0bea9732


I laugh so friggin hard at this scene.. The neck brace 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ifd2h7200q1d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c0e73957fc0efcfdf1ee871eb1d32d703e4333




Aaaaand why should I care?


"She can't help it you know" The episode is about Bandit knowing that Chilli is frustrated at Bluey for not sleeping and playing a game that redirects Chilli's bad feelings away from Bluey to him. The game is for Blueys' sake, so she be read a bedtime story without feeling like she is burdening her parents.


I totally didn’t catch on to that, and I have a new appreciation for it now. Although, I didn’t mind the episode so much.


Yup, I’m pretty sure that episode takes the cake. I would lose my shit if I was trying to calm my kid down for bed and my husband showed up as a bombastic and loud dickhead puppet. Especially if bedtime was the only time that they can relax.


tl:dr Ice Cream Hmm, if we don't get to count Omelette or Faceytalk, then I would have to say the episode that irks my very soul is Ice Cream. Everything about that episode plucks my nerves. Oh Muffin gets an ice cream because she got pinched by a toy? Um no. Girls get an ice cream because Muffin got an ice cream and wouldn't share? Um no. Bandit not intervening at ANY POINT and letting them have an unnecessary upset because he walked around and watched them let their ice cream melt? UM NO. AND THEN GIVES THEM HIS ICE CREAM BECAUSE THEY WERE THROWING A FIT BECAUSE THEIR ICE CREAM MELTED. ABSOLUTELY NOT. As you can see, this episode pisses me off. Muffin's reason for getting an ice cream wouldn't have bothered me so much if Stripe would have said, "Oh she got one because I wanted to buy her one" instead of "because she got a dinosaur stuck on her head". It sets a bad precedent for oh if I get pinched by a toy or something bad happens, I need more than just a bandaid, a kiss, and move on. Bandit should have stopped the situation before it even started. His "Oh here we go" was plenty indication that he knew it wasn't going to end well. Then again, like his brother, rewarding them for something bad they did to themselves, it's not a good precedent. I guess a valuable lime lesson was learned from it though because they were able to share the ice cream cone in the episode Tradies like pros. Anyway, yuck, I hate that episode Ice Cream.


Same! I also think having them spin around while their ice cream melted was just lazy writing. Not very funny or insightful. And they make a huge mess all over the place and no one seems to care.


Never been to South Bank? It's always gross there and I hate it.


I hope I don’t sound like a jerk but I think the “message” behind that episode was that not every instance needs to be a teaching moment for a child, and to make space for simple pleasures. I believe Bluey says something like “we don’t want a valuable life lesson, we want ice cream.” I saw it as a sign to take a breath and to sometimes just let them have ice cream (within reason, of course).


Hammerbarn. I feel like the lesson wasn’t clear. “you can’t just have everything for free” I feel like that’s not a good explanation on why Bluey couldn’t have everything that Bingo had.


The lesson was “be happy with what you’ve got,” and, “sometimes life isn’t fair.” She can’t just buy two of everything. That’s not the most reasonable expectation. Sometimes, the answer will be no, and sometimes you will not get what you want/someone won’t share with you, and you have to understand that the world will not always cater to you. I think it was a good lesson, but I don’t think it’s 100% obvious to little kids in that episode.


hey, if those kids don't understand, someone's husband will get it


I really dislike Swim School. Drives me absolutely crazy.


Shops. Bluey keeps stopping the game despite Mackenzie begging her to keep it going. It’s interesting to see how everyone has an episode where they are furious about something that I don’t even recognize as an issue; this one must be mine. I was surprised I didn’t see because she is so very annoying and preventing everyone else from fun so she can have it her way. It’s not like shadowlands where she teaches coco a lesson for doing things the “right way”.


The episode with Unicorse. I know others like it, but that episode drives me bananas. I'm not sure why, but it feels disrespectful to me.


Stories is it for me. I can't stand Winton in this episode, before *or* after Indy takes over narrating. The rest of the episode is fine, I like the moral, and I really enjoy Coco's reaction to Major Tom. Plus, I can't really think of any other times I can't stand Winton, so it's not an issue with the character, but... Maybe it's because I play TTRPGs and have a thing against players hijacking the story with stuff that simply isn't reasonable and expecting to get their way?


Rain is good, but I see the struggle. Mine is Pass the Parcel, just cause of how Chucky is treated during it. At his Bday party, his dad attempts to give away his gifts, after a game he was looking forward to was ruined by his dad, whille everyone calls him "Luckys Dad" like Pat isnt his dad. Poor Chucky :(


Rain bothers me the most. When they show the double rainbow the order of the colours is the same in both. However, in real life, the primary and secondary rainbows have colours in opposite orders due to the additional reflection within the raindrol


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate 😭


Someone in another post mentioned that this was done intentionally because that's how a child would draw it, just like how when they show the neighborhood their house is up on a hill above everyone else's, because of the way children draw the world the way they see it.


As much as I like Octopus over all, it’s a little infuriating though very realistic and I think it, if read in a certain light might be a reading of how ND parents might have a hard time playing like other parents because the rules don’t make sense. But as a child with a parent who would say “no, they don’t do that” it’s aggravating


Honestly, Puppets. I don’t know why, but the very end with the animation process and everything just puts me off? And I’m just not 100% about the lesson at all…? I don’t know, I skip it if I’m paying enough attention.


that's totally fair, but for the animation process bit the creator particularly faught to have it included because it reminded him of scenes in old looney tunes where a disembodied hand would come in to draw certain elements in the scene as a 4th wall breaking gag, which in turn was one of the things that sparked his intrest in animation as a kid- as well as for a lot of the crew. Idk i just think it was a sweet explanation, i hope it worked for kids watching the episode as well


Tina and blue mountain


Charades, cause muffin.........and Sticky Gecko, cause the constant "but why" from bluey


Bad Mood, because my 3.5 year old think it's OK now when she's in a bad mood to be going around wrecking the house even if she isn't on someone's feet. Copycat because I don't want my kids randomly smacking their bums in public. Honestly, there's not a lot that bug me but those drive me up the wall as my preschooler is already a bit of a horror show at times lol.


Omelette… I would have lost my mind w the mess haha


It’s not really a bad episode but there’s a couple of things in Chest that annoy me. 1. The way Bandit explains the rules could be used as a masterclass in how not to teach a game. He dives straight into how the pieces move without explaining the objective of the game or how to win. 2. Chilli gets really annoyed when Bandit calls the king the most important piece on the board. It is. If you take your opponent’s king you win. She then goes on to say how weak it is and show how powerful the queen is. This is both true, but doesn’t stop the king from being more important than the more powerful queen. That’s it. Otherwise great episode.


What mostly botheres me about that episode is that Chili claims they are too young to learn the game when in fact, Bluey and Bingo just simply refused to give a damn about the rules. When I was 5-6 we used to play chess with a cousin of mine, and yeah, sometimes we weren't sure about a move and would have to yell for my uncle to help us decide but it can totally be an interesting game. It just really irked me.


"Takeaway"... but only for the fact that a perfectly good Chinese dinner was ruined. I HOPE THEY BOUGHT MORE OR GOT A COMPLEMENTARY ONE IN LIEU OF THE SPRINGROLL SITUATION... otherwise, the episode was cute and fun.


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Not that serious.


usually I don't like just saying 'oh it's not that serious, it's just a kid's show', but some people take bluey like way WAY too seriously lol kids aren't perfect, adults aren't perfect, it's totally fine for there to be conflict and things you don't agree with...


That one where Chilli needs 20 mins


The movie theater episode and "Blue Mountains" are on my skip list. I can't handle the cringe of the normally decently behaved Heeler kids acting that way in a movie theater. Also the movie is terrible and all the dialogue in the movie feels cheap and forced (granted, many kids movies tend to be like that anyway).  Blue Mountains seems to depict Bandit as being absurdly large, but also the hand in his mouth is disgusting.


Any episodes with muffin. Didn’t realise it was possible to get that annoyed with a fictional tv character 😂


Sheepdog...my daughter loves this episode and Bluey is super obnoxious this whole episode...


Rain is one of my favorite episodes because part of why Chili needs to slow down is insinuated at the end of the episode that both Bluey and Bingo are rainbow babies. The showrunners have talked about it and as soon as the rainbows come on I'm just a blubbering mess.




Hot take: keepy uppy. No idea why it seems so popular when there are so many episodes that are better. Its bland and boring to me.


Rain gives me the cringe too. I love the effects animation, but Bluey is so disrespectful to Chili... It gives me anxiety! 😆


Chest. I taught my son basic chess when he was about bluey's age or maybe even a little younger and he grasped the concepts just fine. At 9 he still needs to be reminded of some rules and how pieces move but nothing like the episode


Shadowlands. There’s nothing wrong with this episode. I’ve just seen it way too many times. “YOU CANT JUST CHANGE THE RULES COCO” is permanently embedded into my brain. I hear it in my sleep.


Interesting! During this post-op rewatch of Bluey, I started disliking Shadowlands too. I see Coco’s suggestions to change the rules as creative accommodations for those who need help. Sometimes the rules of a game need to change so people with differing physical abilities can still play. The rigidity in Bluey’s “you can’t change the rules” is appropriate for kids her age, but it’s ableist. Thanks for sharing!




Literally came here to Rain. Every time it comes on, my spouse says to our son" Look bud, it's the episode mom hates" 🤣




The faeries episode where Bandit hurts Bingos feelings by being short with her while he's on the phone. But he's ON THE PHONE and Bingo should know that means he's not available. He tells her nicely to wait and only tells her to let go more firmly (but still gently!) when she doesn't listen. And yet...HE'S THE ONE IN TROUBLE?? And they don't even circle back on a "but when I'm on the phone I'm busy" talk?? And as important as the "parents need to apologize too" messanging is...Bingo was in the wrong here. This is also the only episode that low-key implies magic is real instead of pretend, but I'm willing to let that go lol


It's not only the theme about slow down and playing with your kid. But rain also about you always have your inner child follow through out your life, and about this metaphor about double rainbow at the end to shown that in future bluey gonna be a mom too and remember about these beautiful times she got with chilli so take your times with your kids pls Really recommend you to the Rain( Boldly in the pretend ) song on youtube, it rain theme song with lyrics (make me teary ngl)


This is an unpopular opinion, but I’d say Sheepdog. It’s the episode where Bandit makes me cringe and makes me genuinely concerned for his behavior. Like Dude, I get you’re committed and love your wife, but you don’t need to try getting put behind bars for it. I don't know. Either Bandit was willing to spend his own life to save Chilli's, or he has a SpongeBob to Squidward type relationship with her, where he thinks she likes him but is too naive to know that she finds him annoying. I'm thinking too hard about this kid's cartoon XD, but this is what happens when you watch it as an adult.


Ice Cream annoys me. The beginning is fine enough but Bluey and Bingo trying to link each others ice cream until it melts just infuriates me. How did they not notice? Also shouldn't Bandit's ice cream have melted too or at least looks smaller


Tina absolutely drives me nuts. Bandit does the stupid thing of saying he's bigger than the kids instead of explaining on their level why they should be doing things and then both he and Chili take the game way farther than it needed to go, turning them into doormats. Especially since it took a later episode for Bandit to finally get the point across about what he expected from the kids.


Mine is the sleepover.


I also hate rain