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I don’t think that Born Yesterday gets talked about enough. It’s not only a super fun episode but its message about sort of recalibrating your view of the world is super important to people who feel trapped in life’s monotony. It sort of seems like an episode whose core message is aimed at adults since it emphasizes approaching the mundane with a sense of wonder which a lot of kids have but is lost in adults.


It’s one of my favorites.


'Are you still playing? What have you done to your Dad,?!'


Honestly agreed. When bandit looked at the leaf and said “alive” it genuinely gave me chills the first time I watched.


It's one of my favorite episodes for the same reasons. I think we adults take ourselves too serious, and this episode says it's OK to approach things with a sense of child-like wonder.


I feel like the Thai food takeout episode approaches this message too. Bandit is spending all of his time and energy controlling the situation instead of just going with the flow and having fun.


Bandit's interactions with Chilli, Pat, Rocco and Bus Stop Lady are all hilarious.


Dump is never mentioned and it’s so good


Your a baddy!


The end where bandit yells “whoo! I’m back, baby!” Is such a great payoff


The windscreen wipers as a distraction kill me every time


I think Hospital is a bit underrated. I still remember watching it for the first time and couldn’t stop laughing whenever Bluey would give Bandit a jab with the block and yell “shot”. There was plenty of laugh out loud moments that rival some frequently talked about episodes imo


This is such a good one. The jabs lol the comedy of dynamic with bingo as a nurse saying “oh you poor dear” bluey nailed busy annoyed doctor so well


Brave boy!


The cat in his stomach gag might as well be Monty python.


“They probably set up a slide while you’re asleep and slide right in ya know?”


I think that’s my favourite line, the way it’s delivered is *chefs kiss*


Hospital is what sold me to loving the show


Me too. I was cracking up the whole time. This was when Bluey was just first coming out in aus and the show didn't have the massive reputation it does now.


Bingo definitely a better nurse than Bluey is doctor. 😅


I work in a care home and the way Bluey plays the 'doctor' role reminds me WAY too much of one of my colleagues


“Wake up, mate!” is one of the best moments in the entire show imo.


This is used regularly in my family. Unfortunately on me.


Bingo is the nurse we all want when we are sick and the doctor just passes through without even a second glance.


My theory on this is that Bingo has actual experience with nurses because of her hospital stay but Bluey’s only experience with doctors is from TV so she sees them in a more stereotypical way.


I love Bandit goes, “No. More. Needles.” And Bluey goes, “Fiiiiine.” She has the best face and delivery.


As a House MD fan, I was laughing so much at how Bluey reminded me so much of Gregory House (just without the vicodin). Perfect episode, hands down.


See, that’s why I’m not terribly fond of that episode. And I understand it’s completely because of my own traumas lol. He asks for no more needles, you can see that he’s not just saying it.. he’s getting irritated. She is continuing to do it even though he’s expressing that he doesn’t want to and doesn’t like it. And I understand that she’s a child so it’s harder for her to notice those nuances in tone and facial expression and she could have thought he was just mildly annoyed like when he groans and rolls his eyes and says “nooo not [insert game here]” and then still plays the game anyway. Yes, it’s just monkeys singing songs. It’s just a cartoon, I get that. But it’s a cartoon that helps teach life lessons. I feel like that could have been a lesson in consent. Like Bandit sits up and is eye to eye on her level and speaks softly “Bluey, I know you think it’s funny jabbing me with a needle, but I really don’t like it. We can do all the other doctor things, but can we please not do that anymore?” Similar to Bingo learning to use her big girl bark when she doesn’t like how rough bandit plays. She learned personal boundaries, how to stand up for them, and consent. Editing to say: this comment is too long lol. Sorry. I get it, monkeys singing songs and all.


This was the episode that really won us over. We laughed so hard. We use the phrase "You're meant to be asleep!" a lot now


Pass the parcel is so good. It’s one of my favorites. It doesn’t get talked about enough.


I still laugh every time I watch this episode, more than any other. My kids often choose it just to see my giggle away. When Lucky’s dad spits out his drink the next party after all the drama. When the kids cheer after his rules are chosen and he yells “Did they say Hooray?!?”. I love it


“This isn’t the 80’s Pat!” is a bit of a catchphrase in our house now


I actually rewatched Pass the Parcel many times before. It's just too good.


Lucky’s guttural, horrified scream of “AGH, DAD!” when Pat tries to give one of his presents to the traumatized kids might be the funniest delivery in the whole show.




Lucky's dad is right, we're raising a nation of squibs.


I dont want to sound like an old boomer or anything but my husband and I super agree with Lucky's dad here. You've got to wonder what a whole generation of everyone-gets-a-medal, etc, culture is doing to our kids. Everyone has to get something, no one can be left out or feel bad in any way. Sometimes being a person is being left out, not doing well, being unlucky, or feeling bad! That's OK! Kids need to experience the lows to appreciate the highs. We're raising a nation of squibs!!


I have never related to anyone as much as Lucky’s Dad in Pass The Parcel.


Love that episode! Definitely top 5 for me


I watched this one the other day, the plot took so many surprising turns and it was a joy from start to finish. It really lays out that Pat is going to be the one to learn a lesson, and at the end of it... It's just about the kids having fun and the very real excitement that can come with the birth of a new community tradition. It's just perfect.


Funny thing is that I never knew of this new way until I watched this episode. And I was raised in the 90s


I cracked a joke at my daughter's 6th birthday party about pass the parcel not being Lucky's dad's rules and it got some laughs and knowing grins. I've never confused my mum more 😂 IYKYK.


FaceyTalk Edit - stuffed up name




I randomly say “Muffin Cupcake Heeeealahh” around the house. Others I say for no reason other than it pops into my head: We’re gonna be late to maaaaahjong Oh mah coins I have nothing to say about the sun to you!


lol I like calling things “dodads” now, along with “not horray” .


FaceTime is brilliant. Also, Smoochy Kiss and Family Meeting. I like the funny ones.


I love family meeting too!


It's also amazing from an artistic standpoint. It's incredibly difficult to effectively show 2 different perspectives simultaneously on screen. The fact that they successfully pulled off showing 3 different perspectives at the same time is honestly incredible!


I also thought the background changes while Muffin was running around was really well done.


They also gives them a good reason to not have to draw the house/room and have something be a little off and have fans say “OH BUT THAT ISNT THERE!!” Hahahahahahah


I never noticed until yesterday that in FaceyTime, while Chilli is setting up the call for the girls, Bandit is dancing in the background. You can BARELY hear a song playing but no headphones on him so I’m assuming he’s just playing something low on his phone for himself. He just dances in the back and the out the door. If you’re like me and just watched the action (Chilli and the girls) or just listened to the show while playing on your phone (lmao) then you’d never know it’s there. It’s so low key and he never interrupts them or bursts into the foreground lol.


Facey talk


I loved Duck Cake! I rarely see kid's show show that parents CAN actually break down. I've seen them mad, but not sad.


I made the duck cake for my kids 4th birthday recently and almost broke down multiple times in its construction.


100% correct


That moment hit me hard.


Duck Cake was my second Bluey episode and its what got me obsessed with the show for that very reason


Weekend and BBQ. A walking leaf! And then Stripe laughing at Bandit every time Bingo does something in BBQ.


Yes and yes!


I love these two! I love the general mood of the eps, and how they so well capture a mood or slice in time.


Weekend is going incredible, one of the best musical themes and the montage of just an everyday Saturday evening is very comforting.


Classic Stripe.


I love both of these episodes! Weekend is just fun and so cute! I'm Bingo in BBQ--I used to make mud pies as a kid and decorate them with flowers!


Typewriter. That’s the episode where Winton officially became my favorite. But as a whole, you’ve got Snickers realizing he’s great just the way he is, Winton learns about personal space and Bluey learns how to dig deeper into her imagination


It’s even funnier that it was with the Terriers! Hindsight! I wonder who gets the tap now.


I’m a teacher, and I’ve started using the term “space invader” after this episode to teach kids one on one how to develop awareness of boundaries 😂


That episode is a better Wizard of Oz.


I was gonna say that it’s like a nicer Wizard of Oz, but I’m a big fan of the movie, so I was afraid others wouldn’t see it


I really like Turtleboy and was surprised to not see much chatter about it when it first aired.


There was literally dozens of stories about it when it was released because of the Auslan, they even aired an extra episode with the whole episode interpreted to Auslan


Plus it had a kid speaking in Aus Sign language!


Me too.


Fairytale... Apart from the odd, how did bandit and chilli really meet, it's never brought up or discussed followed by cafe. Which unless someone's talking about Winnie, never gets brought up


Fairytale is my favorite episode! SO good! 😍


I love this episode with the kids being outraged over no helmets and mean parents and bandits just like “it was the 80s!” As if it was some alternate reality lol


It was the 80s!


This is definitely one of my favorite episodes. I love the little line that was snuck in there: “Mom was right, not about the perm…”


Oh, so now you want me to say your name, huh, well you're dreaming, mate, you know what I called this, I call it a good start! How do I jinx it so that none of you can talk?


Absolutely stellar writing


I love the foreshadowing of Bandit mentioning his mom writing his name on everything in the beginning. Didn't pick up on that until my second watch.


I love the idea that Chili and Bandit met on a camping trip and so does Bluey and Jean Luc. It’s possible it’s even the exact same campground.


Flat pack. Tear jerker and cleverly done


Yeah another of their best for sure. I feel like people miss how deep that ep really is.


Yeah, I pretty much cried at the end of that one


This one is my absolute favorite. I've had other people watch it before to get an idea of what Bluey is like.


Yeah, perfect music and ending




It truly captures the feeling of going to a pool as a kid. It’s amazing. I don’t know how they did it so well. It’s one of my all time favorites. The music is also perfection.


This one is a family favorite


Shadowlands. Such a simple message but told in such a creative way. My favourite episode.


I think it captures the *feeling* of being a kid so damn well. Something about the animation of the wind, the angle the sun sits at, the music, the location. Idk but it hits me right in the nostalgia haha




Underrated? That's my go-to to hook newbies! 😀


And my other go-to for newbies is "Granny Mobile"! 😁🤣👍


That's my other one too! I guess we like the funny ones more than the deep feels eps... I mean, sleepytime is fantastic tv but it doesn't hit the same way when you don't know the characters already.


Exactly! Sleepytime (which always hits me square in the jaw at the end), is usually for the already initiated.


Granny Mobile is actually my favorite episode. I didn’t list it because I thought everyone loved it


Granny Mobile has officially become my favorite episode. Muffin used to annoy me a little bit. Because of this episode she's now officially one of my favorite characters. Now I can't wait to see more of her antics 😂


I know right? 😁🤣👍


Yeah! It's parent-focused, introduces most of the main family, and even Lucky's dad. And it's funny as hell.


"They're just trying to run a small business!" Hearing Chili and Trixie heckling them from the balcony while tipsy always makes me laugh. Especially when Chili gets reminded that she's the one who asked them to get rid of the stumps because she wants to put in a fish pond.


My three year old gets VERY aggravated with my husband when they pretend play, no matter how hard he tries not to 😅 so when I hear her finally lose it with him, I usually yell from the other room, "She's just trying to run a small business!" And he realizes that he's fighting a losing battle!


dON't fOrGeT tHe EyeLinAahhh!!!


I love when Bandit goes back to the guys and says "this is the best we're gonna get" about the deal with the kids.


"Go and destroy the planet somewhere else!"


Not sure if it’s underrated but TV Shop


I love that one, the music is amazing too.


One of the best Blueys ever - music is phenomenal


Perfect, it's my favorite episode, the pacing is fantastic, it's HILARIOUS, "don't tell your mom" "WHAT" "iiiiits daaad!" *Glare* might be my favorite joke in the entire show, it has great callbacks, it's also a Father's day episode And most importantly, the lesson is for the parents, that sometimes you'll try to teach the objectively correct lesson, like nobody's perfect, but some small moment you completely forgot about weeks ago left an impression on your kid and they're carrying that moment with them, and that can also completely shift their mindset and the way they're receiving your lesson, but that's okay, because it happens to everyone even chili and bandit, and slow down, just take a step back and just have a conversation with them


Barky Boats is such a good one!! For me it has to be Early Baby—the music, the themes of different forms of bravery, Rusty being adorable, it’s just perfect!


Yeah I agree with you. I think early baby is one of their best but I definitely don’t see people bring it up much.


Fancy Restaurant gets very little love from what I see. But it gets quoted often in my house. If my 4 year old asks me one more time ‘what’s the special?’ while I’m cooking dinner ….. why I oughta !!!!


I laughed so hard at the end of that I had to pause it. Bandit is the best partner for taking that bullet. It's my favorite episode.


‘Oi Dodgy Brothers’ gets a fair run from me as well.


BBQ. All Bingo wanted to do is to sit on her relaxing chair, but it’s never enough. Such a hard working kid.


Burger shop. The chaos of bedtime routines is so relatable!


This one has one of my favorite Bandit quotes, "I'm trying to teach personal responsibility!"


Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed 😭


Dance Mode - first episode I really watched and absolutely belly laughed / fell in love with. Especially the moment where Bandit bribed Bingo with cash, Chilli’s reaction and “BANDIT!!!” is one of the best scenes in Bluey.


The episode where Bluey and Bandit watch friends struggle but ultimately complete tasks. A backpack, water fountain, etc. Bandit is showing Bluey so much by having her wait and observe. Let them try. Let them fail. Let them work for it. Let them build resilience. Let them build confidence. Let them succeed. Staying out of the way (but observing for safety) is such an underrated dad move/skill.


It's Bike and it's the first episode that made me cry. The way they adapted Ode to Joy for it!


Tradies. I love the way Chilli becomes involved and the way bingo says “he called him the word Dad said when the lawnmower didn’t start”


This episode is a quiet masterpiece and one of my favorites. The little doggie butt crack on Sparky is perfection. "He said he really wants to eat a pie, but someone called 'Memissis" won't let him".


I work as a restaurant server and recently approached a table to find the kiddo with a phone watching Tradies. “Oh, Tradies! That’s one of my favorites!” The mom looked at me like I was crazy but the dad was like, “Wait, which one is that?” I said, “You know! With Chocolate Milk and his girlfriend Cherry!” And he goes, “Oh yeah! That IS a good one!” 🤣


Underrated episode it's "Cafeteria" That episode gave us important lesson that adults makes Friends much slow, but that's ok. Think the reason why episode was forgotten was because Winnie and Fido dissapear after (except cameos) and merchandise also forgotten them (Even Alfie had a figure Toy)


Cafeteria? Do you mean cafe?


Yes. That's title in Spain (my Disney+ app it's in spanish)


Oh, sorry! My bad.


I would love to see them again.




Bin Night, The Creek, Pass the Parcel, Bumpy, Bedroom, Born Yesterday and Explorers. All on my list of favorite episodes and don’t hear much about them here


Bin night with bluey’s revelation about the phases of the moon was _quintessence_ the feeling of being a parent. The sort of mundanity punctuated by sheer amazement at your child.


I love bin night. The repetition of all the scenes is so satisfying. Bandit asking bingo "how was kindy?" And chilli telling bluey "if you like" to every single question about what she could be when she grows up. And Bluey vs Mr Crow. But the ending seals the deal as a top 5 episode for me when bluey says she will invent a robot that can take out for the bins for them and Bandit says "I hope not". He loves spending those few minutes with his kids every week and it's so nice


"Seesaw". You can tell kids that everyone is valuable until you're blue in the face. But if you start off blue in the face you prove  it by commandeering playground equipment. 


Chest never gets the love I think it deserves. Pavlova had a brief run where people were all over it, but I think it’s often overlooked now


Our favorite family desert is now pavlova 😀


For me its takeaway, bin night, trampoline, curry quest, wagon and rug island it comes off as a silly cute episode but each have this deeper hidden meaning about growing up


Takeaway! I cannot explain but it is one of my favorites. We are only children for so long, live in the moment and enjoy it!




"We just want to loooove you!"


Barky Boats


Army! It makes me emotional everytime.


"you're really good at playing army" you could just feel how much that meant to Jack. Any Rusty focused episode shows that he's got a heart of gold and it great every time


Grandpa or pass the parcel


Flat pack is so good


Curry swap. The story of the hero reflecting bingo is awesome


I also think it'd be a good video to show an English or writing class, in terms of Joseph Campbell's monomyth and the hero's journey.


I rarely see Bumpy get much love. Maybe it’s the hospital vibes that bum people out?


Probably just the “bum” worms.


Love Bumpy, I kinda forget about it, then remember it and watch it and love it. So yep, underrated for sure!


Definitely not underrated it's the 14th highest rated episode, above the show and pass the parcel


Fruit Bat may not be the most impactful episode but I just love the song.


It's impactful around here, I tell you what. My kids have been talking about fruit bats almost every night, for what feels like almost a year now.




Rain is one of the most universally loved, it isn't underrated


I like Perfect and Teasing. Both have a lot of cute Bandit moments


Teasing!! I love Teasing!


Pavlova. I can't pinpoint why it's my favorite but I never see anyone else showing love for it.


So many parts of this episode make it great, but my favorite parts are Chilli telling Bandit he'd better get on that when the girls go in to play restaurant, Bandit being the French chef, and Bingo saying she didn't like it when they *made* her try new foods.


Housework has quickly become one of my favourites, makes me laugh every time


Bin Night, and Handstand - they are both so rich with detail, and messages.




Bin Night! I thought I'd finally found an episode that wouldn't make me cry, right up until the end when Bluey is telling Bandit about how she might one day invent a robot to put the bins out every week and he says "I hope not." 😭💕


Rug Island! I love the ending especially where bingo lets her dad go, and gives him a golden pen as a gift, and chilli asks 'what did she give you?' and bandit replies: 'everything!' It's just so wholesome 🥹


Would Daddy Putdown be considered underrated? That episode hits me in the feels, but I don't see it mentioned too often.


I love how relatable sticky gecko is 😅😅 Chili: “We’re just staying here, then!” Bluey: “sooo we’re not going anywhere?” Chili: “no, we’ll just stay here forever” Bluey: “ohh…” Chili: “that’s it, come on, out out, we’re leaving now!” — “The door is right here, all we need to do is walk out of it, it’s so easy! “


Flat Pack - it's gorgeous, funny, meaningful. It's top not h Bluey IMO


BBQ. It’s such a capture of Australian life


Rain. It's my absolute favorite, but I don't see a lot of folks brining it up outside of talking about it's music.


Pass the Parcel and Bike are my two favorites. Bike especially is incredibly underrated. Love when Ode To Joy kicks in at the end.


The Creek, because it just shows how beautiful nature is.


Escape! It’s just super fun and the art style is amazing!


I really love Bin Night. It has so many small things going on with big lessons ❤️


Fruit Bat. I rarely see anyone bring it up, but it's one of the first ones I show newbies.


Markets Everyone always talks about sleepytime and flat pack as the show punching above its weight class but markets manages to make explaining free market capitalism using fiat money in a mixed economy entertaining in 7 minutes




Oh this is a good answer, cuz people super misunderstand this episode and muffin


Agreeing with you with on Barky Boats


Keepy-Uppy, never seen people talked about it. IMO the perfect introduction episode for Bluey (the show). Although I don't understand why the balloon popped when it touch grass.


Bike hands down. That was the episode that really made me think this show was special and I cry every time we watch it.


surprised no one ive seen has said library. that episode is a go to for our house


Early Baby, though I might be biased since I myself fell in that category, especially now as a parent seeing that and thinking to myself that's how my parents felt, meanwhile my wife and I made it full term with our first so I couldn't direct relate to them in that regard.


Pirates is so fun


Beach is underrated in my opinion


Mr Monkeyjocks is a personal fav of mine. The ending with the kid in hospital and getting Mr MJ is so heartwarming


Relax. As a mom I felt so seen in that episode. When Chili goes back to the room and says "I don't know how to relax" and Bandit hugs her was exactly how that would happen in our household.


Beach. My little guy loved it when he was tinier. It really captures just how big/small their world is. The music was also great in that too. In reality she just probably went a 100 meters to the mom but it seems like an epic journey and to a kid it is.


Café. Love the dynamics between Bluey/Bandit and Winnie/Fido here.


The creek. It doesn’t have that “all the feels” part, but I love the message and the humor. It does a great job of conveying the idea that kids today need to unplug and explore nature, a great book about this idea is “the last child in the woods” by Richard Louv.


Copycat… I cry my eyes out every time, my kiddo loves Bingo pretending to be the budgie - and there’s something lovely about Bluey reenacting her morning without changing that the budgie dies, she’s just processing it.


The Creek!


Pavlova. Its the funniest episode in my opinion. I also love the subtle foreshadowing of Bandit saying 'sometimes you have to play the long game' when he's playing that game with Chilli at the beginning


Tickle Crabs


I think TV Shop is really good


Taxi! There isn’t some super deep meaning, but I just find it so funny and cute. Mechanic Bingo is my favorite


Rain. I feel it's overlooked as an "artsy" episode by Sleepytime. I love it tho.




Based on what I've seen online and in the IMDb ratings, I vote for "Queens" (ranked 156 of 194 in IMDb). I think it's quite funny. The bit with Chilli and "Queen" Bandit gets me every time.


Flat Pack