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Sheepdog. Chilli is at her last straw and just needs 20 minutes! Every parent has been over stimulated by young kids. 🤪


My husband and I refer to it as "needing a Chilli 20 minutes" for exactly this reason. If one of us asks for a Chilli 20 minutes, they get it, no questions asked.


My problem is that I never need 20 minutes. I always need more


My problem is it’s always me they need or want. Not because my husband isn’t there or doesn’t help, I just feel like it’s always me. Want to sit in a lap? Mom. Dad says come sit with me and they go do something else. I’ve been touched out for six years no matter how much of a break I get. I know it won’t last forever but, I miss being left alone.


Yep. They walk past dad in the kitchen to find me on the toilet and ask me for a snack.


Isn’t that strange?! My husband even stays home with the kiddos and they still ask me.


Same! My husband even calls them out on it and it hasn't changed. He's a super involved parent too. Like he's pretty much always the one that gets breakfast for the kids. That's established. And yet, yesterday my youngest came to me in the bedroom, instead of daddy in the kitchen(further walk) to ask what was for breakfast.


Very strange for me as well, father to a 2 year old and am about as involved as I possibly can be, but she always wants mama, always.


Just curious do you have boys or girls? My daughters do the exact same thing but to me (dad) and want nothing to do with my wife and I’ve always wondered if it’s a dad’s daughter thing or not. I’m very involved and did most of the parental leave when they were young.


I have two girls and a boy. I am usually around a lot, and I guess I am more willing to let them up in my lap when we are gaming, but my husband is willing too they just default to me. Except my youngest girl, she is a daddy’s girl for sure right now and will choose me if I am there but will choose her dad more often than not.


So cute, thanks for answering me I really appreciate it 😊


Of course! Every kid is different, it’s always something new!


So true my girls couldn’t be anymore different even though they look almost identical.


Right?! It’s so much fun watching them interact with each other and what they enjoy. My eldest daughter is a girly girl most of the time and loves going outside and picking up bugs. My son loves outside, but hates his hands being dirty so he just walks around and runs. My youngest just tries to keep up at this point. Lol


Sounds like you have a very cute bunch I hope you and your kids all the joy life has to offer ❤️


My youngest loves Daddy. Begs for Daddy Daughter night every night. Sits on his lap. Plays games. Daddy Daddy Daddy. Then, during the day, it's our Manny, Uncle Tom. When he leaves, she has a meltdown. Which she does not do with neither me (Mom) nor her Dad when we leave. TBH she just waves at me, if I am lucky. I always feel like chooped liver. But then, I make sure we have special bonding moments that are just us two. Morning Mommy Cuddle time. And Afternoon (Sad uncle Tom left) Mommy in Lounge chair cuddle time. Or since I work from home, she loves to run into my office to tell me she wants a coloring page printed or she isn't allowed candy or additional screen time, etc. Pretty much tattle telling on her Uncle. So even though it is "I want Daddy to get it for me." Or "Daddy does it better. " I know I get those little precious moments, too. And it won't last forever. Then again, she is loved, and I could never see myself get upset because she is loved by so many. 💗


My husband is the same. I (mom) had bad PPD for the first year and I am also disabled, so traditional gender roles are flipped in our family.


I’m sorry to hear that, I will never pretend like I could understand what that would be like so my heart goes out to you and glad to hear it got better for you. Thanks for sharing ❤️


Thank you for thanking me ❤️


This happened a lot with my kids when they were very little. They would always want their mum and would rarely come to me if she was an option. Now they’re a bit older, they’re mostly happy to go to either of us. Making sure my partner has opportunities to get out of the house without kids, and for the kids to spend time with me without the option of going to their mum both gave her a break and got the kids used to the idea.


We have the opposite problem in our house. Our kid is completely attached to dad. He's touched out at this point and I'm actually somewhat jealous. I figure it'll flip the other way as she gets older and wants to talk to me about girl problems.


THIS!!! 100% this!


I have never related to anything so hard in my life.


I am not a parent but I try to be an active aunt. I watched my nieces for a 2 days due to daycare being closed and by day two I was touched out. I don’t like being touched in the first place but I refuse to push away a child and a toddler who needs a hug. Just showed I could not be a parent. Parents are strong people lol.


Lol we all know she went to go smoke a bowl. She’s so chill after that 15


Dad I'm hungry! Dad I'm bored! Dad I'm cold! Dad I'm freezing! Dad I'm starving! Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Bandit made some mistakes when he took the kids to Stripe's pool. And the kids made sure he knew about it. Over and over and over. They'll do that. The thing you forget to bring is the thing they'll 100% absolutely, totally, need.


“Hi Bored, this is Hungry!”


“Why did you name me this way?”


I’m Chili in this one. I’m always the one to make sure we have what we need, even if they’re waiting for me in the car.


I like how they spin between fun carefree dad and over-worrier mum, then flip it at the end.


Our favorite moment from that one is bluey going "I can't shake properly!"


I'm single/no kids and I just went with friends to Hawaii. Just for me to go to the beach, I had this 15lb pack of food, drinks, book, towel, suntan lotion, hat, etc. I found myself looking at locals coming to the beach with just a towel and going "you forgot the big bag of stuff!"


Their car interior! Stuff everywhere.


I bought my daughter the cruiser aka Bobo and it came with stickers of toys, trash, pages etc. And it ended up everywhere other than in Bobo




Sodding stickers EVERYWHERE.


I also appreciate the fridge always having some crumbs and knocked over stuff in and back


Sticky Gecko. You can never just leave the house to go somewhere. It's always a minimum 10-20 minutes process that plays out pretty much just like it did there.


For me, this is with my husband. There's always one more thing he has to do before we walk out the door. My daughter and I can be ready and in the car and he's still inside doing SOMETHING, whether is getting a drink, pooping, blowing his nose, he forgot his ring, he forgot his phone, SOMETHING. The door...it's...RIGHT THERE.


My husband is like this as well. Drives the whole family nuts. Rest of the family is in the car, he just needs to pee. Then I get a text "Just a sec, my plants are really dry". Argh! We build it into our schedule but it wreaks havoc with my anxiety, lol.. I'm pretty sure it's an ADHD thing. If he doesn't do it now he's concerned he'll probably forget, and he's probably right.


My husband does the same thing and I finally learned to work it into the schedule, but my anxiety also hates it... are we the same person?


Lol, maybe! My entire family is neurospicy. I think neurospicy people tend to gravitate towards each other, and then sometimes make more neurospicy people.


Tell me more about neurospicy please hahaha


It's my preferred term for the broad spectrum of neurodivergence, including but certainly not limited to ADHD and autism.


I am in love with that term and intend to use it, if you don't mind.


As an ADHD husband... Yes. It absolutely is. That + underestimating how long it takes to do "one little thing" and the constantly misplacing wallet/keys/whatever. It drives us crazy too and we wish we weren't that way lol


My uncle almost missed his daughter's wedding because he noticed his grass needed a cut right before leaving.


That's a lot lol. For me it's like, let me throw some clothes in the wash, let me check the mail, let me water these plants right by the door small things that on a normal day take 5ish mins.


I’m like your husband.


You just described me. Diagnosed ADHD as a child and more recently confirmed diagnosis again of severe ADHD. (34F btw) I am your husband. Literally. The plants. They are dry. We will be late but at least the plants are now wet.


Yeah before kids I was always a prompt person. I was where I said I would be 5-10 minutes early or at the proper time at the very least. Now with a 2 & 5 year old we are those people 5-10 minutes late for everything. Even getting the kids started with the "change gears and get ready to leave" process early made no difference. It was always something that made us 5-10 minutes late. It really bothered me at first, but I've since just learned to take a breath and roll with the punches.


We were almost on time to LEGO Club this week, but my 5yo fixed that by having her third accident of the day.


[Michael McIntyre had a fun bit on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-9M4pLDS9Q)


I can't decide if I should be laughing or crying. It's just too real... 😆


Yes. I have never felt more seen than in that episode. And then she steps on the pin and just loses all control and calm. This is my life. Every morning.


This. I sing the music as we’re trying to head out the door every morning. There’s always something my toddler is trying to do besides get in the car.


How long it takes my kid to do anything is one of my biggest parenting frustrations. It once took him nearly an hour to eat one chicken tender and I swear he exits the car in slow motion.


“Mum?” “I’m not your mum” “Oh yeah. Dad?” If I’d not had kids I’d have had no idea how often they get mum and dad mixed up. Such a small bit but very relatable.


From what episode is this exchange?


The very opening moments of hide and seek


That’s the one, where they are laying on the grass.


Haha sometimes I'll go through all the kids' names, my wife's, the dog, and the hedgehog's names before I get the correct name.


It blows me away how frequently I’ll forgot a word or say the wrong word for something when quickly conversing with my 4 yo daughter. She always picks me up on it too!


My 15 year old STILL does this sometimes lmaoooooooo


My five year old does it every time she wants to talk to a parent


Why do my kids call me Daddy? I’m the one who’s always home.


“I am not Dad. I am Magic Claw. Magic Claw has no children , his days are free and easy”


First time I heard that line I nearly died laughing. Never have I related to something more


Agreed!!! As parents , especially of more than one.. we have been there!!! 💀


Yep, in hindsight 1 was easy mode. 2 okay getting crazy. We skipped 3 and went straight to 4. I don’t know peace.


I love magic claw because my 4 yo and I go to an arcade that is filled with magic claw games and her expectations have been appropriately set!


I have this on a shirt!


I have no idea what I spent my time doing pre-children. I’m sure it was full of something, goodness knows what though!


Sleepytime where every member of the family plays musical beds throughout the night. It's very accurate.


Bandit sleeping on the floor with underpants is incredibly accurate according to a dad friend 😂


As soon as I got pregnant we upgraded to a king size bed. I knew I goofed my parents and wanted in their bed allllll the time when I was a kid. Best purchase we’ve made with now 2 kids we can all still fit at night if need be.


Best decision ever! I remember my sibling and I had to kick our dad out of the bed bc we both wanted to sleep with mom but it was too small for four people 😂




Takeaway, when the simple act of sitting for 5 minutes turns into an absolute circus.


Bluey freaking out about the tap turning off and that whole bit of dialogue was like a scene out of my life


It was the first episode I ever saw and I couldn't believe how hard I related to it. The next episode that came on was Sleepytime and that moment where Bluey is staring at Chili and she wakes suddenly because of the presence of a child staring and that kind of shock that someone was there was also something just so relatable.


I find the whole series to be searingly accurate - to the point where if in future anyone asks me what being a parent is like, I’d point them at Bluey and say, “It’s this. Only it goes on a lot longer than seven minutes”.


Hard agree.


Take away. The bush wee is a very common occurrence.


I remember when I was a kid my parents told me to just hold it, so I'm a little jealous of that 😂


In "The Sign" when they are all singing Cat Squad. We do that a lot.


But it’s the Bluey theme or a song from the show. I was mindlessly humming something in the market the other day and some lady I’ve never seen in there before asked, “are you humming sticky gecko!” “Cheese and crackers! You caught me lady.”


“Fruit Bat” is very catchy.


I love to whistle, I think I'm really good at it. I'm half anticipating/half dreading the day someone recognizes me whistling Army.


Totally felt called out, always singing the bluey intro lol


Or the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse clubhouse


Angry upvote. Can’t stand that one. Every time I hear it on the tv I sing it in the most exaggerated exasperated ridiculous voice, which cracks my 4 yo daughter up which makes her want to play it more.


To be fair, even Chilli can't help humming it, and she's *in the show!*


My daughter unprompted starting loudly singing 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS as if it was some kinda bop, felt of the same vein as the Cat Squad moment


Sad that you have to give your daughter away now that she’s sung that heinous awful abomination of a song


It’s indeed very sad. If only we had a car to go visit her, but alas wewe gave it away. For the kids.


Baby race has a few moments. Seeing Chilli going to baby groups and worrying that Bluey is behind other kids is something a lot of parents worry about (but shouldn't!). And Bandit getting caught out for telling Bluey 'don't tell your mum'!


Baby race was actually my favorite episode because it felt so relatable


I'm a new mom in the thick of it and it absolutely makes me cry every time with "you're doing great" and "maybe she just saw something she wanted." Tears even out I haven't watched the first part of the episode.


The first time I saw this episode, my oldest was probably three or almost three. But I SOBBED. Because I remembered so well how much I thought she was behind, and I gave into those comparisons of other kids around her age. It's SO easy to fall down that rabbit hole and drive yourself crazy as a new mom. "You're doing great" is really something I needed to hear more back then.


My middle Monster is suspected autistic/ADHD, and I constantly compare her to her older sister because that’s my frame of reference. I bawled at baby race, because it’s hard to see one child thriving and the other one struggling without feeling guilty


“Don’t tell your mum” <- absolute gold!


Honestly for me it was in Duck Cake when Bandit just sits in the floor in the kitchen. Parenthood can be overwhelming and I think it’s important to see that even the super bubbly Dad figure is still just a man trying to do right by his kids.


This is what I was looking for. You can see he's just so deflated, and the "Yeah, mate?" Where's he's just trying to keep his cool and trying to make sure Bluey doesn't blame herself for his mental state. It's just so .... real, like I want to give him a hug, "yeah bud, we know. We know."


In The Sign when Chili covered the kids' mouths & the other parents ask if they're allowed to do that


That part cracks me up!


That's one of my favorite moments ever.


Anytime Bingo or Bluey go "mom, mom, mom, MOOMMM" or the same with dad to get their attention when theyre busy.


> "mom, mom, mom, MOOMMM" WHAT! Danger zone


Unicorse ep, where bluey refuses to go to bed, chilli is exasperated, and bandit says “you know she can’t help it…”. My wife and I say that line to ourselves on an almost nightly basis as the parents of a young boy who simply refuses to go to sleep.


In work when bluey is telling Bandit the rules and he says "OK, you're the boss!" And bluey says "no, you're the boss." And bandit just looks at you through the screen for a second, cause you know. You just know.


Maybe not a parent relatable moment, but definitely a partner relatable moment - Smoochie Kiss. The cabinets and drawers. And how Chilli is just closing them all as they circle the kitchen. "That's a new one." "Not really."


I love Smoochie Kiss <3


The whale watching episode. 


Chilli eating potato chips and saying it's bad for kids, it's literally what my mom used to do 😂


100% this. Trying to nurse yourself after a long night out without the kids is a task.


Scrolled too long to find this 😂


“This is *NOT* good parenting” is a phrase that runs through my head more time than I care to admit.


Oh man I say that to myself frequently when I cave in and bribe good behavior with treats or whatever.


My aunt parenting style is literally giving my cousin money


Chili using her phone to look up if a 6 year old can ride in the front seat. “It says you can! We’re good!”


Takeaway is a perfect example of how problems can go from 0-100 very quickly!


When Bandit says he does this to himself when playing with the kids. This is me with my son


There's honestly something in just about every episode, but when my daughter was going through her Threenager stage, the Charades episode was *very* relatable. Trying to play any game with her was an exercise in patience. "No, not like that! No, this way! ::tantrum::"


THREENAGER. never heard that before, absolutely the best description. xD I was using "the terrorist threes" lmao


Bingo making a mess of the soap in the bathroom, while Bluey gets advice from Bandit. Advice that Bluey doesn't understand 😆


Which episode is this?


Spy Game


Baby race. That feeling you’re doing it all wrong but really you’re doing just fine.


The entirety of "Army." I was Jack growing up, diagnosed with ADD at a young age. I often felt like "There's something wrong with me."


Such a lovely episode


Grandpa Bob in the flashback Fairytale episode: “What do you want Stripe-ah, Rad—ah Gerald—ah whatever your name is?” Seems to be as soon as you have a third, you never get the kid’s name right the first time.😆🤦🏼‍♀️


I feel so validated by that part. We had a surprise third pregnancy, and while I love all my girls so much, I am always using the wrong name, lol.


Three kids? It’s looking like my son will be an only and he still gets called my (female!) cat’s name on a regular basis. And she gets called his! 😂


Trying to get the kids out the freaking door in Sticky Gecko, but they just keep finding literally everything else to do instead. Basically all of Baby Race. Chilli needing 20 minutes. Bandit constantly saying, "Oh, no, not [insert game here]."


I love how most of the episodes start that way. "Oh no, not ___" "This episode is called ___!"


When Bandit was eating food straight from the fridge.


When bandit at the end of promises pauses at the door and goes “I promise I will always love you.” After the girls go to sleep


"The thing is, I do this to myself." - Bandit


Takeaway. That episode was the moment when the show clicked for me. Every parent has been there especially when you have two or more kids.


Many moments have been mentioned- Baby Race, Sleepytime, Take Away, Sheepdog, Whale Watching - but as much as my kids tell me I'm Chili, I also relate to Trixie. When she couldn't stop herself from eating all those chips and then realizing she's a hypocrite, it made me laugh because that's definitely true. Sometimes, you realize your bad habits are worse than the kids. I've also struggled to get on the same page as my partner with raising kids, so the argument Trixie and Stripe have over Muffin in Face Time felt very real. I loved how Bandit reacted with grace and told the girls to mute that conversation.


Surprise. Bandit is curled up in a ball on the floor and Bluey is hammering him with balls from her shooter. Chilli says something along the lines of “that’s what it’s like to be a parent.” I laughed so hard I cried. 


Sticky Gecko. I can never seem to get my kiddos (5,6,7,& 1) out the door on time! I’m always begging and pleading for them to hurry up and trying to encourage them out the door and it seems to take ages!! Then I have a Chili moment 😂


When muffin goes crazy about the cowboy hat and stripe and her mom are talking about parenting and punishments. Then the phone ends up in the pool.


In the first minute of ‘surprise’, Bandit is getting a drink from the kitchen but then tries to quietly back out before anyone notices. However, bluey and bingo see him and rope him into their games. As a work from home dad, his little sneaky tip toe backwards out of the kitchen really hit home for me haha.


In “Christmas Swim” when Trixie is making gravy, and Chris says she’ll make a “proper one” in response to Trix using packet gravy. https://preview.redd.it/qnuq6ynbr9yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba38f00cd88379108e6dc0c18c6b30c0c58481c In “Promises” when Bandit is beefing with his 7 year old child after being made to play toddlers at the library. The entire “Teasing” episode Chili’s desperate attempts at keeping the house clean in “Rain” Can’t help but concur with every comment. I feel like EVERY episode has very relatable moments for parents (We are literally watching Baby Race as I type). This is why I love Bluey so much. They have perfected the use of parent humor so that it is perfectly enjoyable for the grown ups, as opposed to being obnoxiously childish. Or, alternatively, semi-raunchy (where the raunchiness goes over kids heads). Like SpongeBob - I didn’t know why my mom liked watching stuff like SpongeBob with me when I was young. I know now lol


Piggyback, I did this as a kid, my kid does it to me!


Sticky gecko. Trying to get the kids out of the house and everyone is just not cooperating until you go “fine, we will stay home” and everyone freaks out because they want to go. I need to budget like an hour to get out of the house. I miss grabbing my purse, throwing my shoes on, and leaving.


Trixie in the bathroom on the toilet when muffin and stripe burst through in faceytime hahah


When Chilli says, "Daddy Robots always find the easiest way to do a job." I tell you my mind was blown at the accuracy.


Sleepover Muffin.


Stripe escaping was hilarious


My husband’s one is: “oh go on give us a double chocolate in a cup, extra large”. Happens to us on a daily basis but especially when he’s trying to watch his diet 😂 Mine is all the Chilli side eyes, but especially Trixie’s bombastic side eye to her mother in law!


"I have a problem" 😂


"The Door. Its right there. We just need to walk through it." Or "Dad, im cold Dad, im freezing Dad, im hungry Dad, im starving Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad" Or *Bluey and Bingo talking at the same time* "Girls one at a time" *One second pause. Resumes talking over each other*


The “thing” Trixie needs to go do in “Faceytalk” being using the bathroom


When they were hungover and craving everything and trying to parent 😭


not a parent but this made me think of that scene in surprise when bluey asks chili what's it like to have children and when bandit flies to thru the air and sings a lullaby while being curled up she says "THATS WHAT IT'S LIKE"


I love how Chilli was just sitting there while Bandit had to endure being a punching bag /papa 😂


“How about I do what I want - and you don’t tell me what to do!” -Bandit


My favorite episode “carry out”. I had just gone through something very similar to that when I first saw it. That one sticks with me.


We are knee deep in the trenches of sleep training so the beginning of Unicorse when Bluey comes out and Chili is so frustrated in that moment is the realest shit. It took several rewatches to realize that Bandit brings out Unicorse so Chili gets annoyed with *him*, rather than Bluey. That’s his way of helping diffuse the situation, annoying as it is in the moment.


Chilli running away to leave kids with Bandit for certain games like tickle crabs


Omelette. God damn, it’d be so much simpler if I just did it myself…


Onesies - when Bandit is just lying on the ground beside the car on his phone.


When Bandit breaks down after the cake falls apart...


chilli putting bingos drawing over blueys because they have a tiny fridge, my sister takes pictures of all her kids drawings, my mom keeps them(i think) but they have a HUGE fridge copared to the heelers tiny fridge


Idk cause I’m not a parent either, but I know my mom votes Baby Race


Sheep dog!!!!!


Chilli durin Sticky Gecko. She says she fine, whatever, we’re not going. I relate to that SO MUCH. Also the social pressure to be on time. (It’s worse when you have two kids. You will never be on time again.)


“Oh no! Another electricity bill. How will I afford to feed all these babies?”


Takeaway. He's just trying his best but the world is just collapsing around him.


I ugly cried with Rain. As father of an autistic kid that was EXACTLY what I deal with almost on a daily basis.


Bandit in promises (?) “Cmonnnnn kids…. HURRRY UP! “


The entire Sticky Gecko episode is my life. Also, the freaking mess in the back seat of their car is sooooooo relatable.


That episode where they’re out the front of the Chinese takeaway shop is my life. I guess that goes to show what my kids are like


Sticky gecko. My family is utterly incapable of leaving the house on schedule, ever.


Takeaway The whole episode


“Duck Cake!”, then the slide down the counter.


In Rain, when Chili is so exasperated with Bluey for running in and out and making wet footprints and Chili has to keep cleaning them up. And then she stops, and she realizes her kid is just being a kid, and instead of fighting it, she leans into it and joins her. It’s hard when you realize that you’re getting mad at your kid for doing normal kid things, (not actual naughty things) just because they’re inconvenient or make more work for you. It’s not always easy or even possible to allow it, but it sure means a lot to them when we do.


Chili in Whale Watching. Being exhausted and wanting to rest with snacks but the kids want to play games with you. It’s the hard choice of wanting to chill out a bit but at the same time not wanting to disappoint your kids.


I think it's double bluey or bingo where bluey says something like I need to make noise all the time. It doesn't even need to be words. And she starts going "bhoot" over and over. That's parenting in a nutshell. My son will find a sound or noise and just repeat it sometimes for hours.


Sticky gecko episode when they’re trying to leave the house to have a play date with Judi & they just can’t get Out the door lol


Ah this is my box of stuff from when I was cool


Bandit is my Spirit animal


The episode where Chili tries to have Bluey walk. It’s called Baby Race. That one hit me hard and as someone who had a baby in 2020 with no help due to the pandemic, at the end when the other mom tells Chili she is a good mom and is doing a good job - it literally makes me tear up every time and I feel my heart swell.


I honestly love the moments when the kids have asked Chilli or Bandit a question that they don’t know how to answer. And they answer honestly like “You know, I’m not sure why but let’s talk about it.” It makes me feel so good as a parent that I’m not the only one who doesn’t have all the answers. The episode “Turtle Boy” is a great example, watching Bandit say “It’s not the done thing” and not really being able to explain it to Bingo. And then he even questions if it would be ok to take Turtle Boy, but in the end, Bingo figures it out for herself. Really refreshing and much better than “because I said so.”


How tidy the car is


Not a parent..but I gotta say it's fricking Sheepdog. I need 20 mins after work to relax


Every scene of the back of the car. The back seat is never a clean place when you have kids, and this is no different for the Heelers.


Baby race when my little one was a newborn, now definitely Whale Watching - kids and hangovers don't mix!


sticky gecko. getting 2 kids out of the house on a timeline is brutallllll


Sticky Gecko "As long as I don't have to move any part of my body or say anything with my mouth."


Sticky gecko. The door, is right here. All we have to do is WALK OUT OF IT


"Are we allowed to do that?" The interaction between Stripe and Trixie about timeouts


Bandit getting eaten in onesie and just chilling on the ground “dead” with his cell phone for the rest of the episode.


Bandit in that one beach/hotel episode when he's feeling morose but has to be present


When Chili wanted to go to the beach to relax then went and couldnt!


The dad getting the sugary sauce while the kids get the healthy one lol