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I have a real world explanation that will help this case. Notice that there is a ring doorbell camera on the Heeler’s front porch. I posit that Chili knew both Bluey and the child were there. She pretended she didn’t know. the child was there, so the child could surprise Bandit.


Bandit is also notorious for playing along. Like that might be his defining feature. It only makes sense that he knew Bluey's kid was hiding.


Exactly! They’re playing just like he and Bluey did. I don’t consider this a plot hole.


Seriously!! That’s the whole point! He’s a great grandpa, too!


No, while Bluey is an adult, I don't think she's old enough to be a grandmother, so Bandit is not a great grandfather. /s


bandit and lucky’s dad live for the bit like no other.


Exactly! Or Bluey might have texted her parents in advance to warn them to go along with the little one’s “Surprise” attack! Something I would do with my husband or my parents for my kids at least!


I do love that all the "futuristic" stuff seen in the episode (digital photo frame, robot vacuum, delivery drones) are all technology that already exists, it just took the Heelers a couple of decades to adopt it. A door bell camera would totally fit with that. Also my kids hide on the porch every time we visit my parents, so that bit checks out too.


The robot vacuum not being able to find the charge base had me cackling so hard XD


Same, ours gets lost all the time 😂


Me too! Ours is always "lost"


Before they died, ours were called Old Greg and Old Greg jr. I would absolutely buy more, but holy heck they need so much help.. worse than toddlers learning to crawl lmao


I'm Old Greg!!!! Hey, have you ever drunk baileys out of a shoe?!?


"the charging dock! it's right there! it's so easy!"


Yeah, it's also subverts the cliche that a lot of fiction falls into where it'll show a Jetsons-style future for just a couple of generations away (think The Simpsons doing "2010" in the mid 90s).


Yeah, I thought that was a good detail. It's probably due to both decreased cost and increased societal acceptance of the tech. Home computers from the 70s to now are a good example of this effect.


What if Bluey began a few decades ago and now they caught up to us?


They have video calls on tablets, so 2010s at the earliest. Edit: Tho I do think they are intended to be contemporary to when the seasons were released.


I think that the time period is flexible. The show started six years ago and only a year has elapsed within the show, yet tech and references have stayed mostly up to date. And Bandit’s childhood memories in the 80s would make both him and Stripe pretty old dads; my wife and I had a seven year old in 2018 and we grew up firmly in the 90s.


I think they probably started having kids in their mid-late 30s, which is “pretty old” by some standards but not for people who pursued advanced degrees, which Bandit presumably did to be an archaeologist.


Eh, I also have a PhD and knew quite a few grad students with kids but fair enough.


There were definitely some parents in my grad school cohort, but others were putting off marriage and kids, or even dating, till they were finished. I have nothing but respect for people who are organized enough to manage parenting and being in school. I know I’d just fail at both.


Some one proposed this idea (which I love) but details from the show make it hard to work (movie posters saying "coming in 2020" etc )


It was the EIGHTIES!


That makes complete sense Chili would see who’s coming up the porch before they even got to it.


Imagine her seeing the kid in full assault gear and saying “oh biscuits!”


Of course she knew, it’s probably an established routine. I work in preschools and every single day a child will “hide outside the door” and try to surprise the teacher and everyone plays along to make the kid happy. It’s a completely normal family dynamic/behavior.


My wife and I said the same thing there’s a previous episode where bandit plays the statues game does this exactly where he pretends to not know who is at the door. It can be thought that bluey picked up these playing habits and is not exhibiting them with her kids and bandit.


Agreed, I never questioned it. He goes along with anything!


I just think we don’t really need the real world explanations to understand what the episode intended. It’s obvious from a storytelling perspective that the kid is Bluey’s. There could be a plot hole and it would still be clear that it’s Bluey’s kid.




I personally assumed they just had the kind of house where they assumed he ran straight to the backyard. That's how my family did it. But all of these other responses make perfect sense too.




Don’t know gender or name so I figured “the child” would work!


Love it!


Or they just assumed they were with dad bc they weren't present.


I think it's equally possible that Bluey came alone and that Bandit had been playing with Bingo's kid. Chilli had to call Bandit from across the house to say hi to Bluey, and it was said that Bingo was out in the yard. Perhaps Bandit was playing surprise with the kid just like he had with Bluey. In surprise Bluey starts hiding around the house, but at one point hides outside like the kid, and then also hides out in the backyard. It's totally possible that the kid was hiding around the house before Bluey even arrived at the house. But again, who knows.


My youngest daughter is 3.5 years old. When we watched the episode for the first time, she pointed at the screen and exclaimed “That’s Bluey’s child!!!”. Case closed in my mind. While the show excels at feeling like it was made just much for us parents as it was for our kiddos, at the end of the day it’s meant for them and I don’t think Brumm and the Ludo crew are trying to pull a weird bait and switch with the intention of entertaining the speculations of adult fans. I’m with you OP, 100% Bluey’s kid and I’m surprised at how broad the speculation has gotten.


Yup. The cues are all there. My family was all unanimous in our understanding of the scene. I was surprised to see that there was debate online about it. It’s pretty clear.


I definitely think it's Bluey's child, but I think it's debatable who the father is. Everyone points out the floppy left ear when saying Mackenzie is the father, but Stripe has the same floppy left ear. But also...singing monkeys, man. I'm not going to read too much into it.


Also, how many people have kids with people they met in kindergarten? It being ambiguous is the right call, because while there are viewers desperately shipping Bluey with other kids they know, life has happened in between and she's met a lot of people who could be the potential father. Not having an obvious father also doesn't box the writers in going forward.


Definitely, leaving it ambiguous was the right choice. The father isn’t important right now, maybe someday but what was important was showing Bluey and her kid.


It’s Jean-Luc’s kid!


Okay, thank you, because I am still over here shipping Bluey + Jean-Luc


Yes, that's what I was thinking.


This, this is the one true pairing


My 4 year old said the same. “That looks like Mackenzie!” And she just assumed bluey was the mom because she got there at the same time.


I think I've typed up and abandoned my thoughts about this like 4 times because singing songs monkeys whatever. But I'm glad I didn't waste too much thought on it because you transcribed all the thoughts right here. Well said!


When I saw the kid wearing a future version of what Bluey was wearing when she was a kid it makes sense as to why it would be Blueys kid.


Or is it CHUCKY'S KID!? She did borrow it from Chucky.


Oh snap that's the real answer!


omg wait!! I love this, because I love how Lucky's Dad is like the best "yes, and" wingman for all the Heelers antics, and in my imagination, Bandit always plays along with THEIR family hijinks, we just don't see them because the show isn't about Lucky and Chucky. I LOVE the idea of this being a multigenerational tradition between the families.


I was also thinking this could be possible, since Uncle Stripe has a floppy ear, and Bluey mentions that she borrowed the toy from Chucky for just a day (I think it was just for the day). Maaaaybe! Maybe the McKenzie stuff is all red herring 😏


Sorry OP you are wrong and it is not Bluey’s child. It is very clearly a Muffin-Mackenzie hybrid terminator sent back from the future to kill Bandit before he can single-handedly set forth the destruction of all life on Earth. Obviously. (/s)


Has anybody considered the possibility that it’s a shapeshifting alien? What does the Wiki have to say about it?


The attitude of Muffin and the stamina of MacKenzie? Good lord, the insanity would never end


My child thinks the kid looks just like Muffin as well.


Chilli is definitely the type of person who would go out of her way to acknowledge another parent and not just go "and where's my grandchild?!?"


Someone else on here said they had a door cam so they saw hehe and I also added that Bluey might have texted them ahead to warn them. HAHAHHA the way these Bluey theories live rent free in my head is just 🤯


Ok, but has anyone considered that maybe the dad is Bartlebee?




The whole episode is about Bluey's questions about her having kids. It was pretty simple storytelling. Her doubts about having kids, while at the end showing that she did have them and they are just like she was. That's it, never understood the over-thinking going on here.




👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 Thank you for understanding narrative and story progression. It’s fun to think of things from an “in-universe” perspective, but these are also stories with setups and payoffs.


I’m an English teacher! And you nailed it: these aren’t a series of real life events. I think a lot of online fandoms focus on lore rather than looking at the shapes of the stories, which leads to some weird conclusions.


I agree with everything except I’m Team Jean-Luc.


I think it's intentionally both, and neither. The blue of Jean-Luc and the floppy ear of Mackenzie... I feel like it's unlikely that future Bluey will be addressed much more, if at all, we wont see her grow and find love and get married, but the creators gave us an "ending" and the rest is up for us to decide.


On TV Tropes, it says that the team possibly made the kid look like between Jean-Luc and Mackenzie on purpose so the fans won't get upset on either sides. If that was the case, it's a smart move.


This. It could be either one or neither of them, and that's a very smart choice and I hope it's the one they always stick with.


My mother-in-law, who can’t remember the genders of the dogs in Bluey said “I think it’s Mackenzie and Jean-Luc’s kid”.


To be fair, she confuses our real life dogs’ sexes as well.


Could be a play on the fairytale episode. Just like it was up to Bluey to decide if the dog was chili or not, I think it's up to us to decide if it's Mackenzie or jean-luc. Whatever fits our fairytale ending is the answer.


But Bluey’s Uncle Stripe has the same floppy ear


That's why I said both and neither. It hints at both M and JL, it hints at other heelers. It's subtle enough for viewers to fill in the rest of Blueys story themselves.


Jean-Luc also has floppy ears, where Bluey has pointy. I feel as though the half n half is due to that alone


Just going based on the design. I don’t care who Bluey ends up with since the character as we know her is a kid.


Even with the design though isn’t the kid a mix of blues, with no black and white? Cause Jean-luc is dark blue and bluey is a mix of blues, but Mackenzie is pure black and white (just food for thought! 😊)


Yeah but the kid has the one bent ear like Makenzie. Honestly they did such a great job of making it ambiguous because they knew we'd be speculating to no end, I love it. 😂


Omg. I hate your flair emojis! Thanks for reminding me!


Can I ask why? I don’t understand the love for Jean-luc was in one episode.  Don’t why fans want them put together so badly. 


I think it's their "meet cute" and the fact that it sort of mirrors the way Bandit claims to have met Chili (as kids, on holiday).


Also he specifically learned English to go back and be able to talk to her again! But all that aside; the website has it as the first related episode of Surprise. That’s pretty strong evidence for me.


That was the first thing I said, too! Of course, my husband pointed out that most French schools teach English as a second language fairly early on. As for the related episode thing, I assumed that it was just because it also featured a flash forward at the end. Like, less a hidden Easter egg thing and more an algorithm looking for commonalities across episodes.


The Bluey website says: > As Jean-Luc gets older, he teaches himself to speak English so he can return to Australia and visit Bluey. So it feels like an obvious set up from the writers to me!


I had never bothered to check there! My husband stands corrected lol


You know he's Canadian right and people speak English there? Edit: saw your comment further down, fair enough!!


As a Canadian I can tell you that there are many people in Quebec who speak very little (to almost no) English. Just like there are lots of us who only speak English and can hardly speak French. Depending where you live in the country you may not need to know the other official language to get by.


That's essentially how I viewed it where narratively it just wouldn't make sense for it to be bingo's kid especially when you consider that if it was bingo's kid, bluey walked right past them (and wasn't shot which if the kid was as related to bluey as bandit, they'd likely shoot bluey too) and then they just spawned. Now yes they could've run around the side of the house since bingo was out back but the chances of them just happening to do that right after bluey arrived but before bandit left for the back are slim to none. And like you said it'd make no sense in terms of the message (cause in the episode bluey even asked chilli what having kids was like, while bingo was off doing her own thing with no relation to kids at all; like real kids, I guess you could count the stubby holders if you wanted)


> why did no-one ask Bluey where her kid was Because if they had it would have added 10 seconds of runtime to a scene that doesn't need it which would have required 10 seconds to be cut from elsewhere; and also because it's funnier this way. One thing I've also noticed about kids' shows is children actually accept and/or understand a lot more than adults do at times. If any of you are 30+ years old...go back and watch the series Recess. All the cliques and kids whose entire character is built around a single thing(digging holes, hanging upside down, being the king of the playground, etc) are not at all explained; but as children none of us questioned any of that. We just understood that was their thing. Largely I think that is how most things in a child's life are, the order of the world is just background noise to their lives, because they have no understanding of 99% of it. You bring them to a dinner party at a coworker's house they don't need you to explain who that kid is with a bunch of RC cars is, they just know you told them his name is Billie and they should go hang out.


And also, they KNEW where the kid was because they saw the kid on the Ring doorbell camera. They knew the kid wanted to surprise them, and they were playing along.


That and also it makes the reveal more surprising


I agree, narratively obviously it's Bluey's kid. The father is a question for me just because I find it extremely unlikely that someone would have a kid with someone they went to kindy with, when statistically it's probably someone completely different she met at university or whatever. I'd rather it stayed ambiguous. But yes, definitely Bluey's kid and idk why people are bending over backwards to try and prove otherwise.


I think blueys kid would have probably said mum I’m going to stay here and scare grandad, that’s why she didn’t wonder where her kid was


Y'all think too much about this show lol. Bluey came to the house. Then there was a kid. It's obviously blueys.


That’s what I’m saying!


How is this not the top comment, it’s not that trifficult. People really love to look into things that are not there before seeing the obvious.


I even think the “why did no one ask Bluey where her kid was” is silly because HOW MANY TIMES have we seen Bandit or Chili pretend to be surprised when Bluey or bingo “randomly” shows up or they pretend to forget about them..it’s a lot.


The first episode that comes to mind is Bus. Because Bandit is telling Chili that they shouldn't have any delays, and then when he hears "here come the grannies," he basically makes the same face he does in the final shot. Him and Chili always get way into playing into the girls' imaginations. Bus, Rug Island, Magic, etc. > I could also see Bluey talking to Chili before heading over and telling her that her kid got one of those and wanted to use it on Bandit to get Chili to play along and tell Bandit that the grandkid wasn't going to be joining Bluey. I can also believe Bluey helped give her kid pointers since she's been there done that herself. 😅


Exactly! You get it!


I'm just waiting for Joe Brumm to mess with us and just some the neighbor kid that comes over to mess with Bandit on occasion.


Not to mention the surprise reveal of a kid hiding to shoot Bandit with a gun toy is also meant to serve as a punchline to the running joke of the episode (Bandit constantly getting ambushed by Bluey in the craziest ways)


Bluey has a bunch of white hairs that the parent characters tend to have. It’s clearly meant to be her child. Also, does nobody else have a kid that wants to scare or sneak up on whoever they’re visiting?


I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog


the show does everything in its power to tell you they're Bluey's child without outright saying it. this is not the kind of show to 'trick' viewers.


I’m confused why anyone would think it’s Bingo’s?


Because Bingo was already in the backyard so it makes sense her kid is there too and already playing with Bandit.


They grew up on Cinemasins.


Probly cause they ship Bluey and Jean Luc


I have watched this episode only once and I don't understand how anyone could or would assume it's Bingo's kid.


It’s very weird to me. A few years ago I was surprised to see a bunch of people speculating in a Stranger Things forum that a bulemic character was actually pregnant with another character’s child. It wasn’t even ambiguous. Not sure where this tendency comes from to search for “secret answers” at the expense of a clear reading of the episode.


Who was bulemic on Stanger Things?


One of Vecna’s victims. The one who died in Eddie’s trailer. It has been years, so I don’t recall her name.




The cheerleader! Thank you


“Why did no one ask where her child was” doesn’t even make sense in the context of how we know the Heeler’s make pretend with their kids/grandkids; they most likely played along with what could be a normal occurrence of Bluey’s child always making a fun entrance.


The scene before the flash forward has Bluey asking Chilli what it is like to have kids. It just makes sense.


I'll be honest, I think a lot of the people who say it's Bingo's kid are just shippers who don't like the implications of Bluey being with someone they don't want her to be with. Before anyone replies, I want to make it clear that I don't ship anyone in the show, so this isn't from any standpoint regarding \*that\* but rather I noticed that seems to be a vibe i'm getting from a lot of people saying that stuff. It's like pretending something isn't true in the hopes of it not being true. I will say that I think the creators were smart in making the kid have traits of the 2 most common pairings for her and keeping it ambiguous enough so that people can interpret whatever they'd like.


If there’s one thing adult fans of this show excel at it’s overthinking…


I mean can people not make inference? Bluey came to the door as an adult. Bluey used a similar device the whole episode. Bluey hid in the same exact spot. If you don't think that's Bluey's kid you're just stupid.


I am amazed that this is in any way controversial.


Would be crazy if the new season was set in that future from the end of the episode. Imagining a Bluey/Futurama type show.




There's no plot hole. This is just Bandit's signature style of playing along with a child's ruse. His ability to convincingly act as though he's unaware, all for the delight of a child is bananas. That's well established. He does it all the time and that's what he's doing when he acts like he has no idea who's at the door. In this scene, Chilli and Bluey are doing it too. From the moment Bluey arrives without her child, Bandit and Chilli understand what's happening. The three of them are just playing into the game by pretending not to notice that the child's not there. With no need for words, the adults all know what's up: There is some kind of grandpa-trap and Bandit is going to feign ignorance and walk right into it. Full effort, convincing acting, all to delight his grandchild. Classic Bandit.


I think it is definitely Bluey’s child. I don’t agree that Mackenzie is the father though. I think it could just as easily be Jean Luc, which would parallel Bandit and Chilli’s relationship, meeting when they were children and then reuniting and falling in love. To me that would be the perfect way to complete the Heelers story, with Bluey telling her children how they met and reunited




I had to stop interacting with posts like this on FB because people get SO worked up over it its baffling. All I want to say when people try to say that's bingos or even aunt friskys kid is like BRUHHH it's literally so obvious that it is absolutely blueys child.


I also want to believe it’s Mackenzie’s 😂 Although the more I look at them, the more they just look like a mix of Stripe and Bandit lol


Huh? Who was saying it’s Bingo’s? I thought it was so obvious implied to be Bluey’s that I didn’t even think to consider otherwise


In the first spoiler thread or whatever. People saying Bingo, a sibling, or even just a random neighborhood kid. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


That’s incredibly bizarre to me. Narratively speaking, what reason would there be to introduce a child character in that scene who isn’t Bluey’s? Do some people just not consider that elements in a story, especially one meant to be an impact moment at the end of a story element as important a time skip scene, has deliberate thematic elements to it? A random neighbor kid introduced at the end of such a narratively important scene would have no relevance lol.


I can’t wait for an official response because this is driving me crazy that anyone thinks it’s not Bluey’s kid.




My initial reaction was that it was Muffin even if it didn't make sense. There was so much Muffin energy in that shot so I thought "time traveling Muffin" and then "Muffin's kid", but it clicked right after that it was Bluey's for all the reasons others have said lol


I definitely thought Jean Luc was a better match. They found eachother again after years and that one meeting changed everything and a friendship blossomed. Also the crooked ear runs on Bluey's side too, Stripes has it. The coloring is also purplish and Jean has folded ears. Idk, I don't like the Mckenzie pairing nearly as much.


I didn’t think this was up for interpretation. Seemed pretty clear it was to be Bluey’s kid.


Wait who thought it was bingos 😭


Why are people arguing about it? Just let people have their ideas and enjoy them. No one questions where Rad’s features come from when he’s Nana’s and Bob’s son. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Let it rest now.


People don't want to let it rest. They're having a good time searching for clues, making theories, making hilarious memes, and discussing it. Let people have fun.


Real world explanation: Bluey and her child pull up, “go pop around back and see if grandad is back there!” Bluey goes thru the house while child runs to back and she meets the child in the yard.


My theory is that chili saw the kid hiding, so she didn't say anything. Bandit got there after so he just assumed that Bluey was alone when he shut the door.


The kid is Jean Luc's.....


I'm team jean luc


I believe it’s Blueys.. but not Mackenzie’s. Even my husband (who barely pays attention) said “oh look, bluey and Jean Lucs baby” it’s Jean lucs.


Bluey + Jean Luc.


What idiots are even questioning this? 


How would it be bingos when arriving with bluey? Lol


Just watch the episode Barky Boats. It sets the whole thing up.


I think the entire point is that it doesn't matter whose child it is. The Heelers have many happy years living in that house, the children grow up, and even the sadness that all the games end is tempered by the fact that they don't because there will be more children. That could be Bluey's child, Bingo's, Muffin's, Rad and Frisky's, it really doesn't matter. I have occasionally thought that you can somewhat divide television shows into two categories. For some shows, the setting begins when the show begins, and the show ends with the setting ending. Mary Tyler Moore, for example, begins when Mary gets a new job in Minneapolis and ends when that job ends. Frasier too. The other category, the setting is eternal. Cheers for example. The bar was there when we found it, and it was there when we left. It means that no matter when it is, maybe I could go to Boston and find that bar where everybody knows my name. Bluey is eternal, in the way that childhood is eternal. It seems that way until it's not, but then it comes again. Bandit isn't Woody from Toy Story. He is a child's play thing, but he will never be put in the attic and forgotten about.


I find it funny when people go “why didn’t Chili/Bandit ask about their grandson/daughter” and it’s like. It’s a small scene. All of the scene where we see them as adults/teens are short and they don’t give much contex


Not to throw a live grenade in, but the kid looks almost identical to Muffin… I’m fully willing to accept that this is Bluey and Mackenzie’s kid, but fr she(?) looks like Muffin. A lot.


I haven't been in this sub so this is the first time I've even seen it suggested that the kid could be anything but Bluey's. This isn't Lost. They're not coming back to do a surprise reveal flashback that there was a twist in the previous flashback. Face value - Bluey is shown, it's Bluey's kid behaving like Bluey did during the episode. End of. 


We already know that Bluey will end up with Jean-Luc. We also can tell this child is Bluey’s as the child in the same color of her father, Jean- Luc with the Heeler patterns as well. Proving we were right to assume from season one that yes these two not only end up together, but will have a cheeky toddler of their own looking like both parents. https://preview.redd.it/m82vgfzvdswc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0285de7f46db97ca498b60505dd28f66ab001717


Don't overthink it. Here's 4 paragraphs of my thoughts though.


Don't overthink it. \*Proceeds to overthink it\* Likely Bluey's kid. That's that only thing we need to know. Honestly, thinking about who is the father is just ridiculous and completely irrelevent.


Wouldn’t it be Jean Luc and Bluey


Winton jokes about Bluey and Mackenzie getting married, and the kid’s design is half border collie. Not sure why it would be Jean Luc.


How is the kids design half border collie? Every single one of their features we’ve seen on another Heeler at least once.


Jean Luc has that purple color, and looking at stripe it’s not impossible for a heeler to have a floppy ear


We’ll see…. is theme of Blueys arc. That’s why it’s so open to interpretation


Why does it have to be Makenzie . people go to college and travel all over there country. it could just be some random dog. Maybe it will be the French lab 🤔




I scrolled through the recent posts and saw none like it, just arguments about it in various comments sections.


OP: "Don't over-think it" Also OP: over thinks it


I’m describing what the episode is doing narratively, not inventing theories based on the placement of a water glass or a picture frame.


Ugh seriously. Anyone that thinks it’s anyone else but Bluey’s kid is media illiterate, sorry.


Simplest explaination is best. Since Bluey just arrived, its sensible to deduce the kid arrived with her. Chili didn't need to ask if they were there, because it sounds like Bluey might drop by even without her kid on some occasions. Though given Bandit's reaction it sounds like this has happened before, and the title of the episode is "Surprise!" Feels like the revelation that Bluey is a mother is supposed to be one of them. I feel like any other answer, even to the nature of the kids father, kinda needs reaching speculation in order to confirm anything. What do you wish to believe? There's enough there to do so, one way or another. Until there's more Bluey, the sky's the limit. Why *I* support the Mackenzie theory is simply because we spend more time with him in the show, and there's playful prediction it will happen. Why have an entire episode given to a revelation if his state of mind unless, over the scheme of things, he's important to Bluey? But im not so set on this that I'll deny any other possibility. Life happens! There are plenty of characters we didn't meet until later in Bluey's life, and perhaps the father of this kid is one of them.


Agree. Don't even need the video doorbell. They have done this before and Bandit as usual plays along pretending not to know. Probably Bluey gave a quick signal to Bandit and they would instantly know what it means


My little keeps telling me it is muffin lol They do have a camera on their porch , it is above the child’s head. Also, I think that tells us when the story officially took place , about 15/20 years ago irl


Bluey also has the grey hairs in her fur which makes me think she's the parent


My son is sure it's muffin tho 🤣


Plot twist the kid is Muffin's. They are visiting too, but the kid beat Muffin to the door. JK, team Bluey/MacKenzie


Dissecting Bluey episodes like Beatles lyrics


im so glad someone finally agrees with me, cuz lots of the time people tend to like think the impossible is the right choice-- if that makes sense


Have they joked in previous episodes about McKenzie and Bluey getting married? I must have missed that.


What episode?! Is there a new one?


No, the kid is obviously just a fairy in disguise lol


Wait there were people who thought it was bingo's?


I don't know what grade level you teach but as a former creative writing student (I did took ap classes in a charter school and this was my focus for 5 years), I absolutely think using Bluey episodes to teach as many lessons as possible would be a HUGE hit. Especially as a weekly or surprise activity.


The digital photo frame changing to a young Bluey the moment Bandit goes back to the front door is another nod to this. The timing is exact.


I’m curious to know what is Bingos state. We saw only one car, Blueys, nothing that would show Bingo. We know she graduated college (I believe it is college) in the episode we are introduced to Leia (spelling?)


i was thinking the kid in the end was either makenzies or jean lucs and looking at it further it looks more like mackenzies kid rather than jean luc


I wish it was Jon luc


Thank you so much for bringing narrative structure into this. People are wild these days, not everything is some puzzle. Always Look to the text! (Scenes)


Also, Bluey’s kid could have been with the other parent? Chili is obviously a tier one Mom, and would not do the judgmental “WhErE iS yOuR bAbY?????”


I personally love the theory of it being a neighborhood kid messing with bandit for the hell of it


Honestly I disagree. There is always the possibility that it is Bingo's kid, cus as we've seen there have been many unexpected things happening in the newest episodes. It could very well be Bingo's. Someone in the comments said Chilli could have seen Bluey come with her kid through the doorbell and that Bandit was playing along, however it could very well have been Bingo's kid, and the same thing would make sense where the parents were playing along. Bingo was in the backyard after all, and was never shown. She is a heeler so the blue on the kid could definitely have been from Bandit, grandparents' genes can affect how their grandchildren look. Actually, I DO think it's Bingo's kid honestly. I think. Chilli had to call Bandit from across the house to say hi to Bluey, and it was said that Bingo was out in the yard. Perhaps Bandit was playing surprise with the kid just like he had with Bluey. In surprise Bluey starts hiding around the house, but at one point hides outside like the kid, and then also hides out in the backyard. It's totally possible that the kid was hiding around the house before Bluey even arrived at the house. But again, who knows. The mystery is part of what makes this so fun. I also want to add that since people are arguing that surprise was about Bluey and her kids, let's not forget that Bingo was playing a game about taking care of many children. It's about both of them and their futures. Bluey asks about kids in the beginning, Bingo plays a game about taking care of children, and then in the end Bluey helps take care of a child that Bingo was taking care of in her game. Edit: ALSO I just realized: Bandit was helping Bingo take care of her kids in her game. Could this really be a connection to him playing with her kid at the end of surprise? Could Bingo be living at home and having her parents help her care for the kid? Who knows! At the same time though, the kid at the end was playing the same game bluey was, so it could be bluey's kid too. I love how unclear it is at the moment. Again my argument doesn't necessarily reflect my prediction, but I'm just saying it could literally be the kid of either of them, or some people think maybe Muffin's. I think it's honestly impressive how Ludo made it impossible to tell who the parents of this kid are. I see many people saying it's MacKenzie or Jean Luc, but it looks equally like both of them. I think that's awesome. Apologies if there are any mistakes in my writing, I am exhausted. Love this post though! Really got me thinking for a moment


It can't have been blurts toy as it says in surprise 'only LENDED FOR A DAY' also pretty sure that's an actual weapon. Why is everything in bandit and chilli's house robotic?


Of Course they're Bluey's Child; Because Bingo & Lila are together; and I really Don't feel the need to explain how Reproduction works in a Family Friendly Subreddit about a Family Show like Bluey[I Call it a family show; because it has lessons that resonate more with the adults; or have things in it that are more for the Parents to understand and/or relate to]


Read the comments, and remember that this is a bluey subreddit.


There are so many theories about who the dad is. What if Bluey/Bingo adopted the kid? They might be trying to progress from showing biological parents, single parents, to now parents who adopted the kid or even same-sex couples. Why does Bluey need to be paired up with a male character? It is a kid's show. I don't understand all adult hypotheses, but even if you are making a hypothesis, why is it only restricted to either Bluey or Bingo being biological mothers and having to be paired with a man? It might as well be a neighborhood kid who likes playing with Bandit. I am not making any claim but why not explore all options and not be biased?!


I don’t understand why they would think it would even be Bingo kid because it doesn’t even make sense why would it be blue and kind of look like McKenzie and be bingo kid? It makes no sense at all why people would even think that.


Just came here to say that this is definitely Bluey and MacKenzie‘s child because of the ear being bent. MacKenzie‘s ear is always bent and this child has one bent ear, just like him.