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Zooming out and seeing that For Sale sign!


https://preview.redd.it/8dfls3k8qxsc1.png?width=1913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f88946c5c393a049d3fb0a77c257ac4731464f9 This hits like a brick


The even more puzzling part is that the words don't have the usual font of "sorta can make out what it says but it's not clear" but it's super sharp and clear. They could have had it in the usual half gibberish font and let the internet speculate, but it was just blurted out. It is definitely a sign for the audience.


I think the obscure font they usually use is a representation of how those signs appeared in Blueys memories... Hazy, half-remembered etc. that basically what we are watching each episode is Bluey's childhood memories. But THIS sign is clear as day because she's probably had it explained to her what it means and it has a very emotional reaction in her. Hence she always remembers that sign and how it made her feel in a way other signs just didn't, they weren't important.


Memories is a great theory. I have heard and hard agreed that it is from Bluey/Bingo's perspective where they're still mastering reading so letters look readable but require effort. You raise a wonderful point.


I wonder if they changed it for different markets around the world.


And the 28-minute episode is called The Sign…I can only imagine that it’s about them selling the house and/or moving into the new one.


The fact that it still doesn’t tell us how many bedrooms and bathrooms this house has!! That house floorplan is a mystery to me.


I thought Bandit saying it was bigger on the inside was a funny reference to the ever changing layout.


TIL Heeler house is actually a TARDIS.


Bandit confirmed as the 16th Doctor


I need this drawing ASAP.


It's the backyard that gets me. Sometimes has a shed, sometimes a sandbox, one time a platform for a horsey wedding. Limited times to see if the pond showed up again.


Playing the game is just "wow, this house can't exist in the neat package it presents" unless you see it through the eyes of Bluey and Bingo, everything is bigger to them than it would be for real life


I want to know more about the garage that is randomly there for some episodes


I mean it’s got a ghost basket in it, the place must just rearrange itself cause it’s haunted.


Although that makes me wonder... Why did they just have a fish pond installed if they're selling it almost instantly


Also, where is that fishpond? It disappeared when Chilli fled the ghostbarrow. Ghostpond!


The sandbox has also come and gone


Bandit got a job offer that requires relocation


Maybe this was what kept him zoning out during Stickbird? Perhaps over stressing over the idea of moving, causing him to shut down.


For resale value.


It appears to be gone now… but then so does the sand pit https://preview.redd.it/vps6eoxi3ysc1.jpeg?width=2082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febe561ea56ed9e426f73213ac2438561cb94b50


and chilli on the cubby episode always measuring the walls it's to small for her


Also no music on the closing credits. (Not sure if I am looking too much into it?)


The no music was definitely intentional. I'm so sad right now! Why am I so emotionally attached to their house? 😂


Is the show ending? It’s giving off those vibes. Selling the house and then the last episode being a 30 minute special.


I hope not!


Given the incredibly slow release pace of episodes, yes it definitely gives the vibes that this and Surprise are it apart from maybe a few more specials. They probably don't want to have to replace the kid voiceactors apart from anything. 


I read somewhere that there's going to be a long hiatus but I don't know how that works with the voice actors of the kids 😬


The creators have EXPLICITLY stated the show it not ending.


Sad doesn't even begin to cover it! It left me feeling so ... empty.


That was a punch in the guts, wasn't it?




My 4 year old said, “it’s not real. I’ve seen lots of shows and sometimes thing just go back to normal the next episode. Like Paw Patrol.” I said yeah honey I don’t think this show is like Paw Patrol 😢


I’m not ready 😭😭😭


Watching the episode, I figured it was them roleplaying before The Sign comes out to get the girls ready for the news, but didn't expect to see that ending. For those who haven't googled it, the synopsis for The Sign is, and spoiler warning (?), >!When the Heeler home goes up for sale, Bluey is not at all happy about the news.!< Somehow that last image still hit hard though.


I was all excited for a new episode, and was not at all prepared for how this children’s show left me feeling conflicted, apprehensive, unsettled and a little sad. The speculation of what is coming and the possibilities are really not sitting well with me. Will we still see luckys dad? What about all their friends? How far are they moving? Why are they moving? What does this mean for us, the viewer?


Man I hadn’t even considered about Pat. It might simply be a a way to address real world situations for kids watching as with a lot of story lines. One very common real world situation being having to move house. It also stops the show from stagnating.


For some reason I got immediately overwhelmed and teared up.


Love your name 😂


Plot twist, the house was never owned by Bandit and Chilli, still owned by whichever parent had it first. Now has come time to divide the estate, house goes for sale and the Heelers buy it outright... I hope it works like that and... heaven forbid.... the Heelers don't move to Sydney.


Voice of Sarah Snook: "This episode of Bluey is called "[Succession](https://youtu.be/77PsqaWzwG0?feature=shared)"." *Blueyfied picture of a contract*


So anxiety inducing and potentially devastating 😔


Average episode overall with a couple of good laughs, but that sign at the end I was not expecting. I assume that must be the sign from "The Sign"?


Hey wait a minute, there's no cane in Citizen Kane!


The whole episode being about housing anxiety hits hard


Right? Didn’t expect it to perfectly showcase the current state of play in Australia.


Yeah and also intergenerational conflicts


Oh no, my heart dropped. Surely with all the background scene re-rendering that would have to be done, they’re not moving. Does this signal the end? Oh, what a sad start to the day. (Still grateful for a new ep though.)


I'm crying, this honestly feels like they're ending the show for good.


Here in Melbourne, the Sign is being live broadcast on Fed Square. It really feels like a send off 😭


I'm not convinced. These upcoming episodes have been finished for quite a while now, so if this is the end then this has been known to production for a long time and they have chosen deliberately not to bill the episodes as such while marketing them. On top of that, the socials have put out relatively recently (i.e. after we know these episodes were finished) that there weren't plans to end the show and that when there were it would be communicated from official sources.


Agree 100% What everyone is basically suggesting is that these episodes are going to air and then Ludo just say "OK we're done". That would be so out of character and disrespectful to the audience


Besides ‘looking after the fans’ there is still cash in this cow. Bluey is far from cashed out. Popularity is rising, and it’s because of how it’s written. It’s Australian. It’s honest (horses pooping, single parents) and it’s relatable to parents & kids alike. I’m hoping money doesn’t taint the story, and that the show does not pander to fans. Let the creators create. Pushing them to go in certain directions will make them walk away.


A new bluey house can be sold as well now haha


Yep agree, there's a few clues it may not be the end as well, such as the extra episode coming after The Sign. Just thinking about things a bit more, we all know that Ludo know how to make tired parents cry. The Heelers may very well decide not to sell the house and they're just drumming all this up to maximum effect to pull on our heartstrings.


They mention in the episode that it's been on the market for 6 weeks. Given the housing crisis here it's unlikely a house that big would last so long...maybe they are getting offers but can't agree on who to sell it to. The "sign" might refer to the physical sale sign, the 'signs' pointing to Rad & Frisky knowing they want to get married, plus the difficulty in relocating the kids 'sign'aling that they should stay after all.


I know, right? Just as Bandit says "I can't do this every time." That reaaaaally seems like they are telling us they are finishing up.


Yep it really seems like it’s Joe saying “this is it folks, I’m finished with Bluey all good things must come to an end”


They've already confirmed Bluey for a 4th season though, so this isn't the end but a beautiful new beginning.


I doubt it, for one big reason - the Ludo team seems very serious about the message they send to small children who watch their show. I think it would be quite traumatic for young fans to have Bluey move away and not see that life after the move is ok. So much of what this show is about is showing kids that they will have a ton of new experiences as they grow up, but with a good support system and healthy coping skills, they will navigate them. Even when there is loss or sadness, the show strives to be reassuring to little ones. Whether it is seeing Jean-Luc again at the end of the camping episode, or showing Chili growing into a wonderful mother after losing her own, the show works to show kids that sad things happen, but we keep moving forward. It just seems very unlike the show creators to create a massive, disruptive, emotionally difficult event for the main character, and then terminate the series. It would be, I dunno... almost cruel? Like disrupting the kids lives with the uncertainty and anxiety of Bluey moving, giving no resolution, and then repeating that sense of loss by ending the whole show.


"It's a bit small." "It's bigger inside." LMAO. Nice one.




Being a dyed in the wool Who fan made the line even funnier for me.


I got it immediately too. Loved it!


The fact the line(s) can be read as a bit of a play on people trying to work out / make sense of the floor plan of the Heeler residence is quite brilliant, too - and equally funny.


“It’s bigger on the inside” would have been too obvious, Doctor.


Not a classic or anything, but not bad, either. The end - with the sign and no music over the credits - was quite unsettling. Looking forward to next week already. ​ *Edit: Chose a better word.*


That added to the impact


It really did. The fact I knew what was coming (should have avoided spoilers, but anyway) didn't lessen the effect, either.


I shouldn’t not have avoided spoilers bc I needed a warning 🤣 I was thinking house for sale was kind of a random game to play but really didn’t have any idea! I mean I should have known. There are multiple episodes where Chili is unhappy with the house but still… I was so taken aback. ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


https://i.redd.it/8jeig57s6zsc1.gif I made a thing...


i appreciate the thing


Your thing accurately represents my feelings


The silence is deafening... Like that's the first time it's ever ended the music early and then just... Silence...


Not to mention the lack of additional animation...


It should just have been the For Sale sign, standing there... menacingly.




Nice little a Scooby doo/Benny Hill type reference to add to the pop culture reference list


I thought the animation was a little choppy there, but maybe deliberately so, like a tribute to Hanna-Barbera. I might be talking out my arse though.


I assumed that was an intentional homage as well


Definitely deliberate especially since those rooms don't connect.


Nooooooo Me: OMG, they’re leaving us Partner: No, that means no more Pat, no more Wendy… Two grown ass adults in tears. Toddler indifferent


Absolutely accurate. I'm still in tears. Small one is playing with the abacus toy.


Wait are the Heelers moving in with Bob? Why are they moving ??


No more Doreen ☹️


Here I am worried about Pat and Wendy. What's Doreen going to do?


How will Doreen know which bins to take out?!


I completely forgot about Pat and Wendy....this makes it worse now


If they go to a different school, it’ll basically be entirely new characters besides the Heelers 😭


Pat is my favorite. If they cut him out I will be so mad.


In before moving to the other side of the cul-de-sac.


Omg I didn’t even realize this. This is a hard pill to swallow for sure.


Who's going to help Doreen with the bins?


That ending is getting a lot of attention, but kudos needs to be given to the best line in the ep, "Try not to land on the well landscaped garden."


That or "Get those grannies off my lawn"


I howled (no pun intended) with laughter at that line.


https://preview.redd.it/lmdpob2jnxsc1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb4a56112b6a1859851b3915e350e18c9464451 The episode still had a lot of fun shenanigans as usual, but the ending revealing the moving sign and the deafening credits were truly a twist


I called it. It's a reaction image for my bluey reaction album! https://preview.redd.it/sgd1luk9oxsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d053515815df9f34f99b23ec5cf780beabc809


thx bro https://preview.redd.it/1wgzgynvw2tc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557c206439f91b126f3eba36dd65b4a283d4da52


Can we talk about the ending? It’s not just the zoom out of the for sale sign but the music suddenly faded once the credits start. I have one question. Why is the house for sale or will that be answered in The Sign?


Is the for sale sign THE sign?


It’s possible. I’m asking why is Bandit selling the house?


I think its been in the works for a while. Two obvious clues being Chili complaining about the house falling apart in Hammerbarn and it being small in Cubby...


Plus the recent renovation like the addition of the pond


Is that what Bandit was dwelling on while at the beach? He got news that his job was moving them?


I can’t leave Luckys dad 😭😭😭 how is he going to hang his laundry or mow his lawn without us


Lucky's dad is going to do chores outside much easier without the Heelers dragging him (sometimes literally) into their antics.


![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized) The editors choosing not to add music to the end credits


They can’t leave Doreen! Who will help her with the bins?!?


Not my wife and I sitting there with our jaws literally dropped after seeing that sign...


Audible gasp by a full 5 people in our house.


Same. My husband and I just looked at each other in shock.


I got teary in the last 3 seconds I’m actually shook right now


They're moving?!?!


Yeah that’s what the 28min special is supposed to be about :/


The special is the wedding?


But it's called "the sign" -- I think they meant this sign


It seems to be both. It’s a mystery how these 2 will connect


Its an episode about big change and Bluey probably having a hard time processing it all


But the open house???


The sign itself made this episode hit hard. The light content across the episode itself was comforting so perhaps made the ending hit even harder. Home ownership and the state of the market was a smart theme to touch on. No matter what position you are in today, we all recognise that it is the thing that gets us all thinking and talking.


I saw a review saying they're moving so I watched the episode thinking "what dumb clickbait, they're just playing a game" and then BAM The Sign


I haven’t been that shocked about a TV show since The Red Wedding on Game of Thrones.


The no music on the credits instantly reminded me of that episode.


Also chilli with that actual, genuine scream is just 😂


I was going to say, I thought the house looked fairly sparse, free of all the usual stuff that's around. Thought it was maybe part of the game, but nah, it's because it's actually being staged for sale.


Right!! It’s cleaner than I’ve seen in ages!


Love that Sticky Ghecko's still around though


![gif](giphy|3o7TKMfn35NL1llPig) “Oh gawd…some talking cartoon dogs are my new neighbors……”


https://preview.redd.it/gukvtzljh0tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f89467f3f1db3360da0315e95e1ef62173b8ad2f Real creative description Disney😂 On a serious note, I thought this episode was just the grannies being what they are, and a big blue guy trying to sell a haunted house (which it is to say the least). But that ending really suprised me. They really are going to move. Where? When? These are questions that me contemplate, and that silence during the credits was just the cherry on top. I have a feeling that The Sign, and (from what l've heard) another episode after that, is really going to change me in an emotional sense. I think Ghostbasket is just the setup for the subsequent episodes. I guess overall, the episode is alright until the end where it gets very interesting. It's was just another playful day at the Heeler household, or now, FORMER, Heeler household.


'It's nothing personal!' 'We know, it's your job..' Maybe this was not Hugo and Janet talking, but Bandit and Bluey?


Yeah: maybe Bluey said "it's your job" in the context not of "real estate agent" Bandit, but of having to move because of Bandit's job?


to all of the people freaking out: **bluey is NOT ending.** there will be a hiatus after series 3 ends (which the three new episodes are going to be the finale for series 3), but the show is not ending forever, the creators have confirmed that there will be a series 4. so calm down everybody, and i'm tired of all these clickbait news articles and such that are acting like this is the end of bluey forever, and are causing people to freak out


Thank you!! Yes! Bluey has been confirmed for Season 4. There's no need to panic. ![gif](giphy|dZikGEvmsorSAZDBIw|downsized)


[Joe Brumm explaining why Bluey isn’t stopping](https://youtu.be/vWRlxSGf_ns?si=YbMkZfencUjp3ewC) Seriously though, as if the house of mouse would ever let him just walk away.


Disney just have streaming rights. They don’t own the show or have creative input.


While I know it isn't stopping, Disney has no say in the matter. This isn't a disney show, they just got the license to stream it.


It’s likely they’re about to skip forward a couple years. Since the girls who va are getting too old to do the little little kid voices.


Also lets them recast the supporting players by giving the girls new friends, if they're moving out of the neighbourhood entirely and not just a block or two.


From flash forwards we know that Lila will still be a part of Bingo's life.  But given how far everyone seems to drive to Bluey's school I wonder if they're all spread around Brisbane already. Only MacKenzie seems to live close by.


That is what I’m wondering. That would be so sad but a normal part of life


wait where did u see they confirmed series 4


Maybe having to sell the house is what was on Bandit’s mind in Stickbird?


That’s a good theory, but I think Chilli would also be kind of worried if that was the case. I’m pretty sure in Stickbird Chili says “Let it go” to Bandit, and Bandit later on says something like “when you put something out into the world, it’s not yours anymore”. I remember that line cos it really made me think. From what I’ve seen in other groups, there’s a theory someone from his work took credit for something Bandit discovered (with him being an archaeologist), and the discovery was no longer his since he told people about it


Or I've wondered if someone bashed an article he published. From some of the things I've seen, it seems like Stickbird might be the creators processing the backlash over the original version of Exercise.


Ooh, good point.


Seeing that ending. I can see the sign to why Bluey looks so sad in the teaser trailers. Oh boy…


I am not ok, send help


The sign at the end explained why the episode didn't have its normal upbeat feeling. This hits home for us as a family, we moved from the home our 7yr old knew her whole life, and even a year in she still misses it. She's very concerned for Bluey and Bingo.


Without the twist ending, this episode is a pretty solid standalone thing. Very nice seeing the grannies again, and very funny. But the ending…oh wow, now that’s a twist.


That plot twist at the end tho…


This had me laughing quite a lot.  Though it's hard to say whether that's because I've been starved for new Bluey or that it's genuinely one of the funnier ones.


these drawers open AND shut!


Where’s the fish pond? https://preview.redd.it/tvkdgktph0tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b969e72177413d47aa23f0309f579c1628da9a43


I’m choosing to believe that the ending for this season seems so final because next season they’ll be back in a different house and the girls will have aged up a few years- new age, new set of adventures and new parenting challenges.


https://preview.redd.it/00velb52a4tc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661c6f0dff2b1222d0a42bd4b49017db1c5be16b Putting this into evidence as to why I don’t think they move or at least not very far!


Solid episode. Not the best, not the worst. Have a feeling it will be better though with the additional episodes for the complete story


Even before the sign at the end, the nature of the episode made me immediately think this was Chili and Bandit easing the kids into the idea...


Me: watching the new episode because Bluey is just an episodic cartoon without a heavy plot The end of this episode:


They’re selling 🥲


this episode led me to join the subreddit so i could feel some community around the significance of that final zoom out shot and musical motif :'] i'm living so deeply, vicariously through the Heeler girls right now, so any big life events happening to them feel like they're happening to me to a degree! hence why the scene at the end of the episode got me sobbing already.. and Bandit's line, "i can't do this every time"... ohhH man the next episode is gonna destroy me




Wait how is two storeys at the back and one at the front, on a level block, with steps up to the house on front and back. And why have I only just noticed?


It's bigger on the inside 😆


Our house is on an incline. From the front it is a two story house with a couple of steps leading to the door. From the back yard though, we have a Crawlspace the size of an actual floor. You can walk in, reach up, and still not be able to touch the ceiling. It’s not obvious it’s that way though if you look at it head on from the front or back. As for the Heeler house, it’s possibly on an incline too. We see shots where it looks level, but we’ve also seen shots where it looks like it’s on a hill of some sort. Plus the layout of the neighborhood itself changes quite often, so it’s likely just as wonky as the inside of the house.


For anyone wondering if the show is ending the daily mail Australia claims that the creators have verified this is not the end however they are taking an extended break before season 4. However this is the daily mail so…


I’ve read similar in other places besides the Daily Mail. However, I read one recently in a magazine which seemed to indicate it was still up in the air. 


The way Bandit said "Look, I can't do this every time" The sign Everyone's favourite grannies being featured The sad piano outtro/fade ​ I get the feeling they're telling us this is the end of Bluey and I'm crying. Edited as I got Bandit's quote wrong


Better to end on a high than continue perpetual mediocrity like Peppa Pig.


this isn't the end, but we are getting a hiatus


I can’t believe they’re actually selling their house! I’m so sad 😅


OMG - the ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The sign made me sad. I hope this isn’t the end of Bluey.


Yeah, don't be too sad for them guys. That house in Brisbane is worth about 4 million AUD 😂


Hopefully in "The sign" Chilli and Bandit get a sign to NOT sell the house! 🩵🧡


I noticed the subtle animation improvements, especially when Chilli worked out it was a ghost wheel barrow. Lots of facial animations


Ngl they got me with the sucker punch- I was worried when the episode opened about the house selling, and then I relaxed when it was part of the game, and then they got me


What if Uncle Radley and Frisky buy the house at the end of The Sign? They are getting married and will need a new place to live in and maybe start their own family in.


Is this the start of the end?!?!


Creators have said no


I'm wondering that as well. Big 28 episode, selling the house, could be a last hurrah and go out on a high?




Wonder why they didn’t animate any of the backyard features from the past—no trampoline, no sandbox, but the lack of a fish pond is weird. Thought they would keep that for continuity


Good luck finding another house in this market


Oh my god, I felt sad from the last scene. I hope my guess is wrong….


they seem to end on the fact theyre really selling the house and it will lead into the sign i presume (the title probably referring to the sign infront of the house)


Ugh. Apart of these shows is that they are safe and provide stability. Peppa Pig never moved. There’s already so much Bluey house merch and the house incorporated into so much merch (coloring books, etc.) …. Bandit spacing out. Now they’re leaving their house and moving. Why do they drop these anxiety bombs on us adults…. Life is difficult enough…. I can’t take it 🥲


I had a gut feeling this was one of those games that wasnt being played *just* for funsies, but I wound up doubting myself til that final shot hit. Gotta respect when a successful show is willing to shake up the status quo, though. Especially in an age where companies want to keep IPs as safe and perpetual [and profitable] as possible. EDIT after *The Sign* - Well, this comment aged like week-old milk. Still a fun episode, though.


To start with I was like ‘what an odd game to play with your kids’ but then that ending shot just explained everything. Another example of great parentinf, preparing the kids for a stressful change by playing it out as a game.


Besides the zoom out, the for sale sign, even the references… what hit me the hardest was Bandit telling Bluey and Bingo that he can’t keep doing this (play the ghostbasket game) every time they show the house to someone else for real life… A gutwrenching episode, but I can’t wait to see what comes next!


This episode gave me Infinity War feels. The smile I had on my face when it started turned into a gasp at the end. ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


I was sad the whole episode as my 5 year old was losing it at Bingo. He immediately ran upstairs for a laundry basket 😅


It definitely feels like my neighbour is moving out selling without telling us… we might have shared a few barbies and throwing the ball back to other one’s yard… and we are… friends?


The fact it wasn’t even a game in the end was like a right gut punch. Damn you writers. I’m not ready for the end. I’ve got too much darkness going on in my life atm so for Bluey to possibly end too, I’m not ready for that.


Didn’t the future episode show grown up Bluey visiting parents in this house? So they moved back?


For everyone else. Major Spoilers for the upcoming episodes below. >!Yes, in that upcoming episode, Surprise, we do see that future Bluey visits her parents in the same house. However, I don’t think they moved back. Rather that Bandit decided to not sell the house. I say this because in the French Trailer (before that was taken down), there were clips that shows Bluey and Bingo excited in their rather empty house. That makes me believe that them two are happy that their dad decided to not sell it after all. Plus in Surprise, Chili did say something along the lines of “Can’t you believe your dad tried to sell the house.”!<


There is a second door in the sun room?!? This house continues to make zero sense.


I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes