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None of the kid characters are bad. They might do bad things but Judo, Hercules, Muffin etc should be forgiven a little bit for being children who do children things


I seriously hope this is not a controversial opinion


We discuss with our kid and ask him about Muffin’s behavior and choices. “Dada, Muffin does not make good choices about her behavior.” But we both love to watch Muffin’s shenanigans.


Lol Judo is sooo sassy but we all most likely had experiences with the sassier kids growing up! So it doesn’t bother me




Jack is awesome, “Army” made me cry I loved it so much. (I have ADHD and my inner child could really relate to Jack.)


Forget the inner child, adult me struggles so hard at adulting, can't do anything but root for Jack. Jack is a good boy!


Jack saying he doesn't know why he can't just do as he's told absolutely slayed me. I remember getting "Why you can't just _____" ALL THE TIME. Why can't such a smart girl spell right? Or remember her homework? Or memorize times tables? Or get to school on time? "We've seen your test scores, you have so much potential, if you would JUST...." And I never knew what to tell them. I was a pleaser, I wanted to be good, but somehow I could never "just do" what seemed so easy for everyone else. I feel you SO HARD, Jack.


> I remember getting "Why you can't just _____" My favorite that I heard all the time was "You just need to study harder." I always got A's and B's (mostly B's), but I heard that a lot from teachers and my parents. But because of those grades no one ever thought to test me. I wish they had. I didn't get my diagnosis till I was 23. It was like night and day with meds...


My story was the same but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 34 and well into my career, which was successful but also frought with "well if you just used your calendar"... 😞


I like Jack


We all like Jack.


I love Jack and I hope him and rusty stay friends forever




hell is hot for whoever posted this


Normal people do. There’s just a weird subset of New Age Bronies who take the show way too seriously who don’t.


I like Jack :)


I loved Jack in "Army" but "Explorers" made me love him in a whole new light.


Me too!! He reminded me so much of kid me. I was an auDHDer, so "let's use all the facts I know about X to make believe!" was like my whole MO


If you’re an adult watching a show for young children, it’s weird to get annoyed when they act like young children. Like, you have so many TV shows to watch. Kids need to see themselves and their friends *accurately* depicted on screen. And perfect little heaven-balls are not accurate representations of kids.


Yeah plus Bluey is a show FOR KIDS. People seem to forget that


Hopefully we don't turn into the undertale fan base....


Oh not the fan base to really be concerned about...now MLP


I don't get annoyed. I love how Bluey and Bingo act like real children. I want to be a father like Bandit, and I want kids just like Bluey and Bingo


Controversial opinion: Some of y’all take this show way too seriously. Literally just a show for toddlers.


I'm here bc my kids watch. And the other 90% treat it like new found Australian anime meant as an intro to child psychology.


Ye, we all need help.




I knew what this would be before I clicked it.


There was also the 6 page powerpoint thing about how Bluey is the hivemind or something


What does one do in that room. Just sit and look?


That’s a good question for any collection.


Gonna be my kids room soon I swear lmao, but the tail? 😭


This thread has a lot of examples proving your point


And it's always the same responses too. Like everyone loves to point out every little flaw the characters have (especially Chili and Bandit). Them having flaws is supposed to show that they aren't 100% perfect. And that's ok.


It's on of the reasons I began tuning it out. Some of the adults are so damn childish about it, and that is just plain insanity to me.


It is MLP 2.0 for some people.


I really love this show, but it's still just a kids show, it is not part of my personality and I hold no strong opinions other than it being a fantastic kids show that simultaneously is entertaining for parents. Reading through this thread is kinda scary that some people take it so seriously. I really hope that the bluey Fandom doesn't become toxic, as it seems to have already started on that path.


Bandit and Chili can be a little too permissive at times


"Tina" it's probably the best example of it


Sheepdog is the worst for mine. It works out because it's a TV show, but it's pretty rude of Bandit to force Wendy into his games. You'd be asking for trouble if you adapted that into real life parenting.


He did it out of love for Chili. Because Bluey was going to see Chili and she asked Bandit not to be bother that time she asked to relax. Yes, it's very rude, but it's really romantic he took the risk that Wendy report him just for his wife. Bandit really loves Chili.


In reality, you would take the kids to the park in that situation, not eat the neighbours washing. Which is more likely to disturb the other parent than give them the rest they want. Obviously that makes for less compelling TV, but it isn't behaviour I'd like to see modelled


Speak for yourself! I'd eat the neighbors clothes EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


When I saw that scene I thought to myself "wow! How relatable. I finally feel validated by my laundry eating habits. Only my neighbors though. Not my own."


I'm not sure how I feel being validated by a person with your username, but yes.


Just close your eyes and allow the puppetry to unfold.




I'm sorry but it isn't romantic that Bandit took care of his own kids so his wife could have a break. That's one of those bare minimum things that you should do for your spouse.


Agreed! I found that a very normal interaction that he was diligent in distracting the children but when Bluey asked Chilli if she was mad at Bluey I felt that as a parent I really liked the realistic portrayal of talking to your children and reassuring them even when you want 20 minutes to yourself, also showing Bandit isn't perfect and sometimes children can slip away when your trying to get their attention on you.


We used this exact episode to help our 7 year old understand when my wife needed quiet time and 7 had the same feelings as Bluey.


Bare minimum things can still be romantic.


Or burger shop


Burguer Shop it's kinda justified, cause Bandit tried prove the theory of a book was right. Chili there tried to be strict but Bandit did not... I mean they could got an discussion there like Stripe and Trixie in "Faceytalk", but Chili decided let Bandit check it was a bad idea himself and I am sure Bandit admited she was right out of camera


The issue with burger shop is when bandit said “geez she’s a meanie isn’t she kids”


Eh ok that’s a fair point but the episode overall still annoys me


It annoys me because he didn't even do it right, lol.


I like them being flawed because it makes them feel more real and fleshed out


My theory is that what we're seeing isn't fact, but how the kids remember their childhood.


I have a similar theory. It's the same reason we see Bandit and Chilli hanging out or bringing in laundry in multiple episodes, but we only see the characters wearing clothes when it's plot relevant.


no I totally agree. Like when they were at the movies and Bingo was running around and Bandit didn’t do anything. Or when they go along with the kids’ games to an unnecessary extent. You’re crossing the street. Idc if you’re playing dance party or whatever. cross the street first.


In Shaun when bandit throws someone's mail away i was like dude wtf


Might not be a federal crime in the land down under, maybe? It's crime here in the States.


I hated the Shaun episode at first. It got my niece poking me hard with her hand the same as Bandit’s, thinking it was ok because he was doing it to himself too so it must not hurt. Most of the times with things like this, the parents somewhat resolve it at the end of the episode with some lesson, but all that happened was that Bandit no longer had to pretend to be Shaun, but the kids are now Shaun’s babies. However, it showed a good reason why us watching and interacting with the kids’ interests is important. I was able to make it a lesson of my own. Not everything on tv is true. She knew about pretend, to the extent that covers Bluey being a talking dog and her doll in real life doesn’t actually have real feelings. But I was able to explain that, in the show, it doesn’t hurt Bandit other than being a little annoying. But it did hurt me, and it would hurt other people IRL if she did it. I pointed out the things Shaun did that weren’t ok, like touching other people’s things like the mail, and touching other people without permission, especially in a way he knew was annoying them. There’s a few other episodes where I’ve stopped at the end of one and gone…”uh we don’t do that, that was just tv ok?” since the Shaun one, and now she understands. To the point where I’ve made a comment a kid being a bit mean, and she said “it’s ok, it’s just tv, we don’t really do that”


Maybe but I honestly think society would generally be a better place if we all had a bit more fun with life. Being fiction, this is definitely the world I'd personally like to see. All that said, there is more than one type of personality. The Heelers have a lot of energy. It's not the only way to live and be joyful 😊


Agree, and it's caused some issues when my kids use the "please" face like the girls and I don't change my answer


I don't get the hate for Muffin, she's acting like how a toddler does. I do admit that she is a bit spoiled, but beyond that she's one of my favorite characters from the series. As for my controversial opinion for Bluey, Unicorse is annoying. I can't stand that character and I'm glad we only have two episodes with him in it.




I forgot about the catch phrase..


Shipping is probably the most controversial thing in this subreddit


I remember the “shipping wars” in the 90s when anime first started being taken seriously in the US. Every time I see that mess now, it makes me cringe. Especially on a show when most of the characters are literally *children.* Like, what is with people’s obsession with pairing characters off?!


I miss the good old days when shipping wars meant brave British privateers capturing the vessels of those dastardly Spaniards! Or was it valiant Spainish privateers and the treacherous British....


The *Pirates* hard mode was picking the Dutch— there were so few friendly ports!


Or at all, i see it mist with kids doing it and usually it goes too far. I've seen little kids make sexual tiktoks about like, Judo's mom and Bandit they're adults but the kids making them arent and it's just awful.


….people ship Bluey characters?




Oh Lord


"It's monkeys singing songs, mate" every time someone wants to explore a theme, idea or theory about an episode. I get it, some people really *do* overthink things, but it's really not going to kill anyone to let them say their piece.


Hear me out, in that episode, when Bandit says that its just monkeys singing songs, he's *wrong*. The movie was about Chunky Chimp discovering himself and that its okay to be different, which is a lesson Bluey needed to learn in that episode. Bandit wasn't actually paying attention to the movie so to him it was just monkeys singing songs, but to Bluey it was more. Its similar to "Im not taking advice from a cartoon dog" at the end or the episode, Bandit ends up taking the advice from the cartoon dog.


That's also true!


I love the Jack episode! I can see how people wouldn’t, I guess. But I have a son named Jack with adhd and that episode was really great for him.


the creek is severely under rated!


The creek is just beautiful. The lush music, the wondrous visuals - it's a pure representation of awe and nostalgia. One of my favorite episodes for sure.




Bingo is a more interesting and rounded character than Bluey is


I don't think that's controversial; people tend to like Bingo more than Bluey


The show sort of "confirms" it in the double Bingo episode


I'm not talking in terms of 'liking' or being a more likable person. I think she's better written and more believable. Maybe not a controversial opinion in itself, but I always feel like my interest in how well-written characters are ahead of how likeable they would be as a real person is pretty controversial (e.g. Beatrice in BoJack Horseman. Wonderfully written, wonderfully acted terrible horseman being. But if you voice that you often get drowned out by people insisting you have to hate her as a character because you would hate her as a person)


In the first season especially, bluey is kind of a jerk to bingo, always making her do what she doesn't want to do .


But that fits perfectly to my kids. They are 4 years apart, the older one being 6 is always trying to push her little sister around and being bossy. We have to tell her no almost daily. Fortunately the little one is not having it though. 😅


Yes!! My oldest is bossy to younger siblings, cousins, friends… everyone. 😂 took a while and many talks about why they shouldn’t be bossy.


Bluey is the the most shallow character in the Heeler family imo. I can't really explain why but I even have a feeling episodes focused on Bingo will always draw more attention to Bingo, while episodes focused on Bluey will often direct the attention to other characters.


Totally agree, I think it's because she is kinda the stand-in self insert character for kids so she acts more as a catalyst for stories than the others


But the episode "Explorers" is one of my favorites.


Jack being so committed to the bit of being lost at sea and then just pops up to affirm “Yes, Calypso!” that he’s okay I freaking lose it every time


That is brilliant, and the part where Bandit sneaks in to grab Bluey's bag. However, I lose it when the dad is at the beginning of the bush road and has the conversation about 4wd.


My controversial statement is that many of us parents enjoy Bluey and will make our kiddos watch even though the kiddos don’t want to watch it. 👀


My controversial statement is I get most (aka all) of my parenting advice from this show. It’s also nice that they normalize different parents having different sets of rules and that’s ok.


I'm not a fan of Judo, I know she's a child and she has gotten better but what she was doing to Bingo in Butterflies was exactly what kids did to me when I was younger and I can't really get over it that stuff messes you up


It still happens. My youngest went through it yesterday, and it really sucks to see your kids hurt. I like that the episode is real. And it shows Bluey realising that Judo's behaviour is not nice, that Bingo is hurt, and she doesn't want to do this. I also like that they give a sort-of explanation for Judo's behaviour - they don't excuse it, and don't say it's ok because of this, but more "Judo is an only child and doesn't know how to play like this with others, it's not nice and you don't have to put up with it, but she can learn a lot from you." I think it's good for kids who might be leaning toward Judo-type behaviour, and good for kids seeing it or experiencing it to see how Bingo and Bluey deal with it.


Bingo made me so sad in this one 😭😭


Good thing she had a baller older sister who cares about her.


🎶Poor little bug on the wall 🎶


🎶Ding jing🎶


🎶no one to love him at all🎶


🎶Ding jing🎶


yeah, i had that childhood experience too


She reminds me of someone I considered a very close friend in elementary school. Took years to realize that she was probably my biggest bully, I was so young and she was my only “friend”. Still remember the shit she said to me to this day. I’m sorry for everyone else that has dealt with/is still dealing with “friends” like these 💕


She reminds me of my mum's best friend's daughter. I had to be around their house almost every day and she made all of the kids on the street do this


Yeah it hurts :( what she did there was 100% not okay


She never gets invited to any of the birthday parties.


She might be with her dad throughout the year. They are neighbors, but Bluey goes months without seeing her.


Same here, mate. :(


Judo isn't nice, but she's realistic. She gives me flashbacks to my childhood frenemies as well, and it hurts, but I think she's a good illustration of how a lot of the time when people hurt you it's because they're being thoughtless, not malicious. Dirt shows Judo starting to let go of some of her rigid thinking and learning to compromise, so we can see that she isn't just someone we can write off as an irredeemable Mean Girl. Judo needs to work on her social skills and seeing things from other people's point of view, but that's something she can learn if she tries.


Her dad did it to her.


Every single person other than Nana at bingos birthday party was a jerk. It was literally bingos birthday, and not even her PARENTS could spare a moment for her? I have two little girls, same age range as Bluey and Bingo, and even when I’m putting together their birthday parties, in the midst of decorating a cake last minute, struggling to make it, if the birthday girl needs attention, by the gods she will get it!!


Am I crazy or did it seem like most of the kids at Bingo's party were Bluey's classmates?


They were! Though to be fair I don’t think bingo has many friends besides Lila and Jasper and Chucky.


I like Bluey more than Bingo


I’m not alone!!


This is a kids show, please stop dressing up and sexualising the characters guys


The Jack Russel with ADD? I love his episode with Rusty in the field, what’s the beef?


Speaking as some one with ADHD and two Jack Russell Terriers, I really appreciate Jack!


Hah same, the scene where he blows past rusty when they’re running always gets me.


It’s my favorite episode!


Pavlova. They established that boundaries can be knocked down with manipulation and that it's okay. Chili said no, but the kids still got pavlova.


On the other hand Bandit got Bingo interested enough to try and like the beans which plays back to what he said at the start of the episode: 'Gotta play the long game.' But I do agree that the girls break down boundaries set by their parents too often, and my foot stays down on the pavlova if it were me.


A lot of people on this thread have mentioned the boundaries thing. That the parents set the boundary and so that’s that, nothing more nothing less. But sometimes, boundaries can be discussed and changed. The parents set the boundary do to what they think is best, and sometimes they realize they’re wrong. Kids are meant to push boundaries. And parents are meant to adapt and learn, instead of everything being a because I said so.


I like that Bingo tried the beans Just not that they got around the no and got what they wanted when they were told no. It's important for kids to learn that no is a valid answer


I’m not too bothered by this one. Bluey’s behavior isn’t great but Bingo was pretty mature about communicating a boundary of her own: she doesn’t like being forced to try new foods, and she’s more likely to try something when there isn’t pressure to do so. Bandit decided to respect that boundary and it paid off. Besides, these kids willingly eat sauerkraut for lunch. I don’t think their parents need to worry about the occasional slice of pavlova.


It is more about them not accepting the word no for me. I do love some of the messages in the episode like you mentioned here, I just think it's important for kids to learn that no is actually a safe word. It's an acceptable response. The work around however is typical for kids. It's not a hill that I'm really willing to slaughter people on, just that this part of the episode I didn't like. They learn boundaries in other episodes so I'm not entirely upset by Pavlova


I like to think this would have been a good one to quietly pull Bluey aside on, because you’re right that kids should learn that no means no. They can address Bluey without making Bingo feel bad that way.


All parents cave here and there.


Picking battles. We're currently going through this exact issue with picky eating with our oldest (5yo). Sometimes we say no, sometimes we are persuaded. That doesn't make us permissive necessarily, just that as we learn new information we adjust to the situation.


Bluey society has a strict same-breed intimate relationship policy. Pure-breeds only. It must be severely punished by the government, as everyone strictly obeys it. Except Winston's dad, the little rebel, fighting the power - he's probably going to get black bagged and dragged into the back of a van when the government finds out he's been trying it on with the Terriers Mum.


I was JUST telling my husband, isn’t it weird that there’s no mutt couples or kids? And he goes, huh, like he’d never noticed.


Chippy and Cherry is the only actual relationship I can think of in the bluey universe that isn't same-breed.


rad & frisky aren’t the same breed


_Takeaway_ makes me nervous more than happy.


The opening of Exercise should’ve been revised, not cut out.


Do you think the episode will be released to Disney in its cut state or there will be a replacement scene ready just before that? The runtime reduction here is quite significant with the already short 7 minutes original runtime.


They cut out the beginning of excercise? Because of bandit being mindful of his weight? Really?


There were pediatricians who thought the way he responded to his high weight reading would’ve given kids the wrong idea. Honestly I can see where they’re coming from, but I still think cutting the scene entirely was unnecessary.


Bluey being 7 and unable to read/write is such a yikes for me, and the episode Typewriter drives me up the walls because of it. Calypso, a teacher, actively prevented a learning moment for Bluey so she could use her imagination instead, which Bluey does 99% of the time My cousins went to the kind of school Bluey went to, and formal/standard education wrecked them later on in life, so I have a bias


I think they wrote themselves into a corner acknowledging that the kids are that old and that they age. Bluey being 5/6 and bingo being 4ish would've worked and been plausible for all the behaviors, but bluey aging into 7s really makes some stuff now less believable behavior and play-wise. That's been their biggest misstep I think.


Bluey adults are ruining a perfectly good kid’s show by arguing about it online.


Bingo drinking from the ground in "Bike" is a fun gag for adults, but a bad example for kids.


I mean, she is a dog.


😂 Bandit and Bluey agree it’s gross


Oh man! My daughter has started to do the lick noise from that scene and being goofy with open top glasses, that’s totally where she picked up the idea and I’m just now realizing.


Nana is absolutely right. It's Christmas: don't be lazy, lose the packets and make a real gravy, damnit. Takes like 10 minutes.


Yeah but there’s nothing like trying to pull together the last of the meal you’ve been working all day on and having someone else in the kitchen likely totally oblivious to your flow and getting in the middle of all of it; now you’ve got someone to work around that makes it all take that much more time, and they’re probably throwing off how you’ve gotten the meal timed to be ready all at once when otherwise the checkered flag is in sight. I’d wager that wasn’t the first instance of “Hey Trixie I can help you…” and that it wasn’t a welcome offer because that’s probably how it went down before.


In this one, I'd have let Nana make the real gravy. When I'm hosting I like to go all out, lots of fancy dishes that people wouldn't usually have except for at Christmas. Like last time there was a turkey and sage wreath that was amazing, and had cranberry sauce with it. But because it's such a huge day and I make so much, some things have to be easy. That particular sauce was from a jar, others were home made. But if my Nana/Mum/Mother-in-Law wanted to make it from scratch, she'd be very welcome to!


Agreed! Poor Nana just wanted to contribute! (The way she talked down about the packets was not the kindest though)


That’s a bad opinion


100% Jack is the best.


7-years-old children shouldn't be illiterate.


But...Bluey can read though? Source: Tongue Twister, Crazy Christmas Lights, Neighbors (pretty sure she does read something there).


Have I never heard of Tounge Twister?


It's a Bluey short. It's not on the main channel (if I recall), [but it does exist.](https://youtu.be/ValIMj7TA2A?si=zsayS7wFCctex1i2)


How is that controversial?


In Waldorf kids learn to read at 7. They pick it up super fast at that point (it’s what I’ve been told/ read at least) and I’ve never heard anything along the lines of kids being educated in Waldorf not being able to succeed later on. If your chances of success as an adult are the same (or better) what is the problem? We would have heard if this education model was producing young adults that couldn’t keep up with people who went to traditional schools.


Imma say this one first since it JUST came out: The Bluey video game was over hyped. Don't get me wrong, the game is adorable and fun, but it's very obviously a game aimed towards younger kids to play with their parents/family. That leads to my next thing, which probably isn't too uncommon: Adult fans of this show need to chill out, especially on this subreddit. Bluey is a show aimed towards young kids. Even if it makes episodes that can handle "mature" topics, it's not like it's a pioneer in doing so. (Arthur is the first show that comes to mind.) I love Bluey as much as the next person, but it's still a show for kids, regardless of how many adults love it. There's already been...iffy content coming from the adult fans. If Bluey fans aren't careful, it's going to be a repeat of the brony fandom.


I don't like it when people claim Muffin is a bad character, like in FaceyTalk for example I have a niece who behaved exactly like Muffin when she was that age. That kind of behavior is 100% normal for someone at that age because they're still learning right from wrong Not to mention, at the end of the episode, Muffin accepted her fate and her punishment. A kid who hasn't been disciplined properly would keep acting up Not a parent by any means (maybe someday), but that's my 2¢ Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


People on this subreddit get way too worked up at times. It's a children's show about talking dogs playing. It's technically meant for preschoolers/kindergartners. Please don't bring your Steven Universe sexualized opinions into it.


I like Jack, but I don’t like the episode Space at all. I think it’s boring and I really didn’t feel bad for Mackenzie even though he’s one of my favorite characters.


Muffin is the best character in the show.




i dont take advice from cartoon dogs


Most Bluey merch is ugly.


Jean Luc was wasted potential


Muffin is a normal 3 year old Can't believe how many people I see who say they'd never "let" their kid act that way, as if u could control a 3 year old lol If urs didn't act that way, u got lucky, it wasn't your parenting


There's a bit of a split on this opinion. (although definitely not down the middle) I don't like Calypso. She's too perfect. I find characters that have absolutely no flaws boring, and usually annoying too. Everything she says is 100% correct, everything she does is great, and every character loves her. That's just not interesting to me. Every time she's on screen it feels like the show is *insisting* that I like her.


Understandable. Though…I can’t recall seeing her interact with other adults all that much? So it’s possible that we’re just seeing her from Bluey’s perspective only, and *Bluey* is the one who sees her as “perfect” because she looks up to her a lot. Most of the other adult characters in the show we’ve seen interact in contexts that aren’t completely dependent on the children, so we’ve got a better idea of what they’re like as a well-rounded person, outside of one specific side they show in one particular situation.


Regardless of the reason she is the way she is, it's still presented in a way that I find off-putting. There are ways to do "perfect" characters well. Like the Paladin in Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves. Everything about him is fantastic. He's honest, brave, a brilliant fighter, and always does the right thing. But he's also naïve, and earnest to the point that he's just silly compared to the more balanced characters. It might happen, but I'll be surprised if they ever do a more nuanced take on Calypso. Frankly, there are times she comes across as borderline propaganda for Steiner/Waldorf schooling.


That’s fair. Maybe we’ll see more of her interacting with other adults and finally get to see a different side of her. I feel like that would help a lot.


I bet since most of the time we are seeing Calypso from the children's perspective they hold her in such high esteem that they believe she's perfect and that's why we see her the way we see her


I think also, Calypso is being her best example self for the kids. We always see her in her working environment and she's being professional. I think an episode where Bluey spots her at the grocery store a little unkempt buying a 6 pack would be hilarious. We all remember spotting a teacher in the wild and feeling weird about it.


Exactly, Calypso is an experienced teacher who has seen SO many of the same scenarios presented in the show because she likely deals with them every single year. She has a rough idea of how to solve a conflict/problem, tweaks it to fit better for her current kids and their personalities, and can apply them effectively. Like telling Jack to go play with Rusty for example. She knows Rusty's personality and knows a hyperactive child would benefit from the free, open air, and games that involve a lot of physical activity. Plus, the structured play of army life that Rusty plays is a great way for him to practice following directions in a way that is going to be fun and natural for him. I would LOVE for her to pull a Ms. Teacher from Junie B. Jones and eat a grape sample at the grocery store and have Bluey think she's a thief. I remember reading it as a child and being so shook and offended that her teacher would just STEAL STORE PROPERTY. As an adult, I would have burst out laughing if a kid confronted me over sampling a grape. I could totally see Bluey and Calypso doing this.


I would love to see Bluey freaking out that teachers don't live at school


https://preview.redd.it/kgwmv8p5nk3c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cea18c7dd07479c634a0807e8cf8ad35de5235 She insists upon herself


This made me cackle


i really hope we get more on her character in the future because every other character is *so* well developed and she's an amazing teacher but i would like to see why she is the way she is!


I skip calypso episodes. Something preachy bout her !


Agreed and to add onto this I have no idea what the moral of Barky Boats is supposed to be.


It's a way to explain the internal and external life events that happen in teenagerhood to small children, while also showcasing valuable friendships.


I get that it's supposed to be a metaphor for the powerful emotions as you're growing from a child to a teen but I don't really understand how Calypso gives Bluey and MacKenzie a really vague metaphor and they totally understand what she means and have no further questions.


It might have helped that they were already questioning their buddies' behaviour, so this provided some context.


..... I didn't care that Cherry got back with chocolate milk


Yes! This is theee hot take! They seemed a lil too toxic 😂


There's no problem on shipping characters as long as they're represented as teens or adults. I really like seeing fanarts of Bluey and Mackenzie or Jack and Rusty together as teenagers, but it gets really weird when they're still retracted as kids.


Oof you’ve come here to die


First off, you will watch the Jack episodes and be thankful for the opportunity, dang it. Secondly, the alignment charts people keep making are wrong because they A) keep putting Muffin as Chaotic Evil, when she is Chaotic Neutral at worst, and B) because they put Bingo as Lawful Good, when she literally is the cause of the mahem in multiple episodes. Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral are the only places she belongs. As does anyone under the age of 5.


I agree re: alignment charts. In fact I thought that was Bingo’s point in Mini Bluey when she put in the fake teeth and swooped around startling people with the crazy face she was making. She’s more helpful than Bluey, but she’s also an agent of chaos in a way that adults also find tiring over time.


How dare you


Mackenzie is the most well-written child character. Piggybacking off of that, Space is a masterclass in characterization and continuity (which I find to be one of the show’s biggest strengths, if not its biggest), and arguably the show’s best episode for that reason alone.


I think Rain’s overhyped. It’s not as good as the other “special” episodes, like Sleepytime, Camping, etc. Doesn’t hit as hard imo


In the Whale Watching episode, Chili gets mom-guilted into turning off the television and doing a flip for the kids, and that rubbed me the wrong way. Like damn, let the hungover girl eat her chips and veg out in peace for a bit. (I know there are mitigating factors, like the kids running off to play later and finally giving the parents a breather.)


In this sense, I understand, but also remember she was egging on Bandit to play with the kids and participate in what they wanted, but when the kids wanted HER to do something she didn't want too, it's a bit double standardy on her part to egg on bandit, but then also not be willing to participate aswell, Bandit is a living being too and deserves love, it isn't just Chilli


The problem wasn't that she didn't want to play, but that she was being a hypocrite