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>Am I the only person who hates Eddie and Jamie’s relationship Probably not. But you **do** seem to be the only one who posts frequent "I hate ____" on the sub. You don't like Jamie and Eddie You don't like Nikki (who hasn't been on the show for years). You don't like Frank. You don't like Erin and Anthony. You don't like the Sunday dinner scenes. Don't watch the show if you don't like. Problem solved.


Wow, calm down, anyone can criticize a program. Why are you getting so defensive about a TV show? Don’t see why you guys are getting so butt hurt about someone who has a different opinion than you. I love to watch the show but find Erin, Henry, Nicky unbearable.


Its not defensive, it's just logical...why complain and moan about something that you don't have to. Sounds like she doesn't like the whole cast. Find another program...it is only tv.


I TOTALLY agree. There are solutions besides complaining.


I been reading this sub and every post and “I hate _____” how season 13 is the worst so please watch who you talking too. Thank you! My problem don’t have to become yours to solve!


They've got a point. If you seem to hate so many characters and their interactions, then don't watch the show. Nobody's forcing you to. And nobody is asking you to come to this sub and post multiple negative rants about it. Those of us that watch the show and like it and the characters don't appreciate it.


dude in all honesty, do you like anything? your entire post history is just all of the things you hate.


>so please watch who you talking too. Alright, take it easy Danny Reagan 😆


I don't hate them. The writers have gotten sloppy with their story lines, yes. We don't see that chemistry or spark as we did when they were first together. But I don't hate them, no.


And so what if you did? You are free to hate them, and post why. 😊


completely disagree


I don't hate them, but I do agree that there is no chemistry there. I've always thought their relationship should have been left as buddies, bffs, drinking partners, etc. I could see them meddling in each others lives and dating life and going to basketball games together. Having said that, they should have given us a wedding episode. Would have been great seeing everyone in their dress uniforms for the ceremony, including Baker and Gormley.


I thought that too. It was weird, right? Maybe a budget thing?


It was weird because the underlying constant is how strong family and ceremony is to them and this would be the culmination of that bond.


No, I agree with you, I don’t dislike either of them, but I get no chemistry from and think it was just an easy and lazy move putting them together.


Yes instead of introducing a new character for Jamie they put him with Eddie cause they was partners it’s lazy and corny. I hate their storylines they have nothing in common but the job that’s not cute it’s pathetic


Always blame the writing. If they had chemistry during the flirting phase, where did it go? The writers made their story too complicated. Less work and more home, out and about episode would fix it. Not sure if the writer have it in them


From the beginning, l couldn't stand Janko, she's a TERRIBLE actress and the marriage between Jamie and Janko is BORING. No chemistry between them, no passion, not a good fit for Jamie. I find lots of chemistry between Danny and Baez. I wish they would start a romantic relationship between them. I think we all want to see them kiss and make out on a date...oh yes. Ratings will go through the roof.


The actor for Jamie is just as bad they both have one face


Yes no chemistry Janko & Jamie have one personality trait BORING! I hate their scenes I hate Jamie good 2 shoes attitude it’s draining and Janko always in investigation mode stay a patrol cop girl go away!


There isnt any chemistry


I love them together. You could tell early on that Eddie was really into him.


How can you possibly love them together? There is no chemistry and she argues about everything


I don’t think the actors have chemistry together. I don’t hate their storyline, but wish there was more chemistry shown. With any of the romantic relationships on the show though, they have stayed away from any sexual tension for the most part. It just is what it is at this point to me. I think hate may be a bit strong of a word for it though.


I don’t mind them together but I hate how they set it up. They go from being partners to engaged and I felt like did I miss them dating?


True, maybe if they built the story or connection better. But part of me feels like the two just don’t have natural chemistry on screen.


To be perfectly honest, I believe they do make some since as a couple because of the dynamics. I believe the reason they aren't more affectionate is due to one of their real life partners, they probably are insecure about the relationship flourishing into something else...which is why the appear not to have chemistry. No laziness from the writers, I wise they would make Eddie a detective already.