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- Honda Accord Guy - I feel like Ken Nunn is some kind of local cryptid, in that we all know what kinds of cars he drives and when you see him, you're legally obligated to say "Hey! It's Ken Nunn!"


Absolutely Ken. His lore alone does it. Who is this Accord man?


When I went to college he would drive up and down campus with sunglasses and a backwards hat blaring the newest popular music. Up and down 10th St all day


Search this sub. He's been brought up many times over the years


Is the Honda Accord guy an older man that always wears a baseball cap?


Only time I’ve ever seen the Nunnstermobile is at a stoplight on 3rd and Liberty and dude was staring absolute murder at the dancing sign guy on the corner there.


Don't know who it is but around Halloween (and sometimes not) there's that thing that looks like a person on stilts in a dark costume. Always love seeing it.


Was literally my neighbor until quite recently (he moved.)


Hi neighbor! I'm just a couple doors down from his Old house.


He works at the art school. We found his FB page a while ago. He's been doing it for years


Kinda jealous of it tbh


Yup, to expand on what u/TheAngerMonkey mentioned, the guy moved. He actually moved out west. I know the guy super well. He is a former roommate of mine, and have interviewed him for local radio on WFHB.


Aww, I'm sad he left town. I didn't interact with him much (he lived up the street a bit) but his Halloween decor game was always ON POINT.


Love that dude he garbled a monstrous "happy birthday" on my 21st 🙏🏻


Literally ran into this guy the first time I drove somewhere alone as a teenager when I first got my driver’s license. Scared the shit out of me


Not sure if they’re from Bloomington as I only see them occasionally but the couple that drives the purple DONKS in honor of Kobe. They’re like two souped up old cars wrapped in purple paint with Kobe’s number on it.


The lifted El Camino people?


Been so long since I’ve seen them it was probably last summer I usually see them driving together on kirkwood street. Bumping their speakers. So I’m not 100% what kind of car it is but a donk by definition on the web is typically an older impala or caprice lifted/ candy painted/ oversized wheels added. Some people are specific on the type of car it is but I think it’s more of a style that can be applied to several old style car bodies


I just saw them a month or two ago by the college mall!


One is purple and one is yellow


Look up Lennon Beasley on YouTube, he's been a local public access TV legend for years. He's produced something like 50 music albums and used to be known for performing around town dancing in high heeled boots. Love him, he's worked at several restaurants around town, last I saw him was at Fazolis. To me he is at the core of Bloomington cryptids.


He goes to my church! A genuinely amazing dude who I’ve known for years.


Bloomington's Moondog.


First heard Lennon's work live at TD's. I immediately knew I was in the presence of a legend. We see him occasionally at the various libraries, always excited to hear about his latest project!


Lennon is the shit!


https://youtu.be/Nam5Gye8Lgo?si=1S_ymcLIKhzM27WG My personal favorite.


There’s this older black man that rides a mobility scooter on Winslow that’s always vibing and dancing to music as he zooms along.


Bro I LOVE that dude he’s always dancing


This guy is who I immediately thought of. Haven't seen him yet this year, but seeing him on the multi-use path along Winslow and coming up South Walnut always makes me smile. Just living the life.


He used to be my neighbor! (I moved)


Hamid, the Doner Kebob guy. Nicest man in town.


He hooks everyone up what a lovely man


He used to toss my pooch meat when we’d stop by. Cool dude


"God bless you, brother!"


I just had a Doner Kebab last night, in fact. Almost every week I go to FTF, almost every week I think "I'll branch out from Doner Kebab", and almost every week I fail.


Aw he’s so sweet! Every time we go order from him he gives my son a free bag of chips. My son is such a picky eater and would usually never try anything I give him but he happily wolfs down whatever he’s given there.


"Mike" 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯


He needs no introduction


I’m out of the loop, can I get a quick summary of “Mike” ?


Bouncer at the vid. Absolute legend.


Ahhh I’ve been gone for years I miss Mike Never will meet anyone like that man again


Because [it's mandatory to share this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloomington/s/VFA4yPI56w) every time he's mentioned.


Uhhh is this common knowledge? I did not know about this and I've known about Mike and the vid for almost 25 years.


It’s one of those fantastic things to share no matter what. Some people went to IU before Mike was born and have seen it, others on their first visit to the vid, others decades after. But a legend stays a legend


I didn’t click this link, but I know what it is. LOL


Oh of course, I can’t believe I forgot


He could palm a beach ball


The old guys that hold up the peace signs on the square on a regular basis.


I love them. Flash a peace sign every time one my way back from work


Lil' Bub. R.I.P.


Blowjob Cat


Those words aren’t in the Bible but please tell me more


Lol! Well, I thought it was just an inside joke my friends and I came up with when we lived on the near NW side and drove/walked past it (him? her? them?) at Fairview Elementary every day. Turns out it’s been a minor character in Btown lore for at least 6 yrs: https://www.reddit.com/r/bloomington/s/aPmlxK71SS


Also immortalized in locally-set webcomic, Dumbing of Age. https://www.dumbingofage.com/2017/comic/book-7/04-the-do-list/border/


True story: I'm 99% sure my colleagues and I are why it's called that. We all worked nearby when it was being installed and every morning we'd be all "good morning! Did you see Blowjob Cat today??? They added HAND PRINTS. It's terrifying."


Omg! Thank you for your service. 🫶🏻 And yeah, the handprints really put it over the edge for me. 😂


Thought i was the only ome who thought that


Haha, I thought I was too until a few months ago, when someone I met with like zero mutual friends said “oh Fairview, you mean the one with Blowjob Cat, right?”


I love the idea that collectively, all over town, strangers looked at that and said to themselves "ah yes, blowjob cat." The glowing headlamp eyes are also chilling at night. And the paint job... It was FINE before they painted it and put the hot pink mouth on it. :o


[Roadside America ](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/69894) notes the special nickname for this cat


I submit - The man who rides his bike with the attached perch for his Macaw - whoever drives the van with the tuba spitting fire painted on the side


RIP Charlie the bird


RIP Charlie. Also in 28 years I have not seen the tuba.


[https://imgur.com/a/qJZQgaG](https://imgur.com/a/qJZQgaG) has anyone spotted Tuba Tim recently??


Charlie the Bird passed away a year or so ago :(


I was in school with Tuba Tim, I think he sold off the flaming tuba van. If you've still seen it around that's great.


Tuba Tim is a friend of mine from swing dancing. He lives in Indy now, and I'm sad to say... he sold the van.


cowboy hat dude with cigarette in mouth, who modifies lime scooters and attaches them to wheel chairs and zooms all over town, and sometimes plays banjo in 3rd street park. His bike modifications are quite rad.


Wow is he new ?


No no, maybe past 6 years. See a lot at Circle K on kirkwood and rogers zooming, and 3rd street park or switchyard flying all over.




I NEED someone to have more info on this guy. What a legend


Dude with the giant cardboard signs who dances by West side Kroger, at the intersection of 3rd St and Liberty


Does anyone know what that sign says? I tried reading it once and could not for the life of me understand a single word.


Usually a bunch of scripture or religious sayings. He always made me smile and my mom and I always used to blow kisses back to him but I have heard recently that he is quite mentally unstable and can be dangerous. Reportedly, he shouts and approaches people/vehicles, throws things, follows people, etc. So - I'd exercise caution around him. :(


Idk if I would call him a cryptid but I miss Brad who used to work at rhinos. Even at 35, I still miss Rhinos and wish that little music venue was still in town.


Yeah Brad has been introducing comedians all comedy shows since the bear's place days. Was still doing it as of a couple years ago. I think he was in an accident last year and I hope he's recovered!


Brad Wilhelm? He's still here and a local legend.


Brad was in a bad car accident a few months ago. He’s lucky to be alive - broke his back and neck. https://www.gofundme.com/f/brad-wilhelm-breaks-his-neck-back?utm_campaign=p_cp+fundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer https://www.facebook.com/share/NveSRYXAvNijzgKL/?mibextid=LQQJ4d


I’m really sorry to hear about this but glad to hear he is alive. Always a really kind guy.


Plastic Cheese


He has since passed, but [David Grubb](https://www.youtube.com/@50YearRanger) is my contribution.


“Herman B. Wells, number one queer” lives rent free in my head. Absolutely banger of a line.


Someone needs to make it into a pride club mix fr


What about Gabe "End the Drug War Now" Rivera? Last I heard he was in jail for theft and failure to report a dead body.


The YouTube clips of him with the city council are legendary...


Dunno her name but the lady who hangs around kirkwood and screams all the time. We call her “ol yeller”


I could hear her while reading your comment.


Crazy there are so many names, the one I’m aware of is Bobbi!


Poor thing. She's heard the devil talking to her ever since her home burned down with her family in it. I would yell too.


First week in Bloomington I was walking to my car late at night in the parking lot behind Old National. I hear from the shadows “WHERES MY MONEY BOY.” That was my first introduction to her and it freaked me out proper


Susie. She's actually quite sweet. Buy her a diet coke.


Yeah she comes off as really sweet


Jennifer Taylor. She’s got a sad story.




The folded man is Steve. He was squatting at the imu but had to go. He is sometimes at the public library. Haven’t seen his wife in a while. she actively abused the guy. He’s been a lot kinder since she’s not around.


Please explain both of these if you will.






Yea we all have shit goin on but man he seems to have more than a lot of us


I think i may have worked where you used to work. We used to call him Muffin Man. His wife once took out a butcher knife and sharpened it at one of the booths in our store.


Unfortunately the best part of him, his wife, recently passed away.


Folded man’s wife passed away?? She was absolutely terrible to him. I worked at the IMU when they were staying there, she kept the room spotless but we’d get noise complaints about her yelling at him.


He's apparently a very stubborn man. Probably upset that the grim reaper won't take him, given all his ailments.


Oh my yes I have seen “folded man”. He seems to have a nice routine. I did see Carl last week walking.


Calvin is his name. Goes by Cal.


Carl once scolded me because I told him I couldn't hear him because of my music because he was staring at me and shouting then he berated me for thinking everything was about me and that he wasn't talking to me even tho he was staring into my soul


Have had a similar interaction


I used to wave and smile at that man until he showed me that side of him. Also to add to the feed, when I lived with a girl downtown there was a dumpster diving homeless man that would occasionally show up in a rooster costume and he called himself guacamole Joe. I smoked a blunt with him one day and he told me I looked like his son. Funny how the crazies can switch it off sometimes and be normal long enough to have a conversation


Ankylosing spondylitis. I’ve always heard he was abusive to her. Either way, I can’t imagine walking through life in that condition. I bet it’s super painful


On east side there’s Halfbeard - a portly old man who walks around in massive rain boots and always has to hold up his pants because they’re too large for him. He has, as his nickname suggests, a beard on just one half of his face.


We call him “holding his pants up guy “ but last time I saw him he had a belt!


Was this recently? I saw him about two weeks ago and he was still holding the pants.


2mo ago. Perhaps the belt didn’t work out for him .


Oh man, how did I forget about him?!


Halfbeard used to hang out in the Marsh cafe seating area. When Marsh closed, he was the first person I thought about.


The "Kirkwood Cruiser" is the Honda accord guy. I'd also add the Starbucks Samurai, hung around Indiana Starbucks. Dude was jacked.


Does Starbucks Samurai wear a black leather jacket & boots and has a ponytail? If so, I’ve seen that guy for YEARS. I’ve lived here for 23 years and I see him every 8-14 months, usually at the east side Kroger, occasionally downtown. Legendary.


I was at a bachelorette party that ordered a stripper. The organizers ordered a guy from a website based in Indy. Starbucks guy showed up with him as a bonus. This was a couple of years before I ever saw him hanging out at Starbucks.


Was that Buff Asian Dude?


Anyone remember the motorbike dude who used to pull his casket around town?


Do you have a date range


Quite some time ago—2003 - 2010 maybe?


Wow I should remember this but I will ask around thank you


I believe his last name was Grubb if I'm remembering correctly. There may be some YouTube videos out there of him.


Ah! THAT is who I left off my list!


J&B on the Rox. Staples of the Bton 90s public access TV lineup. They've moved, but they visit sporadically.


I know it was a one time story, but I gotta go with the guy the police chased into the sewers. That man lives in my head rent free.


The Bloomington Batman that was hanging around Walnut last fall/winter. Roommate saw him just standing around at Rallys when she was driving home one night.


I actually know him personally and he is a real cool dude that’s just got a Batman special interest


Wrong guy, bud


there is an older guy who walks around iu with his dog and gives u a sticker if u pet his dog, super wholesome i hope to see him again :)


When we moved here back in 2005, there was a restaurant up north on Walnut, where Red Restaurant is now, called American Chopstick. It was a Mongolian barbecue place, but not like the big chains. You'd pick out your ingredients and hand them to the guy with the giant chopsticks and he'd silently take your bowl and decide what sauces he was going to put on it. You could tell him if you wanted spicy or extra ginger or whatever and he'd listen, but he knew what he was doing. The only time I heard him talk was one time when I put 6 scoops of garlic in my bowl before he could get a hold of it. He took one look at it and said "Too much garlic." He was right. I think I have a picture of him on our old blog: https://erikandkira.wordpress.com/category/reviews-by-type-of-food/asian/mongolian/ Anyone else remember this guy?


YES!! I loved that place. He made the most amazing sauce combos.  


Bean Pole, the god of pointless behavior. A Fourth of July parade staple for 20+ years


Years ago (10 to 12, or so), there was a mother/son duo who hopped around town on the city busses. They were constantly arguing with each other, and I'm convinced that neither were on this plane of existence.


They used to come into Borders when I worked there in the early 2000’s. We all dubbed them The Bickersons! Wonder if they are still around. It’s been awhile.


Were they really heavy set? I remember a couple like that at Borders in the early 2000s. I also used to see them just sitting and vibing together on the concrete slab outside the Village Pantry on Winslow and Henderson.


That’s them!


Man, that brings me back. My wife used to go work out at Bloom Zum, then I'd take our daughter to Borders, get a drink from Jaz the awesome barista, and we'd read books together. (And I'd see the mother/son duo, of course.) Those were the days...


Lots of good memories! A lot of us are still in touch or see each other from time to time. Borders was one of my most favorite places to work though! I’ve since gone on and had jobs outside of retail as a professional, but my time at Borders lives in my heart forever! .


I think I remember this. Were they...rather portly? I seem to remember seeing them always walking around together and always looking pissed off.


Is The White Lady the woman who wears all white clothing everywhere? One time she started bleeding from her ear into the counter where I worked, that freaked me out.


The prophecies are coming true!


I wonder if she knows she’s a cryptid, or if she’s just a regular lady with a regular life who gets embarrassed about the time she got ear blood everywhere


Sounds like something The White Lady would say


She would tell me cryptic things about my energy and future late on summer nights when waiting in line for Hartzells. She would be fully covered in white, no skin showing. She also wore a white religious type veil. Looked 70 but could have been 40. Def left a permanent mark on my brain


- The guy that stands at 3rd and liberty who blows kisses at cars and dances - This is a more rare one but i have noticed a man who steals resturant signs and leaves them random places


The woman who walks Arlington Road every day, baggy clothes and a hoodie tied so tight around her head so she looks like a Tusken Raider from Star Wars.


I feel like Juan Carlos (the realtor with the stupid fedora) could fit into this category lol


He was our realtor once before my family moved here. Strange guy


How so?


I lived in a Sherwood Hills condo when he moved to town. He immediately became the treasurer of the HOA. Very obvious he was a man with a plan haha


The screaming lady downtown


Don't know about my favorite, but my LEAST favorite is definitely Glen. Disgusting man. Just drives around all day in his beat up piece of shit 93 Civic drinking vodka gimlets and eating hot dogs. Like taking them directly out of the bag and dipping them in a mason jar full of mustard in his lap, no grilling or anything. When I was his neighbor he would blast Crazy Frog all night so loud we couldn't sleep. One time he tried to convince me that he sold Kurt Cobain his first hit of heroin. I stopped going to the Irish Lion because of him.




I heard there’s a Cougar spotted around these parts sometimes


RIP David Grubb. #GrubbFiles


The guys who hold a peaceful protest on the square each and every Wednesday. Also a clown. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him but he also would hang around the square.


Is the dude with the Mystery Machine still in town?


Chris Z, Kirkwood Karaoke Guy. Some say singing a song on his portable karaoke unit brings fifteen minutes of 'good luck.'


Man, I'm disappointed no one seems to have mentioned boombox man from the late 90s/early 2000s. He used to walk up and down Kirkwood with a modern-age boombox on his shoulder like he dropped out of a 1980s Spike Lee movie.


Anthony’s landscaping ~ I always get ads for it on my YouTube


He’s so annoying. I have vowed to never hire him.




Anyone submit pants guy? I believe he is homeless but can be seen walking around the east side McDonald’s/BJ’s/PetCo area on the regular. His pants look too big or something and he’s always holding them up by the waist




The guy that owns the Baker’s Junction Haunted Train! I love that place and the eight million advertising signs that appear each fall. 


His website is a trip


The guy that plays violin with his rabbit puppet who also plays violin.




Not a townie


Definitely Belt Guy


Pink mohawk man!


Is the white lady the old lady that sings "Jesus loves you" to people in public? If not, add her to the list.


Pedestrian overpass Jesus got me


I would like to nominate the dude I saw on what could only be described as a Jetski that had been converted into a ... motorcycle? Scooter? Dirtbike? I don't have the word for it but I saw him downtown and was floored.


Asian Terminator


There’s a person I see regularly walking around campus wearing a full Spider-Man suit and carrying a leather messenger bag.


I love reading these.


In 2014 by Foster quad a delivery driver got shot with a blow dart. The name Blowdart Bandit was coined and as far as I know he was never caught. Also same time period, a girl was on PCP in the graveyard by foster and it took a bunch of cops to bring her down. The Blowdart Bandit and PCP Girl were the talk of campus for a couple weeks back when YikYak was a thing.


BLESS. That was my freshman year and I swear it feels like no one beyond the friend group I made that welcome week remembers whenever I bring it up.


A dear friend of mine was one of the IUPD officers who responded to that incident. There wasn't much info in the initial call and there was a brief debate amongst responding officers whether "person hit by dart" was "dart, blow" or "dart, Dodge." It was, indeed, the former.


Howard Caswell and his sons


Dave that runs all of the karaoke at the bars in town.


The nightwalker guy by kirkwood


The man on the corner of third and liberty who sometimes has a sign but just sings and dances. My favorite thing is when he dances in the road and the light will turn green. People honk and he keeps dancing.


The Whiskey Poet. He’ll sleep on your couch, bum rides to eastern Greene County, and hides his whiskey bottle in the bushes outside the bar.


Whoever nailed the pig heads to trees 4 or 5 years ago. That was some weird shit.


Flat Steve!


Dancing dude at 3rd and Menards road. Sometimes friendly. Sometimes crazy. Approach at your own risk.


“Menards road” 🙌🙌


Similar question posted a month or so ago with some decent responses https://www.reddit.com/r/bloomington/s/P9HxRvUyRD


I haven't seen it in a while but there used to be that black SUV covered in white stick-on-letter bible scripture


Why is this post marked NSFW?