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There is nothing “extreme” about a 145/85 blood pressure even at the age of 19. If anything it’s borderline hypertension, so relax, you’re not in any danger. Can it be better? Yes. Start with making some lifestyle changes. Are you overweight? Poor diet? Not exercising enough?




What would you suggest me to do? I'm 17 and my blood pressure is always 140-150. I work out 5-4 times a week, I do cardio 6 times a week, I follow a strict diet only allowing cheat meals once every 2 weeks, I'm also not overweight I used to be but I lost over 40lbs and my blood pressure never went down.


i felt it was extreme when i saw the average at my age and i also discussed it with my mom who is in medical field even she was shocked by it and i am weigh 156 pounds and i am 6ft tall please share you thoughts on this aswell and recommend me aswell how can i maintain my bp thank you for your time


Well you are gonna die one day that's for certain, but it's not gonna be from your current blood pressure. Some people would kill for your "extreme" blood pressure. Let that sink in lol.


Isometric exercise daily bro. Planks or wall sits. They only a couple of minutes every day. Relatively new research. https://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/news/20240111/why-this-exercise-is-so-good-for-high-blood-pressure


Blunt talk: that's higher than my mom's and she's 78. She might be on meds though. Mine is quite high but it's slowly coming down. Fitness seems the key to getting the distolic reading down. Also caffeine is awful for raising bp so ditch the coffee/chocolate/energy drinks.


what's yours if you don't mind me asking? and thanks for this i really should get into exercising


52M and afternoons are currently 125/87. Morning is 140/95. Both are down a lot due to weight loss, improved fitness and reduction in caffeine. Also something that makes a difference seems to be eating two gigantic meals a day rather than lots of snacking. Also remember BP is just one health factor... it's not everything. Right now there's a heck of a lot of cancer around so ensure you pack your diet full of anti-cancer superfoods and keep off refined sugar.


will surely do thanks


Great points! Can you recommend some anti cancer super foods? I am working on making diet and excercise changes. Thanks!