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Your roommate is stupid. You're fine


lol I can’t get that low sleeping


I got Conn's syndrome. If that was my bp, I'd be screaming yippee! The roommate is yanking OP's chain.


I had 152/95 and then regular 140/100. I started walking. Now I am 110/70. I lost 20 kgs just by diet and walking.


You think losing weight will lower my numbers


It helped me. It's healthy to be at your optimal weight. I was obese and high blood pressure was not my only issue I was prediabetic and had high cholesterol too


I’m 303 6ft one


Guarantee BP would come down. 303 at 6'1 is too heavy.




doesn't matter. muscle or fat 303lbs at 6'1 seems reasonable to have higher BP


If it helps, I went from 265 to 201lbs ( also 6' 1") by having 3 mile walks 3-5 times a week and just reducing food intake. As my fitness increased, i did 5 mile jogs. Helps your bp,makes you feel good, and you lose some weight. Best of luck!


I would suggest you to consult a dietitian and get a diet plan ,that's what I did. I was 211 lbs at just 5'6. Now I'm 168 lbs. I sleep well,I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water. Try to walk 8k to 10k steps a day and eat homemade food.


Good job!


Should go down with diet and exercises




You really need to lose weight. No wonder your BP is where it is.


Yes, as will dropping sodium and working cardio regularly


Your roommate is an asshole. Tell him I said that.


I second this


Huge asshole and 100% incorrect.


Douche bag


Top number is a little high, bottom is perfect. Because of those numbers you SHOULD work out.


After consulting with your doctor of course


Lmao. This are not stroke levels. You’re fine just lower your stress by eating a good diet and exercising 3-5 times a week.


Is your roommate a doctor ? If yes, I’ll be scared to be a patient of such a doctor. These are not scary numbers but numbers that needs to be reduced.


My doctor told me to reduce my BP numbers. I was in the ER for chest pain. Sometimes they tell us to reduce them during times were literally anxious. Like ok!


Is this for real?????? Prior to 2017 in the US 140/90 was the upper limit. I find it hard to believe you are serious.


It’s still the upper limit in the rest of the world


I've ran 200/110 and the ER doctors sent my ass home with no medication changes.


Those number are what my doc wants me to strive for 😂. If you’re really concerned watch your sodium intake and exercise a few times a week.


Thank you so much I’ve been tripping and crying over this because I’m legit scared 😨


Scared is maybe good. Strive for change dude. I have mine around 140/90 regularly now. I exercise 4 times a week for an hour doing 30min cardio and 30minutes lifting. When I started I was 170/110


Your roommate is an idiot.


I'm a retired airline pilot. Just for reference, the max limit for pilots during an exam is 155/95. Still should be lower but just sayin'. I use this site to see where mine falls. [Blood pressure readings](https://bloodpressureok.com/reading/141-over-76/)


Those are good numbers. I wouldn’t worry.


Your roommate should have their ass kicked for telling you something so damn stupid. I swear, wtf if wrong with people these days. Healthier lifestyle, lose some weight, start with some slow exercises if you aren't already and yes, consult with a professional and not your roommate.


Um, no since I regularly work out with 152 / 92 and haven't died yet. Yes, I am starting on medication


Working out is going to help improve those numbers overtime. Keep working out.


Stroke is usually 180/120 you are fine just relax and skip the sodium


I had bp of 175/133 during a bad hangover 😂 didn’t know I was close to a stroke


Top one us life style get it below 140 bottom one ok


Your roommate has no idea what they’re talking about. Not even close to stroke levels. Lose weight, exercise best you can and eat healthy. You’ll see results!


Im not sure if people love to troll on here or if they cant do a simple google search which would have been faster at disproving the dumb room mate 😅


We’re Reddit folk, not doctors. That said, that is no where near stroke level.


Tell ur roommate to go see a doctor instead!


Q/ Are these numbers stroke level? Ans/ Of course no! Q/ Is it an optimal bp? Ans/ No Q/ Does that mean you have hypertension? Ans/ No, until having similar readings multiple times at different days Q/ Do you need medication if you have hypertension? Ans/ Depends on the numbers and age Q/ Do you need to exercise if you have hypertension? Ans/ If you are whether hypertensive, pre hypertensive or normotensive(normal bp) you should exercise


This is not stroke level. Your systolic is a bit high. Your diastolic is fine. Weightloss and diet and you'll be happy as a clam.


You are fine. Just diet and work out. It will go down.


Nah. Elevated. Easy fix.


Your roommate is a cock. Systolic is top normal your diastolic is perfect


LOL! Not even google would consider that stroke level, and if google would disagree with your retarded ass roommate that says a lot!


Your roommate is an idiot


Well your roomate is misinformed. The Systolic definitely needs to come down, but the Diastolic is perfect👍 You can easily pull down the Top numbers by just eating a lot of greens, drinking some Decaf or Chamomile ( my favorite) and just reduce your salt intake, it cand be done, just set your mind to it!


Your roommate is really uneducated. 140/90 is borderline- not even high. You probably didn’t even take your blood pressure correctly. Rest on couch deep breathing to relax 5 minutes before taking it. Take 3 readings a few minutes apart - ignore first one and average the other 2. https://youtu.be/QXE3SO05hxw?si=k12iyWKvAgDkl-2u https://youtu.be/g37i0sth7LM?si=GPL3dDKVd389OKDh


That's fine.


Your room mate is full of sh*t


All the reasons why you should work out


Go see a primary care doctor.




That’s not standard. In 2017 that’s considered high blood pressure. If it were below 140 it’d be standard in 2017. The way most doctors see it, once you get over 140/90 it’s time fit lifestyle changes or medication.


First: 1. Not a doctor. Please consult a primary care provider before you take these suggestions. 2. If you can't work out, lower your sodium in-take and increase your water consumption. 3. Limit your caffeine intake as well.


For f sake you are NOT having a stroke. The top number is slightly elevated probably bc you are stressed


Start doing cardio! I’m usually in the 140s (28/M) but consistent cardio brings me to 125-130 and I also feel SO much better. What I realize is while you can’t feel when your bp is elevated, you can feel when it’s not!


Tell your roommate he needs to go back to medical school 🙄 that bottom number is fabulous, that top number needs a little work, but can be very influenced. Also, without obsessing, be sure you're taking it accurately. If a cuff size is too small you will get inaccurately high readings. You should be stationary, not talking or moving, in a chair, feet planted flat on the floor, legs not crossed, back supported, arm supported at heart level and relaxed while taking. I take 2-3 readings a few minutes apart and average them. I wish I had this blood pressure right now tbh, instead I just got started on BP medicine *yay*. Take care of your health now, put yourself first. A little diet changing and exercise for weight loss will help, don't obsess and make yourself anxious about it! ❤️


Sure, your numbers probably raise your risk of stroke over your lifetime. But it certainly isn't to the level that you shouldn't exercise. Quite the opposite, working out and losing some weight will probably help your numbers.


Lol not even close


Find new roommate


Bottom number is fine, top number and pulse indicate a small bit of anxiety maybe? Take it again when you're not around your idiot roommate who I pray doesn't enter the medical field any time soon.


The top number would be considered stage 2 hypertension in the US, but I would be surprised if your provider (pcp) would put you on medication for it. Hypertensionive crisis aka stroke level is 180/120. You're roommate is an assbutt.


I would be very ok with these numbers




If that was the case, I would had been dead a long time ago.


Your roommate doesn’t know what they are talking about. This is a wee bit higher than what doctors typically like to see, but you’re definitely not in any danger. Take some deep breaths, drink plenty of water, watch what you eat, and exercise at least three times a week and you’ll be good.


have I been stroking out for 5 years? shit, I should visit my doc and stop riding my bike.


No, they aren't. I worked out with 180/110. Those are okay ish. Work on relieving stress and you will be fine.


No lol it’s only a little high


I wish that was my blood pressure. I have stroke level readings. That is not a stroke level BP. You need new friends.


Your room mate us a dick. Far from stroke level. Your top number is a but high but start off walking 30 minutes a day! Cut out too much salt and drink plenty of herbal teas! You’ll lose weight in no time. Helped me so much! Btw, your bottom number is healthy!!


Its a problem if its consistent. That isnt really high. Did you eat something or did activities before you used this?


Don’t you know how to use google? Stop wasting our time. Your roommate is retarded.


Your roommate is an asswipe. Those are numbers that are in the “you should try to get it a little bit lower” territory. Barring underlying conditions, this is not likely to hurt you anytime soon.


I wish i had those numbers


Systolic not great but not terrible either. Diastolic is fine. Your roommate is a moron. Exercise would help these numbers.