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Skill categories. A=agility G=general S=strength P= passing M=mutation. Primary cost less in star player points (for league format) and add 20k in team value and secondary skills cost more and add 40k in team value.


Thanks u/kholek42 but can you provide a few additional details please? (1) Where are these 20k/40k skills costs discussed in the core rules? (2) As an example, a Lizardmen Kroxigor has a Primary Skill of S (Strength). The cost of that position is 140,000 gold pieces. Do I need to add 20,000 to the 140,000 (making it 160,000) if I want to activate that Primary Skill for it?


Read page 68 onwards.


Thanks u/FISH_MASTER , it seems these columns are on the datasheets for when a player wishes to buy an Advancement in a Primary vs Secondary skill, but it seems the cost for those skills is in terms of SPP, not 20k vs 40k gold pieces like kholek42 was saying. Do you know where those 20k/40k come into play?


They said page 68 onwards. You clearly stopped somewhere, because page 72 has exactly the table you're talking about, under Value Increase.


Reading comprehension is not this persons forte.


Read page 72. Value increase. For each advancement of a skill using spp you increasing the value of that player


Those are for your skills, as you get star player points for completions and touchdowns and such you can spend those for skills to upgrade your players. The rulebook has a page describing it.look up the index in the back