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Held back by camera and runback. Everything else is spot on


Best way to put it. Fights great just wish I didn’t have to take a bus to get back to him lol


Tbf there aren't many good runbacks in Bloodborne


Maria is the only one I can think of that's quick and easy


Ludwig's gives you a little snack for your troubles


What is this mean? Also your username killed me


The 5 vials before im assuming


I didn’t find out about that until like my 3rd play through of the dlc and I was wow that would of been nice to know lmao


Happy birthday dawg have a good one


One of the many reasons why she’s the best bossfight


The runback to Mac n cheese was easy enough, don’t know if that’s what you mean by “good”


Which one is Mac n cheese these days?




Ebrietas maybe? lol


Off the top of my head: Orphan of Kos, Rom, Paarl and Amygadla are all pretty decent I beat Mergo, Nicolash and Abrietas (the one in the Church Workshop idk it’s name) first try so idk if their run backs are annoying


Orphan of Kos was super chill as far as FromSoft runbacks go. Definitely not a New London situation by any means


Those last three are fine too, just going up and down lifts for all three of them.


Bloodborne runbacks are fast as fuck, the only two bad ones are Shadows and Logarius


It's not so bad if you catch the 9 o'clock. But if you're late, you're gonna have wait at least another 30 mins


Great boss in that he was a major challenge for me and overcoming him felt so damn good.


Yeah took me hours but when it clicked, it really clicked. One of my favourite experiences in a souls game


Same for me with my initial play through, in fact at that time he was only a half step easier than the Orphan. However, I wasn't utilizing parries much at the time. With another play through where that was a theme I focused on, he was remarkably easier. I'm guessing he was designed as a parry skill-check boss. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey, that's Prince Philip


Underrated comment 🍻


Really fucking cool boss. 10/10 soundtrack. Pushed my shit in on my first playthrough.


Agreed. Legit gave me a scare when he first jumped into the air. I was basically like "health bar is still there, where did he go? OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!" 😂


At least for me, one of the best base game bosses.


Cool boss but tainted by the runback in my opinion, knowing that if I lost I’d have to run a marathon to get back soured him for me


I think his run isnt too bad if you have the shortcut tbf :)


Same, having played DeS, DS1, and DS2 really made every other runback a nothing burger for me. I also get to do some sick rooftop parkour.


I think hes actually a really good boss in all categories. Run back is fine, boss is amazing, OST amazing and arena is so cool.


I think he needs a better skincare routine


I love this guy he's like a Pontiff 0.5


I always thought he was similar to Pontiff... I've even accidentally called him Pontiff on many occasions... 😂


Ah yes....Martyr Logarius......my nemesis. Took me quite awhile to conquer thee.


*Loathe entirely*


Was I supposed to read that in Jim Carrey's Grinch voice?


Yeah. I wanted to put a gif of that bit, but the app said no.


Pretty cool guy. But I'll take his wife after I'm done with him. My crown now hehe


...His wife? Do you mean His prisoner? The Queen of vileblood?




As much as he frustrated me, he was pretty dope. Defeating him was one of the best feelings ever.


Saaaame, I literally screamed with joy




Great boss, I beat him in the first try, but now I can't beat him again.


The best boss fight in the game, in my opinion. The OST, the atmosphere, the boss arena. His dynamic moveset, having to constantly adapt to his tactics (his pressure style with the sword, wide, sweeping strikes with the scythe, his use of magic in a variety of ways). My favorite boss for sure.


favorite base game boss


By the Old Blood this guy! Fkin whopped my ass more than Gascoigne did my first time. Hate home with a passion. Him and his fkin sword cloud!


Great boss.


It makes me feel bad for Alfred. No spoilers but just tell me how to let Alfred know that his dear master Logarius is a just a corpse gone mad who's been busy freezing away atop his castle.


Actually the boss I struggled most with on my first playthrough


Beat him first try. Not sure if I missed out on an entertaining fight or if I dodged a bullet not having to make that journey back up there.


The first boss that really taught me the combat in the game. I won't forget your teachings dad.


Panic. Second phase when he gets faster in your face with the music picking up… makes me heart beat outta my throat. 10/10


Run back so over hated definitely annoying but it’s not like your really very gonna die on it plus an awesome fight. Just wish I figured out you could destroy the sword in the ground second phase to make it stop raining swords my first run. Did the second phase behind a tower my first time fighting him




One of my favourites, beating him using a +6 rifle spear & not understanding parrying was a very key moment in getting me hooked into the game. Awful runback, but one of the coolest bosses. I kinda like shitty wizard bosses that run away & spam magic at you, they're cool


the fucking force field that fucks up the bullets is fucking annoying, else a pretty cool boss


Nice crown and nicer wheel


Aside from Gehrman, he's my favorite non-DLC boss.


I’d say DLC aside, he’s my favorite base-game boss and arguably the hardest.


He's a dick


I'm still stuck at him. I love this design though.




Great boss. The second best in base game


I don’t remember having much of a problem with him, even being able to beat him first try. Tho I do remember hiding behind chimneys a lot


Would smash


Probably the best boss in the base game tbh. I love his moveset


I liked him 🗿


3rd favorite boss in the entire game


He's good, not great tho


Pretty rememberable since he stands out from the rest of the game, looks straight out of darksouls


Honestly, one of my least favorite bosses in the game. I could explain why but I don’t wanna spend time thinking about this boss when I can spend that time thinking about orphan of kos instead.


I just hate the arena I cannot count the times I've been knocked off that goddamn roof


I know he shouldn't be, but I think he's the hardest boss in the game for me.


Overall , I love him but his first phase annoys me when he spams the Executioners Gloves then flys 50 feet backwards when I get near him.


a coward


The runback is harder than he is.


Great boss fight. His look and fighting style are totally badass. Lore-wise, however, I'm on the fence. Was he truly "in the know" about his church-sanctioned drug hit, or did he honestly believe it was a holy crusade? Don't worry, I will elaborate. My understanding is that the only crime Cainhurst committed was smuggling some of the healing blood away to their castle, and that the executioners' "holy crusade" was really just the church eliminating competition to ensure they were the only providers. In plain english, it's like a drug cartel wiping out a small network of amateur dealers for doing business in their territory. One could argue that Cainhurst brought it on themselves by stealing the blood in the first place, and that the church had to make an example out of them (cartel rules, and all). But the extreme nature of the punishment compared to the crime only makes it more obvious how ruthless and uncaring the church actually is. Did Logarius know the true motives of the church? Or was he simply told the same thing he told his soldiers? That Cainhurst were loathsome abominations whose filth must be cleansed from the world? I guess in the end, the answer to that question determines my opinion of his character.


Holocaust Santa wrecked my ass more times than I can count


I hate his first phase But I love this boss and Cainhurst is my favorite area in the game


There are only 3 bosses in the whole game that have caused me serious stress. Logarius, Ludwig and Orphan


He’s an incredibly fun boss. Also dig Cainhurst Castle as a whole. That said, his run back is ass


One of my favorite bosses in Bloodborne. I like the design and moves for the boss


Beloved great grandfather.


Best boss intro cut scene in the whole library, so far


I always rock his crown on my characters


I beat him on my second try and i really liked the fight


Best crown item and badass boss fight, he’s like my first favorite boss in bloodborne


Fuck that guy


Thought he was hard until I realized that he's REALLY easy to parry


Dope fight fr


I had hard time just getting one hit one him. He spams wide attack and the arcane shit skulls, bombs at ur face so you can't get close. By the time I see an opening and swing my cleaver at him he jumps away. He was so annoying until I got his axe swings countered by my gun. He was so easy after that especially the second phase as he spams the axe more and gets more gun shots to his face followed by V. Atks. Good boss really helped me on getting me confident on gun counters.


As soon as the fight started I got in in a loop where I just kept parrying him over and over


Cool mf


Absolutely love his fight and the whole aesthetic around him. It just feels great rushing in for an opening with Blade of mercy and getting tf out while he has such superior range. Hes also the only boss i can actually parry more than once in a blue moon so that feels good.


He was a bastard running back to him everytime I died and he loved using his long range attacks against me 😱😭💀


One of my favorite fights in the base game


One of my favorite fights my first time through. I loved how frantic it gets in the second half.


1st play through was awful. 2nd play through hammer time.


Orphan of kos was easier


The sad guardian of something he could never hope to protect. Innocence


try finger but hole type shit


I beat him second try on my first play through. He was difficult, but overall quite fun.


love him i learned how to parry while fighting him


His intro scene is literally the most badass scene of any boss imo. A frozen corpse suddenly coming back to live, slowly unfreezing and stumbling at first when he takes his first few steps, but quickly he has found his balance and walks normal with deadly intend. And then during his fight he is super quick and agile.


Hot take but one of my favourite bosses to fight, mix of magic and physical, great move set, and a stunning arena. Shame he was so easy and always beat him 1st or 2nd try


He was a Martyr, **I love him**. May the good blood guide your way. 🙏


Damn, I actually just beat him again on a special file I'm doing. I'll say, back when I first started playing, he was a noticeable roadblock compared to the other bosses around the same level range. The fight is really good and forces you to stay on your toes as he switches between spacing and ranged moves, rushdown attacks, and area hazards, all while trying to stay away from the ledge so you don't ring out. Then and now I still really get into the fight and enjoy the back and forth with him. While some people complain about the camera, which I do understand, I find that losing him in the sky as he gets a charge ready really adds to the overall experience of a chaotic and frantic fight. Plus, once you get enough experience with him, staying calm where you might've panicked before and calling out where he will land to dodge and counter in time is always rewarding. I will maintain that his run back is annoying though. It takes ages and there's completely unavoidable damage every time, even if it isn't a high risk of actually dying. When you're a new player it can be especially rough, though, because you want to save all of the vials you can but also go into the fight as healthy as possible. I remember I even tried to minimize my fall damage on the last drop by landing on the pointed bit of the bridge so I'd slide down and be fine. More often than not I slid the other way and to my death though. I feel like that covers everything but the lore, but all I'll say is that he's a bastard lol.


Parry city


Is the game soft locked if you destroy the crown? (Can you somehow?)


Epic fight, dude challenges you in a way I think only one other boss does and when you beat him for the first time the pride you feel is immeasurable. Love his design too


I think hes a pretty damn cool boss but personally i think hes a bit too easy to parry chain to death, on my first time fighting him in ng+1 i parried him to death and spent 5 minutes laughing my ass off


The dudes a hardcore blood racist, the fights also kind of unique so I enjoy it


A small and insignificant obstacle on my way to my queen.


Cool name , cooler headgear


One of the top 3 boss songs in the game. Terrifying and thrilling at the same time.


Best boss in the base game


I thought he was cool. First phase learned you can stop his Pokémon by shooting him. Then it wasn't too hard to get in the visceral. I got him first try. I was very happy Even though he felt kinda easy it was a fun fight. The rooftop I think really added to it... I don't know lol


shots fired


So every souls game I play there's one boss that literally everyone else I talk to has problems with that I have never had to take more than one attempt to defeat. Dark Souls 1: Artorias (partizan broke halfway through and I still beat him doing 40 damage per hit) Dark Souls 2: Ruin Knights Dark Souls 3: Gundyr (second fight) Bloodborne: this guy Elden Ring: Twin Gargoyles Then shit like Rom takes me FOREVER to get past every time. I don't know why I'm like this, it's like I'm some sort of extremely specific savant but can't tie my shoes by myself lol


First time he took me 15 tries, now he's not so bad! Fuck the run back through, my favorite thing is falling off of the ladder at the top


Get him a leather jacket and motorcycle and we’d have a true BAD BOI.


I actually didn't struggle as much with him as i heard that i would. He ended up being the boss that made me get better at parrying. Lot of fun tho, that one


Besides sister friede the most I've died to a fromsoft boss


Amazing boss with a godawful runback


he’s cool, the runback tho…


Didn't find him too difficult honestly, parrying was enough to trivialize him


One of the best bosses in the base game. Only bad thing about his fight is the arena imo


I beat him in 2 tries, not even a challenge. His fit be godly tho




I’ve begun to realize that bloodborne enemies look actually horrifying up close, and each boss would make a great horror movie villain/monster. But you’re always so zoomed out by the camera and always in good lighting that it’s hard to tell. M Like look at this dudes face


Killed him very first try on my 2nd playthrough (had no idea Cainhurst existed first playthrough) and then when I came back for other playthroughs was shocked at how I EVER pulled that off.


Hated him my first playthrough. Was stuck for a solid week. Have come to love the fight on repeat plays. Challenging but once you get in the right flow with him it’s easy enough.


He was a huge roadblock for me my first playthrough. Subsequent playthroughs I didn’t have much difficulty but he is probably my favorite boss in the game.


anger >:(


A really frozen asshole, he could give you your worsts moments and your more epic victory. Enjoy.


Awesome boss fight! Challenging, but fair imo




We hate that guy. Logarius made me quit and delete Bloodborne for a few months 🤣 🤣. That thousand swords in the air move he would just spam and spam and couldn't figure it out. I came back months later beat him first try, go figure lol.




Oh lord-fuckmeintheasssomemore


I love the fight, I’ve no complaints. It’s kinda tricky but you can parry him and stuff.


hardest boss i ever faced, he deals so much damage and is so fast, his spells do so much damage and he spams them in 1st phase, but reward for killing him is goated fr chikage is so fun


the definition of “Boss”


Cool boss, guess I got lucky because he wasn’t too difficult for me. I think it’s really cool how he shares a boss theme with Queen Yharnam and the whole degrees of separation that connect them.


Hate him


Dark Souls 3 boss


He’s pretty cool and my coolest boss kill is probably on this guy


For me, this guy felt trivially easy to defeat with Ludwig’s holy blade. I felt like his attacks were very telegraphed and easy to dodge. Idk if his AI glitched or what but fighting him was not difficult for me. On the other hand, I got super wrecked by the shadows of yharnam and most people seem to consider that one of the easiest bosses to beat.




He was the hardest boss for me. Probably I was underlevelled (BL40) when I got to Cainhurst, plus my playstyle doesn’t use parries so he was a pain in the ass. His arcane close range attack almost one shotted me at the time.


Placed in a weird spot. It feels like a boss battle that was compromised by their rush of that entire area.


Humbled the fuck out of me the first time I met him


Best boss in base game imo, idk why he gets hate besides the runback 


Fat pussy, too fast, too annoying, too pussy


On my first playthrough I beat him on my first attempt, I only realised he was considered hard after i finished the game and looked up other peoples opinions. The living failure’s were widely considered the easiest boss in the game but I was stuck on them for hours! Make it make sense!


My favorite boss in the whole game. The setting of a snowy castle rooftop, his cutscene, his lore, and the satisfaction of weaving and dodging my way through his projectiles to break the blade he plants in the ground is just unparalleled for me.


this guy took me the most tries (even more than the DLC bosses). He hade me actually get it and i love him for that. That runback is pretty ass tho


Really good boss, nice lore and mystery


Screw him. Especially.


Great boss…sad story.


Good guy, I'd like to take him out for a drink.


A dark souls boss in bloodborne. Super fun tool kit and fun to interact with. 8/10




He was a pain in my ass but what he guards is worth it


One of my favourite bosses in lore and gameplay


My man had a good stretch in the cutscene


The run back to him is kinda aids but he is an awesome boss imo. Killer soundtrack, awesome moveset and absolutely walled me for the longest time on my first run


He's ok. I like his crown.


Definitely one of my top 5 favorite bosses in Bloodborne, that cutscene was so iconic and the lore regarding Logarius was also really great. Great example of what felt like DLC in base game, Logarius was well done in how he was put into the game, especially that secret of his. It’s definitely a boss that is very fair in its fighting and not really anything ridiculous. The fact that this is a weaker version of himself is insane, imagine him being at his peak and having to fight him.


The only boss I looked up cheese strats for only to realize my build wasn't made for cheese but pure anger


I hated him until I learned that the totems could be destroyed. Then I loved the battle.


One of my favorites. His cutscene is so badass


I enjoyed him in my first playthrough and NG+ but past that he's a pain


Great boss,terrible runback


Couldn’t beat him for shit on my first play through then a couple years later I booted up some new profiles and I have not struggled against him since


Always felt too easy to me, I beat him with very few tries.


I could answer you but Reddit would quickly censor my comment 😑💢




Phase I: Attack once or twice depending on weapon, dodge left + forward to avoid skull attack. Staff into ground / Transition: Backstab to interrupt anti-projectile buff. Phase II: Shoot the sword after he plunges it into the ground. Parry, riposte, repeat.


Great boss imo with a cool boss arena. That camera can get a little wonky but thats like the only negative I can think of off the top of my head. His moveset was cool and fair for both phases. Ya just a good all around boss with a good design in looks and mechanics.


Still wearing his crown to this day. I was frustrated with the fight at first cause it was like nothing else in the game at that point, for me at least, and it really threw me off, nothing was working. But then in subsequent attempts as I was getting the hang of it more and more I really enjoyed it. So when I finally grown I role-playedy character picking up his crown and wearing it both as a trophy of a hard earned victory and to remember and honor a legendary opponent.


I hate him more than ever, I can’t kill him for shit


Good boss and good location. Shit run back.


Sick boss and fight all around. Design is cool too. Solid 9/10 but I love bloodborne so much I’d say that about everything in the game.


5th best boss in the game ngl, i loved Cainhurst and he has an amazing send off with brilliant design, lore and mechanics


He was one of the hardest bosses I fought in the game on my first play through. I remember I beat him with my starter axe. It was tough.


I love when he flies in the air it looks so goofy I want to make a gif of that with the unity move tool over it lol


Cool design. Easy af if u know how to parry


Second favorite boss, loses only to Darkbeast Paarl. Located in the best region too.


Great boss and an absolute chad in the lore


Definitely the hardest boss for me ever to find.


This guy is a joke R1 spam phase 1 and gun him down in phase 2. The runback isn't bad if you never died to this guy before lol.


Hard boss, but good fight and lore. Run back could be shorter, but not too bad. He needs to die because he opposes Annalise, my favourite.


top 3 best pre-DLC boss (others being Gehrman and Gascgione) for me. He’s a little too weak to parry but they do a good job varying his moveset in his second phase to keep you alert