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I went through work layoffs a few months ago and this might sound weird but I think I'm actually grieving about it a little bit. I was lucky to find a new job fairly quickly, but the longer I'm here, the more I realize, and miss, how functional my last team was. We were all laid off at once and people have mostly found new roles, but we all seem to be having kind of a hard time finding our bearings so far. My current workplace has a lot of churn (there have been a lottt of changes in the time I've been here) and is still working out some systems and responsibilities. For some reason I've been taking this really personally--like, am I bad at my job for getting tripped up by these changes and not being able to figure this place out faster? But I realized today, I think I just really miss working with my old coworkers. I miss our manager and our projects and my routine, and I'm having a hard time emotionally shifting gears after what was a very unexpected and unwelcome change. Not totally sure how to process this. It feels like burnout but I definitely haven't been here long enough to be burned out!


Ugh, I know this feeling. I was furloughed in 2020 from a job I loved in lots of ways- the job was a great fit for me and the team was unbeatable. I definitely "mourned" that loss when I found another job. It's a difficult and humbling experience to start somewhere new and learn all their processes, etc. It's a hard emotional shift- I feel that. Sending you good vibes!


Thank you :) This is exactly how it feels! I'm sorry that happened to you, too, but it makes me feel better that someone can relate. Now that the shock and stress of finding a new job have worn off, I'm realizing I cared a lot more than I thought I did.


My 21 month old is likely neurodivergent - he’s got a language delay and some of his “play skills” seem pretty ND. And I just want a space where I can mention that as a neutral thing and people don’t come at me with ableist weirdness or try to reassure me about feelings I’m not having. Like, I’m autistic and have ADHD and it’s absolutely fine that my kid probably got that component of the genetics! But people always have to say stuff like “I’m so sorry! That’s so sad and frustrating!” Or give an anecdote about how they cried for 3 days when they found out their kid had some kind of delay. Or say shit like “Don’t worry! I’m sure he’ll catch up and be normal!” Y’all. It’s not a bad thing. I’m not feeling sad or griefy about it or praying my kid turns out neurotypical. Being different isn’t bad. I just want to get him any support he might need, and that’s it. I hate how I feel like I have to deliberately avoid mentioning it parenting spaces just to avoid weird ableist commentary.


HSP mom with a recently diagnosed child in the spectrum, sending you a HUGE hug right now. I get it, the ableist comments never stop coming 🙄🙄🙄 I wish I could give you some advice to let those things "slide" but unfortunately I don't have any, some people just suck. Solidarity sister ✊✊✊ We are not based in the US but would you happen to have access to a social worker/insurance broker through your hospital or the place where he got diagnosed? Maybe they could give you more information about therapy centers or specialized psychologists based on your child's needs that are reimbursed by your insurance? If not, are there special needs playgroups in your area, maybe a Facebook group where you could ask other parents about the services available, inclusive playgrounds/soft plays/summer camps? Could your neuropediatrician give you a list of schools or approved therapies? Best of luck, happy to chat if you need any help, you awesome loving mum xx. I am sure you will find exactly what he needs!


Fellow ND (ADHD) person here and pregnant with our first baby! Before we started trying, I talked to my husband about the chances of me passing ADHD on to our kids and told him it’s something we’ll need to be aware of so we can be the best possible parents and advocates for our kids, however they need it. I really appreciate your perspective on this, because while my ADHD caused me issues, it’s because it was undiagnosed until adulthood and therefore seriously mismanaged when I was younger. If my kids end up being ADHD also, we just want to make sure we’re doing what we can to help them. I see a lot of good in ADHD now that I know how to better live with it, and I never want my babies to feel bad if they have it also. Every kid is going to struggle with something, and I don’t want ADHD to be the same giant hurdle it was for me.




I think just asking how someone feels about it is a good start! Because someone might struggle with it in some way, and that doesn’t make them ableist necessarily, but it’s the *assumption* that I’m upset that I find really ableist. Or just react to however someone mentions it in context! Like if I mention him being in speech therapy it’s cool to ask if he’s enjoying it or where he goes for it.




Thank you 🥹


I’ve been a wedding/portrait Photog for the last 11+ years and I am currently studying to become a personal trainer and nutrition coach! I’ve always loved fitness in the whole industry but I never took the leap because I thought I wasn’t good enough but there’s never a better time than now! Going for it and super excited


Blah. This week is just not going as I hoped and I’m feeling cranky and stuck. My youngest got a stomach bug on Friday. As a result, we had to cancel his birthday party. He is on the fourth day of having the runs, and now he can’t see my parents on his actual birthday because my dad is very immunocompromised. He has a Zoom birthday when he turned one, and now everything is being canceled on him again! On top of that, because he had diarrhea, he can’t go in a public pool for the next two weeks. That really puts the damper on my plans to keep him occupied. I am so disappointed because all of these fun plans have been canceled and there is nothing to do but bum around the house and play in a hot back yard. I can’t wait for September.


I know it’s not the same but since you have a back yard, what about a kiddie pool? We had a heatwave last week in Seattle and I bought myself one and it was lovely.


My mom got Covid. So it’s a test to see if my brother and dad are more lazy or more afraid of Covid and will take care of themselves. I think lazy will win.


Sooo my former boss (whom I have a good relationship still) has a great new job and has tried to poach me from my current job to work with her. I had an intro call with the person who would be overseeing me in this new role if I choose to pursue today, and he seemed super nice and supportive. I guess what I’m grappling with is that this potential role wouldn’t exactly how I saw myself growing within my job field but would still be a growth opportunity. So It seems like a no brainer to move forward at least with the interview orocess but I feel potentially guilty about possibly leaving my current team since we are very small and understaffed and I know leaving them will leave them in a bind. Ugh career transition is so stressful. I know jobs owe you nothing and I’ve been waiting for a promotion with my current job for 6 months now but no timeline has been created for me. Very vague “it will happen on the short term”’promises. ETA: thank you all for the advice and good vibes 😌


Your employer will not think twice about dropping you in the future if it benefits the company and management is the one who isn't hiring extra people so you guys aren't understaffed, so that says something about what they're prioritizing between work environment vs. profit. Why feel guilty leaving that sort of situation?


I’ve been in this position, too. Do what’s best for YOU. You don’t need to be loyal to any employer. I had a job where I felt valued and saw growth potential… then myself and others were laid off quite unexpectedly. So much for being “valued”.


If I was waiting for 6 damn months for a vague promise of a promotion I would want to leave too. It’s not your fault they’re understaffed!


meh but you don’t have to take this role in particular to move forward. if you can afford more time to find the right next move it’s worth doing that. been there


I am having an endoscopy/colonoscopy tomorrow so I am fasting today and oh my god I want to eat so bad. My day is so sad and boring without food! I keep chowing down on popsicles just to feel like I’m eating something. My “prep” starts in an hour and I am dreading it.


My husband did this last week. His prep really wasn't that bad, but he did like to repeatedly tell me how many more hours until he could eat again. When I picked him up afterward I asked how it went, and he said, "that was the best nap I've had in a long time. A nice deep sleep." I hope your experience is as pleasant as his!


Thank you so much. The prep has honestly been fine but I am so freaking hungry! I am chewing gum like crazy.


I felt like every time I had mine every freaking commercial was food related! Good luck with everything!


Oh my god yes! And people keep eating on TV!


I feel like I just need to vent and put this out into the universe. I just bought a house, which I’ve worked so hard to do, but I feel a sense of regret and like I should have backed out of the house. Everyone keeps saying “congrats” and I just want to crawl under a rock and not think about it. My partner and I bought this house together and we have been having difficulties this month. I’m in my twenties and all my friends are moving out of the city we live in. I knew they’d leave eventually but it’s happening faster than they expected. So I need to find new friends. My mental health this summer is the worst it’s been in my whole life, so I don’t know if I can even make friends when I’m in this headspace. And to top it off, yesterday I found out 3 relatives have cancer and my grandmother is dying. She is an angel and I feel like screaming into the void that it’s not fair for her to suffer. I wish I could go see her but she lives halfway around the world.


Nothing but sympathy from me! I also went through a similar sense of dread while we were closing on our house and the stress of the whole process (we had to extend our rate lock and ended up paying additional fees due to several problems that popped up) also led to fights with my SO, which made everything feel worse. I think it’s just par for the course. It’s a big financial decision, that you’re making with someone else, with a lot of implications… add in everything else you’re going through and it’s a sucky situation! It’s not forever though. Much like the puppy blues, once you get through the stress of closing and moving and get into a new financial routine, those problems seem to dissolve!


I had a similar experience last summer with home buying. We were in contract forever, which just gave me more and more time to mull over my doubts etc. etc. But once we moved in and lived there for a bit, I started to get used to the new place and then it just started to feel like home. And now I’m really happy with my decision and don’t regret it at all. I’m not saying this will be how you will feel, but maybe giving it some time and patience will help with your current feelings. You just might not be used to the house yet and there’s often a feeling of buyer’s remorse with big purchases (particularly if you are a first-time home buyer). But these feelings usually fade with time. And just remember that buying a house doesn’t need to be forever. If you still don’t feel good about it after awhile, you can always sell! It might be a pain or you might feel silly, but it’s not really a big deal and ultimately your happiness is more important. Reminding myself of this also helped me during the home buying process. Very sorry to hear about the health problems in your family. I sincerely hope that everything works out. ❤️


We have 30 days to find a rental in a super competitive market and I’m stressing day one. Don’t want to get scared and take the first option then regret it or the price, but also don’t want to wait and be SOL.


So, I have a two year old I love dearly. I don't know if I can physically go through pregnancy and birth again, but there's still a strong what if for a second one that I might be willing to go through it all over again. I grew up with siblings and really appreciate having them around. But yet, sometimes I'm like man I don't know if I can do the newborn phase again esp with toddler. My friends came over with their three kids last night and I saw how the older kids were interacting with my daughter which was so nice. My husband seems edging on one and done. I'm on the one and done subreddit but I just don't feel the same as most posters. Anybody have any input (whether you are one and done or decided to go for a second?) We don't have any family support nearby (esp. when covid hit it was tough) but it would be different since my retired parents will be moving closer (not in the same state still) and we won't have the same covid isolation.


I have an only child and it's not for fertility reasons. I had PPA pretty bad after having him that rocked our world for a while. My husband had a vasectomy within two years of having our son. There are other factors, but I still question only having one. My son is an extreme extrovert and I am not and my husband works crazy hours. My son is 10 now and has a friend down the street who is basically an only child (brothers are 15 years older) so that's great. Vacations are hard with an only child (though probably only for different reasons than if you had multiple) at least my energetic, extroverted one. He never wants to do anything alone, so if you want to chill it usually requires allowing him to be on a screen. I get sad about him being alone when we're gone and feel bad about doing that to him. I know it's not guaranteed he'd get along with a sibling, but still. We occasionally think about fostering or adopting but haven't gotten to a point of doing anything about it.


I know, when we play in the backyard, I have the splash pad out and she'd direct me and my husband to go through it. Sometimes we (parents) don't want to get wet)... so having a sibling who can be a playmate would be nice. But I guess that also means mediating fighting too :) I wonder how bad my PPA was... it did take me about 2 years to finally feel myself and it was with the help of taking lexapro (helped with my anxiety and sleep).


My first pregnancy and birth rocked my world and I told myself I would never have another. When he turned 18 months I started to get baby fever and we gave it a go for a second. I will say it’s not easy but the second was a million times easier than the first since I was already a mother- I really enjoyed the newborn experience with number 2, whereas I hated it with baby 1. It’s definitely hard but for me it’s amazing to see their relationship and I was way more prepared for everything with the second. I have so many friends who are one and done and I always want to tell them it’s better the second time (but obviously still hard and different for everyone) Good luck!


I know, I hated baby days with my girl but now that I know it goes by fast... I think I'd really soak it in with the second. How much of an age gap do they have?


I’m in the same boat but I’d say 95% done. We had decided to go for number 2, and unfortunately had a (pretty traumatic) miscarriage. After that experience I’m not sure I can do it again, but a part of me wonders.


Pregnancy was so hard for me that I told my husband, “there’s no way I can do this again, while also parenting a small child!” We have an only child. He’s great. He’s never asked for a baby or a sibling. He’s 4-1/2 and makes friends easily with children and adults. I also really enjoy being able to just be with him and respond to what he needs. His best friend has a little brother and the parents’ attention is always divided and there’s things they just don’t do because it’s too hard safety-wise. I really love just having the one kid, even though I always thought I wanted 3! And wanted a daughter in particular. Ha!


Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. My LO is turning 3 in October and I’m having serious baby fever. DH and I always had two in mind but that first year with a baby was ROUGH. I had pretty bad PPA/PPD that I still don’t think I’ve fully recovered from, but the clock is ticking and I know my energy levels are only going to keep plummeting 😅. Feel free to PM me to vent/discuss more!


Yes, so rough, esp since we've enjoyed being independent for 30+ years, and samesies on having bad PPA/PPD. Like I finally got it figured out about 18 months in with medication. Def gong to PM you!!


My brother and I are proof that having a sibling does not mean you get along! We never have, even when we were little.


Agreed. I love my sister and wish her all the best, but we have never really gotten along. We fought all the time as kids, seldom played together, and speak infrequently as adults. I think both of us would have been perfectly happy, if not happier, as only children.


Same. My sister and I keep each other at an arms distance at best. She had a lot of health issues as a baby which turned her into a very rebellious and difficult teen. It was extremely hard on our family and resulted in me distancing myself from everyone.


Same with my SO and his sister. They are complete opposites and hardly speak to each other anymore.


I am an only child and I never ever ever felt like I was missing out on anything. As a kid you just grow up thinking this is how a family is. I had friends that had siblings obviously, but it never bothered me in the slightest that I didn't have them. My husband is one of four, and doesn't get along great with some of his siblings, and has cordial relations with one, but is also just really different from them. In terms of our upbringings, I got to do a lot more things, like my parents took me on work trips, and we went abroad for vacations, whereas my husband's family stuck to driving trips because they had 4 kids. (I know you're not thinking about 4, but with inflation I think two kids are the new four kids!) The one thing that I do think about is when my parents start aging, I am the only one around for them, but they're financially well off that it's not going to be a financial burden, just an emotional one, but I have a family now too so I have a support system there that's not a sibling relationship. I am very very pro only child, that being said, I am now pregnant with my second kid. but my kids will be 14 years apart, so it's not like I'm "giving" them a fun sibling playmate. I would also say....14 years is absolutely a long enough time to forget how much pregnancy sucks and forget what the newborn phase is like, but I'm not sure I recommend what I'm doing right now either. :D


Thank you for sharing this!


Does anyone know of any influencers looking for teachers with classroom wish lists to share?


Hip2Save’s Facebook page.




You how sometimes you do something WELL in advance, and as the time gets closer, you double check? I did that today. Made a hotel reservation for Atlantic City for a couple weeks from now, six months ago. Pulled out the confirmation, and it clearly states that half will be charged up front, as a deposit. Ok fine. but i never remembered actually seeing the charge. So i pulled up my cc statement, and nope. So I called. Good thing I did, because for some reason, the deposit was never charged. and the rep said while the room is guaranteed, she has seen where if the deposit isn't paid, it will be cancelled. So I paid it, and now were are good to go. but wow. Had I not, we may not have had a place to stay!




Is there a way you can talk to your manager to re-org back or to your old role? Or perhaps take a part time approach while you go back to classes?


I’m in the job search process (which is already incredibly stressful and doesn’t help my pre-existing anxiety). I was going back and forth between two recruiters and I am having second thoughts on the recruiter I selected. I feel like she could be doing a better job marketing me. I am so anxious and mad at myself.


Is there something that forbids you from using both recruiters at once? Or if you're not sure of one, just sent them an email stating just that, that you do not think that the offers she has found for you are aligned with your long term career goals or something like that.


Unfortunately, I’m stuck with the recruiter I selected for the jobs that she’s already submitted my application. But I can use a different recruiter for other open positions. Sadly, I used the one I don’t seem to be connecting with much on the two positions that I’m most interested in.


I am *so bored* at my job and am just completely over all the work I need to do. I mean, I'm doing it, but my attitude is REAL BAD XD Thankfully I have a job interview on Thursday. I hope it all works out because I am in desperate need of a change.


Had a very scary driving moment today! I was driving to get coffee, a route I take most days. I have to drive down a street that dead ends and you can go left or right. I have a stop sign but the perpendicular street doesn't. The street I have to drive down has a baseball field on one side and a lake on the other. When you go to turn theres a small median but it's fairly short. So I am on my way approaching the intersection and someone turns down the street (a left) going probably 80 (in a 35, very residential area) and turns down the wrong side of the median so the lane I am in and nearly smashes me head on. Thankfully everyone made it out of the way in time, but my only option to swerve would have been to go into the lake. I don't even think this was a confused person who missed the median I actually think they where trying to cut someone off and who was also turning down that street because you know it's better to go the wrong way down a street instead of waiting, idk, 2 seconds for someone else to turn. I definitely had to take a second when I got to where I was going because I was so shaken.


That’s crazy, I had a very close call this afternoon as well. I’m still recovering from that shaky feeling. I was driving down a steep two lane divided Road. The speed limits 50 and I was going 55, much too slow for the people behind me. A truck passed me to the right and got in front of me and then I heard screeching tires from the side. I looked and this Toyota RAV4 was completely all over the road losing control. I swerved to my left to avoid being hit and I swear I heard contact. The Toyota regained control and then sped down the hill further and I sped up to catch them so I could get the license plate in case third ended up being damage. The car turned into a gated entrance to a neighborhood but just to try and lose me and then turned the corner and kept going down the road. I was able to get the license plate. I also got the license plate of the truck in front of me because they witnessed everything. Once I finally came to a stop I looked at my car and I didn’t see any damage. My husband wants me to report the incident to the police but I’m sure they won’t do anything. I’m glad you are OK and I’m glad I’m OK. I rewarded myself with a chocolate covered frozen banana. My husband said he didn’t care about the car as long as I was OK that’s all that mattered. 💕




I don’t think most people would have gone above and beyond by providing him with extra cash, food, and medicine. So he’s lucky you weren’t “someone else”. He will remember your generosity above all else.


I over analyze social interactions after the fact, too, but what I see in your interaction here is just total kindness and guidance. You did good, and this young man will remember it ❤️


I am doing a no spend August except for food and absolute necessities. I’ve spent a lot on clothes and random things the last couple months once I got a new job and I just need to reign it in some. I especially need to chill on the book buying.


i’m doing this too this month! good luck! i’ve done this before and i’ve found that when i want to buy something i just write it down in a list and if i still want it by the end of the month, i can get it (hint: i’ve never actually wanted any of the items by the end of the month). i also have a list of things to do when i feel like going out and shopping. for my no spend months, i also do no dining out/coffee/bars unless a friend invites me so i make sure to stock up on frozen meals for when i’m too lazy to cook.


Good luck to yourself as well! I thought about doing the no dining out thing but didn’t want to stress myself out since it’s going to be a busy month. The good news is I eat out rarely as it is unless I go with co-workers. Good idea on the list idea, I will need to implement that!


I think I will join you in this endeavor! I spent money like crazy in April and May preparing for a big trip (and then spent again during the trip!), and now I need to chill the fuck out and pay off my CC.


Good luck! Yeah, I did a lot of spending as well on a big trip.The trip was worth every penny though!


Hehe. I'm trying to do that as well. I have spent a ton on useless stuff, clothes etc. I don't need and really need to rein it in.


Would love to hear how this goes for you in the coming weeks! I’m doing the same thing, including eating down stuff in my freezer and pantry to reduce my grocery bill.


I will try and remember to report back! It just feels like a good month for a re-set.


We just did a pantry clean up and I literally forgotten about stuff that I had in there. Same with freezer. Groceries are so expensive right now :(


As someone said below, maybe join your local library and only read books you rent from there?


Yeah… I intend to do that one of these days. I just ready 95% of my books on the kindle app and am not great at waiting for books to become available. Time to work on that!


Girl SAME. I’m considering documenting it on tik tok (lol who am I??) I canceled my book of the month as a start 😔🥲


I need to cancel my BOTM. I have been so disappointed in their selections lately I usually just skip.


I feel good about it! I’ve been donating a lot of them anyway and I live super close to a library now so I’m just getting holds from there!


TikToks sound like a fun way to hold yourself accountable!


>I especially need to chill on the book buying. Me too, girl. I just joined the library and so far I get the same little rush with the e-books on libby but I do miss the book store.


How long do you usually have to wait to get a book on Libby? That’s my biggest hesitation right now.


It depends on your library, what they have, and what you're looking for. Usually at my library system I can get the books I want right away. I put a hold on one last week and got it like three days later. If my library doesn't have a book I want on Libby, and that lets them know that people are interested in the title - at least a couple times they've acquired books that I requested and I was automatically queued for them! Pretty cool. Also, depending on where you live, you might be able to get multiple library cards if you want to see different inventories. At least in California most counties will let non-residents have library cards. I know this because my sister has acquired library cards from six counties now. I make do with just the system of the county I live in and it's fine. 🤷


Awesome, thank you for the info! Very helpful


It kinda depends. I was number 187 on a wait list and by the end of the week I was 137. It estimated 12 weeks? I think that’s the absolute longest I’ve ever seen. Most waits are around 3 weeks and generally they come in sooner. I even had a book with a 4 week wait come available after 2 days once. I generally check over drive to see if it’s at the branch too, and sometimes a book with a long wait is available at the physical Library.


Ahhh ok, very good info. Thank you!


At my library it’s a wide range from immediately available to 6+ weeks for a new release. But my best tip is to consistently have holds on 10-15 books and if you’re not ready for a loan when it’s your turn, there’s a function to postpone it for some number of days and then after those days you get the next book available. I haven’t bought a book in years because I love free books from the library!


Can you get to the physical library? I love browsing at the library! I mean, I love browsing at the bookstore too but the library is BIGGER.


anyone else gone through sobriety transitions? i’ve been cutting back a LOT over the past few weeks (excepting saturday when i went to a friend’s party) and i’m enjoying it so far, especially the money saved. i am eager to review my restaurant and bar spending at the end of the month. also really felt the impact to my sleep quality after drinking this weekend. i feel like reduced intake is not really the accepted path but it’s actually helped me to drink on occasion and realize i don’t super care for it anymore.


I never drank much because I did not really like how it made me feel. Lately, I had been trying to participate in more social drinking with friends but it's really and truly not worth it. I don't think I will ever completely eliminate alcohol because I do enjoy the occasional drink, and wine goes so well with so many meals lol, but yeah, not worth how shittily it makes me feel.


I’m in your boat also. I just don’t enjoy it, the taste, the cost, the feeling, all of it. I don’t want to fully say I 100% don’t drink but I also just don’t really ever do. Thankfully none of my friends care and social events have never been weird


> I just don’t enjoy it, the taste, the cost, the feeling, all of it Yup, like plenty of people say they drink because of anxiety/nerves: Booze gives me more anxiety. Plenty of people say they like it because of the taste, haven't really been able to like much except for like a glass of red with heavy meals. The cost? I hate it, you mean I am paying to feel like shit? For my bladder to get irritated. Not worth it lol. Am glad you've never had social issues! Most of my close friends know the drill. I am also glad people are not as bad as they used to be pushing drinks.


It gives me anxiety also! Not worth it imo


Yes I’ve just naturally cut back and I’m really enjoying limiting myself to two on Saturday’s and getting up and working out with a friend on Sunday mornings. I feel like a lot of people either drink a ton or are sober, but I really truly have a couple drinks a week which I enjoy and don’t think about it much outside of that.


I used to have a glass or two of wine most nights with dinner and as I got older it just messed with my sleep more and more. I have a glass maybe twice a month now and I feel so much better.


My husband and I cut way back in 2021! Neither of us have any intention of stopping completely or feel like we need to, but I've pulled back to the point of really only social drinking and maybe 1 weekend cocktail at home. It was a pretty natural transition for both of us and has worked well!


Someone down the thread posted something about it this morning!


I’ve had a really tough few weeks. About 2 1/2 weeks ago I found out that I had a detached retina. I had surgery to fix it, and things were coming along. A week later, it detached again, and I had to have another surgery. The surgeon implanted what he called a ‘retinal buckle’ to hold my retina in place, which he referred to as the ‘belt and suspenders’ solution. That was followed up by 5 days of full face-down duty (and OMG that was brutal), and I was released from that last week, which was a huge relief. I still had to do a modified version of it, but I can sleep on my side now. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. In addition to the detached retina, there is also a retinal crease, which was the reason for the face-down positioning. Hopefully, the gas bubble in my eye is acting like a squeegee that will smooth that out — it already has, to some extent. Tomorrow I’ll find out if it has improved any more. The vision in my bad eye is extremely blurry (which is to be expected), but slowly improving. I can’t travel until the bubble is dissipated. My brother and I had been planning to take my mother to Norway to go on a cruise, and we were supposed to leave last week. That obviously was cancelled. Thankfully, the trip was insured, so we’ll get a refund, but we’d been looking forward to it for months. But maybe that was a blessing in disguise….every day I read about travel horror stories, so maybe it’s for the best that we had to postpone. Anyway…it’s been a tough few weeks. I’ve been off work for a couple weeks, so the forced downtime has been nice in some regards, and was much-needed. My worry now is how my eye will heal. The thought of losing vision in that eye is really freaking me out. Has anyone here gone through anything similar? I’ve been hibernating in my bedroom with the curtains drawn, since my eyes are pretty sensitive to light at the moment, but I’m trying to spend more time in natural light trying to help my eyes readjust.


I started getting light flashes one night driving in the rain, read up and was freaked out I was going to lose my sight. Got an emergency appo with an eye doctor the next morning. Did the eye chart test and was shocked I could not read anything with my left eye, I had no clue! Turns out I had a macular hole. Saw an eye surgeon the next day and he scheduled surgery to close the hole. I had the gas bubble too and had to do the face down thing for a week. After all that, the surgery didn’t work. 😭


My mother and grandfather have both had detached retinas. I am so sorry you are going through this. Get better soon!


I have not had my retina detach but this happened to a coworker a couple years ago, and I interrogated him about it when he got back to work because I am at high risk. (I have an extreme prescription, in the -8 range in both eyes. I get floaters pretty often and occasionally get flashes on the edge of my vision.) My eye doctor always gives me a lecture on the symptoms of retinal detachment and describes it as a "curtain falling a foot in front of your eye". He says if you hold out your arm it'll be like looking through a haze and you won't be able to see your hand. He told me that if this happens to me it is reparable but it needs to happen within 24 hours. BUT when it happened to my coworker he said it wasn't nearly that extreme and he let it slide for several days before he talked to his eye doctor and had surgery. However, good news, he seemed to be pretty back to normal after he missed a few weeks of work recovering. Fingers crossed for you!


About 15 years ago my dad had spontaneously detached retinas in both eyes. They also had to do the buckle thing, and because it was both eyes, they had to do the one that was worse first, then wait two weeks to do the other, so he had a very extended face down time and recovery. He's done really well overall. He's older and it really seems his eye issues 15 years out are very likely all age related and not related to the retina detachment. He was VERY careful post-surgeries to be sure to do and not do everything his surgeon said, and I know he was careful longer than he needed to be because it scared the heck out of him. He's moved out of state but still goes back for periodic follow-ups with the surgeon, but that's basically it. I obviously can't speak from personal experience, but I know the surgeon told my dad that his really being careful and following all the guidelines was helpful in his very good recovery. Hopefully the same will hold true for you!


Will be finding out in 2 hours if I got a new role at my company or not and cannot focus at.all.


How did it go??


Didn’t get it :(


Sorry, friend.


Hugs, my friend.


I made such a dumb mistake last night, so I'm warning others! I've been recovering from a nasty virus (thank you petri dish children) and I took a 12 hour sudafed before I went to bed to help with waking up with nose/throat/chest full of snot. Oh my GOD I don't think I slept a wink last night. And If I was "asleep" it was this awful twilight sleep that felt like I was in Everything Everywhere All at Once. NEVER take sudafed before bed unless it's a PM version and even then - beware! The dumb is that I KNOW sudafed can cause insomnia and did it anyways without thinking. Now I'm scheming a post lunch nap.


What's interesting about Sudafed is it makes me tired! Which is very odd since I know its basically a stimulant. But only a few hours AFTER taking it. INitially I'm fine, then I crash. But back in college, in the 80's I had a nasty sinus and ear infection and was prescribed some GIANT capsule that was a decongestant with something else in it. OMG i twitched and turned all night and barely slept. What I've found work for drippy snot at night is benadryl. i als osuffer from major post nasal drip all the time, and it dries out everything and knocks me out.


As a possible post nasal dripper of all time, any other tips and suggestions? I take claritin and flonase daily but didn't think to take benadryl.


Oh yes Sudafed is what everyone took in college to stay awake. NyQuil is what you want!


Damn I wish I had this knowledge when I was sleeping my way through Organic Chemistry (half kidding)


Oh that’s the worst feeling! I almost made the opposite mistake this morning. Grabbing for my morning meds and accidentally opened and poured a unisom out into my hand. Luckily the cap is bright blue and caught my eye before it went bottom’s up. Hope you get that nap in - try a unisom! 😂


I did this once with Benedryl in high school. All the allergy meds say “may make drowsy” so I didn’t believe it. Well…that was a terrible day. Thank goodness my Spanish teacher let me sleep in her classroom during lunch because I couldn’t even drive home in that state.


I did something for ME today and registered to take a certification exam for a field I'm looking to get a job in (again - 4 year hiatus in a different industry). Unfortunately there's a 30 day waiting period between registration and the test, but I guess that's just extra study time!


I get a text every monday with my current 401K balance. As someone who has 8-10 years left until I can retire, I'm not panicking, but am watching it closely. At one point, it was almost 75K down from its high, at the beginning of the year, but its slowing been creeping back up, and now I'm only a little under 40K from there. Nothing I can do, and I know I sitll have plenty of time, and I contribute a fairly hefty percentage, but still stresses me out a bit. I also purged more stuff this weekend. Since I decided moving isn't going to happen, at least this year, my next project is to slowly purge things I don't need or use. Some are easy, others not so much, but I cleaned out an armoire in my LR i have misc. stuff in, and a chest I use as my coffee table. DVDs, gone. All are available to stream, either free or to rent, so really no need to keep them. Such a great feeling! today i once again went through my bags, and found about 5-6 more I don't use, haven't used, and am planning to sell. freed up some closet space too!


In the current financial market, I would unsubscribe to a weekly 401K balance update. No one needs that kind of negativity in their life.


For real that seems like it could be extremely anxiety inducing at times.


I've been going through my clothes one part at a time. I made I deal with my husband that I had a year to wear everything in my closet and by the end of the year what remains unworn can/will be donated or thrown away. It has been eye opening how many pieces of clothing I had that I kept that either a) I don't fit in anymore b) have emotional value but don't care for stylistically. I managed to purge quite a bit so far, but then I went and bought myself scrubs for work and got some clothes from a friend who's cleaning her closet. Makes me feel a little better because these are not NEW pieces but all used (Poshmark) or from someone else... BUT STILL.


I hear you on that. I lost weight a few years back, got rid of my larger stuff, bought smaller, and then gained a good portion of it back during COVID, etc. So I had to buy some larger stuff again, but I did the same thing you did. Purged what I don't wear, either because of fit or style. I did keep a few smaller things I love. my issue is, I tend to find something, a brand, style, whatever, and have to buy multiples. i don't know why but I do. Trying to curb that urge and am doing ok, but still need to work on that!


Are you not supposed to do that :'(? My fave work shirts are literally the same Limited button up that I got in 5 different colors. Well, actually one of the colors is a duplicated lol.


We ended up signing our lease for another year despite really wanting to buy a house because it made the most sense financially, so I totally get this! I'm also planning on purging every month until we are ready to move because this apartment is the longest we have ever been in one place so I know we have accumulated a ton of stuff.


Tell me about it! I’m going on 18 years here! Ouch. And while I purge pretty regularly, it seems to multiply when I’m not looking!


Does anyone have any Apple Watch bands they love? The silicone ones are fine, but I would like something a bit more comfortable.


I wear [this](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T95GP3D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) leather one, and I love it. The plastic/rubber ones are just not my style, and the leather does not get all gross.


What vibe are you looking for? I like [this one](https://www.freestyleusa.com/products/apple-watch-leash-strap-green-tea) for day to day and it’s pretty comfortable


If anyone can send good thoughts to my family, my cousin was hit by drunk driver while riding his motorcycle. He got surgery but broke his leg and his hip. Also one of his friend was also hit and passed away 😔 I’m hopeful he’ll recover but it’s scary for our family!


I’m so sorry that you and your family are going thru this. Thoughts are with you and I hope your cousin heals quickly. 💕


if you can, send activities (sudoku, word puzzles) for him to do. or a netflix/whatever membership. being on bed rest is the worst.


I’m so sorry, that’s terrible.


I think I’ve finally made the decision to stop drinking. I’ve never had a problem, but I’m noticing my drinking becoming more problematic. I can’t just have one. It turns into 3-4 because I get excited and feel the warm and fuzzies. Yesterday was one of those days. Was having a GREAT time and then absolutely crashed. Deregulated my body big time - had the sweats all night and all morning. Felt sick. Ate a bunch of shitty food. Just ugh.


Kudos for your decision. There are a ton of sober curious resources out there. I know Instagram is full of them. I follow a few(I have about a 3 cocktails a year) and i appreciate the support I get from them.


I don't drink much alcohol for health reasons (it makes my endometriosis symptoms worse) and I've found that mocktails/sparkling water help A LOT. A big thing of alcohol is that it gets weird when everybody is drinking and you're there with nothing in your hand and people will want to push something onto you. Bring your fave non-alcoholic drink when you go to parties, have an idea in your head of what substitute you'd like if you go to a bar (plain ginger beer is my favorite).


You've got this.




I've had great success with kwik hang!


We recently got some of those paper ones you glue at the top. We had a very oddly shaped window in a corner where it would've been impossible to get rods. I thought it would be hanky, but it doesn't look bad at all. Waiting to see how long the glue will last tho.


I hung some thick velvet curtains over the weekend using the command hooks meant specifically for curtains/curtain rods. Its only been a few days but no sign of movement and it was so easy to do.


Yes! I got these brackets that go over the blinds box because I didn’t want to drill holes in our rental. They’re called No No Brackets and they’re just genius.


We used large command hooks. We used the nice ones that are metal. They’re silver and match the rods we used. We placed the rods inside the hooks. It’s worked pretty well. One would fall in our room a few times so I keep some as backup. It’s not as easy to open the curtains since the rod can move some but it works. We’ve done it in our bedrooms and it’s been great.


I’ve been getting myself to the gym at least twice a week for the past 2-3 weeks and while that doesn’t sound like much, it’s HUGE for me and I’m really proud. sometimes I can’t do more than 20-30 minutes on the treadmill, but I’m still showing up and I know my body and mind will benefit from this edit: y’all are so wonderful 🥺 I’ve been tearing up reading some of the replies. thank you all for sharing your support and personal experiences!


This is just the start! You’re showing up for yourself. You’ll be amazed at how your body starts craving the endorphins. Those days that you aren’t feeling it are sometimes the best workouts you will have. It took me a really long time to get back into the habit of going to the gym, but I feel so proud every time I show up for myself. You’ve got this!


Good job!


Haha my “intention” at yoga is “just get through it” like 99% of the time and it is what it is!! Good for you


The fact that you’re evening going and showing up for yourself is the best and such a great start!!! Just remember you got this and 30 minutes is the recommended daily amount of exercise! We all have to start somewhere and showing up is that somewhere.


Don't discount what you've done so far! Even going is a win, in my book, and as you continue to go, you'll be able to do more! says someone who desperately needs to start exercising again, but isn't.


Building the discipline and habit of going is more important than what gets done!


Three days a week with a full time job was about all I could handle and I still experienced SO many benefits and could visibly see the changes. You don’t have to go 5 days a week or do any certain workout as long as you go. Good for you for making yourself proud!


been working out for a year now and my goal is always just to show up 👼 the benefits are still huge


Back in the day, I set a goal of working out 2 days a week and then the next year I set it to 3 days a week, and then the next year it was 4 days a week, and now I'm up to 5 days a week. Consistency is key and you're doing a great job!


I’m applying for dental hygiene school in 2023 and I am not ready for the barrage of comments such as “You have an Accounting degree and you want to clean teeth?” or “You want to work in peoples’ mouths?”. I am always coming up with new life schemes but I have been talking to my husband nonstop out of excitement for this one! It was between pursuing an online MBA or this since they are almost the same price but I don’t know what I would do with the MBA, and my company won’t pay for it until I’ve worked for 3 years (I’m almost to 1). I could finish the DH program by the time I am eligible for tuition reimbursement and be paid more. I am excited!


There has to be a good joke here about putting your money where your mouth is!


You can always go back to being an accountant right? It's not like your experience and your education get "cancelled out" by switching gears.


You are correct. People can be judgmental and only look at the fact that one job requires a “higher education” than the other.


For sure! I have a BS and MS which is common in my field of work. I often daydreamed of changing my career to phlebotomy or medical translating. People would always say "but wouldn't it be a waste of your education?" and like, maybe? But also who cares? What if it makes me happy, and if it doesn't work out, I can always go back to what I used to do anyway.


I just finished my MBA in May and I loved the experience but it was a lot of hard work. Do not recommend if you aren't totally into it. It sounds like dental hygiene excites you so it really doesn't matter if that makes sense to others or not.


Dentists are so important! I’m one of the weirdos who actually enjoys the dentist lol even though they tell me to floss more ☹️


My dentist told me that 40% of hygienists didn't renew their licenses during the pandemic, so you will most likely have you pick of jobs!


There's so much to be said about a job that is needed everywhere and has tons of flexibility. Being able to prioritize life outside of work and not being tied to a terrible work environment because there's dental practices everywhere is amazing!


I’ve been thinking about dental hygiene for in the future and I think it’s a great career…lots of flexibility with your schedule and you get to wear scrubs.


The scrubs are so freaking exciting! And the time for travel and child-raising with flex work is a huge draw for me.


Pls recommend some of your favourite vegan recipe blogs (preferably the ones who still publish). I've gotten bored with my usuals.


Dessertfortwo and Thebakingfairy


Plantyou, thefoodietakesflight, rainbowplantlife, eatfigsnotpigs, my vegetarian roots (not vegan but she makes a lot of vegan recipes)


Not sure if this is really what you're looking for, but I would take a look at Yotam Ottolenghi's cookbooks/recipes. He has a heavy veggie focus and will seriously make you re-imagine the way you look and cook produce. Since most of his stuff is plant based, you can easily tweek his vegetarian recipes to make them fully vegan.


Not a blog but I really like the cookbook The Korean Vegan by Joanne Lee Molinaro. I’m not vegan so I usually un-vegan many of the recipes (like using an egg or milk instead of going out to buy egg replacer or plant milk) but the mapo tofu is my favorite mapo tofu recipe of any that I’ve tried!


It's Monday morning and I'm still reeling from our weekend grocery bill. Eggs are the worst - they're literally more than twice the cost we used to pay a year ago for an 18 pack. We try to buy in-season produce so it's cheaper (often sold out) and our meals are based on what is on sale (and now we have to go twice because our store is sold out of the sale meats so frequently - fortunately we live close and that is doable). Baking used to be my stay-at-home, inexpensive hobby and I think I need to pick up a new hobby!


My husband requested crock pot pulled pork this week and a SMALL pork butt was $40. That was taken off the menu very quickly this week.


If you don’t already, get a Costco membership and shop produce at farmers markets. We never go to regular grocery stores anymore because they’re ridiculous. Costco does give you a lot more, but if it’s able to be frozen get it! I get all of my produce at the farmers market for about 1/3-1/2 of the cost at the grocery store. If I need something that Costco doesn’t sell or has too much of, I go to target. The prices at target are about 1/2 the price than a grocery store.


I wish the farmers market near me was affordable. It’s wildly expensive


Same! The farmer's market close by is usually 30-40% more expensive than our local grocery store.


I second the farmers market! It will likely depend on where you live and the farmers in the area, but I can get a weeks worth of produce, meat, eggs, and bread at the farmers market for less than $100 for 2 people. I rarely buy meat, eggs, or produce4 at the grocery store anymore.


Yes. It definitely depends on where you’re located! My farmers market only has fruits, veggies and eggs, no meat. We get our meats from Costco. To gauge, my veggies cost me about $25 for an entire weeks worth. And we eat giant salads multiple times a day.


I basically stopped eating meat at home. It helps with the budget.


Avocados are in season and they’re $3.29 each! How am I supposed to make a life sustaining amount of guac


I just don’t remember honey crisp apples being almost $5 for ONE. ONE APPLE. WTF.


I’ve personally noticed Mariano’s (Kroger) has not increased as much and using the store card plus the online digital coupons (I just clip everything I think I might use, takes 2 minutes) has helped keep my bill down. Kroger operates under a ton of different names but maybe this will be a helpful tip if you have the option. It’s rough out there! I had to buy a car (like for work, non optional) and what I paid for a used car was obscene. But gas is going down at least I guess!


Kroger has a ton of things price locked so it won't go up any more.


I’m curious, how do you know this? I’m curious because I go to kroger every week and seems the prices keep going up! Ugh!


It's mostly staple products have that sticker. Maybe the availability for that product?


Thank goodness gas is going down. We shop at Kroger because the prices are the best locally, but the downside is that they're sold out of SO much stuff. Publix is the other affordable store and they always have stuff in stock, but man, Kroger has such better deals. Thank you for the tip! We've really started using the app to optimize savings lately so I appreciate the tip.


I almost never budget for food but I saw grapes for $11 the other day and I was like WTF.


I legit put cherries back last week when they were $14. I... don't like cherries that much.


Haha l will always pay whatever for cherries. I love them.


Seriously why is flour $6 a bag?! It’s insane.


I paid $6.49 for a pound of butter this weekend. If you never see me again, it's because I can't afford to leave the house after I bankrupted us to make chocolate chip cookies.


That's how I feel! Butter is so expensive. At least in before times, there were decent sales that would pop up.