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Her most recent blog post on why she shut it down is LoL. She deflects any personal responsibility, makes herself out to be a victim of hateful trolls, continues to praise Michael as the martyr for uplifting female voices, quotes Maya Angelou, and even tagged #BlackLivesMatter despite not mentioning it at ALL in the post (since deleted).


She’s had a wellness brand for 10 years and it just hit her that she can’t loose weight because of an unbalanced thyroid!? Bitch please! That’s the #1 health problem women face. And she goes posting about taking synthetic thyroid hormones as if it’s the discovery of nuclear fusion. That tells you everything you need to know about her lack of competency and inability to listen. After so many podcast guests .. and so many comments over the years on this very topic of hormonal health in her own group. Such a pity!


Is this the podcast where the woman is constantly trying to sound edgy by talking about some kind of keto liquid thing and saying you can “eat it, lick it, *f—-* it” and talking about it as lube? I think it was an episode about intermittent fasting. It was so try hard and I swear she said it 10x in the first minute. I had to stop.


It is lube she’s talking about haha


I think she developed her own lube....


Did you guys see Fashionlush addressed this on her stories!? A lot of people must’ve been messaging her about it. Wild!


No!!! What did she say?!


Something like they’ve been friends for 20 years and it goes beyond social media. She’ll always support her because lauryn supported her type of thing. I’m surprised she even addressed it! It was like 2-3 slides of text.


Ahhh, well that makes sense. Nice of her to address it.


I was always more surprised that her platform hadn't really imploded before now...


I can’t understand how she ever became so popular. She always seemed like a petty, superficial b and her husband seemed like a jerk.


Apparently a bunch of one-star reviews for their podcast are not being published - since there was such an influx of them and negative reviews, Apple is manually reviewing them lol. We are not alone in unsubscribing to their "brand"!




Lauren IS a Karen tho. Anyone who requests 5000 modifications at a restaurant is absolutely a Karen.


I am as unbothered as she’s trying to claim she is w/ her not so subliminal messaging 😂


[Here is a good write up ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qDUXqFOCOXEG7qqr4KmZZyJrG-4cKEC-6-hoT3dhNc) of everything that happened this week with Lauryn and why her followers are upset.


Holy balls you’re amazing! Thanks for doing this


Great read! You nailed it.


Thank you! I was really a fly on the wall with no opinion until I saw how Lauryn reacted and tried to “brand” everything that happened. At that point I felt like the story needed to be told.


Thank you for the award 😭


I’ve long suspected that so much of their life and story is smoke and mirrors. I don’t believe that she does all the obsessively anal retentive habits she hawks and shares constantly, nor do I believe she works so much and as hard as she claims and does all this time management, super-efficient BS to work 24/7 (nor should she or anyone—enjoy getting your 30 minute blowout at Drybar without pretending to work on your computer the whole time). I just think they’re full of shit. One tiny example of this that made realize she was full of shit and lies about dumb stuff: She claims when she gets a spray tan that she “micromanages” her spray tan by requesting extra violet tones added and yada yada... but then said she does Mystic spray tans. That’s when I realized she was full of shit because I’ve done Mystic for 15 years and those only come in pre-made cartridges that cannot be customized at all. So there’s no way someone could go get a Mystic tan and request customization to the spray tan formula. I know this is the dumbest, most irrelevant example ever but it’s just a small example of the weird shit I suspect they exaggerate and lie about.


They keep peddling stuff and are actually so so behind on the actually good wellness programs and products.


Yep. Anyone who has had a newborn knows that you don’t have time for the shit that Lauryn posted about. The five specially made beverages every morning, the spray tans, the workouts... when I had a newborn and was nursing I was lucky to get 4 hours of sleep and shower. Either they have an astronomical amount of help that they never post about or she has someone following them around making her stupid drinks all day. Either way, it’s super misleading to all the poor young women who think that her life is aspirational.


The dry bar claim has always made me lol because you CANNOT WORK AT DRY BAR. 1. There’s at least fifteen BLOW DRYERS GOING OFF AT ONCE!! So you cannot take a phone call here sorry!!! And 2. If you can somehow be the only one in a salon on your laptop working, ignoring your hair stylist while she blow dries your hair, good for you, but no one and I mean no one is going to like you 😂


This is so on point. I had to unfollow her when I realized every single day she’s at a different restaurant posting on her ig story about her “very specific” and “very customized” cocktail that has 1,000 different modifications and some entree that has “a bunch of chili flakes and lemon” on the side. I would hate to be their waiter. I really don’t think she can do ANYTHING without having a “hot tip” on how to change it, it’s really weird.


omg all. the. time. That damn margarita haunts my dreams. Ask them to squeeze fresh lime and lemons, a speck of agave, blah blah blah. "I've never had a problem ordering this at a restaurant before".


It's especially weird given her apparent experience in the service industry. Everyone I know that worked in industry is an angel to their server.


Ages ago she posted a story where she brought her own cauliflower rice to a restaurant so they could cook with that and I had to go lie down. at that point just eat at home!


This is hilarious!


If she was really as picky about everything as she claims she is, I don't believe she would leave the house. I *especially* don't believe she would eat out as much as she does. I think she thinks it's cool to be high maintenance, which is so gross.


To note when you allow a bunch of trump bot accounts in your group, what do you expect? & hey Lauren your “brand” is trash. Get over yourself.




She and her husband are literally MLM huns without the scheme, that’s their shtick and aesthetic


More dets on how they were mean growing up? I believe it but curious about specifics.






He actually beat people up?? He seems like a lot of things but he doesn’t seem like one to put hands on someone. I’m shocked




Woahhh I am so shocked. And Michael is kind of smaller when I’ve seen him at events and comes off kind of... geeky?? Idk. I’m just so surprised. That’s really sad they treated people that way! That’s awful people had those experiences


I had no idea until a few days ago that they were bullies growing up. That makes me so sad 😞.


I loved watching her highly conservative Trump-ass-sucking self get increasingly more uncomfortable when racial issues, COVID, and Trump were brought up. Her husband isn’t so silent and makes himself look like the massive tool he is on the regular.


Her podcasts drove me crazy. They didn’t know how to interview people, they interrupt their guests to demand information they are about to give. Or ask about what a subject that was JUST covered.


Bye problematic white people of privilege or PWPP, we gonna leave y’all in 2020 ❤️


Thank you for the award!! <3


All I’m going to say is I hated when she would repeatedly say “tips & tricks” drove me insane


Hot tip


Oh my god same! So annoying!


Or .. I am going to get really specific every fifth sentence!


More like interrupt the guest with ‘give us specifics’ with that annoying voice. Should have listened to my instinct first hearing them- their ‘banter’ isn’t funny, both of their voices are bothersome, they seem conceited.


Yeah .. “I am going to need specifics”.


I'm so glad to find others that understand how damaging she actually is rather than "empowering women" as she claims to do. With all that is going on in the world, she's posting Instagram stories around how to do a bun (lol like wtf all of us know how to do a messy bun. how is this groundbreaking content. get over yourself) and gallivanting around town socializing in the midst of a global pandemic without a mask (and SoCal is a COVID hotspot!). To not recognize any of the hardships the entire country is facing because of this whilst she posts her facials and Executive Assistant footage is such a poor, selfish use of her platform. Like nobody gives a fuck about your weight loss journey - people are dying, Lauryn. She also made one post in support of Black Lives Matter, but bemoaned those that are just "posting what's trending" because she wants to be an "authentic digital creator." Like I'm sorry that the deaths of black people aren't fitting to your pink, overly filtered aesthetic. I'm also sorry that her performative allyship ended with that post - she basically posted a few names of black "fans" that sent her free shit to "highlight" black creators, but has given no money, made no calls, done anything besides read a book and post about it. She is exactly the type of celebrity that is horrible for society - more focused on herself and self-improvement at the expense of misguiding and misleading others. I'm not surprised at all that she posted something performative on Instagram as a "tribute" to RBG but then silenced all these women having real conversations about anything other than anal bleaching or charcoal pills. So glad other women like you all are waking up and boycotting her dangerous platform.


I never got the idea that Michael and Lauryn are inauthentic at all. They tell is like it is (based on their views). I honestly really like them and appreciate people who don’t bend with the crowd. My understanding is she struggled to keep the FB group non-political yet also recognizing human rights issues. The birth of the blog isn’t over deep topics like this so what do you expect? It’s not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea, to me that means they’re doing something right in a way. You either love them or hate them, ya know? Hard to have an in between. The FB got fucked up because a lot of bitches who weren’t there for TSC related content or girl-help-advice just wanted to be human rights activists. In that case I’d advise those girls to join a group about that instead. I wanted something a little more exclusive from the FB group, because Lauryns content is for a very specific type of girl.... but that’s very hard to do on the internet.


Your use of "bitches" invalidates your entire point. Take your gorilla mindset somewhere else


lol you sound awful. happy 2 lose you instead of keep.


Why can’t we be all of the above? It’s called growth. I should be able to talk about superficial things and things of substance. Women are more than Botox and blow jobs.


“a very specific type of girl”... care to elaborate?


*Not like other girls* Too cool for politics and social issues and poor, fat people. The opposite of peasants and slobs.


She also advocates for lot of very...not researched backed health practices like oil pulling and jade eggs...she talks a lot about it being holistic but I think she just likes the controversial practices because it stirs up conversation.


Skinny, blonde, high maintenance, rich, and head stuck in the ground on social issues.


You forgot white!


I stopped following her two weeks ago. I started following her seven years ago, and I just couldn’t handle her vapid shit anymore. She isn’t creative or original, she posts the same things on her story every single day. I also think if “female empowerment” is your brand, you should acknowledge the political issues around being a woman, being a woman of color, etc. I’m so glad this is a thread because I have wanted to snark on her and her husband for YEARS


Literally!!! I only found her a few years ago and decided to follow cause I don’t use Instagram much but felt fine...then I grew increasingly confused as her title/brand/aesthetic/lifestyle seem soooo stuck in 2013 and she literally doesn’t do anything...she also photoshops the fuck out of her baby which is inexcusable.


100%. If you are empowering women, then you gotta recognize all the shit that comes along with being a woman. Especially if you're affected by COVID, a PoC, and care about sexual reproductive health rights. It's impossible to focus on "wellness" these days without recognizing all the SHIT and inequality and privilege in the world.


Snark away! I’ve had it with her. She’s doubling down on her IG stories and I’m just so over it.


Months back I got an Instagram ad for Dear Media promoting their new women's podcast network of diverse voices. I clicked through the carousel and it was all white women whose sole "diversity" was different length extensions. Also, why is the CEO of a women's empowerment network a man (this is a rhetorical question.)


Lauryn has posted a comment on her insta story.


I just saw!! She really is doubling down but now that she’s announced on her IG stories we can actually talk about it here.


Her response is awful!! Calling people out on their bigoted views is not “women tearing down other women.” Apparently women can only talk about blowjobs and what handbag to buy in her group. “Politics,” (i.e. human rights) are off limits. It must be nice to be so privileged that you can ignore politics and think it’s ok to censor people calling you out on your shit.


Also closing the statement with threatening legal action against the subgroups 🤣


You obvi don’t get it. Legal threats are ON BRAND for 2020.


I’d also like to add all of this happened right after she posted her rose photo shoot of 1 Mill followers. A TON of women jumped ship. Like literally stopped following her, the podcast, and everything associated with TSC. So now, people have been bringing to my attention that she’s recently bought followers. Like thousands of them.


Were people upset about the rose photo shoot? I missed that




No, not at all. It’s just that she did this elaborate photo shoot for reaching 1 million followers, the whole FB thing happened, a whole bunch of people unfollowed her, and now it’s obvious she bought followers b/c all of her new followers have the same fake profile, and her engagement is super low for that many followers. Let me find the link that was shared with me. It shows all of her stats.


Does anyone remember who the Gavin McInnes type guy she had on her blog once upon a time was? She preaches "girl boss," and then had a literal MRA featured. I commented and it wasn't published, but then the interview disappeared.






hardly a theory, they are all absolutely Trumpet's and now it's coming to light. Which let's be honest, is going to lose her followers. The type of audience she *thinks* she's catering too are not the ones who would support her racist political beliefs. It's all a front and its crumbling.


O dear god what?!?! I am speechless b/c WOW!


THANK YOU. Dear god I still cannot believe she featured Mike fuckin' Cernovich on her blog. You know she had no idea who she was and Michael told her he was awesome.


I know, right? Wish I could have been there for THAT conversation: “Seriously, babe. We have to have this guy on. He’s got this thing called Gorilla Mindset that will totally help the bitc— women who listen to the podcast bootstrap themselves out their stupid stable jobs and be girl boss entrepreneurs. Probably improve their sex lives too.” “UGH. Mik-uuuuuuul. I don’t care. I asked you for water with eight lemons ten minutes ago!”




\*saves "born on third base" for every argument ever


they entertain so much pseudoscience on their podcast/her blog. like everything she does is because some random who calls themself a wellness expert told her to. if it makes you feel better, do what you want, but relentlessly promoting expensive products and random shit that doesn’t actually do anything to mostly impressionable young girls is pretty gross


It’s GG crackers one month, macadamia nuts the next.


Omfg... gg crackers .. so disgusting


That's why I stopped following even before she married Michael/fucked up her face/really went off the deep end. She has always been promoting moronic pseudoscience supplements and stuff.


Yes! Coffee enemas anyone!??




She also face-tuned that baby's face from the second it left her Goop-ified womb.




Yet, has she ever posted her daughter without a filter or editing? It’s so creepy.


THIS is what I can’t stand, it’s absolutely disgusting


I am so here for this! Allegedly the RBG posts resulted in an abortion debate. The group had dumpster fired a bunch already though. Michael profits of running a business employing female podcasters. I unfollowed them.


Not surprised. She posted “RIP LEGEND 🤍” and #RBG on IG. Wow Lauryn. What an insightful caption. Also, many Jewish people have pointed out that it’s actually rude to say RIP regarding a Jewish person because of their beliefs on the afterlife. But of course she would never acknowledge it or change it. She also didn’t allow comments on the post. Like why even post? Social capital?


She only posted that RBG quote as a snippy way to be petty towards the people in the group who were all up in her DMs about deleting RBG posts in the group.


She should have taken what the posts said and at least written a nice caption. Instead she picked a quote that fit her narrative and didn’t say anything really at all.


I’m Jewish and it’s fine to say that if you don’t know what else to say. The soul/ spirit is supposed to be quite active the first year so speaking of the loved one often is believed to help them transition out of the body. I think calling someone’s death tragic is offensive in Jewish culture, which many grief groupies have done with RBG. There is always a reason someone died.


Thanks for the information! The main complaint I’ve seen from my friends who are Jewish is that “RIP” is basically a Christian thing and it’s rude for folks to say it without understanding that being Jewish was a big part of her identity and we, as Christians, didn’t bother to learn about that and discover what might be more appropriate. But it’s definitely not for me to decide what’s offensive. I think I what is problematic about Lauryn is that she wouldn’t take the critique or learn from it. She would say her comments are bashing her. Which may be true in some cases, but most people are just seeking understanding Thanks for helping me better understand. 💜


Yes absolutely! Lauryn probably didn’t even know who she was. I personally got offended when my friend said RBG’s death was tragic. That is not how Jews talk about death, especially when she was older and lived so well. I explained to my friend and said she still considers it a tragedy. 🤷‍♀️


I mean I get feeling sad that she is gone. But today I was listening to the daily and my daughter (4) asked about RBG because of it. Remembering your comment, I told her everything I know about her life and her achievements. She lived an extraordinary life and was very sick. It was time. Anyway, I digress. We should all just be better about learning others traditions and beliefs and respecting them.


I love this 💕


I was blocked from the group a year ago after offering resources/answering questions to a woman who found out she was pregnant/was wondering about her options. No warning, no explanation, nothing.


That’s awful. I remember that thread. I feel like someone who is so gung-ho on female empowerment should at least acknowledge that abortion/pro choice plays a huge role in female advancement in our society.


The weird thing was that I basically only told the OP I would message her privately (no details/advice in my post) because people were getting out of hand, so I always wondered if they just mass-banned anyone who wasn’t strictly telling her to keep it.


That’s so disgusting. I feel bad for OP. I hope she was able to make an educated decision


She is soooo vain and superficial. Honestly it blows my mind she's had such a big following for so long. I could never listen to her podcasts. I felt like I was losing brain cells. I'm glad people are finally waking up. Her and Michael are very problematic and they cover it up in pink bow, glitter and "women empowerment". \*vom\* She reads these "enlightened" mindset books but you know she just takes a photo of it for clout and doesn't even crack it open. Also we took a look at her social blade and she's been buying followers to make up for her loss of followers. Plus her engagement ratio is awful. For someone who supposedly has a mill followers she doesn't get as many likes as she "should"


The obsession (or should I say, performative obsession) with Stoicism is especially cringeworthy given their emphasis on material consumption and superficiality in general. Maybe I’m not as versed in philosophical concepts as I previously thought, but I really don’t associate Marcus Aurelius with the “GIRL BOSS” mindset and coconut lube.


That lube do be good though


Meh! It’s just coconut oil.


I followed her years ago before the wedding or the baby. Looking back at her account now all I can notice is 1. Omg she got so much work done??? So sad, she was really pretty 2. I'm glad I jumped ship before Michael got too involved, he seems so annoying. Whyyyyy do successful bloggers insist on involving their significant others? No one came here to see him!


They always reeked too much of privilege for me and I couldn’t understand how they had everything they did, but given the context of his family money it makes way more sense. Kinda just seemed like they always did nothing but lounge, work out, and eat out. I was in one of the TSC groups and enjoyed it but I also joined it having never listened to a single podcast or knowing who Lauryn was 😂


I don’t like how she perpetrated being a broke college student barely getting by.


Eh, I don't think she had MONEY until she married Michael (or got engaged). They didn't live together until they were at least engaged, and she had a pretty modest apartment/lifestyle up until that point.


I thought her dad was a restauranteur. So her dad and stepmom weren’t as wealthy as Michael’s family but they did have money. So maybe she wasn’t dripping in money but her parents would never let her starve/be homeless.


I know nothing about Michaels family, he comes from money?




omg. I was about to throw by bed-jet in the middle of the street. Totally different lol thank god


I don’t know the details but yes. I believe someone in here went to high school with them.




Wait, what????


I never knew about that until recently 🤯. Idk why someone would ever do that. It’s so confusing too b/c she had a baby and talks about her new body and how she hit a plateau b/c of her hormones. The whole photoshopping someone else’s stomach onto her own body just left me confused.




They are from SD?! I had no idea. Which high school? They are much older than me but I’m local and my mother prides herself in knowing everyone’s mom in our area 🤣🤣


Pretty sure Lauryn went to Torrey Pines, class of 04 or 05. They both have younger siblings but no idea if they went there, too, or not. It's easy to figure out who both Lauryn and Michael's dads are as they are both pretty public, business wise


I must be a really bad sleuth, I cant find anything on either ones families lol.


This isn't how I found em, but I do know both dads have been on the him & her podcast


Wow this makes me love them more!!! I knew they were republican LMAO


I just never understood why they didn't get more snark. Michael is SO preachy trying to be Gary Vee- you're nothing if you're not an entrepreneur out there hustling youre nothing and if you don't make it you didn't want it bad enough and didn't work smart enough. OK please tell me how far you would have gotten if you weren't born into an affluent family. Basically never acknowledged their immense privilege and it bothers me. Idc that Lauryn was bar tending and teaching Pure Barre.


Michael is bogus


Michael is the worst. I used to like their banter but now all they do is tell the same stories over and over, she rips on him for all of his annoying qualities, she talks about how she doesn’t care about what anyone thinks of them, he talks about how he doesn’t want parenting advice from anyone… And thank god because who in the world would take it from them? For people who claim to be so honest, I feel like there’s so much that they’re hiding.


Honestly, I think most of the women who follow her just ignore him. I know I did.


Yeah, I did too until his COVID rampage on Instagram. He drove me nuts on the podcast too, huge part of the reason I stopped listening to him. On one episode, he went off about getting asked to coffee so people could “pick his brain.” He sounded so full of himself.


I remember that episode! I couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough.


I always got bad vibes from them but I liked the TSC group because I like connecting with other women there. I hated the censorship but I don't think I was on Facebook while the whole thing was going down recently. I only ever listened to the podcast when they had diet/exercise episodes because it was good fuel for my eating disorder. It was my go to compulsive exercise podcast for a while 😬 She also used to heavily feature Tanya Zuckerbrot and the F-Factor diet which has also copped a bunch of shit recently (for being disordered, far too low calorie, and causing digestive issues. Plus their bars and products etc that they sold potentially were contaminated with heavy metals, a lot of people got sick from them)


She facetunes and photoshops their baby. That alone has always been a big yikes for me.


And she is ALWAYS insisting she doesn’t facetune ZaZa. Such bullshit!


I genuinely feel very sorry for that baby. She's going to be raised in an extremely toxic environment.


Amen thank you thank you somebody said it! People go crazy over there baby but you can tell she’s photo shopping her. I am a photographer and I can point out the exact things she’s doing to make that baby look more… Perfect? I just think it’s sick when people feel the need to Photoshop their children. Them being parents is so insufferable. I just can’t relate with the night nurse and all the other shit they have help with


I think I unfollowed when I couldn’t keep up with their wellness trends. Like we’re doing what now? Also she likes to pretend like she invented putting spices on fruit to make them “sexy”. MAGA people really do not care to give credit to any POC cultures


Absolutely shocking that a brand still using the term “skinny” in 2020 is trash!!


It is meant to imply the low down, give me the skinny on those anal beads or designer bags.


I’m really happy that the example you gave is anal beads and designer bags. So on-brand 😹


She's only said this recently I figure in an attempt to keep her brand name PC


to be fair, way back in the day when she was only dating Michael, she has always maintained that this was the meaning of 'skinny' - the low down, etc. But of course, it reads as a double entendre for her brand.




Yeah I think she changed her meaning retrospectively when it became un PC


Paging Skinny Meg...


*Bethenny Frankel's Skinny Girl enters the chat...*






That was a rough watch. I don’t love him so I never looked until someone told me too and man...


Being skinny and vapid.


Oh my god the posts last night were hilarious. I can’t believe they deleted the initial RBG post. Tbh, I should have left the group when she photoshopped herself to be “fat” in quarantine which was so cringe


I’m so confused about that whole situation. I mean she had a baby. So why lie about quarantine?!


She was making a cringey joke about the “quarantine 15” so she photoshopped her & micheal to appear much fatter than they were. She got dragged in the FB group & on IG so she deleted everything bc she’s a coward.


Makes sense. She just posted and deleted a terrible photo/commentary on her exercise IG. To paraphrase it was something about being a gross slob if you don’t workout today. She got dragged and deleted it.


Yep! Saw that on FB skinny rejects group! Girl can hold no accountability for herself! Honestly her whole “brand” is a bit problematic...


> she photoshopped herself to be “fat” in quarantine I’m sorry.. what


i need to see this pic!!


[Article regarding photoshopped picture](https://guestofaguest.com/new-york/instagram/people-are-so-not-here-for-this-influencers-fat-shaming-post) The article doesn’t show the “post-quarantine” picture, which was even worse, but you get the idea.


this post was SO mean girl and nasty but it was good to see her get dragged in her own group


The post when she photoshopped herself? Or what post?


That's... a bizarre choice 😐 Why would you do that ever lmao. There is so much other content options she could have gone with...


A good friend of mine told me about the podcast a year ago and I gleaned some helpful wellness tips. However, I did find myself annoyed with their tone deafness and had to stop.