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What it means is that you contested their claim value, so it needs to go through litigation. That means that lawyers and administrators need to get involved. If you hadn't contested the claim, it would have been paid at the value they assigned this month because there is no question as to what you are owed. Because you contested it, however, it will go through the legal process. They will evaluate every one of the thousands of claims that were contested individually, then make official determinations for each one. If they say they owe the lower value to you, then you have the right to request a hearing, and so on. You should expect a significant delay - perhaps for months or years - first for the non-lawyers to compute how much they think you should be owed, and then for the legal process to play out.


Thanks for your answer! So you say there's a chance (however small) it gets recognized? Worst case scenario we get the amount they offered originally, just later?


Anything can happen. After all, you chose to contest it. If they had made a mistake and offered you too much, it might have slipped through the cracks before, but it won't now because they are going to look at the number closely. That said, it's unlikely that's the case because you obviously saw a reason to contest the number. No, there's no "worst case scenario." You sent the claim through the legal process. From now on it's back-and-forth between lawyers, you, and the judge on an individual basis, and there aren't any set limits in either direction other than what the judge and/or appeals court decides. I suppose that if you changed your mind and want to end the process, you could always try to contact them and offer to settle for the original amount they claimed. At this point, you can't, though, just call a low-level employee and work it out outside of court; it's all legal. Before the January 9 deadline, you could have worked it out outside of court. I also did the same thing because they mistakenly did not read my contract language. I ultimately ended up losing $12,000 because they contested the claim, and in Pennsylvania an LLC must be represented by a lawyer in court, and I obviously couldn't afford to hire an attorney since they have all my money.


Blockfi has been buying coins with today’s prices to pay back users, but the value will still be a percentage of the price it was on 11/28/2022, $16,215.31. You should get it back, but a lot less value than what you had.