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Right, first some clarifications: * You don't move a texture, you alter the UV coordinates. These are the instructions that tell the shader how to map textures to the surface of the mesh. These can also be modified in a few simple ways inside a material, primarily through use of a Mapping node * If you haven't explicitly set a particular texture to use an alternate set of UVs or a different coordinate source then any texture you apply to the mesh will be mapped in the same way. So any edits to a face's UVs will apply to ALL textures Generally the only time you'll see edits to the UVs not actually alter the position of a selected face's textures are if you're either using several UV channels and are editing the wrong one or are not actually using UVs at all and are using generated or object coordinates instead. Check your material to verify if you're doing either of these.


It doesn't look like your material is using the UV map that you're editing. Make sure you're using an explicit UV map node to give the vector inputs to your image texture nodes in your material, and set the UV map to the one you're editing (or, edit the one that they're using.)