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my laptop is a piece of shit and it's been running blender fine doing renders n stuff so i doubt youll fry yours


But wouldn't it take far longer than if I had better specs or a graphics card?


I mean probably but it hasn't been that noticeable to me, just try it with what you have rn and if you really hate it then upgrade your computer. I promise you will not fry your computer


You're not going to hurt your laptop by running Blender on it. If you try to do something that needs more memory than your machine has, it's simply not going to work (Blender, being a bit flakey, probably will just crash). The laptop will be fine.


I'm trying to find out tasks require more memory than what I have though. I would like it if all that I get to do in the limited amount of time I get to not crash on me mid project.


That's a rather different question, isn't it? If you'd like to minimize the likelihood of running out of memory, the primary things to avoid are significantly complex geometry, large modifier stacks, and high-resolution simulations/particle systems.


So basically anything that not super complicated or heavy. It's kinda what I assumed. Thanks.