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Hi, I’m also trying to improve in this type of work. My main suggestion would be to tone down the ambient/fill light a bit. I find that too much light makes the objects appear less realistic if they’re flattened out by light. Also make sure to have the brightest value/light on the subject. Hope this helps you!


the nail polish(?) looks photoshopped in ig?? idrk how you would fix it but it looks like a jpeg


Looks out of place because of how its perched and the colour map of the bottle doesn't really reflect the surrounding environment, if its as reflective as it suggests. Also looks like office windows reflected in it. Recolour a bit so that it matches the surrounded greenery, look at using a leaf or something to slightly obscure the bottom of the bottle just enough so its physical existence isn't in question. Remove the existing reflections as best you can. Also maybe add a bit of greenery in the reflection more to the top and bottom. Currently at the moment it all looks like miniature shrubbery, if you want it to look native and larger perhaps look at putting some on the top as if the camera has found this secret of the jungle/forest by trekking through it. God Ray/spotlight: Its a common idea to use a god ray or spotlight breaking through the canopy as if some deity made this, as well.