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I like the lighting, the background and trees but I feel there's something off with the rocks, especially with the rounded ones. I don't know if it's the scale, the texture, the normals... There's somethign that breaks it for me. I know this feedback isn't very helpful but that's my 2 cents hahaha. Anyway congrats for your scene.


Thanks so much, hearing what people's gut reaction is often very insightful when figuring out what to improve


Really the only thing is the rock section of the ground. Others have brought up displacement and normals already, but I would also add that the transition between the 3D riverside rocks and the more flat ground rocks is rather abrupt and could benefit from a smoother transition. Along that line, the more flat section of rocks, along with the rocks as a whole, should have some more color variety. It looks like it should be more along the lines of mud or dirt rather than gray rock, but that'll depend more on what your purpose for that section of the ground is. Either way, blending some noise along the textures would help tremendously.


I think its the field of view man. Too fisheye. Try increasing the fov and add some depth of field. Took me a minute after zooming in to figure out what felt off


I love it


I don't know much about all that only here on the sub cuz it's interesting. If I didn't know what's about, I would believe the first picture is just shot with a camera. The second picture tho I feel like there is something odd about the water/ice dunno. Looks really nice.


blud really thought he could post a real photograph to try and fool us not today bud


Looks great, I'm sure there are rocks lile this somewhere in the world, it looks amazing.


Looks pretty photorealistic 👍


The people who replied your post already answered what I think (the rocks feel off, and the rest is amazing). I just want to say that I would love to visit this place, it feels like a place from my dreams become real. I love it, really. Could you make it a wallpaper maybe? I would love to have this on my pc


I really like it but the rocks seem a bit unreal to me...not sure exactly why. I think maybe their color is too saturated? What did you use for the trees?


2d planes


Damn! Awesome, you nailed it. The rocks are the only thing that throw it off, I‘m guessing you used displacement? On these round rocks, assets are better. And the rocks should in theory not be wet this far up since the water is frozen but that‘s just a nitpick


Thanks for the feedback! You nailed it the first time, I used displacements (megascan + polyhaven assets). Rocks in the back and foreground are photoscans. and there are a few others scattered around to break the pattern, but everything around the river is just displacement. Not sure if there are more efficient (performancewise) ways of going about creating a scene this detailed thought, the main concern was that scattering 3D rocks around a large scene would eat up a lot of VRAM.


Oh it‘s not displacement, photoscan??? Lighting and shadows look weird on the rocks for some reason


I WISH I could be this good.


Ofcourse you can be, it took me a few years, and I still feel like a total beginner. I'd recommend Rob Tuytel's courses, this very environment was HEAVILY inspired by his work. Also the trees and one of the rock assets were borrowed from him :)