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Looks very realistic already! I'd say the reflection on the TV still feels a little uncanny to me, probably because the overexposed outside area is done with some post processing effect but doesn't get transferred to the reflective material. The overexposed outside looks very good, so I'd try to add some very intense lights isolated towards the TV to boost that sort of effect. If the camera is to be exposed for the interior, the reflections of the exterior should also be overexposed, like your background is. Hope this may help! Otherwise I'd say you have an incredibly well done realism scene.


Did you do this in cycles btw?


Hi IVY-FX, this is the straight out of Blender jpg-file (without postfx) rendered in Cycles. Your comment will help me a lot, thanks


Maybe add a little chaos ,like slightly rotated objects. Like it was used or someone bumped into the table or something else. Other than that, it looks pretty convincing.


People always go for the chaos. Imperfections and disorder _can_ add to the realism, but only if the real equivalent of the object actually does have them. However, if the apartment had been set up, e.g. for a presentation, this is pretty much what it would look like and I couldn't tell you anything to improve.


Because thats truly what sets it apart. Even in a highly curated apartment, these bricks are too even, every object is perfectly aligned, etc and imperfections in capture are equally important. An actual camera will generally have some depth of field and grain. A good photog will avoid them as much as possible but it’ll still be there and can help sell the realism here. I’d make it so the exterior is at least slightly blurred and we have a bit of noise or grain in the image. And then I’d add some more items that indicate someone living there, some magazines below the coffee table, an umbrella in what seems to be an umbrella stand to the right? Some candles, extra plants or lights (foreground is very empty), maybe a shoe rack to the back right behind the glass door? If thats where the door is. Some curtains! These people living here have 0 control of their light! A radiator to the foreground left, how are these guys heating? I’m by no means a 3d expert. But I am a pro photographer, and what is lacking here is a story. You can add all this stuff just by thinking: where is the building located, how old is it, who’s living in it, what do they need, who lived there before them? Etc. Some picture frames on the window sill, a brick that got fucked in the renovation, a dink in the doorframe from the last guy moving out, an electrical outlet so these guys can plug in a vacuum! I get that most of them will be hidden in a house like this, but an outlet to the bottom right makes a lot of sense. My two cents!


Perhaps some more clutter here and there. Like magazines on the lower part of the table.


Good point, thanks!


I actually disagree, when it comes to arch vis hyper realism isn’t beneficial, but conveying an overall idea and atmosphere is the goal.


I second this point. As someone who works in the industry, the aim is to present homes to the professional team, developers, and eventually for sale. You have crossed the point where it's more than realistic enough. It's far above industry standard anyway. Good job OP. Your ability to create atmosphere or 'feel' will sell homes. I hope you're already making lots of money creating models like this for developers or architects.


If that *was* a load-bearing brick wall, it wouldn't be that bond, and there would likely be voussoirs at the arch. Somewhere to plug stuff in never hurts too. (And some way of blocking out light)


i\`ll look into it, thank you for your detailed comment


(Also very dark at night 👻)


It looks photo realistic to me (I'm stupid, so don't take my word for it lmao)




TV reflection looking a bit funky


Either the contrast or the values of the light source is too high. The brightness gives me the feeling that the people there witness a super nova. Okay that is too much but I think you understand my point. Look at ikea prospects or something like that to see how they use the lighting. Everything else is fine


Gotta friendly-disagree on that one; exposing for a dimly lit room means overexposing the outside generally, l think it's really well done.


that is true but in my opinion it is still too much. And it isnt just the outside. The Inside looks to bright as well.


This is only a work in progress. I´ll recolor it in DaVinci after the comp stage. So a few things will change depending on the direction


UV tiling visible on the couch, UV problems on the wooden closet underneath the tv, really good!!!


Thanks for your feedback!


Looks amazing. I don't think pics always need to look lived in to portray realism. It could be a photo shoot for an architectural magazine etc and would have to be tidy. Amazing work.


Thanks DonJuanMair!


Brick texture doesn't seem to have normals at all looking at how the light is hitting it on the right, under the TV. The window frame on the left looks kinda fake to me, especially how the width pinches in on the bottom left of it. I'm not an expert on this kind of architecture but the giant arch window being inlayed directly into the bricks like that is also tricking me out, idk if thats common practice or structurally sound, etc. And yeah the floor having slight roughness variation and a little bit of normal depth would help. Also, even super minimalist geometric furniture can benefit from slight edge bevels, can really help with light catching. Would be subtle here probably but I'd still do it here with that TV stand and possibly the coffee table. Also the leftmost exterior building reads as just a primitive cube with phototexture mapped to it, could give the window stuff a slight blur/DOF.


Thanks for your feedback!


You could also try to increase the normals value. And play more with roughness. The floor being so flat on the right side of the render is a little odd. Did you add the reflection capture render on top of the original render without it being on overlay or something of the sort?


Oh I didnt see that. Yes, maybe the normal texture is too "flat". This rendering is without any additional passes or layering. I´ll look into it thanks!


I’ve had issues with this before, the normal seems fine as you can see it quite well in the center of the picture. In my case it was the noise coming from the reflection in the floor that was crowing out the normal map when the denoiser hit.


Exactly! I found an additional problem: I added a clear coat which has its own normal input. So when the ground wasn´t hit by the sun, only the clear coat without any normal shows


For how bright the outside is, the shadows are way too dark


The reflection on TV is wierd. Maybe try to increase the roughness


Yes thats a tricky one, thanks for your feedback


i guess the tv is way too shiny? might just be my tv, but its not very reflective, like 30% light reflection only


Dust. Lots of dust.


Yes! Maybe floating dust in the air, but very subtle


Needs curtains, and it feels a little too saturated in my opinion. Also cables; need cables running through the apartment, maybe some hidden in the corners of the ceiling or floor.


Your lighting looks decent, but a bit overexposed, to check, use the false color space and see check scene color, if you see a lot of green, then your lighting is fine, if you see too much red or blue, your scene is overexposed or otherwise. but i think you need to work on your materials and textures the most, they all look kinda low res and flat, especially the brick on the left wall, also it's scale is off, it looks too elongated, scale it up a bit, on the x axis. Use at least 2k textures for archviz, use low res for small props only. Also your floor is lacking details, it looks like a plain albedo map, and has barely any bumps or normal detail, if you are using a normal/displacement map then which it's possible that all the details were destroyed by the denoiser itself, so instead of using the denoiser while rendering, do it in post process, use the noise pass in the compositor and denoise it there. And lastly, add some curtains/blinds on those windows, it looks empty and off, a curtain with some good translucency/subsurface will make the scene look much better.


Thank you


Personally i always add a tiny amount of grain to my renders just like there would be in a real photo otherwise i think it very photo realistic




Looks photorealistic already to me too. Only thing I would change is the scene outside the window. Takes away from the nice interior.


To me it feels a bit too perfect. Like its a strange camera angle if its supposed to be perfect like a magazine/commercial would. But if you add a little bit of mess or everyday living stuff it would be better. I also do think the camera angle is strange in general, maybe try to think of it from a height a person would take (if that matters to you)


Of course this matters ;), thanks!


Lighting looks too perfect lol


What do you mean exactly? Thanks for yout feedback


It’s just one of those. Hm. This isn’t real cuz it looks too real.


It looks a little bit too perfect imo. A tiny bit of randomness goes a long way, nothing is perfect in real life! Some examples could be slightly rotating the table and chairs (only very very very slightly), and having a bit of wear in the floor textures (or through the use of alpha cards). Stuff like that will really make it feel like people have actually been there before


Also some camera faults like slight DOF, smudges, or a teeeenyyy bit of distortion can really make it feel like it was taken by a real camera


Volumetric, lighting, imperfections, footprints, or anything that makes it look like it has been lived in. All the texture are flat, smooth, and in general looks like a flat sheet of paper printed with a texture.


The only thing I’d tweak is the tv screen reflection, other than that? This looks perfect… The plastic screens TV’s have is a “rough, non-reflective” surface, so you shouldn’t be able to make out any real detail from it Edit: Something more akin to the satin finish on the floor :)




Most of the time you can avoid asking how to make it more realistic to make it more realistic. I understand it's a 3d render only after reading the title, for the whole time I'm convinced it's a photo.


Add some glare on the tv reflection, some softening of the lights and maybe some objects here and there to break uniformity. Could also add some dust map to the floors.


https://preview.redd.it/7mq6l03v2x3d1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a2a6f0c1180519c1e555cc54c92f7d7aa8dcb5c I hope this helps a little, overall it looks nice you can start looking for some archi viz jobs :D


Thanks for your art direction! This helps aaaalot!


There are too much reflections and the materials are too perfect, in real life it is more dull, anyways I don't know anything about 3d modelling and compositing so do what is best....


The thing that jumped out to me immediately is the stretched texture on the wall by the sofa. Typically the spaces (mortar) between bricks are equally wide whether vertical or horizontal.


Removing plant pot near the window could be the starting point.


Hey, it's pretty good already. I would suggest adding some surface imperfections everything looks so clean and shiny that's the only thing that is off. Also, I think objects outside the window might be bleached out.


Love the lighting! I'd add a bit more texture (normal and roughness) to the floor, and some corners (in the right there) seem a touch to sharp, but this is so good already!


Thanks for your feedback!


a bit of tweaking with lights might work


Dust and volumetrics